Adhi yoga

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Parashara states that at the time of birth benefic planets viz - Mercury, Jupiter and Venus, situated in the 6th, the 7th and the 8th house from the Natal Moon give rise to Adhi yoga (provided the planets giving rise to this yoga are neither aspected by or joined by malefic planets) and the person will be a king or a minister or a commander of forces (also interpreted as a leader) in accordance with the strength gained by these named planets; he does not mention the order of their placement. [1] This yoga has also been cited by Varahamihira as arising from the Moon alone. B. Suryanarain Rao, concurring with others states that this definition of Adhi yoga indicates that all benefics must be in these houses or in any one of these houses i.e. in 6th, 7th and 8th, or in 6th or in 7th or in 8th, or in 6th and 7th or 6th and 8th or in 7th and 8th. He also cites the opinion of Srutakriti who states that malefic planets occupying these bhavas will also give rise to Adhi yoga but the person will be evil minded and tyrannical; if benefics and malefic are thus placed then mixed results will ensue. Mandavya and Saravali class Adhi yoga as Raja yoga. [2]

Mantreswara in his Phaladeepika declares that Adhiyoga will arise even when the three natural benefics happen to occupy the 6th, the 7th and the 8th bhavas counted from the Lagna (Birth ascendant). [3] However, Mahadeva does not seem to agree and reproduces in his Jataka Tattva Parashara's description of Adhi yoga. [4] B V Raman reproducing Parashara's description of Adhi yoga states that the person will be polite and trustworthy, will have an enjoyable and happy life, surrounded by luxuries and affluence, will inflict defeats on his enemies, will be healthy and will live long. While citing the opinion expressed by Varahmihira to the effect that only natural benefics should occupy these houses he clarifies that one natural benefic planet in any one of the stated bhavas from the Moon will make one a leader, two planets will make one a minister and three planets will make one hold an eminent position in life but if these benefics be devoid of strength then the prescribed influence of this yoga will not be there. [5]

Bill Gates was born with Adhi yoga. In his case, the Moon situated alone in Pisces sign has Jupiter in Leo in the 6th, Mercury conjoining with Mars in Virgo in the 7th, and Venus is in the 8th with the Sun and Saturn in Libra, this location of benefic and malefic planets gives rise to other important yogas. [6] There is the opinion that influence of malefics may not spoil this yoga, they bring in aggression, ruthlessness and power and stand for technical education and scientific professions. [7] The view that a single natural benefic in the 6th or in the 7th or in the 8th from the Moon gives rise to Adhi yoga appears to be too far-fetched for it is seen that single Jupiter either in the 6th or in the 8th gives rise to the inauspicious Sakat yoga and if it is alone in the 7th to the favourable Gajakesari yoga. [8] Adhi yoga can be seen present with other yogas and Raja yogas. [9]

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  1. Parashara Hora. Chandrayogadhyaya sloka 5.
  2. Varahamihira (1986). Sree Varaha Mihira's Brihat Jataka. Motilal Banarsidass. p. 363. ISBN   9788120813953.
  3. Gopesh Kumar Ojha (2008). Phaladeepika (Bhavartha Bodhini). Motilal Banarsidasspage=129. ISBN   9788120833418.
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  5. B.V.Raman (31 October 2002). Three hundred important combinations. Motilal Banarsidass. p. 25. ISBN   9788120808508.
  6. Ernst Wilhelm. Core Yogas. Kala Occult Publishers. p. 99. ISBN   9780970963611.
  7. K.S.Charak (2003). Yogas in Astrology. p. 115. ISBN   9788190100847.
  8. Solve Your Problems Astrologically. Motilal Banarsidass. December 2001. p. 294. ISBN   9788120816961.
  9. Gayatri Devi Vasudev (2008). The Art of Prediction in Astrology. Motilal Banarsidass. p. 132. ISBN   9788120832299.