Anoxybacillus gonensis

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Anoxybacillus gonensis
Scientific classification
A. gonensis
Binomial name
Anoxybacillus gonensis
Belduz et al. 2003

Anoxybacillus gonensis is a moderately thermophilic, xylose-utilizing, endospore-forming bacterium. It is Gram-positive and rod-shaped, with type strain G2T (=NCIMB 13933T =NCCB 100040T). [1]


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  1. Belduz, A. O. (2003). "Anoxybacillus gonensis sp. nov., a moderately thermophilic, xylose-utilizing, endospore-forming bacterium". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 53 (5): 1315–1320. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.02473-0 . ISSN   1466-5026. PMID   13130012.

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