Apple mosaic virus | |
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Apple tree infected with apple mosaic virus | |
Virus classification ![]() | |
(unranked): | Virus |
Realm: | Riboviria |
Kingdom: | Orthornavirae |
Phylum: | Kitrinoviricota |
Class: | Alsuviricetes |
Order: | Martellivirales |
Family: | Bromoviridae |
Genus: | Ilarvirus |
Species: | Apple mosaic virus |
Synonyms | |
Birch line pattern virus Contents |
Apple mosaic virus (ApMV) is a plant pathogenic virus of the family Bromoviridae. It is named after its symptoms that were first present on apples. [1] ApMV is a positive sense RNA based virus. [1] The disease itself has several synonyms including Mild Apple Mosaic Virus, Hop Virus, Rose Mosaic Virus, and European Plum Line Patten Virus. [2] It causes a severe yield reduction and decreased life-expectancy of fruit trees.
ApMV has a diverse host range. These positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses are capable of infecting over 65 species in 19 different families including different types of woody and herbaceous plants. [1] [3] This virus can infect either experimentally or naturally. [4] Some of the natural hosts that are commonly targeted by ApMV include apples (Malus domestica), pears ( Pyrus communis), apricots ( Prunus armeniaca ), peach (Prunus persica), plum ( Prunus domestica ), strawberry ( Fragaria sp.), and hazelnut ( Corylus avellana ). [1] [4]
ApMV is primarily transmitted via root grafting and via infected vegetative propagation equipment. These two transmission routes are the primary source of inoculum for the virus. [1] [5] Experimentally, the virus can be sap-transmitted by mechanical inoculations especially to herbaceous plants such as periwinkle (Vinca rosea) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus). [1] Furthermore, ApMV is not currently thought to be seed or pollen transmitted due to limited time and space within studies. [2] There have also been no reported insect vectors for the virus. [2]
ApMV can differ from showing no symptoms to showing many symptoms on its leaf. Most popular apple cultivars are asymptomatic after infection. [1] For plants that display symptoms, it may take up to two years to develop these symptoms. [1] Additionally, sensitive varieties of the disease tend to have different symptoms. [1] Possible symptoms produced tend to vary from white gray mottling on field maple to yellow chlorotic spots on hawthorn leaves. [1] There is an Apple Necrotic Mosaic Virus (ApNMV) which is a very similar virus but displays signs of necrosis. [6] Furthermore, in plum trees, ApMV can cause line-pattern symptoms, while in roses, the symptoms are mosaic. [7] However, the most common host, the apple tree, tends to produce pale yellow irregular spots or bands along the major veins on the leaves as they expand in the spring. [1] The amount and severity of infected leaves with ApMV has a large dependence on temperature. Severe symptoms are pronounced during moderate spring temperatures. Partial symptoms are also commonly expressed in apple trees infected with ApMV. A Danish study conducted from 1958 to 1960 showed that the expression of partial symptoms are possible only a year after inoculation. [8] Overall plants with ApMV, both moderate and severe strains, have been shown to reduce growth to 42% and decrease fruit quality. [9] [1]
The most efficient way to manage the disease is through preventative measures and avoid planting contaminated material. [1] Since these viruses cannot be directly removed from the plant itself, the most practical technique to manage ApMV is to plant certified trees obtained from Plant Improvement Organizations . [2] Because ApMV can be asymptomatic for quite a while, it is also best to test for the pathogen using high sensitivity and high specificity detection methods such as ELISA. [1]
Various other techniques have been utilized to eliminate the virus from diseased plant species. A common technique used in the past is thermotherapy. [1] Since many viruses are sensitive to elevated temperatures, utilizing heat treatment in a controlled growth chamber will deplete the symptoms for the following years. [1] A study by Hunter et al. 1959 was conducted, where buds from virus infected trees were grafted onto healthy trees. The healthy trees with the buds were then incubated at 37 °C for 28, 30, 36 and 40 days. A year following the incubation, there were no symptoms present on the healthy tree other than from the buds. [10] However, a potential drawback to this study was that the plants were not tested for more than a year, and sometimes symptoms can take up to two years to develop. [1] Other studies have also reported similar results. Another study conducted by Pandey et al. (1972) suggested that plant exposure to temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius or 50 degrees Celsius for, respectively, 30 and 15 minutes were successful in inactivating ApMV. This inactivation was ultimately tested by the ELISA detection method. [1] On the contrary, lower temperatures and low heat durations have commonly failed to inactivate the virus. [1] [11]
Another method that has been tested is cross protection. Cross protection is a type of induced resistance that is developed among plants against viruses. [12] During this event, a prior infection with one virus may offer protection against another closely related viruses. [12] This technique has been tested on Johnathon apples. Healthy strains of the Johnathon apples were infected with a mild strain of ApMV and then further exposed to viral infections by moderate and severe strains. [12] The trees infected with the mild strains were found to be resistant by further attack of the virus. [12] As it can be seen, cross protection provides a control technique for mild strains of ApMV.[ citation needed ]
All in all, as stated above, the best way to manage ApMV is through prevention. Utilizing sterile equipment and plant certified trees are the most efficient ways to get ApMV free crops. Other methods such as thermotherapy and cross protection have also been used in the past. [13]
ApMV infects crops from all around the world including Denmark, Turkey, South Africa, New Zealand, England, Germany, Canada, Italy, Spain and the United States, including as far north as Alaska. It has even stretched to Japan and China. [14] [8] [4] [15]
ApMV prefers areas where there is a clear distinction between the spring and summer seasons. [16] Most samples of plants are commonly collected in the spring time for molecular determination of ApMV using ELISA. This is vital because concentration of ApMV is highly varied from season to season. [2] ApMV is known to be a labile virus because its concentrations are negatively affected by high temperatures. [1] In a study completed by Svoboda and Polák, they observed five symptomless apple trees infected with ApMV. These five symptomless trees were selected from a pool of 472 apple trees that were inoculated with ApMV in two different orchards. Samples of various plant tissue from young leaves, flower petal, dormant buds, and phloem were taken at different time of the vegetation period. In this study, ELISA was used to detect ApMV in the different samples from the five apple trees. It is important to note that not all pathogens resulting in Apple Mosaic Virus Disease are detected using ELISA, as novel ilavirus is not detectable in an ELISA test. [17]
The relative concentrations of the virus in the leaves and flower were highest in the earlier spring months such as March and April. [16] This suggests that the virus propagates better when it is under colder weather conditions. [16] Furthermore, during cooler months, the virus's relative concentration is highest in the leaf and flower, rather than the phloem and dormant bud. Once May and June occur, the relative concentrations of the disease severely decreases. This was evident by Svoboda and Polák's study because as the temperature rose from spring to summer, the ELISA test detected lower relative concentrations of ApMV. [16] As a result of this heat sensitivity, symptoms of ApMV tend to be masked in the summer months versus the spring months. [1] [18]
Plum pox, also known as sharka, is the most devastating viral disease of stone fruit from the genus Prunus. The disease is caused by the plum pox virus (PPV), and the different strains may infect a variety of stone fruit species including peaches, apricots, plums, nectarine, almonds, and sweet and tart cherries. Wild and ornamental species of Prunus may also become infected by some strains of the virus.
Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) is a typical potyvirus, which causes one of the major virus diseases of lettuce crops worldwide.
Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), also known as Lucerne mosaic virus or Potato calico virus, is a worldwide distributed phytopathogen that can lead to necrosis and yellow mosaics on a large variety of plant species, including commercially important crops. It is the only Alfamovirus of the family Bromoviridae. In 1931 Weimer J.L. was the first to report AMV in alfalfa. Transmission of the virus occurs mainly by some aphids, by seeds or by pollen to the seed.
Podosphaera leucotricha is a plant pathogen that can cause powdery mildew of apples and pears.
Xanthomonas arboricola is a species of bacteria. This phytopathogenic bacterium can cause disease in trees like Prunus, hazelnut and walnut.
Barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV), of genus Hordevirus, is an RNA viral plant pathogen whose main hosts are barley and wheat. The common symptoms for BSMV are yellow streaks or spots, mosaic, leaves and stunted growth. It is spread primarily through infected seed and can be spread through mechanical transfer of an infected and uninfected host. Plants infected with BSMV are more symptomatic in warmer temperatures. Resistant hosts and sterilization of equipment are the best ways to control the spread of the pathogen. BSMV has been known to reduce the yields of barley by up to 25%, but is not a major problem because of resistant varieties of barley.
Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) is a plant pathogenic virus that occurs worldwide on species of field grown bell, hot and ornamental pepper species. It is caused by members of the plant virus genus Tobamovirus—otherwise known as the tobacco mosaic virus family. Tobamovirus are viruses that contain positive sense RNA genomes that infect plants. Symptoms of the disease vary depending on the cultivar. Typical symptoms include the chlorosis of leaves, stunting, and distorted and lumpy fruiting structures. The virus is spread by mechanical transmission and infected seeds. Avoidance is the best means of controlling the disease because once a plant is infected it cannot be treated. Only seeds that have been tested and treated for the pathogen should be planted.
Potato virus Y (PVY) is a plant pathogenic virus of the family Potyviridae, and one of the most important plant viruses affecting potato production.
Prune dwarf virus (PDV) is an economically important plant pathogenic virus affecting Prunus species globally. PDV is found worldwide due to easy transmission through seed, pollen, and vegetative propagation. The virus is in the family Bromoviridae an important family of plant RNA viruses containing six genera, including Alfamovirus, Ilarvirus, Bromovirus, Amularvirus, Oleavirus, and Cucumovirus. PDV belongs to the genera Ilarvirus. It can cause dwarfism of leaves on certain prune and plum plants. It will also cause yellows in sour cherry, especially when present with Prunus necrotic ringspot virus. There are no known transmission vectors, though the pollen of infected cherry trees has been found to infect other cherry trees a small percent of the time.
Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) is a plant pathogenic virus causing ring spot diseases affecting species of the genus Prunus, as well as other species such as rose and hops. PNRSV is found worldwide due to easy transmission through plant propagation methods and infected seed. The virus is in the family Bromoviridae and genus Ilarvirus. Synonyms of PNRSV include European plum line pattern virus, hop B virus, hop C virus, plum line pattern virus, sour cherry necrotic ringspot virus, and peach ringspot virus.
Dibotryon morbosum or Apiosporina morbosa is a plant pathogen, which is the causal agent of black knot. It affects members of the Prunus genus such as; cherry, plum, apricot, and chokecherry trees in North America. The disease produces rough, black growths that encircle and kill the infested parts, and provide habitat for insects.
Orthotospovirus is a genus of negative-strand RNA viruses, in the family Tospoviridae of the order Bunyavirales, which infects plants. Tospoviruses take their name from the species Tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus (TSWV) which was discovered in Australia in 1919. TSWV remained the only known member of the family until the early 1990s when genetic characterisation of plant viruses became more common. There are now at least twenty species in the genus with more being discovered on a regular basis. Member viruses infect over eight hundred plant species from 82 different families.
Alternanthera mosaic virus (AltMV) is a plant pathogenic virus. AltMV belongs to the virus genus Potexvirus and the virus family Alphaflexiviridae.
Apium virus Y (ApVY) is a plant pathogenic virus in the genus Potyvirus and the virus family Potyviridae.
Celery mosaic virus (CeMV) is a plant pathogenic virus in the genus Potyvirus and the virus family Potyviridae .
Leucostoma canker is a fungal disease that can kill stone fruit. The disease is caused by the plant pathogens Leucostoma persoonii and Leucostoma cinctum (teleomorph) and Cytospora leucostoma and Cytospora cincta (anamorphs). The disease can have a variety of signs and symptoms depending on the part of the tree infected. One of the most lethal symptoms of the disease are the Leucostoma cankers. The severity of the Leucostoma cankers is dependent on the part of the plant infected. The fungus infects through injured, dying or dead tissues of the trees. Disease management can consist of cultural management practices such as pruning, late season fertilizers or chemical management through measures such as insect control. Leucostoma canker of stone fruit can cause significant economic losses due to reduced fruit production or disease management practices. It is one of the most important diseases of stone fruit tree all over the world.
Little cherry disease or LChD, sometimes referred to as little cherry, K & S little cherry or sour cherry decline, is a viral infectious disease that affects cherry trees, most notably sweet cherries and sour cherries . Little cherry disease should not be confused with cherry buckskin disease, which is caused by Phytoplasma. Note that both diseases are among the diseases referred to as cherry decline.
Abutilon mosaic virus (AbMV) is a virus of the genus Begomovirus. It infects Abutilon species, notably the flowering maple, Abutilon striatum. The mottled or variegated effect on the leaves of Abutilon striatum is sought after.
Grapevine virus A (GVA) is a moderately common genetic virus that affects Vitis vinifera and American Vitis grapevine species throughout the world and can be fatal if not treated. Grapevine virus A is in the family Betaflexiviridae and genus Vitivirus. The common name for this virus is grapevine closterovirus. Common symptoms in infected grapevines include stem pitting. Although there is a treatment available to cure infected grapevines, it is not one hundred percent effective, so preventative measures are the best solution to the virus. Every inhabited continent on the globe has had breakouts of grapevine closterovirus due to the complex genetic makeup of the virus. Grapevine virus A has a single-stranded RNA genome, which is similar to that of Grapevine virus B. There are multiple strains of the virus that vary both molecularly and biologically which account for the slightly different symptoms exhibited by infected plants.
The cardamom mosaic virus (CdMV) is a mosaic virus that affects the production of green cardamom (E. cardamomum). It is a member of the genus Macluravirus (recognized under the family Potyviridae by ICTV in 1988), and is transmitted through aphids (P.caladii) and infected rhizomes, the former in a non-persistent manner.
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