Armorial of North America

Last updated

This is a list of the coats of arms of North American countries.


Sovereign states

StateNational emblems / Coat of armsMotto / TextMain article
Antigua and Barbuda Coat of arms of Antigua and Barbuda.svg Each endeavouring, all achieving Coat of arms of Antigua and Barbuda
Bahamas Coat of arms of the Bahamas.svg Forward, Upward, Onward Together Coat of arms of the Bahamas
Barbados Coat of arms of Barbados (3).svg Pride and Industry Coat of arms of Barbados
Belize Coat of arms of Belize.svg Sub Umbra Floreo : Under the shade I flourish Coat of arms of Belize
Canada Royal Coat of arms of Canada.svg (Inside) Desiderantes Meliorem Patriam : They desire a better country
(Outside) A Mari Usque Ad Mare  : From sea to sea
Arms of Canada
Costa Rica Coat of arms of Costa Rica.svg America Central : Central America
Republica de Costa Rica : Republic of Costa Rica
Coat of arms of Costa Rica
Cuba Coat of arms of Cuba.svg none Coat of arms of Cuba
Dominica Coat of arms of Dominica.svg Après Bondie C'est La Ter : After God, it is the Earth Coat of arms of Dominica
Dominican Republic Coat of arms of the Dominican Republic.svg (Top) Dios, Patria, Libertad : God, Homeland, Liberty
(Bottom) República Dominicana : Dominican Republic
Coat of arms of the Dominican Republic
El Salvador Coat of arms of El Salvador.svg (Outside) República de El Salvador en la América Central : Republic of El Salvador in the Central America
(Inside) Dios, Unión, Libertad : God, Union, Liberty
Coat of arms of El Salvador
Grenada Coat of arms of Grenada.svg Ever conscious of God we aspire, build and advance as one people Coat of arms of Grenada
Guatemala Coat of arms of Guatemala with background.svg Libertad 15 de Septiembre de 1821 : Freedom September 15, 1821 Coat of arms of Guatemala
Haiti Coat of arms of Haiti.svg L'Union Fait La Force : Unity makes strength Coat of arms of Haiti
Honduras Coat of arms of Honduras.svg Republica de Honduras, Libre, Soberana e Independiente 15 de Septiembre de 1821 : Republic of Honduras, Free, Sovereign and Independent 15 September, 1821 Coat of arms of Honduras
Jamaica Coat of arms of Jamaica.svg Out of many, one people Coat of arms of Jamaica
Mexico Coat of arms of Mexico.svg none Coat of arms of Mexico
Nicaragua Coat of arms of Nicaragua.svg Republica de Nicaragua, America Central : Republic of Nicaragua, Central America Coat of arms of Nicaragua
Panama Coat of arms of Panama.svg Pro mundi beneficio : For the benefit of the World Coat of arms of Panama
Saint Kitts and Nevis Coat of arms of Saint Kitts and Nevis.svg Country above self Coat of arms of Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia Coat of arms of Saint Lucia.svg The Land, the People, the Light Coat of arms of Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Coat of arms of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.svg Pax et Justitia : Peace and Justice Coat of arms of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinidad and Tobago Coat of arms of Trinidad and Tobago (2025).svg Together we aspire, Together we achieve Coat of arms of Trinidad and Tobago
United States Greater coat of arms of the United States.svg E Pluribus Unum  : Out of many, one Great Seal of the United States

Dependencies and other territories

Dependency / TerritoryNational emblem / Coat of armsMotto / TextMain article
Anguilla Coat of arms of Anguilla.svg none Coat of arms of Anguilla
Aruba Coat of arms of Aruba.svg none Coat of arms of Aruba
Bermuda Coat of arms of Bermuda.svg Quo Fata Ferunt : Whither the Fates Carry [Us] Coat of arms of Bermuda
Bonaire Blason de Bonaire (Antilles neerlandaises).svg none Coat of arms of Bonaire
British Virgin Islands Coat of arms of the British Virgin Islands.svg Vigilate : Be Vigilant Coat of arms of the British Virgin Islands
Cayman Islands Coat of arms of the Cayman Islands.svg He hath founded it upon the seas Coat of arms of the Cayman Islands
Curaçao Coat of arms of Curacao.svg none Coat of arms of Curaçao
Greenland Coat of arms of Greenland.svg none Coat of arms of Greenland
Guadeloupe BlasonGuadeloupe.svg none Coat of arms of Guadeloupe
Martinique BlasonMartinique.svg none Coat of arms of Martinique
Montserrat Coat of arms of Montserrat.svg none Coat of arms of Montserrat
Puerto Rico Coat of arms of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.svg Joannes Est Nomen Ejus : John is his name Coat of arms of Puerto Rico
Saint Barthélemy Blason St Barthelemy TOM entire.svg Ouanalao : [Indigenous name of the island] Coat of arms of Saint Barthélemy
Saint Martin Saint Martin Coat of arms of Saint Martin
Saint Pierre and Miquelon Armoiries SaintPierreetMiquelon.svg A mare labor Coat of arms of Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Saba Saba wapen.svg Remis velisque / Saba : With oars and sails / Saba Coat of arms of Saba (island)
Sint Eustatius Sint Eustatius wapen.svg Superba et confidens : Proud and confident Coat of arms of Sint Eustatius
Sint Maarten Coat of arms of Sint Maarten.svg Semper pro grediens : Always progressing Coat of arms of Sint Maarten
Turks and Caicos Islands Coat of arms of the Turks and Caicos Islands.svg none Coat of arms of the Turks and Caicos Islands
United States Virgin Islands Seal of the United States Virgin Islands.svg (Outside) Government of the United States Virgin Islands
(Inside) United in pride and hope
Seal of the United States Virgin Islands

See also