Armorial of Oceania

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Countries and territories in Oceania have the following emblems and national coats of arms:


Sovereign states

StateNational emblem / Coat of armsMotto / TextMain article
Australia Coat of Arms of Australia.svg Australia Coat of arms of Australia
Federated States of Micronesia Seal of the Federated States of Micronesia.svg (Outside) Government of the Federated States of Micronesia
(Inside) Peace, Unity, Liberty/1979
Seal of the Federated States of Micronesia
Fiji Coat of arms of Fiji.svg Rerevaka na Kalou ka doka na Tui : Fear God and honour the King Coat of arms of Fiji
Indonesia (transcontinental) National emblem of Indonesia Garuda Pancasila.svg Bhinneka Tunggal Ika : Unity in Diversity National emblem of Indonesia
Kiribati Coat of arms of Kiribati.svg Te Mauri Te Raoi Ao Te Tabomoa : Health, Peace and Prosperity Coat of arms of Kiribati
Marshall Islands Seal of the Marshall Islands.svg (Top) Republic of the Marshall Islands
(Bottom) Jepilpilin Ke Ejukaan : Accomplishment through Joint Effort
Seal of the Marshall Islands
Nauru Coat of arms of Nauru.svg (Top) Naoero : Nauru
(Bottom) God's Will First
Coat of arms of Nauru
New Zealand Coat of arms of New Zealand.svg New Zealand Coat of arms of New Zealand
Palau Seal of Palau.svg (Top) Olbiil era Kelulau : The House of the whispered decisions
(Bottom) Republic of Palau
Seal of Palau
Papua New Guinea National emblem of Papua New Guinea.svg none Emblem of Papua New Guinea
Samoa Coat of arms of Samoa.svg Fa'avae i le Atua Samoa : Samoa is founded on God Coat of arms of Samoa
Solomon Islands Coat of arms of the Solomon Islands.svg To Lead is to Serve Coat of arms of the Solomon Islands
Tonga Coat of arms of Tonga.svg Ko e ʻOtua mo Tonga ko hoku Tofiʻa : God and Tonga are my inheritance Coat of arms of Tonga
Tuvalu Coat of arms of Tuvalu.svg Tuvalu mo te Atua : Tuvalu for the Almighty Coat of arms of Tuvalu
Vanuatu Coat of arms of Vanuatu.svg Long God yumi stanap : We stand with God Coat of arms of Vanuatu

Dependencies and other territories

Dependency / TerritoryNational emblems / Coat of armsMotto / TextMain article
American Samoa Seal of American Samoa.svg (Top) Seal of American Samoa • 17 April 1900
(Bottom) Samoa muamua le Atua : Samoa, God is first
Seal of American Samoa
Cook Islands Coat of arms of the Cook Islands.svg Cook Islands Coat of arms of the Cook Islands
Easter Island (Rapa Nui) Emblem of Easter Island.svg none Coat of arms of Easter Island
French Polynesia Coat of arms of French Polynesia.svg none Coat of arms of French Polynesia
Guam Seal of Guam.svg Guam Seal of Guam
Hawaii Seal of the State of Hawaii.svg (Top) State of Hawaii
(Bottom) Ua Mau ke Ea o ka ʻĀina i ka Pono : The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness
Seal of Hawaii
New Caledonia Emblem of New Caledonia.svg none Emblem of New Caledonia
Niue Public Seal of Niue.svg (Top) Public Seal of Niue
(Bottom) Atua, Niue Tukulagi : God, Niue Eternally
Seal of Niue
Norfolk Island Coat of arms of Norfolk Island.svg Inasmuch Coat of arms of Norfolk Island
Northern Mariana Islands Seal of the Northern Mariana Islands (alternate).svg (Outside) Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas
(Inside) United States/1976/Official Seal
Seal of the Northern Mariana Islands
Pitcairn Islands Coat of arms of the Pitcairn Islands.svg none Coat of arms of the Pitcairn Islands
Tokelau Badge of Tokelau.svg Tokelau mo te Atua : Tokelau for God Badge of Tokelau
Wallis and Futuna BlasonWallisetFutuna.svg none Coat of arms of Wallis and Futuna

See also