Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs

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Assistant Secretary of Defense
for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
Flag of an U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense.svg
Flag of an Assistant Secretary of Defense
Tim Dill [1]
since January 20, 2025
Department of Defense
AbbreviationASD (M&RA)
Member of Office of the Secretary of Defense
Reports to Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
AppointerThe President
with Senate advice and consent
Term length At the pleasure of the President
Formation12 January 1984 (1984-01-12)
First holder Jim Webb
Website Official website

In the United States Department of Defense, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (ASD (M&RA)), formerly the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs (ASD (RA)), [2] serves as Principal Staff Assistant and advisor to the Secretary of Defense, Deputy Secretary of Defense and Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, with responsibility for "overall policies and procedures of [U.S.] Total Force manpower, personnel and reserve affairs," [3] including the Army National Guard, Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve and Coast Guard Reserve. The ASD (M&RA) reports directly to the Under Secretary of Defense (P&R) and exercises authority, direction, and control over the National Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve. [4] On September 16, 2022, President Biden announced his intent to nominate Ronald Keohane to the position. [5]



According to a Statement of Intent signed by the ASD(M&RA), the purpose of the office is "to set the conditions for a sustainable, seamlessly integrated and complementary total force." To do so, the ASD(M&RA) seeks to "proactively deliver credible advice and information about the capabilities of the reserve components," and "develop the policies and resources necessary to fully exploit those capabilities." [6] The language of these statements is precise and deliberate. As the Statement of Intent explains:

The Statement of Intent also sets out a metric for this office's performance: "Our success will be measured by the degree to which we have advanced a culture of mutual appreciation and confidence in both the active and reserve components." [6]


The title and portfolio of the Assistant Secretary for Manpower and Reserve Affairs has evolved several times over the years. An Assistant Secretary of Defense was first assigned oversight of DoD manpower and personnel affairs in 1950 by Secretary of Defense George C. Marshall. In September 1955, Secretary of Defense Charles Wilson redesignated the position as Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower, Personnel, and Reserve). [7]

DoD Directive 5120.27 (31 January 1961) redesignated the position as Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower), but after a few years, the Reserve Forces Bill of Rights and Vitalization Act (P.L. 90-168, signed 1 December 1967), changed the title to Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower and Reserve Affairs). [7]

Defense Directive 5124.1, signed 20 April 1977, combined the position with the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Installations and Logistics) to become the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and Logistics). [7]

Following the FY 1984 Defense Authorization Act (P.L. 98-94, 24 September 1983), the title was changed to Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower, Installations, and Logistics), and the reserve affairs functions were reconstituted into a new position called Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Affairs). [7]

The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Affairs) became a reporting official to the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness when the latter role was established through the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994 (P.L. 103-160). [8]

Section 902 of the Carl Levin and Howard P. "Buck" McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 (P.L. 113-291, 19 December 2014) redesignated the position as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs. [9]

Office holders

Assistant Secretaries of Defense for Manpower & Reserve Affairs (and preceding offices) [4]
NameTenureSecDef(s) Served UnderPresident(s) Served Under
Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower and Personnel)
Anna M. Rosenberg November 15, 1950 – January 20, 1953 George C. Marshall
Robert A. Lovett
Harry Truman
John A. Hannah February 11, 1953 – July 31, 1954 Charles E. Wilson Dwight Eisenhower
Carter L. Burgess September 24, 1954 – September, 1955 Charles E. Wilson Dwight Eisenhower
Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower, Personnel, and Reserve)
Carter L. BurgessSeptember, 1955 – January 22, 1957 Charles E. Wilson Dwight Eisenhower
William H. FrancisApril 19, 1957 – May 24, 1958 Charles E. Wilson
Neil H. McElroy
Dwight Eisenhower
Charles O. FinucaneJuly 15, 1958 – January 19, 1961 Neil H. McElroy
Thomas S. Gates
Dwight Eisenhower
Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower)
Carlisle P. Runge February 17, 1961 – July 30, 1962 Robert S. McNamara John F. Kennedy
Norman S. Paul August 8, 1962 – September 30, 1965 Robert S. McNamara John F. Kennedy
Lyndon Johnson
Thomas D. MorrisOctober 1, 1965 – August 31, 1967 Robert S. McNamara Lyndon Johnson
Alfred B. Fitt October 9, 1967 – December 31, 1967 Robert S. McNamara Lyndon Johnson
Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
Alfred B. FittJanuary 1, 1968 – February 20, 1969 Robert S. McNamara
Clark M. Clifford
Melvin R. Laird
Lyndon Johnson
Richard Nixon
Roger T. KelleyMarch 3, 1969 – June 1, 1973 Melvin R. Laird
Elliot L. Richardson
Richard Nixon
Carl W. Clewlow (Acting)June 1, 1973 – September 1, 1973 Elliot L. Richardson
James R. Schlesinger
Richard Nixon
William K. Brehm September 1, 1973 – March 18, 1976 James R. Schlesinger
Donald H. Rumsfeld
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
David P. TaylorJuly 7, 1976 – February 12, 1977 Donald H. Rumsfeld
Harold Brown
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and Logistics)
John P. White May 11, 1977 – October 31, 1978 Harold Brown Jimmy Carter
Robert B. Pirie, Jr. June 17, 1979 – January 20, 1981 Harold Brown Jimmy Carter
Lawrence J. Korb May 4, 1981 – January 12, 1984 Caspar W. Weinberger Ronald Reagan
Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Affairs)
Jim Webb May 3, 1984 - April 10, 1987 Caspar W. Weinberger Ronald Reagan
Stephen M. DuncanOctober 26, 1987 - January 20, 1993 Caspar W. Weinberger
Frank C. Carlucci III
William H. Taft IV (Acting)
Richard B. Cheney
Ronald Reagan
George H. W. Bush
Deborah R. Lee June 1, 1993 - April 11, 1998 Leslie Aspin, Jr.
William J. Perry
William S. Cohen
Bill Clinton
Charles L. CraginApril 12, 1998 - August 3, 1999 (Acting)
August 4, 1999 - May 31, 2001 (PDASD, in charge)
William S. Cohen
Donald H. Rumsfeld
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush
Thomas F. Hall October 9, 2002 - April 2009 Donald H. Rumsfeld
Robert M. Gates
George W. Bush
Barack Obama
Dennis M. McCarthy [10] June 25, 2009 - April 19, 2011 Robert M. Gates Barack Obama
David McGinnis (Acting)April 19, 2011 - May 24, 2012 Leon Panetta Barack Obama
Jessica L. Wright May 24, 2012 - December 31, 2013 Leon Panetta Barack Obama
Richard O. Wightman, Jr. (Acting)January 1, 2014 - August 2015 Chuck Hagel Barack Obama
Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
Todd A. Weiler May 15, 2016 - January 20, 2017 Ashton Carter Barack Obama
Stephanie Barna (Acting)January 20, 2017 - July 30, 2018 James Mattis Donald Trump
Virginia S. Penrod (Acting)July 31, 2018 - October 22, 2018 James Mattis Donald Trump
James N. Stewart October 22, 2018 - December 13, 2019 James Mattis
Mark Esper
Donald Trump
Virginia S. Penrod (Acting/Performing the Duties of)December 13, 2019 - May 2, 2022 [11] Mark Esper
Lloyd Austin
Donald Trump
Joe Biden
Thomas A. Constable (Performing the Duties of) [12] May 2, 2022 - April 1, 2023 Lloyd Austin Joe Biden
Grier Martin (Performing the Duties of) [13] April 1, 2023 - March 13, 2024 Lloyd Austin Joe Biden
Ronald Keohane [14] March 13, 2024 – January 20, 2025 Lloyd Austin Joe Biden
Tim Dill (Acting)January 20, 2025 - Present Pete Hegseth Donald Trump


  2. "10 U.S. Code § 138 - Assistant Secretaries of Defense".
  3. "Inside M&RA".
  4. 1 2 "Department of Defense Key Officials" (PDF). Historical Office, OSD. 2004. Archived from the original (PDF) on 21 July 2011. Retrieved 1 February 2011.
  5. "President Biden Announces Key Nominees". 16 September 2022.
  6. 1 2 "Manpower & Reserve Affairs" (PDF).
  7. 1 2 3 4 "Department of Defense Key Officials" (PDF). Historical Office, Office of the Secretary of Defense.
  8. "H.R.2401" (PDF).
  9. "Carl Levin and Howard P. "Buck" McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015". 19 December 2014.
  10. "Manpower & Reserve Affairs".
  11. "Virginia Penrod". LinkedIn .
  12. "Thomas A. Constable".
  13. "Martin".
  14. "Department of Defense Key Officials" (PDF). Retrieved October 14, 2024.