Body farm

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Decomposing deer carcasses being studied at the Outdoor Research Facility, a body farm at Boston University. Looking at Deer Carcasses - 51769307357.jpg
Decomposing deer carcasses being studied at the Outdoor Research Facility, a body farm at Boston University.

A body farm is a research facility where decomposition of humans and animals can be studied in a variety of settings. The initial facility was conceived by anthropologist William M. Bass in 1981 at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, Tennessee, where Bass was interested in studying the decomposition of a human corpse from the time of death to the time of decay. [1] [2] The aim was to gain a better understanding of the decomposition process, permitting the development of techniques for extracting information such as the timing and circumstances of death from human remains. Body farm research is of particular interest in forensic anthropology and related disciplines, and has applications in the fields of law enforcement and forensic science. Numerous purposes exist for these research facilities, yet their main purpose is to study and form an understanding of the decompositional changes that occur with the human body. By placing the bodies outside to face the elements, researchers are able to get a better understanding of the decomposition process. [3] This research is then used for medical, legal and educational purposes. [4] Following the outdoor research, skeletal remains are cleaned and curated in permanent known skeletal collections open for research. Such collections are critical for testing and developing new identification methods.


Eight such facilities exist across the United States, as far south as sub-tropical Florida (USF-FORT) and as far north as Marquette, Michigan, at Northern Michigan University. [5] The research facility operated by Texas State University at Freeman Ranch is the largest at 26 acres (10.52 hectares). [6] Similar facilities are also operational in Australia and Canada. In the United Kingdom, research has focused on non-human remains, mainly pigs due to their similarity to humans.

United States

Federal Bureau of Investigation agents training at a human body farm.

There are eight decomposition research facilities in the United States, all located at universities (see below). These research facilities have been deemed "body farms" due to the nature of the decomposition research they perform. Rick Schwein, head of the FBI office in Asheville, North Carolina, finds use in the body farms, saying the information from them can be used at many different levels and thus is valuable from a scientific perspective. [7] There have been proposals to open body farms in other locations in the United States. Few of these have been successful as yet; for example, a facility in Las Vegas was proposed in 2003 but was unable to secure funding. [8]

University of Tennessee

The original body farm is the University of Tennessee Anthropological Research Facility located a few miles from downtown on Alcoa Highway in Knoxville, Tennessee, behind the University of Tennessee Medical Center. It was first started in late 1980 by forensic anthropologist William M. Bass as a facility for the study of the decomposition of human remains. Bass became head of the university's anthropology department in 1971, and as official state forensic anthropologist for Tennessee he was frequently consulted in police cases involving decomposed human remains. Since no facilities existed that specifically studied decomposition, in 1981 he opened the department's first body farm. [9]

It consists of a 2.5-acre (10,000 m2) wooded plot, surrounded by a razor wire fence. At any one time there will be a number of bodies placed in different settings throughout the facility and left to decompose. The bodies are exposed in a number of ways in order to provide insights into decomposition under varying conditions. Some of the conditions students studied were situations such as a body being locked in the trunk of a car, or being submerged under water, which provided some factual and data driven knowledge to help in many forensic cases. [10] Observations and records of the decomposition process are kept, including the sequence and speed of decomposition and the effects of insect activity. The human decomposition stages that are studied begin with the fresh stage, then the bloat stage, then decay, and finally the dry stage. [11]

Over 100 bodies are donated to the facility every year. Some individuals pre-register before their death, and others are donated by their families or by a medical examiner. 60% of donations are made by family members of individuals who were not pre-registered with the facility. Over 1300 people have chosen to pre-register themselves. [12] Perhaps the most famous person to donate his body for study was the anthropologist Grover Krantz, as described by his colleague David Hunt at the Smithsonian. [13]

The University of Tennessee Body Farm is also used in the training of law enforcement officers in scene-of-crime skills and techniques. [14]

Western Carolina University

The Forensic Osteology Research Station (FOREST) is located at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, North Carolina, and is the second human decomposition research facility to open in the United States. It was opened in 2007, and is run by WCU's Forensic Anthropology program on a small plot on the rural mountain campus. It consists of a 0.080-acre (324 m2) plot of land in the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province. The facility has also been used for cadaver dog training. [15]

Texas State University

A Forensic Anthropology Research Facility was commissioned by the Texas State University-San Marcos Department of Anthropology and is under the direction of Dr. Michelle Hamilton, a former student of Dr. Bill Bass. [16] The forensic research facility is fully operational and is part of the Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State (FACTS). The forensic facility has received a financial donation of over $100,000 from a Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Texas State University, and has started construction of an adjoining million dollar lab to augment the facility. The development of this facility has been possible through the efforts of Dr. Jerry Melbye, D-ABFA.

Prior to the selection of the location, objections by local residents and the nearby San Marcos Municipal Airport (owing to concerns about circling vultures) stalled the plan. [17] But on February 12, 2008, Texas State University announced that its Freeman Ranch, off County Road 213 northwest of San Marcos, would be the site of the facility. [18] [19]

The vultures that originally created problems for the location of the research facility have provided a new area of study on the effect of vulture scavenging on human decomposition. [20]

A new body is brought to the facility every five or six months. The bodies typically come from Texas hospitals, funeral homes, or medical examiners' offices; from there, they are strapped to a gurney, loaded into cargo vans, and brought to the ranch, where researchers and student volunteers begin their research on the corpses. [21]

The Forensic Anthropology Research Facility (FARF) is a human decomposition research laboratory where questions related to outdoor crime scenes and decomposition rates for human remains under various topographical and climate conditions are investigated. The FARF serves as a resource for students of forensic anthropology as well as state and national law enforcement agencies. The work conducted here will have a direct impact on law enforcement and forensic investigations throughout the state of Texas, and beyond.

The Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State accepts body donations for scientific research purposes under the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act. To date they have received 150 bodies, with up to 200 more donations planned. [6] The areas of research conducted with donated bodies will include reconstructing the postmortem interval to determine time since death and related studies in human decomposition. The overall aim of this type of research is to assist law enforcement agents and the medico-legal community in their investigations.

While practical restraints currently limit the Forensic Anthropology Research Facility to only around seven acres [22] in the Texas Hill Country, Freeman Ranch has about 4,200 acres (17 km2) available. [23] Freeman Ranch is a working ranch that also serves as an educational model for ranch management. It is an area of land for educational outreach and research. Researchers and students visit the ranch and participate in educational activities and projects. Researchers and students are allowed to conduct experiments and studies at the ranch, including forensic anthropology. [24]

Sam Houston State University

The Southeast Texas Applied Forensic Science Facility (STAFS) is a state-of-the-art research and training facility designed to advance academic and technical knowledge in the application of forensic science disciplines to crime scenes and criminal activities. [25] The facility's predominant focus of study is the application of forensic sciences to the human body and the vast amount of evidence that can be gleaned from the careful recognition, collection, and preservation of that evidence. The facility is recognized by the Anatomical Board of Texas as a willed-body donor facility, and accepts human body donations for the purposes of scientific research.

The facility trains students, law enforcement officials, academicians and forensic specialists.

The facility is located within the Center for Biological Field Studies at Sam Houston State University, a 247-acre (100 ha) parcel of land adjacent to the Sam Houston National Forest. One acre of maximum security fencing surrounds the outdoor research facility with an additional 8 acres (32,000 m2) of minimum security reserved for other types of forensic training such as search and recovery maneuvers. Contained within the outdoor facility are a variety of various environmental conditions, including a fluvial environment. Web cams are located within the outdoor facility to monitor timing of various post-mortem activities from on and off-campus computers.

The building is designed as a morgue with cooler and freezer units, modern morgue equipment and tools and digital radiograph and microscope capabilities. [26]

The environment in southeast Texas is quite different from the environment of East Tennessee. East Tennessee's mean annual temperature is 67 °F (19 °C). The Huntsville, TX area's mean annual temperature is 75 °F (23 °C). This difference in temperature from other facilities produces different decomposition results. [27]

Southern Illinois University

The Complex for Forensic Anthropology Research (CFAR) was opened at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale in October 2010 by Gretchen R. Dabbs and D. C. Martin to examine the rate and pattern of decomposition in the unique environment of Southern Illinois by working with pigs as human proxies. CFAR is an approximately 0.33 acres (0.13 ha) facility with the lowest average temperature, highest average wind speed, second lowest elevation, most acidic soil, and worst soil drainage compared to other facilities at the time of its founding. The geographic differences between CFAR and other established facilities have been proven to heavily influence the rate and pattern of decomposition due to vulture scavenging. [28] The first human donation was accepted at CFAR in January 2012. [29]

Researchers at CFAR attempt to mimic clandestine body disposal situations and understand how the process of decomposition is altered by those postmortem treatments and how the postmortem treatment can be identified after skeletonization.

The faculty and staff of CFAR also participate in forensic anthropology consultations and provide training seminars for local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. [30]

Colorado Mesa University

The Forensic Investigation Research Station (FIRS) is part of Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction, under the direction of Dr. Melissa Connor. [31] Its location is at a high altitude (4,750 feet (1,450 m) AMSL) and receives an average of 8.6 inches (22 cm) of rain a year, allowing for the study of decomposition in an arid environment. [32] FIRS has both an indoor research facility, which contains a classroom, wet lab/morgue, walk-in cooler, intake area, office, and secure storage areas, and an outdoor research facility, which consists of approximately two acres of fenced area with outdoor cameras used both for security and research. [33]

The first pig was placed in the outdoor facility in September 2012, the indoor facility opened for classes in January 2013, and the first human donation was placed in November 2013. As of January 2018, the facility had eleven human cadavers on site. [31] Most remains desiccate quickly and current research focuses on the variation in the desiccation process and determining the post-mortem interval on mummified or desiccated remains.

University of South Florida

The USF Facility for Outdoor Research and Training (FORT) is part of the Florida Institute for Forensic Anthropology and Applied Science (IFAAS) at the University of South Florida in Tampa. The FORT was created by Erin H. Kimmerle, Executive Director of the Institute of Forensic Anthropology & Applied Science (IFAAS) in 2016. This facility began as a 3.4-acre (14,000 m2) outdoor research laboratory in Pasco County, Florida and has since moved to a larger and more ecologically diverse location outside of Gainesville in Alachua County. It accepts human bodies through the USF Human Donation Program for use in training students and law enforcement on finding clandestine burials, grave excavation, and outdoor crime scene processing, as well as advanced training for mass grave excavation in human rights investigations. The outdoor facility and the ethically sourced, curated skeletal collection is open to visiting scholars and researchers. The program began in 2016 and it is the first and only facility of its type in Florida, as well as in a subtropical environment. [34]

George Mason University

The Forensic Science Research and Training Lab is located at the campus in Prince William County. The five acre site interred the first body in a clandestine grave to assist in detecting unknown burials. [35]


The Australian Facility for Taphonomic Experimental Research (AFTER) was opened in 2016 by Shari Forbes. [36] It is located near Yarramundi in the outskirts of Sydney, Australia, on a patch of land owned by the University of Technology, Sydney, and it is the first body farm outside the United States. It was established as research has demonstrated that differing environmental conditions mean that the findings of body farm analysis in the United States are frequently not relevant to Australia. [37] [38] Research published from AFTER showed using time-lapse imagery that post-mortem movement of arms is greatest during early stages of decomposition, whereas post-mortem movement of legs occurs more during advanced decomposition. [39]


In 2018 the "Secure Site for Research in Thanatology" was established by Shari Forbes at Bécancour, Quebec as part of the University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières. It has since been renamed Site de Recherche en Sciences Thanatologiques [Expérimentales et Sociales] (REST[ES]), or Site for Research on Experimental and Social Thanatology. [40] The facility is the first of its kind to study the rate of natural human decomposition in the context of the colder, humid continental northern climate of Canada. [41]

United Kingdom

Several universities in Britain have used animal remains to understand human taphonomy but there are currently no facilities that use human remains. Pigs are commonly studied but they are only useful in this field to a certain extent since they don't carry the same illnesses or obtain the same injuries as humans that affect cause of death or how the body decomposes. Professor Sue Black has argued that human body farms are unnecessary as they frequently use old people's bodies which are not as representative of the average murder victim and animal bodies are just as good. [42] The UK can use the research provided by the facilities in other parts of the world, their climate is different from that in the US and bodies decay differently in differing environments and weather and with different flora and fauna that contribute to decomposition. [43]

Body donations

Procedures vary from country to country. Canadian forensic anthropology facilities can access a body when a person has decided to donate their own body and signed a form to ensure their wishes are carried out after the death. [42] Others may allow a family member, the legal next-of-kin, to donate human remains.[ citation needed ] Unknown/unclaimed bodies have been accepted for donation in the USA although some consider this as unethical. [44]

The body farms will reject a donation if the person had been infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis, or antibiotic-resistant bacteria. [45]


The body farms have contributed a great deal to the field of forensic anthropology. However, when such facilities first opened, local communities sometimes resisted, arguing these facilities are disturbing. Many have made the argument that the decomposing corpses will attract insects and scavenging animals. After the opening of the University of Tennessee's Body Farm, there were a number of complaints about the odor that was coming from the farm. Also, many people even claimed that they could see the decomposing bodies from their homes. The university fixed this problem by installing a privacy fence. In Tennessee, after the opening of the first body farm, an organization called Solutions to Issues of Concern to Knoxvillians (SICK) protested the facility by holding up signs that read, "This makes us SICK." [45] However, all of the facilities were able to open and quickly overcame concerns. Some citizens continue to oppose such facilities in their communities. Original plans to build the USF facility on Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office property in Lithia were cancelled in April 2015 over concerns from nearby residents about possible smells and groundwater contamination. [46] The facility was ultimately opened in Pasco county.

Forensic advancement

Since the start of the initial Body Farm in Tennessee, William Bass, a forensic anthropologist, has worked to help fill in various law enforcement officials on questions involving decomposition rates that help pin-point the time of death of victims during trials. Furthering this research at the Tennessee Body Farm, Bass and his team began to expand into other forensic investigative questions such as what was the climate during death, if water was involved during the decomposition process, and if clothing was on the body or not during decomposition. [47] All questions and areas of focus which help narrow the window of possible death during investigative research on dead and decomposing bodies in trials.

Jennifer DeBruyn, a microbial ecologist, has begun studying both the impact of the environment on the body, and the body's impact on the environment at the Tennessee Body Farm as recently as 2015. Focusing on the impact and importance of the microbe environments inside the human body and in the soil as different enzymes leach out during decomposition, DeBruyn and her team have helped narrow down two potential bacterial organisms Bacteroides and Lactobacillus which offer the potential for consistent cycles and rates during decomposition. DeBruyn hopes this area of research has the potential to narrow down the possible window of death even more so in the face of variations from climate, water, variance in individual metabolic decomposition rates and potential scavengers. [48]

Medical practice

Medical practitioners ask a number of questions when observing decomposed or dead bodies. According to Bass, there are seven questions that are required to complete forensic investigations. "Bass lays out these questions as a guideline to help pinpoint potential time of death and cause of death. The questions Bass asks pertain to such decomposition traits as was the body in the shade or sunlight; was there water involved; or even the different stages associated with death and dying which can help paint part of the forensic picture." [49]

Each stage of death is analyzed independently at the Body Farms to get a better understanding of the decomposition process on the body. Medical practitioners determine which insects or what climate cause human bodies to decompose the quickest, or in which manner they decompose according to differences in temperature or type of insect. The information regarding decomposed bodies is found to be important to the scientific community even if that information is found not necessarily in the bodies themselves, but the soil and plant life surrounding the bodies. Bryant "has found grave importance in the soil surrounding the decomposing bodies at the Body Farms. Pointing out that how the breakdown and leaching of human proteins and bacteria out into the soil can help pinpoint time of death and questions regarding the climate at the scene of death." [50] Products of the decomposed body eventually seep into the soil leaving behind traces of the body which helps researchers determine the length in time that a body has been in that particular area. [51]

The concept of a body farm in general, as well as the existing institutions in particular, have been used in several crime-related works of popular culture. Notable examples include:

See also

Related Research Articles

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Decomposition</span> Process in which organic substances are broken down into simpler organic matter

Decomposition or rot is the process by which dead organic substances are broken down into simpler organic or inorganic matter such as carbon dioxide, water, simple sugars and mineral salts. The process is a part of the nutrient cycle and is essential for recycling the finite matter that occupies physical space in the biosphere. Bodies of living organisms begin to decompose shortly after death. Although no two organisms decompose in the same way, they all undergo the same sequential stages of decomposition. Decomposition can be a gradual process for organisms that have extended periods of dormancy.

Putrefaction is the fifth stage of death, following pallor mortis, livor mortis, algor mortis, and rigor mortis. This process references the breaking down of a body of an animal post-mortem. In broad terms, it can be viewed as the decomposition of proteins, and the eventual breakdown of the cohesiveness between tissues, and the liquefaction of most organs. This is caused by the decomposition of organic matter by bacterial or fungal digestion, which causes the release of gases that infiltrate the body's tissues, and leads to the deterioration of the tissues and organs. The approximate time it takes putrefaction to occur is dependent on various factors. Internal factors that affect the rate of putrefaction include the age at which death has occurred, the overall structure and condition of the body, the cause of death, and external injuries arising before or after death. External factors include environmental temperature, moisture and air exposure, clothing, burial factors, and light exposure. Body farms are facilities that study the way various factors affect the putrefaction process.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Forensic anthropology</span> Application of the science of anthropology in a legal setting

Forensic anthropology is the application of the anatomical science of anthropology and its various subfields, including forensic archaeology and forensic taphonomy, in a legal setting. A forensic anthropologist can assist in the identification of deceased individuals whose remains are decomposed, burned, mutilated or otherwise unrecognizable, as might happen in a plane crash. Forensic anthropologists are also instrumental in the investigation and documentation of genocide and mass graves. Along with forensic pathologists, forensic dentists, and homicide investigators, forensic anthropologists commonly testify in court as expert witnesses. Using physical markers present on a skeleton, a forensic anthropologist can potentially determine a person's age, sex, stature, and race. In addition to identifying physical characteristics of the individual, forensic anthropologists can use skeletal abnormalities to potentially determine cause of death, past trauma such as broken bones or medical procedures, as well as diseases such as bone cancer.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">William M. Bass</span> American forensic anthropologist

William Marvin Bass III is an American forensic anthropologist, best known for his research on human osteology and human decomposition. He has also assisted federal, local, and non-U.S. authorities in the identification of human remains. He taught at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, and founded the University of Tennessee Anthropological Research Facility, the first such facility in the world. The facility is more popularly known as "The Body Farm", a name used by crime author Patricia Cornwell in a novel of the same name, which drew inspiration from Bass and his work. Bass has also described the body farm as "Death's Acre" – the title of the book on his life and career, co-written with journalist Jon Jefferson. Jefferson and Bass, under the pen name "Jefferson Bass", have also written several fictional works: Carved In Bone, Flesh and Bone, The Devil's Bones, Bones of Betrayal, The Bone Thief, The Bone Yard, The Inquisitor's Key, Cut To the Bone, and The Breaking Point. Though currently retired from teaching, Bass still plays an active research role in the university's forensic anthropology program.

<i>The Body Farm</i> (novel) 1994 novel by Patricia Cornwell

The Body Farm is a crime fiction novel by Patricia Cornwell. It is the fifth book in the Dr. Kay Scarpetta series.

FORDISC is a software program created by Stephen Ousley and Richard Jantz. It is designed to help forensic anthropologists investigate the identity of a deceased person by providing estimates of the person's size, ethnicity, and biological sex based on the osteological material recovered. It has been criticised for its low accuracy.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Skeletonization</span> Remains of an organism after soft tissues have broken down after death

Skeletonization is the state of a dead organism after undergoing decomposition. Skeletonization refers to the final stage of decomposition, during which the last vestiges of the soft tissues of a corpse or carcass have decayed or dried to the point that the skeleton is exposed. By the end of the skeletonization process, all soft tissue will have been eliminated, leaving only disarticulated bones.

The University of Tennessee Anthropological Research Facility, better known as the Body Farm and sometimes seen as the Forensic Anthropology Facility, was conceived in 1971 and established in 1972 by anthropologist William M. Bass as the first facility for the study of decomposition of human remains. It is located a few miles from downtown Knoxville, Tennessee, United States, behind the University of Tennessee Medical Center, and is part of the Forensic Anthropology Center, which was established by Dr. Bass in 1987.

Arpad Alexander Vass is a forensic anthropologist. He has researched the processes involved in human decomposition. Vass claims to have developed several devices and methods to locate human remains; however, those claims have not been validated by other experts.

The Freeman Center is a 3,485-acre (1,410 ha) plot of land between San Marcos and Wimberley, Texas. It was founded in 1941 by weekend ranchers Harold M. "Harry" Freeman and his brother Joe. The Freeman Center houses the Texas State University Forensic Anthropology Center's body farm, where the deceased are used to study the various stages of body decomposition and their effects on the soil.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">University of Tennessee</span> Public university in Knoxville, Tennessee, US

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville is a public land-grant research university in Knoxville, Tennessee, United States. Founded in 1794, two years before Tennessee became the 16th state, it is the flagship campus of the University of Tennessee system, with ten undergraduate colleges and eleven graduate colleges. It hosts more than 30,000 students from all 50 states and more than 100 foreign countries. It is classified among "R1: Doctoral Universities – Very high research activity".

Richard L. Jantz is an American anthropologist. He served as the director of the University of Tennessee Anthropological Research Facility from 1998–2011 and he is the current Professor Emeritus of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. His research focuses primarily on forensic anthropology, skeletal biology, dermatoglyphics, anthropometry, anthropological genetics, and human variation, as well as developing computerized databases in these areas which aid in anthropological research. The author of over a hundred journal articles and other publications, his research has helped lead and shape the field of physical and forensic anthropology for many years.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hugh Berryman</span> American forensic anthropologist

Hugh Berryman is a U.S. forensic anthropologist with areas of expertise in blunt force trauma, skeletal remains, and osteology. He is one of only three forensic anthropologists in the state of Tennessee and seventy-four in the nation certified by the American Board of Forensic Anthropology. Additionally, he has received two awards offered by the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS): the Ellis R. Kerley Award in 2008 and the T. Dale Stewart lifetime achievement award in 2012. Due to his areas of expertise and qualifications, his assistance has been sought by local, state, and federal authorities as well as private interests.

Jon Jefferson is a contemporary American author and television documentary maker. Jefferson has written ten novels in the Body Farm series under the pen name Jefferson Bass, in consultation with renowned forensic anthropologist William M. Bass, as well as two non-fiction books about Bass's life and forensic cases.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Douglas W. Owsley</span> American anthropologist (born 1951)

Douglas W. Owsley is an American anthropologist who is head of Physical Anthropology at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History (NMNH). He is regarded as one of the most prominent and influential archaeologists and forensic anthropologists in the world in some popular media. In September 2001, he provided scientific analysis at the military mortuary located at Dover Air Force Base, following the 9/11 attack in Washington, D.C. The following year, the US Department of Defense honored him with the Commander's Award for Civilian Service for helping in the identification of 60 federal and civilian victims who died when American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon.

The Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State (FACTS) is a 26-acre forensic anthropology research facility located on the Freeman Ranch in San Marcos, Texas. It is one of the seven extant body farms in the United States and the largest such forensics research facility in the world.

The smell of death is a smell occurring during decomposition. It is made up of over 800 different chemicals. There have been efforts to synthesize the smell of death. It has also been used as evidence in court trials involving murder.

The necrobiome has been defined as the community of species associated with decaying remains after the death of an organism. The process of decomposition is complex. Microbes decompose cadavers, but other organisms including fungi, nematodes, insects, and larger scavenger animals also contribute. Once the immune system is no longer active, microbes colonizing the intestines and lungs decompose their respective tissues and then travel throughout the body via the circulatory and lymphatic systems to break down other tissue and bone. During this process, gases are released as a by-product and accumulate, causing bloating. Eventually, the gases seep through the body's wounds and natural openings, providing a way for some microbes to exit from the inside of the cadaver and inhabit the outside. The microbial communities colonizing the internal organs of a cadaver are referred to as the thanatomicrobiome. The region outside of the cadaver that is exposed to the external environment is referred to as the epinecrotic microbial communities of the necrobiome, and is especially important when determining the time and location of death for an individual. Different microbes play specific roles during each stage of the decomposition process. The microbes that colonize the cadaver and the rate of their activity are determined by the cadaver itself and the cadaver's surrounding environmental conditions.

Mortuary archaeology is the study of human remains in their archaeological context. This is a known sub-field of bioarchaeology, which is a field that focuses on gathering important information based on the skeleton of an individual. Bioarchaeology stems from the practice of human osteology which is the anatomical study of skeletal remains. Mortuary archaeology, as well as the overarching field it resides in, aims to generate an understanding of disease, migration, health, nutrition, gender, status, and kinship among past populations. Ultimately, these topics help to produce a picture of the daily lives of past individuals. Mortuary archaeologists draw upon the humanities, as well as social and hard sciences to have a full understanding of the individual.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Erin Kimmerle</span> Forensic anthropologist

Erin H. Kimmerle is an American forensic anthropologist, artist, and executive director of the Institute of Forensic Anthropology & Applied Science at the University of South Florida. She was awarded the 2020 AAAS Award for Scientific Freedom and Responsibility.


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