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Temporal range: Aalenian–Bajocian [1]
Scientific classification

Buckman, 1910

Bradfordia is a moderately involute to involute genus included in the ammonoid cephalopod family Oppeliidae, coiled so that the outer whorl encloses most, or much, of the previous, but with a small umbilicus exposing inner whorls. The shell is compressed, whorl height much greater than width, extending well out from the contact with the adjacent inner whorl. Outer flanks are finely ribbed and the rounded venter is smooth.

Bradfordia lived during the Middle Jurassic. [1]

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  1. 1 2 Sepkoski, Jack (2002). "Sepkoski's Online Genus Database" . Retrieved 2014-05-28.Cite journal requires |journal= (help)