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Aliases C11orf52 , chromosome 11 open reading frame 52
External IDs MGI: 1914202 HomoloGene: 12059 GeneCards: C11orf52
RefSeq (mRNA)



RefSeq (protein)



Location (UCSC) Chr 11: 111.92 – 111.93 Mb Chr 9: 50.65 – 50.66 Mb
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C11orf52 is an uncharacterized protein that in homo sapiens is encoded by the C11orf52 gene.




Location of C11orf52 on chromosome 11 Location of C11orf52 on chromosome 11.jpg
Location of C11orf52 on chromosome 11

C11orf52 is located on chromosome 11 at 11q23.1, starting at 111908620 and ending at 112064278. [5] C11orf52 spans 155658 base pairs and is orientated on the positive strand. Gene C11orf52 has a molecular weight of 14kDa and is a protein coding gene of 7,995 bp containing four exons. The coding region is made up of 1,168 bp. [6]

Gene neighborhood

Genes HSPB2, CRYAB, OLAT, and PPIHP1 neighbor C11orf52 on chromosome 11.


Diagram depicting the expression of KIAA1841 in tissues throughout the body. Expression Profile C11orf52.jpg
Diagram depicting the expression of KIAA1841 in tissues throughout the body.

C11orf52 is highly expressed in the thyroid, thalmus, pituitary, placenta, and prostate, kidney, heart, and skeletal muscles. [7] However, in estrogen receptor alpha-silenced MCF-7 breast cancer cells, it is expressed at an extremely low level compared to control tissues. [8]

Shows the under-expression of the C11orf52 protein in estrogen receptor alpha-silenced MCF7 breast cancer cells compared to control tissue. MCF7 breast cancer cells - C11orf52 expression.png
Shows the under-expression of the C11orf52 protein in estrogen receptor alpha-silenced MCF7 breast cancer cells compared to control tissue.


There is only one variant of C11orf52 RNA. The mRNA sequence is 1,140 base pairs long. [6] There is an upstream stop codon located at nucleotides 65 – 67. The 23rd amino acid varies between threonine and arginine. [6]


The 123 amino acid chain is a domain of unknown function. [9] It has a molecular weight of 13,9 kDal and a predicted Isoelectric Point of 9.74 [6] C11orf52 is predicted to be targeted to the nucleus.

There are no isoforms of the protein encoded by C11orf52.

Amino acid sequence for the protein C11orf52 C11orf52 Protein Sequence 123 aa.jpg
Amino acid sequence for the protein C11orf52


The LYS19-22 region is an external domain of the protein structure. [6]



There is only one member of the C11orf52 gene family and no splice isoforms can be found going back to Geospiza fortis - the most distantly related to Homo Sapiens C11orf52 sequence. Gene duplication first occurred approximately 324.5 million years ago in reptiles and birds. There are no paralogs for the C11orf52 gene.

SpeciesCommon NameAccession #Sequence LengthmRNA Identity %Sequence Similarity %
Homo sapiens HumanNP_542390.2123100100
Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis Black-Capped Squirrel MonkeyXP_010332875.11268789
Equus caballus HorseXP_001916914.11248282
Oryctolagus cuniculus European RabbitXP_002708495.11267583
Erinaceus europaeus European HedgehogXP_007539796.11245969
Leptonychotes weddellii Weddell SealXP_006733365.11304859
Pelodiscus sinensis Chinese Softshell TurtleXP_006111270.11234459
Anolis carolinensis Carolina AnoleXP_008119278.11254257
Alligator mississippiensis American AlligatorXP_006271409.11183954
Python bivittatus Burmese PythonXP_007422684.11603859
Haliaeetus albicilla White-Tailed EagleXP_009915555.11184660
Pseudopodoces humilis Ground TitXP_005531117.11184658
Cariama cristata Red-legged SeriemaXP_009702852.11184458
Apaloderma vittatum Bar-tailed TrogonXP_009868605.11184459
Anas platyrhynchos MallardXP_005030930.11394358
Tinamus guttatus White-throated tinamouXP_010217725.11184257
Ficedula albicollis Collared FlycatcherXP_005058859.11223852
Geospiza fortis Medium Ground FinchXP_005427571.11173652

Clinical significance

Unusual DNA methylation in the C11orf52 gene in some children can be attributed to prenatal smoke exposure. [10]

C11orf52 may also play a role in lung cancer. C11orf52 is expressed in the lungs and has been associated with increased phosphorylation in cell lung cancer tumors. There is evidence that phosphorylation mechanisms exist which enhance proteins and pathways which should have inhibited phosphorylation in order to prevent extreme proliferation. C11orf52 is one gene where the phosphorylation is significantly different between the cancerous cells and normal tissue. [11]

Further reading

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