Cameraria (plant)

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Cameraria latifolia.jpg
Cameraria latifolia
Scientific classification Red Pencil Icon.png
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Asterids
Order: Gentianales
Family: Apocynaceae
Genus: Cameraria
Type species
Cameraria latifolia

Cameraria is a genus of plants in family Apocynaceae, first described for modern science by Linnaeus in 1753. It is native to southern Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies. [2] [3] [4] [5]

Species [2]

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  1. lectotype designated by Hitchcock, Prop. Brit. Bot. 136 (1929)
  2. 1 2 Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  3. Davidse, G., M. Sousa Sánchez, S. Knapp & F. Chiang Cabrera. 2009. Cucurbitaceae a Polemoniaceae. 4(1): i–xvi, 1–855. In G. Davidse, M. Sousa Sánchez, S. Knapp & F. Chiang Cabrera (eds.) Flora Mesoamericana. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México
  4. Pérez J., L. A., M. Sousa Sánchez, A. M. Hanan-Alipi, F. Chiang Cabrera & P. Tenorio L. 2005. Vegetación terrestre. 65–110. In J. Bueno, F Álvarez & S. Santiago Biodivers. Tabasco. CONABIO-UNAM, México
  5. Carnevali, G., J. L. Tapia-Muñoz, R. Duno de Stefano & I. M. Ramírez Morillo. 2010. Flora Ilustrada de la Peninsula Yucatán: Listado Florístico 1–326
  6. 中国高等植物图鉴 中国植物志 Flora of China 手机植物志APP 中国高等植物 泛喜马拉雅植物志 中国在线植物志 Cameraria Linnaeus 鸭蛋花属 ya dan hua shu
  7. Flora of China Vol. 16 Page 165 鸭蛋花 ya dan hua Cameraria latifolia Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 210. 1753.