A declaration of war by Canada against Germany was made by order-in-council signed by George VI, King of Canada, on 10 September 1939, seven days after the United Kingdom and France had also entered a state of war with the Nazi regime. The royal proclamation of the Canadian declaration was published in the Canada Gazette . [1]
Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King announced the recommendation for a declaration of war in a radio-broadcast speech, made from Ottawa, on 3 September 1939. [2] [3] The matter was then debated in Parliament, though declaration of war is a matter of the royal prerogative and does not require parliamentary approval.
Canada did not declare war on Germany at the outset of the First World War, as it had no authority to do so at the time. Though the Canadian Parliament did debate the matter and an order-in-council was issued proclaiming Canada was at war, the country, being part of the British Empire, entered the war with the United Kingdom in consequence of the latter's declaration of war 4 August 1914. [4]
In the aftermath of the First World War, Adolf Hitler rose to power as the Führer of Nazi Germany. The Prime Minister of Canada, William Lyon Mackenzie King, visited Hitler on 29 June 1937, during which both indicated a desire to avoid war. But, Mackenzie King did express to Hitler that Canada and other nations were concerned by Germany's rapid armament, which Hitler blamed on the Treaty of Versailles, [5] a pact he had violated by sending troops into the Rhineland on 7 March 1936. [6] The Prime Minister further informed the Führer that, if a war broke out between Germany and Britain, Canada would be at Britain's side. [7] Mackenzie King also met President of the Reichstag Hermann Göring, who, more ominously, asked Mackenzie King if Canada would support Britain if the latter initiated a conflict over a then-hypothetical unification of Germany and Austria. In response, Mackenzie King said it would depend on the circumstances. [5] What the Prime Minister had told his British counterpart, Neville Chamberlain, when in London in May 1937 was more certain: Canada would be with Britain should an international conflict erupt. [6]
While Mackenzie King still hoped for peace, [8] Nazi Germany's continued armament and violation of treaties forced the Prime Minister to accept that Canada might once again have to fight alongside Britain if war broke out. Canadians, and the government, were thus relieved when the Munich Agreement was signed on 30 September 1938, [8] giving Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland to Germany.
This pact seemed to have appeased Hitler and avoided war. By the beginning of the following year, however, the uneasiness that persisted after the Munich Agreement [9] was once again increasing and Mackenzie King began psychologically preparing Parliament for Canada going to war. In his speech on 16 January 1939, he quoted Wilfrid Laurier from 1910: "if Britain is at war, we are at war, and liable to attack"; words that triggered a negative reaction, most strongly felt within Cabinet. [9] Minister of Justice Ernest Lapointe threatened to resign and asserted the Prime Minister's statement went against the Statute of Westminster, 1931, [9] which, in combination with the Balfour Declaration of 1926, had "established that the United Kingdom and the Dominions were now autonomous in domestic or external affairs"; [13] Canada in 1939 had "the option of making its own decision." [10]
After Germany disregarded the Munich Agreement and invaded the Czech areas of Bohemia and Moravia on 15 March 1939, Mackenzie King vacillated: he told the House of Commons on 20 March that Canada would go to Britain's aid if bombs fell on London. Ten days later, he said the idea of Canada going to war, only 20 years after the last, was "sheer madness"; though, also saying the government would reject neutrality. [9] He told the British government in April that he could not predict Canada's course of action, should Britain go to war and be attacked. [8] Lapointe stated Canada's participation in any conflict would be in its own self-interest. His approach was viewed favourably by the Canadian media and public. [9]
Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939 and the United Kingdom and France declared war on 3 September. [14] At first, Mackenzie King and Lapointe asserted in the Commons that Canada was bound by the British declaration, [15] regardless of the absence of any explicit Canadian approval for, or given to, the edict issued by George VI on 3 September; they believed Canada was at war; though, just how much the country contributed to that war was up to the Canadian government. [15] This position changed after it was noted that Canada was not on the list of belligerent states in the declaration of neutrality promulgated by President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt on 5 September [16] and the Canadian Parliament, which was not scheduled to return until 2 October, was recalled by the Governor General early, on 7 September, to consider a declaration of war. [20] Canada's political leaders used this moment to assert Canada's independence from the UK, [4] as already established by the Statute of Westminster. [22]
The throne speech, read by Governor General the Lord Tweedsmuir, set out the Cabinet's proposal for taking the country to war and associated measures, after which the address in reply was debated. [4] The Senate passed the motion to adopt the address in reply on 9 September, while the House of Commons continued to discuss the matter until also adopting the motion late that evening.
The following day, the Cabinet issued an order-in-council stating that Canada was at war with Germany. Vincent Massey, Canada's high commissioner to the United Kingdom, brought the document to King George VI, at the Royal Lodge, Windsor Great Park, for his signature, [23] [24] whereupon Canada had officially declared war on Germany. [26] In his capacity as the government's official recorder for the war effort, Leonard Brockington noted: "King George VI of England[ sic ] did not ask us to declare war for him—we asked King George VI of Canada to declare war for us." [27] [28] [29] The time difference between Britain's and Canada's entry into the conflict was partly intended to demonstrate Canada's sovereignty. [4]
As 10 September was a Sunday, the order-in-council was tabled in the House only on the following day, when the Prime Minister told that chamber that the Cabinet had issued the order shortly after the motion had been adopted and that the government had been informed, at 11:15 a.m., on 10 September, that the King had granted his approval of the proclamation.
These were significant developments, as they became examples for other Dominions to follow and, by the war's end, F.R. Scott concluded, "it is firmly established as a basic constitutional principle that, so far as relates to Canada, the King is regulated by Canadian law and must act only on the advice and responsibility of Canadian ministers." [16]
The state of war was ended by another royal proclamation issued in 1951. [30]
Below is the speech, given by William Lyon Mackenzie King during the debate on the address in reply on September 8, 1939: [31]
Recommendation of Canadian Declaration of War on GermanyFor months – indeed for years – the shadow of impending conflict in Europe has been ever present. Through these troubled years no stone has been left unturned, no road unexplored in patient search for peace.
Unhappily for the world, Herr Hitler and the Nazi regime in Germany have persisted in their attempt to extend their control over other peoples and countries, and to pursue their aggressive designs in wanton disregard of all treaty obligations, and peaceful methods of adjusting international disputes. They have had to resort increasingly to agencies of deception, terrorism and violence. It is this reliance upon force, this lust for conquest, this determination to dominate throughout the world which is the real cause of the war that today threatens the freedom of mankind.
The fate of a single city, the preservation of the independence of a particular nation are the occasion, not the real cause, of the present conflict. The forces of evil have been loosed in the world in a struggle between the pagan conception of a social order which ignores the individual and is based upon the doctrine of might and a civilization based upon the Christian conception of the brotherhood of man, with its regard for the sanctity of contractual relations and the sacredness of human personality.
As President Roosevelt said on opening Congress on January 4: "There comes a time in the affairs of men when they must prepare to defend, not their homes alone, but the tenets of faiths and humanity on which their churches, their Governments, and their very civilizations are founded. The defense of religion, of democracy, and of good faith among nations is all the same fight. To save one we must make up our minds to save all."
This, I believe, is the position in which all nations that cherish free institutions, individual liberty and social justice find themselves today.
I need not review the events of the last few days. They must be present in the minds of all. Despite her unceasing efforts to preserve the peace of Europe, the United Kingdom has today, in the determination to honour her pledges and meet her treaty obligations, become involved in war.
This morning the King [ George VI ], speaking to his peoples at home and across the seas, appealed to all to make their own the cause of freedom, which Britain again has taken up. Canada has already answered that call. On Friday last, the Government, speaking on behalf of the Canadian people, announced that in the event of the United Kingdom becoming engaged in war in the effort to resist aggression, they would, as soon as Parliament meets, seek its authority for effective cooperation by Canada at the side of Britain.
As you are aware, I have all along felt that the danger of war was such that Parliament should not be dissolved, but be available to consider any emergency that might arise. Parliament will meet Thursday next. Between now and then all necessary measures will be taken for the defense of Canada. Consultations with the United Kingdom will be continued. In the light of all the information at its disposal, the government will then recommend to Parliament the measures which it believes to be the most effective for cooperation and defence.
That Parliament will sanction all necessary measures, I have not the least doubt. Already I have received from the Leader of the Opposition [ Robert James Manion ], and from representatives of the other parties in the House of Commons, assurances of their full appreciation of the gravity of the situation, and of their desire to see that such measures are adopted as in the present crisis will best serve the national interest.
Our first concern is with the defence of Canada. To be helpful to others, we must ourselves be strong, secure and united. In anticipation of a state of war, the Government has already availed itself of the provisions of the War Measures Act, to take essential measures for the defense of our coasts, our land and our people. As has already been announced, the militia of Canada, the naval service and the air force are already on active service.
This morning these measures were supplemented by others including the proclamation of the Defence of Canada Regulations. Measures have also been taken to prevent profiteering in the necessaries of life. Of the latter measures my colleague, the Minister of Labour, will speak to you in a moment. In what manner and to what extent Canada may most effectively be able to cooperate in the common cause is, as I have already stated, something which Parliament itself will decide. All I need to add at the moment is that Canada, as a free nation of the British Commonwealth, is bringing her cooperation voluntarily. Our effort will be voluntary.
The people of Canada will, I know, face the days of stress and strain which lie ahead with calm and resolute courage. There is no home in Canada, no family, and no individual whose fortunes and freedom are not bound up in the present struggle. I appeal to my fellow Canadians to unite in a national effort to save from destruction all that makes life itself worth living, and to preserve for future generations those liberties and institutions which others have bequeathed to us.
The following proclamation was published in the Canada Gazette , Canada's official publication of record, the morning following Canada's declaration of war on Nazi Germany.
CANADAGEORGE THE SIXTH, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas KING, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India. [n 1]
TO ALL WHOM these Presents shall come or whom the same may in anywise concern.
A PROCLAMATIONWHEREAS by and with the advice of Our Privy Council for Canada We have signified Our Approval of the issue a Proclamation in the Canada Gazette declaring that a State of War with the German Reich exists and has existed in Our Dominion of Canada as and from the tenth day of September, 1939;
NOW THEREFORE We do hereby Declare and Proclaim that a State of War with the German Reich exists and has existed in Our Dominion of Canada as and from the tenth day of September, 1939.
OF ALL WHICH Our Loving Subjects and all others whom these Presents may concern are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent and the Great Seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed. WITNESS: Our Right Trusty and Well-beloved John, Baron Tweedsmuir of Elsfield, a Member of Our Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight Grand Cross of Our Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Grand Cross of Our Royal Victorian Order, Member of Our Order of the Companions of Honour, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Our Dominion of Canada.
AT OUR GOVERNMENT HOUSE [ Rideau Hall ], in Our City of Ottawa, this tenth day of September, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine and in the Third year of Our Reign.
By Command.
Prime Minister of Canada.
The Statute of Westminster 1931 is an act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that sets the basis for the relationship between the Dominions and the Crown.
William Lyon Mackenzie King was a Canadian statesman and politician who was the tenth prime minister of Canada for three non-consecutive terms from 1921 to 1926, 1926 to 1930, and 1935 to 1948. A Liberal, he was the dominant politician in Canada from the early 1920s to the late 1940s. King is best known for his leadership of Canada throughout the Great Depression and the Second World War. In August 1944, he ordered the displacement of Japanese Canadians out of the British Columbia Interior, mandating that they either resettle east of the Rocky Mountains or face deportation to Japan after the war. He played a major role in laying the foundations of the Canadian welfare state and establishing Canada's international position as a middle power. With a total of 21 years and 154 days in office, he remains the longest-serving prime minister in Canadian history.
The governor general of Canada is the federal representative of the Canadian monarch, currently King Charles III. The king or queen of Canada is also monarch and head of state of 14 other Commonwealth realms and resides in the United Kingdom. The monarch, on the advice of his or her Canadian prime minister, appoints a governor general to administer the government of Canada in the monarch's name. The commission is for an indefinite period—known as serving at His Majesty's pleasure—though, five years is the usual length of term. Since 1959, it has also been traditional to alternate between francophone and anglophone officeholders. The 30th and current governor general is Mary Simon, who was sworn in on 26 July 2021. An Inuk leader from Nunavik in Quebec, Simon is the first aboriginal person to hold the office.
John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir was a Scottish novelist, historian, and Unionist politician who served as Governor General of Canada, the 15th since Canadian Confederation.
The House of Windsor is the reigning house of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms. The house's name was inspired by the historic Windsor Castle estate. The house was founded on 17 July 1917, when King George V changed the name of the royal house from the German Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to the English Windsor due to anti-German sentiment during the First World War. There have been five British monarchs of the House of Windsor: George V, Edward VIII, George VI, Elizabeth II, and Charles III. The children and male-line descendants of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, also genealogically belong to the House of Oldenburg since Philip was by birth a member of the Glücksburg branch of that house.
A Commonwealth realm is one of a group of sovereign states within the Commonwealth of Nations that have the same person, currently King Charles III, as their monarch and head of state. All the realms are independent of each other, although one person, resident in the United Kingdom, acts as monarch of each. Except for the UK, in each of the realms the monarch is represented by a governor-general. The phrase Commonwealth realm is an informal description not used in any law.
Charles Vincent Massey was a Canadian diplomat and statesman who served as the 18th governor general of Canada from 1952 to 1959. Massey was the first governor general of Canada who was born in Canada.
Events from the year 1939 in Canada.
The Dominion of New Zealand was the historical successor to the Colony of New Zealand. It was a constitutional monarchy with a high level of self-government within the British Empire.
The Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 is an act of the Australian Parliament that formally adopted sections 2–6 of the Statute of Westminster 1931, an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom enabling the total legislative independence of the various self-governing Dominions of the British Empire. With its enactment, Westminster relinquished nearly all of its authority to legislate for the Dominions, effectively making them de jure sovereign nations.
The history of monarchy in Canada stretches from pre-colonial times through to the present day. The date monarchy was established in Canada varies; some sources say it was when the French colony of New France was founded in the name of King Francis I in 1534, while others state it was in 1497, when John Cabot made landfall in what is thought to be modern day Newfoundland or Nova Scotia, making a claim in the name of King Henry VII. Europeans in the 16th and 17th centuries often considered the territories belonging to different aboriginal groups to be kingdoms. Nevertheless, the present Canadian monarchy can trace itself back to the Anglo-Saxon period and ultimately to the kings of the Angles and the early Scottish kings; monarchs reigning over Canada have included those of France, those of the United Kingdom, and those of Canada. Canadian historian Father Jacques Monet said of Canada's Crown, "[it is] one of an approximate half-dozen that have survived through uninterrupted inheritance from beginnings that are older than our Canadian institution itself."
The independence of New Zealand is a matter of continued academic and social debate. New Zealand has no fixed date of independence from the United Kingdom; instead, political independence came about as a result of New Zealand's evolving constitutional status.
Charles Theodore Te Water was a South African barrister, diplomat and politician who was appointed as President of the Assembly of the League of Nations. Te Water also served as the South African high commissioner (ambassador) to London between 1929-1939, where he was an influential voice for the appeasement of Germany.
Canada and Germany have positive relations, as they are close allies and fellow NATO and G7 members.
Douglas Gooderham Ross was a Canadian politician and businessman. Ross represented the riding of St. Paul's from 1935 to 1949. He was a member of the Conservatives, and later the Progressive Conservatives.
The 1923 Imperial Conference met in London in the autumn of 1923, the first attended by the new Irish Free State. While named the Imperial Economic Conference, the principal activity concerned the rights of the Dominions in regards to determining their own foreign policy.
A declaration of war by Canada is a formal declaration issued by the Government of Canada indicating that a state of war exists between Canada and another nation. It is an exercise of the royal prerogative on the constitutional advice of the ministers of the Crown in Cabinet and does not require the direct approval of the Parliament of Canada, though such can be sought by the government. Since gaining the authority to declare war as a consequence of the Statute of Westminster, 1931, Canada has done so only during the Second World War.
The 1939 royal tour of Canada by King George VI and Queen Elizabeth took place from 17 May to 15 June, covering every province in Canada. Taking place in the months leading up to the Second World War, the tour was undertaken to strengthen trans-Atlantic support for the United Kingdom in anticipation of a potential war while also showcasing Canada's status as an independent kingdom of the British Empire.
On 3 September 1939, the United Kingdom declared war on Germany—two days after the German invasion of Poland. France also declared war on Germany later the same day.
World War II was the biggest and deadliest war in history, involving more than 30 countries. Sparked by the 1939 Nazi invasion of Poland, the war dragged on for six bloody years until the Allies defeated the Axis powers of Nazi Germany, Japan and Italy in 1945. The principal belligerents were the Axis powers—Germany, Italy, and Japan—and the Allies—China, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and France.