Centrum (multivitamin)

Last updated
Product type Multivitamins
Owner Haleon
CountryUnited States
Introduced1978;47 years ago (1978)
Previous owners
Ambassador(s) Sam Milby
Precious Lara Quigaman
Piolo Pascual
Angel Locsin
Website www.centrum.com

Centrum is an American brand of multivitamins produced by Haleon. It was designed by Dr. Ellenbogen's team, working at Lederle Laboratories, and was introduced in 1978. It has been owned by Wyeth, Pfizer, GSK. [1] , and now Haleon.


Centrum multivitamins in Australasian packaging Wyeth Centrum.jpg
Centrum multivitamins in Australasian packaging

Physicians' Health Study II

In 2012, the Physicians' Health Study II (PHS-II) found that participants who took a Centrum-brand multivitamin each day for an average of 11 years had no change in cancer mortality or cardiovascular disease mortality compared to the placebo group. The authors did find a slight reduction in cancer incidence although this conclusion was questioned in the Journal of the American Medical Association . [2]

On October 17, 2012, researchers reported on a double-blind study of 14,641 male U.S. physicians initially aged 50 years or older (mean age of 64.3, standard deviation 9.2 years), that began in 1997 with treatment and follow-up through June 1, 2011. They compared total cancer (excluding nonmelanoma skin cancer) for participants taking a daily multivitamin (Centrum Silver by Pfizer) versus placebo. Compared with placebo, men taking a daily multivitamin had a statistically significant reduction in the incidence of total cancer, with a hazard ratio (HR) = 0.92 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.86-0.998; P = .04). No statistically significant effects were found for any specific cancers or cancer mortality. The 95% CI of the hazard ratio implied a benefit of between 14% and .2% over placebo. In absolute terms the difference was 1.3 cancer diagnoses, per 1000 years of life (18.3-17 events, respectively). The median follow up time was 11.2 years. [3] The paper's co-principal investigator, Dr. J. Michael Gaziano, a cardiologist, was quoted by The New York Times as saying "it certainly appears there is a modest reduction in the risk of cancer from a typical multivitamin." [4] The study was also featured in The Wall Street Journal on October 17, 2012. [5]

An editorial in the same issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), reflecting the opinion of JAMA, was dismissive of the report on several counts. First, they said, "it seems unlikely that a common characteristic across all diseases included under this wide category of cancer would be a protective effect from multivitamins", suggesting if no specific cancer was effected, why would general cancer risk be so affected. Second, they questioned the study's abilities to deliver on the question of whether a multivitamin would be protective in a well-nourished population (Bayesian probability) stating: "The plausibility of a protective effect is reduced by the absence of a clear path through which 30 different vitamins and minerals would cause a decline in the risk of multiple cancers and, especially, by the negative pattern of prior results." In addition the investigators observed no difference in effect whether the study participants were or were not adherent to the multivitamin intervention, which diminishes the dose–response relationship. [2]

The editorial was critical of the statistical multiplicity (multiple comparisons): the complete planned analysis of the primary and secondary end points in the PHS II study would entail 28 tests of association; each of which has "some possibility of yielding a statistically significant result by chance alone, even when there is no true treatment effect. [...] when this finding is considered in the context of the number of already completed and planned analyses of the same study, the strength of the inference is weaker, because the likelihood of a randomly occurring finding [...] is much greater." They concluded that any of the conventional P value corrections for multiple comparisons would eliminate the apparent "statistical significance" of the results. [2]

From the same double-blind study, they found that taking a daily multivitamin did not have any effect in reducing heart attacks and other major cardiovascular events, MI, stroke, and CVD mortality. [6]


Incomplete list of the nutritional facts for each type of Centrum brand vitamin:

Centrum Mens

Centrum Mens - Supplement Facts [7] Serving Size = 1 Tablet
Vitaminmicrograms (mcg)milligrams (mg)grams (g)Daily Value (%)
Vitamin A 1,0501.050.00105117 (29% as β-Carotene)
Vitamin C 90,000900.09100
Vitamin D3 250.0250.000025125
Vitamin E 20,30020.30.0203135
Vitamin K 600.0600.00000650
Thiamin 1,2001.20.0012100
Riboflavin 1,3001.30.0013100
Niacin 16,000160.016100
Vitamin B6 2,00020.002118
Folate 3330.3330.00033383
Vitamin B12 60.0060.00006250
Biotin 400.040.0004133
Pantothenic Acid 15,000150.015300
Calcium 210,0002100.2116
Iron 8,00080.00844
Phosphorus 20,000200.022
Iodine 1500.150.00015100
Magnesium 100,0001000.124
Zinc 11,000110.01100
Selenium 1000.10.0001182
Copper 9000.90.0009100
Manganese 2,3002.30.0023100
Chromium 350.0350.000035100
Molybdenum 500.050.00005111
Chloride 7,2000720.0723
Potassium 8,000800.082
Lycopene 6000.60.0006NE

NE = Not Established

Centrum Womens

Centrum Womens - Supplement Facts [8] Serving Size = 1 Tablet
Vitaminmicrograms (mcg)milligrams (mg)grams (g)Daily Value (%)
Vitamin A1,0501.050.00105117 (29% as β-Carotene)
Vitamin C75,000750.07583
Vitamin D3250.0250.000025125
Vitamin E15,80015.80.0203105
Vitamin K500.0500.00000542
Vitamin B62,00020.002118
Vitamin B1260.0060.00006250
Pantothenic Acid15,000150.015300

Centrum Adults

Centrum Adults - Supplement Facts [9] Serving Size = 1 Tablet
Vitaminmicrograms (mcg)milligrams (mg)grams (g)Daily Value (%)
Vitamin A1,0501.050.00105117 (29% as β-Carotene)
Vitamin C60,000600.0667
Vitamin D3250.0250.000025125
Vitamin E13,50013.50.013590
Vitamin K250.0250.000002521
Vitamin B62,00020.002118
Vitamin B1260.0060.00006250
Pantothenic Acid10,000100.010200


  1. "Wyeth sued by teachers group over Centrum ads". National Post . 2003-09-18. p. 2.
  2. 1 2 3 Bach, Peter B.; Lewis, Roger J. (14 November 2012). "Multiplicities in the Assessment of Multiple Vitamins Is It Too Soon to Tell Men That Vitamins Prevent Cancer?". The Journal of the American Medical Association. 308 (18): 1916–1917. doi:10.1001/jama.2012.53273. PMID   23150011.
  3. Gaziano, J. Michael; Sesso, Howard D.; Christen, William G.; Bubes, Vadim; Smith, Joanne P.; MacFadyen, Jean; Schvartz, Miriam; Manson, JoAnn E.; Glynn, Robert J.; Buring, Julie E. (October 17, 2012). "Multivitamins in the Prevention of Cancer in Men - The Physicians' Health Study II Randomized Controlled Trial". JAMA . 308 (18): 1871–80. doi:10.1001/jama.2012.14641. PMC   3517179 . PMID   23162860.
  4. Rabin, Roni Caryn (October 17, 2012). "Daily Multivitamin May Reduce Cancer Risk, Clinical Trial Finds". The New York Times . Archived from the original on October 18, 2012. Retrieved October 17, 2012.
  5. Winslow, Ron (18 October 2012). "Multivitamin Cuts Cancer Risk, Large Study Finds". The Wall Street Journal . Archived from the original on 22 December 2015. Retrieved 13 December 2012.
  6. Sesso, Howard D.; Christen, William G.; Bubes, Vadim; Smith, Joanne P.; MacFadyen, Jean; Schvartz, Miriam; Manson, JoAnn E.; Glynn, Robert J.; Buring, Julie E.; Gaziano, J. Michael (November 7, 2012). "Multivitamins in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Men - The Physicians' Health Study II Randomized Controlled Trial". JAMA . 308 (17): 1751–60. doi:10.1001/jama.2012.14805. PMC   3501249 . PMID   23117775.
  7. https://www.centrum.com/content/dam/cf-consumer-healthcare/bp-wellness-centrum/en_US/pdf/lbl-00000770-web-ready-centrum-men-tablets-(version-2).pdf Archived 2021-04-25 at the Wayback Machine [ bare URL PDF ]
  8. https://www.centrum.com/content/dam/cf-consumer-healthcare/bp-wellness-centrum/en_US/pdf/lbl-00000773-web-ready-centrum-women-(version-2).pdf Archived 2021-04-25 at the Wayback Machine [ bare URL PDF ]
  9. https://www.centrum.com/content/dam/cf-consumer-healthcare/bp-wellness-centrum/en_US/pdf/lbl-00000767-web-ready-centrum-adults-(version-2).pdf Archived 2021-04-25 at the Wayback Machine [ bare URL PDF ]