Circus school

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Circus schools are institutions that offer professional and sometimes degree-level training in various circus skills such as acrobatics, aerial arts, object manipulation, and other specialized physical skills. The rise of the circus school as a venue for the transmission of traditional circus arts and the formalized research of new acts is a relatively recent phenomenon in the history of the circus.


Notable professional circus schools

Circus programs within degree-awarding academic institutions

Gamma Phi Circus at Illinois State University is the oldest collegiate circus in the United States. It was founded in 1929 and is part of the College of Applied Science and Technology at ISU. [8] Florida State University Flying High Circus is a collegiate circus that was founded in 1947 as an extracurricular activity club. Members must be students who are registered and seeking degrees from FSU. [9] Student interest clubs that offer students the chance to train recreationally in contemporary circus arts include Cirque NouveaU: An Aerial Arts Club at Northwestern University, a club that offers ground skill workouts in partner balancing and tumbling to undergraduates. [10]

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  1. "Académie Fratellini".
  3. "Ecole Nationale des Arts du Cirque de Rosny".
  4. "Ecole Nationale des Arts du Cirque de Châtellerault".
  5. "École supérieure des arts du cirque Toulouse-Occitanie".
  6. Welle (, Deutsche, Sports Life - From Addiction and Homelessness to the Stage | DW | 05.08.2022 , retrieved October 18, 2022
  7. O’Regan, Victoria; O’Regan, Victoria (April 25, 2022). "MCLAREN CIRCUS ROW: Roll up, move up: Live circus entertainment is evolving – without animal captivity". Daily Maverick. Retrieved October 18, 2022.
  8. "History and Heritage - Gamma Phi Circus". Gamma Phi Circus. Archived from the original on July 15, 2014. Retrieved September 28, 2015.
  9. "The FSU Flying High Circus". The FSU Flying High Circus. Retrieved September 28, 2015.
  10. Chang, Annie "Student Group Looks to Get off the Ground", The Daily Northwestern, November 22, 2010. Retrieved on September 28, 2015.