Clebsch representation

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In physics and mathematics, the Clebsch representation of an arbitrary three-dimensional vector field is: [1] [2]


where the scalar fields and are known as Clebsch potentials [3] or Monge potentials, [4] named after Alfred Clebsch (1833–1872) and Gaspard Monge (1746–1818), and is the gradient operator.


In fluid dynamics and plasma physics, the Clebsch representation provides a means to overcome the difficulties to describe an inviscid flow with non-zero vorticity – in the Eulerian reference frame – using Lagrangian mechanics and Hamiltonian mechanics. [5] [6] [7] At the critical point of such functionals the result is the Euler equations, a set of equations describing the fluid flow. Note that the mentioned difficulties do not arise when describing the flow through a variational principle in the Lagrangian reference frame. In case of surface gravity waves, the Clebsch representation leads to a rotational-flow form of Luke's variational principle. [8]

For the Clebsch representation to be possible, the vector field has (locally) to be bounded, continuous and sufficiently smooth. For global applicability has to decay fast enough towards infinity. [9] The Clebsch decomposition is not unique, and (two) additional constraints are necessary to uniquely define the Clebsch potentials. [1] Since is in general not solenoidal, the Clebsch representation does not in general satisfy the Helmholtz decomposition. [10]


The vorticity is equal to [2]

with the last step due to the vector calculus identity So the vorticity is perpendicular to both and while further the vorticity does not depend on


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