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Scientific classification

Ehrenberg, 1838 [1]

Colepidae is a family of ciliates comprised of the genera Coleps, Plagiopogon and Tiarina. [2]

The family was named by Christian Ehrenberg as Colepina in 1838, with the latin description: Animalia polygastrica, enterodela (tubo intestinali distincto instructa), oris anique aperturis in corporis axi longitudinali oppositis, terminalibus (enantiodreta), et lorica involuta. (= Enchelia loricata.) [3] In a free translation, he described Colepina as "polygastric animals, with a distinct intestinal tube, mouth and anus openings on the longitudinal axis of the body opposite each other, terminal (enantiodromic), and with an enveloped lorica."

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  1. Infusionsthierchen als vollkommene Organismen: ein Blick in das tiefere organische Leben der Natur. CG Ehrenberg, 1838
  2. "WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Colepidae Ehrenberg, 1838". Retrieved 2024-05-30.
  3. Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried; Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried (1838). Die infusionsthierchen als vollkommene organismen. Ein blick in das tiefere organische leben der natur. Leipzig: L. Voss. p. 316.