Comamonas zonglianii

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Comamonas zonglianii
Scientific classification
C. zonglianii
Binomial name
Comamonas zonglianii
Yu et al. 2011, sp. nov. [1]
Type strain
BF-3, CCTCC AB 209170, DSM 22523 [2]

Comamonas zonglianii is a Gram-negative, aerobic, oxidase- and catalase-positive, nonmotile bacterium from the genus Comamonas and family Comamonadaceae, which was isolated from a phenol-contaminated soil. [3] [4] Colonies of C. zonglianii are pale yellow in color. [4]

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  1. A.C. Parte (1998-01-01). "Comamonas". LPSN. Retrieved 2013-10-03.
  2. "CCTCC AB 209170 Strain Passport". StrainInfo. Retrieved 2013-10-03.
  3. Yu, XY; Li, YF; Zheng, JW; Li, Y; Li, L; He, J; Li, SP (2013-03-25). "Comamonas zonglianii sp. nov., isolated from phenol-contaminated soil". Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 61 (2): 255–8. doi:10.1099/ijs.0.019612-0. PMID   20207803.
  4. 1 2 "Comamonas zonglianii sp. nov., isolated from phenol-contaminated soil". 2010-03-05. Retrieved 2013-10-03.