Comparison of remote desktop software

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This page is a comparison of notable remote desktop software available for various platforms.


Remote desktop software

Operating system support

Software Windows macOS LinuxFreeBSDJava (client) Android iOS
Windows Mobile
AetherPal YesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoYes ?YesNoYesNoYes ?
Ammyy Admin YesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo ?NoNoNoNoNo ?
AnyDesk YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNoYes
AppliDis YesYesNoYesNoYesNoYesYesYes ?YesNoNoNoYes ?
Apple Remote Desktop NoNoYesYes ?NoNoNoNoNo ?NoNoNoNoNo ?
Cendio ThinLinc NoYesNoYesYesYesNoYes [f] NoYes [g] NoYes [h] NoYes [h] NoYes [h] Yes [h]
Citrix XenApp YesYesNoYesYesYesNoYesYesYes ?YesNoYesNoYes ?
Ericom Connect YesYesYesYesYesYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoNoNoYesYes
GO-Global  ?Yes ?Yes ?Yes ?NoYesYes ?YesNoNo ?Yes ?
Goverlan Systems Management (Goverlan Reach Remote Control)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
GoToMyPC YesYesYesYesNoYesNoNoYesYes ?YesNoNoNoYes ?
HP Remote Graphics Software (RGS) / ZCentral Remote BoostYes [12] YesNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNo ?NoNoNo ?Yes ?
IBM Director Remote ControlYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNo ?NoNoNoNoNo ?
I'm InTouch YesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo ?NoNoNoNoNo ?
KRDC NoNoNoNoNoYesNoYesNoNo ?NoNoNoNoNo ?
LogMeIn ProYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoYesYes ?YesNoNoNoYes ?
Mikogo  ?Yes ?Yes [i]  ?Yes [j]  ?NoNoYes [k]  ?Yes [l] NoNo ?No ?
NetSupport Manager YesYesYesYesYesYes ?YesYesYes ?YesNoNo ?Yes ?
Netviewer  ?Yes ?No ?No ?NoNoYes [16]  ? ?NoNo ?No ?
NX Technology (NoMachine)YesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoYesNoYesNoNoNoYesYes
Oracle Secure Global Desktop Software YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo ?NoNoNo ?No ?
Parsec YesYesNoYesNoYesNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Proxy Networks YesYesYesYesNoYesNoYesNoYes ?YesNoNoNoNoYes
QVD NoYesNoYesYesYesNoYesYesYes ?YesNoNoNoNo ?
rdesktop NoYes [17]  ?YesNoYes ?YesYes ? ? ?NoNo ?No ?
RealVNC FreeYesYesYesYesYesYesNoYesYesYes ?YesNoNo ?No ?
RealVNC PersonalYesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoYesYes ?YesNoNo ?No ?
RealVNC EnterpriseYesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoYesYes ?YesNoNo ?No ?
Remmina NoNoNoNoNoYesNoYesNoNo ?NoNoNo ?No ?
Remote Desktop Services /Terminal ServicesYesYesNoYes [m] Yes [19] YesNoYes ?Yes ?YesNoNo ?Yes [n]  ?
Remote Utilities YesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
RustDesk YesYesNoYesYesYesYes ?NoYesYesYesNoNoNoNo ?
ConnectWise Control YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes ?YesNoNoNoNo ?
Splashtop YesYesYesYesNoNoNoYesYesYesYesYesNoYesYes [22] YesYes
SSH with X forwarding NoYes [o] NoYes [o] YesYesYesYesNoYes [23]  ?YesNoNo ?No ?
Sun Ray / SRSS  ?Yes ?No ?Yes ?NoYesNo ?NoNoNo ?No ?
Sub7  ?No ?No ?No ?NoYes ? ? ?NoNo ?No ?
Symantec pcAnywhere  ?Yes ?Yes ?Yes ?NoYes ? ? ?NoYes ?Yes ?
TeamViewer Yes [24] Yes [24] Yes [25] Yes [25] Yes [26] Yes [26] NoNoYesYes [27] Yes [27] Yes [28] NoYes [29] Yes [30] Yes [31] Yes [32]
Techinline YesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo ?NoNoNoNoNo ?
TightVNC YesYesNoYes [p] Yes [q] Yes [q] Yes [q] Yes [q] YesYes ? ?NoNo ?No ?
TigerVNC YesYesNoYesYesYesYes [r] Yes [r] YesNo ?NoNoNoNoNo ?
Timbuktu YesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
TurboVNC NoYesNoYes [s] YesYes [t] Yes [r] Yes [r] Yes [u] No ?NoNoNoNoNo ?
UltraVNC YesYes [v] NoNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo ?
Veyon YesYesNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNo ?NoNoNoNoNo ?
xpra Yes [w] YesYes [w] YesYesYesYesYesNo [x] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo [y]
X11vnc NoYesYesYesYesYes ?YesYes ? ? ?NoNo ?No ?
X2Go NoYes [36] NoYes [36] Yes [37] Yes [36] NoYes [36] NoNo ?NoNoNoNoNo ?
x2x No [z] No [aa] No [z] YesNo [z] YesNo [z] YesNo ?No [z]  ?NoNoNo [z] No ?
SoftwareServerClientServerClientServerClientServerClientJava (client)ClientServerClientServer


Built-in encryption
File transfer
Audio support
Multiple sessions
Seamless window
Remote assistance
Access permissionrequest
NAT passthrough
IPv6 support
Maximumsimultaneous connections
Drag and dropfile transfer
Multiple passwordsfor remote access
Session recording
Screen blanking
USB forwarding
Export network services
Remote Printing
Smartcard authentication
Chat tool
H.264 support
Browser-based access
Session persistence
Free for personal use
Free for commercial use
AetherPal Client & server SSL, TLS YesNoYesYesYesYesYes ?Unlimited ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?NoNo
Ammyy Admin Client & server AES, RSA YesYesYesYesYesYesYes ? ?Yes ?NoNoNo ? ? ?No ? ?No ?NoNoYesNo
AnyDesk Client & server SSL, TLS 1.2, AES YesYesYes ?YesYesYesNoUnlimited (depends on license)YesYesYes ?YesYes ? ?Yes ?YesYes ?Yes ?YesNo
Anyplace Control Client & server RC4, RSA YesYesYesYesYesYesYes ?Unlimited ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?NoNo
AppliDis Client & serverYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoUnlimitedYesYesNoNo ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?NoNo
Apple Remote Desktop Client & server AES-128 YesNoYesNoYesYes [ab] NoYesUnlimited ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?NoNo
Apple Screen Sharing
( iChat )
Client & server AES-256 NoNoYesNo ? ? ?YesUnlimited ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?YesYes
Cendio ThinLinc Client & server (Linux only) SSH, TLS YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes [ac] UnlimitedYes VirtualGL NoYesNo ?NoNoYesYesNoNoNoYesYesYesYes
Chrome Remote Desktop Client & server SSL, TLS YesYesYesNoYesYesYesYesUnlimitedYes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?YesYes
Citrix XenApp Client & server SSL, TLS YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesUnlimitedYesYes ? ? ? ?Yes ?YesYes ? ?YesYes ?NoNo
Ericom Connect Client & server SSL, TLS [38] YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesUnlimitedYesYesYesYesNo ?YesNoYesYesNoYesYesYes ?NoNo
GO-Global Client & server SSL, DES-56, DES-168, AES-256 YesYesYesYes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?NoNo
Goverlan Systems Management
(Goverlan Reach Remote Control)
Client & serverYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesUnlimitedYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes ?NoNo
GoToMyPC  ?YesYesYes ? ?YesYes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?NoNo
HP Remote Graphics Software
Client & serverYesYesYesYesYesYesYes ?NoUnlimitedYesYesNoYesNoYesYes ? ?YesNoNoYes ? ?YesYes
IBM Director Remote ControlClient & server AES, Triple DES, DES YesNoYesNo ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?NoNo
I'm InTouch Web client & Win server SSL, AES-256 YesYesYesNo ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?NoNo
KRDC Client onlyNoNoYesYesYes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?YesYes
LogMeIn Pro only SSL, TLS [39]  ?Yes [40]  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Yes [40]  ? ? ?Yes [41]  ?Yes [40]  ? ? ? ?NoNo
Mikogo Client & server [ad] AES-256 YesNoYes [ae] No ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?YesNo
NetSupport Manager Client & serverYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoUnlimitedYesYes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?NoNo
Netviewer Client & server AES-128 YesYesYesNoYesYes [af]  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?NoNo
NX technology (NoMachine)Client & server AES 128 YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo
Oracle Secure Global Desktop Software /Sun VDI Client & server SSL, TLS (AES-256)YesYesYesYes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?NoNo
Parsec Client, Win8+ server [42] & Enterprise Relay [43] DTLS (AES-128) [44] NoYesYesNoYesYesYesYes ?YesYesNoNoNoPaid [45] NoNoNoNoNoYesYesYesYesYesNo
Proxy Networks Client, server, & gateway SSL, AES-256 YesNoYesYesYesYesYes, clientYesUnlimitedYesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoYes ?Yes ?NoNo
QVD Client & server SSL YesYesYesYesYesNoYesYesUnlimitedNoNoYesNo ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?YesYes
rdesktop Client onlyYesYesYesYesYes [ag]  ? ? ?Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?YesYes
RealVNC HomeClient, server & listening AES-128 NoNoYesNoYesYesYes in listening modeNoUnlimited ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
RealVNC ProfessionalClient, server & listening AES-128 YesYesYesNoYesYesYes in listening modeYesUnlimited ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
RealVNC EnterpriseClient, server & listening AES-256 YesYesYesNoYesYesYes in listening modeYesUnlimited ? ? ? ? ?Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Yes [ah]  ? ? ?
Remmina Client only AES-256 YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesUnlimited ? ?Yes ? ? ?Yes ?YesYes ?Yes ?No [ai]  ?YesYes
Remote Desktop Services /Terminal ServicesClient & serverYesYesYesYes [aj] Yes [ak] Yes [al] Yes [am] NoYesUnlimitedYesYes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?YesYesYes
Remote Utilities Client & server AES-256 YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesUnlimited (depends on license) ? ?YesYesYesYes ? ?YesNoNoYesNoNo ?YesNo
RustDesk Client & serverYesYesYesYes ?YesYesYes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Yes ? ? ?Yes ?Yes ?YesYes
ConnectWise Control Client & server AES-256 YesYesYesYesYesYesYes ? ? ? ?Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?NoNo
Splashtop Client & serverYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesUnlimitedYesYesYes ?YesYes ? ?Yes ?YesYes ?Yes ?NoNo
SSH with X forwarding Client & serverYesYesPartial [an] Yes [ao] Yes ? ?NoYes [ap] UnlimitedYesYes, server side [48] YesYes ? ? ? ? ?Yes ? ? ? ?NoYesYes
Sun Ray/SRSS Client, server, & hardwareYesNoYesYesNo ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Sub7 Client & serverNoNoNoNoNo ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?YesYes
Symantec pcAnywhere Client & server AES-256 YesNoYesNoYesYes ?No ?Yes ?Yes ?YesYes ? ?Yes ?YesYes ? ? ?NoNo
TeamViewer Client & server AES-256 YesPartial [aq] YesNoYesYesYes, client & serverYes3-15 [ar] YesNoYesYesYesYesNo ?YesNoYesYes ?Yes ?YesNo
Techinline Client & serverYesYesNoYes ?YesYesYes ?1 or unlimited ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?NoNo
TightVNC Client, server & listening SSH (Unix client only)YesNoYesNoYesYesYes in listening modeNoUnlimited ? ?No ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?YesYes
TigerVNC Client, server & listening SSL, TLS NoNoYesNoNoNoYes in listening modeYesUnlimitedYes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Yes ?YesYesYes
Timbuktu Client & serverYesYesNoYesNoYesYes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?YesYes
TurboVNC Client, server & listening SSL, TLS, SSH NoNoYesNoNoNoYes in listening modeYesUnlimitedYes VirtualGL NoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYes ?YesYes
UltraVNC Client & server & listeningWith pluginYesNoYesPartial [as] YesYesYes, with SC version + external "Repeater" server ?Unlimited ? ? ? ? ?Yes ? ? ? ? ?Yes ? ? ?YesYes
Veyon Client & server SSH NoNoYesNoYesNoNoNoUnlimitedYesNoNoToken-Based ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?YesYes
xpra Client & server SSH, TLS, AES YesYesYesYes [at] YesYesYes, server [au] YesUnlimitedYes VirtualGL YesYes [av] Yes [aw] NoNoNoYesNoNoNoYesYesYesYesYes
X11vnc Server only SSL YesNoYesNoYes ? ?YesUnlimited ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?YesYes
X2Go Client & server SSH YesYes [ax] YesYesYes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?YesYesYes
x2x Client onlyYes [ay] NoNoYes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?YesYes


In the table above, the following terminology is intended to be used to describe some important features:

See also


  1. 1 2 Free use limited to 10 concurrent users.
  2. 1 2 Single-technician license - 1 connection - 3 unattended access agents
  3. 1 2 Receiver is a free download [3] Sender is free on HP Z Workstations.
  4. Since 2010 KRDC has been integrated with the KDE desktop manager.
  5. Admin mode available for servers & workstations without additional licensing, in TS mode a separate license is required.
  6. Web Access Client with Android support.
  7. Web Access Client with iOS support.
  8. 1 2 3 4 Web Access Client with touch support.
  9. Some features are MS Windows-only.
  10. Some features are MS Windows- and Apple Mac-only. [13]
  11. Available to view a remote desktop from Google Android Linux devices. [14]
  12. Available to view a remote desktop from Apple iOS devices. [15]
  13. There exists an "official" client for Apple Mac OS, as well as several independent implementations. See for example the "CoRD" entry above, an alternative open source RDP client for Mac [18]
  14. Windows Mobile Remote Desktop is an optional part of WM 6.1. [20] [21]
  15. 1 2 To use Windows or Mac OS X as a client, an X server needs to be installed and running. Windows or Mac OS X can be used as a server, if they have an SSH server running; but only X11 applications (not native GUI applications) can display their GUI on the client; on Windows these probably have to be run within Cygwin.
  16. As X application, 1.3.x version only. [33]
  17. 1 2 3 4 1.3.x version only "Download (Previous Versions)". TightVNC. Retrieved 24 August 2013.
  18. 1 2 3 4 Requires installation from source.
  19. Bundled Java application that uses libjpeg-turbo native library for accelerated JPEG decompression. [34]
  20. Bundled Java application that uses libjpeg-turbo native library for accelerated JPEG decompression. [34]
  21. Can use libjpeg-turbo through JNI to accelerate JPEG decompression. [34]
  22. UltraVNC v1.0.4 RC4 (beta) claims "Greatly improved Vista support" as of 1 October 2007. [35]
  23. 1 2 No seamless mode
  24. Working code exists but it is unmaintained
  25. The server includes a built-in HTML5 client
  26. 1 2 3 4 5 6 It is designed to run only on the client; it can connect to any X11 server.
  27. This could actually work when running an X server, but it is easier to use Win2VNC instead.
  28. Only for non-admin users.
  29. Only when host names are used.
  30. Connections are centrally negotiated via Mikogo server.
  31. Up to ten participants.
  32. 8 simultaneously.
  33. With the addition of SeamlessRDP. [46]
  34. Using a Java applet.
  35. Since it is a GTK+ application, it can be accessed using the Broadway HTML5 back-end, but this is not yet mature or a full replacement for a browser remote desktop client.
  36. Remote Desktop Services are single user only. Local screen is locked when remote user connects and local user can not view remote user's activities. Remote user is disconnected when local user logs in. Terminal Services use multiple independent desktops. Local user views its own desktop and can not view remote users' activities. Local user is not notified when remote user connects.
  37. Provided the server is running Windows 2008 or later.
  38. Assistance mode uses a separate client named MSRA (Microsoft Remote Assistance). Remote user must approve your access in assistance mode.
  39. Access approval is always requested in assistance mode and never in remote access mode.
  40. When using something like pulseaudio
  41. No sessions at all, just individual windows. However one can use Xnest.
  42. OpenSSH supports IPv6 and IPv6 forwarding. [47]
  43. Audio sharing not available on Mac
  44. 3 with the free version; up to 15 with a license
  45. UltraVNC allows a single Window to be shown, however it is still doing full screen polling and not capturing the application details. This can cause other windows to overlap and popup windows to "disappear".
  46. Only for X sessions.
  47. Using the proxy server. [49]
  48. Through SSH and/or xpra's authentication modules. [50]
  49. Via configuration and external tools. [51]
  50. Via PulseAudio. [52]
  51. Can be used over SSH session.

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The X Window System is a windowing system for bitmap displays, common on Unix-like operating systems.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">VNC</span> Graphical desktop-sharing system

VNC is a graphical desktop-sharing system that uses the Remote Frame Buffer protocol (RFB) to remotely control another computer. It transmits the keyboard and mouse input from one computer to another, relaying the graphical-screen updates, over a network. Popular uses for this technology include remote technical support and accessing files on one's work computer from one's home computer, or vice versa.

TightVNC is a free and open-source remote desktop software server and client application for Linux and Windows. A server for macOS is available under a commercial source code license only, without SDK or binary version provided. Constantin Kaplinsky developed TightVNC, using and extending the RFB protocol of Virtual Network Computing (VNC) to allow end-users to control another computer's screen remotely.

RealVNC is a company that provides remote access software. Their VNC Connect software consists of a server and client application, which exchange data over the RFB protocol to allow the Viewer to control the Server's screen remotely. The application is used, for example, by IT support engineers to provide helpdesk services to remote users.

RFB is an open simple protocol for remote access to graphical user interfaces. Because it works at the framebuffer level it is applicable to all windowing systems and applications, including Microsoft Windows, macOS, the X Window System and Wayland. RFB is the protocol used in Virtual Network Computing (VNC) and its derivatives.

x11vnc is a Virtual Network Computing (VNC) server program. It allows remote access from a remote client to a computer hosting an X Window session and the x11vnc software, continuously polling the X server's frame buffer for changes. This allows the user to control their X11 desktop from a remote computer either on the user's own network, or from over the Internet as if the user were sitting in front of it. x11vnc can also poll non-X11 frame buffer devices, such as webcams or TV tuner cards, iPAQ, Neuros OSD, the Linux console, and the Mac OS X graphics display. x11vnc is part of the LibVNCServer project and is free software available under the GNU General Public License. x11vnc was written by Karl Runge.

NX technology, commonly known as NX or NoMachine, is a remote access and remote control computer software allowing remote desktop access and maintenance of computers. It is developed by the Luxembourg-based company NoMachine S.à r.l. NoMachine is proprietary software and is free-of-charge for non-commercial use.

Remote administration refers to any method of controlling a computer or other Internet-connected device, such as a smartphone, from a remote location. There are many commercially available and free-to-use software that make remote administration easy to set up and use. Remote administration is often used when it's difficult or impractical to be physically near a system in order to use it or troubleshoot it. Many server administrators also use remote administration to control the servers around the world at remote locations. It is also used by companies and corporations to improve overall productivity as well as promote remote work. It may also refer to both legal and illegal remote administration.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Apple Remote Desktop</span> Application by Apple

Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) is a Macintosh application produced by Apple Inc., first released on March 14, 2002, that replaced a similar product called Apple Network Assistant. Aimed at computer administrators responsible for large numbers of computers and teachers who need to assist individuals or perform group demonstrations, Apple Remote Desktop allows users to remotely control or monitor other computers over a network. Mac Pro (2019), Mac mini with a 10Gb Ethernet card, and Mac Studio (2022) have Lights Out Management function and are able to power-on by Apple Remote Desktop.

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In computing, the term remote desktop refers to a software- or operating system feature that allows a personal computer's desktop environment to be run remotely from one system, while being displayed on a separate client device. Remote desktop applications have varying features. Some allow attaching to an existing user's session and "remote controlling", either displaying the remote control session or blanking the screen. Taking over a desktop remotely is a form of remote administration.

Adaptive Internet Protocol (AIP) is a multi-channel protocol that allows an application running on any of multiple platforms to be displayed on any of a wide range of client systems. It supports rich remote display and input services with a number of display options to deliver the presentation of the remote applications onto the local display either as a standalone window, or within a contained remote environment delivered full-screen or in a standalone window. The protocol also supports audio, printing, and other device mapping services.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">ThinLinc</span>

ThinLinc is a cross-platform remote desktop server developed by Cendio AB. The server software and the users' main desktops run on Linux. Clients are available for Linux, Windows, macOS, and a number of thin clients. A browser client using HTML5 technologies is also available.

Remote Desktop Services (RDS), known as Terminal Services in Windows Server 2008 and earlier, is one of the components of Microsoft Windows that allow a user to initiate and control an interactive session on a remote computer or virtual machine over a network connection.

Eggplant Functional is a black-box graphical user interface (GUI) test automation tool. It was developed in Boulder, Colorado, by Doug Simons, Jonathan Gillaspie, and John McIntosh. The software was initially developed by Redstone Software, a subsidiary of Gresham Computing PLC, starting in 2002. On September 2, 2008, Redstone Software was acquired by a UK-based company called Testplant, which later rebranded itself as Eggplant.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Remmina</span> Remote desktop software client for POSIX-based operating systems

Remmina is a free and open source remote desktop client for POSIX-based computer operating systems. It supports the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), VNC, NX, XDMCP, SPICE, X2Go and SSH protocols and uses FreeRDP as foundation.

X2Go is open source remote desktop software for Linux that uses a modified NX 3 protocol. X2Go gives remote access to a Linux system's graphical user interface. It can also be used to access Windows systems through a proxy.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Xrdp</span> Open-source implementation of Microsoft RDP

xrdp is a free and open-source implementation of Microsoft RDP server that enables operating systems other than Microsoft Windows to provide a fully functional RDP-compatible remote desktop experience. It works by bridging graphics from the X Window System to the client and relaying controls from the client back to X Window Server.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Remote Utilities</span> Remote desktop software

Remote Utilities is a remote desktop software that allows a user to remotely control another computer through a proprietary protocol and see the remote computer's desktop, operate its keyboard and mouse.


  1. "Ammyy Admin – kostenlose Remote Desktop-Freigabe- und Remote-Steuerungssoftware – Download". Retrieved 15 June 2018.
  2. "Remote Desktop", Mac App Store, Apple.
  3. RGS, Hewlett-Packard.
  4. "Download". Mikogo. Beam Your Screen.
  5. "Release Notes 4.2 - QVD: The Linux VDI platform". QVD: The Linux VDI platform. Retrieved 12 February 2020.
  6. "TigerVNC/tigervnc". GitHub. Retrieved 3 May 2023.
  7. Kaplinsky, Constantin. "Download TightVNC". Retrieved 3 May 2023.
  8. "UltraVNC".
  9. xpra (source code archive).
  10. Christian Beier (5 January 2019), x11vnc 0.9.16 .
  11. 1 2 "about:start". X2Go. Retrieved 8 March 2015.
  12. HP Remote Graphics Software version 7 (PDF) (data sheet), Hewlett Packard, 2014, p. 3.
  13. "GNU/Linux", Download, Mikogo.
  14. "Google Android Linux", Download, Mikogo.
  15. "Apple iOS", Download, Mikogo.
  16. "Netviewer Meet Mobile Netviewer AG". Play. Retrieved 25 October 2012.
  17. "rdesktop 1.6 windows port". 40in. RU: 2g0. Retrieved 4 December 2011.
  18. Cord, Source forge.
  19. XDPxrdp: An open source remote desktop protocol (rdp) server, Source forge, archived from the original on 13 May 2011, retrieved 4 September 2008.
  20. Windows mobile remote desktop connect (blog), Mobile Views.
  21. WM6 RDP mobile remote desktop client, PDA Phone Home.
  22. "Splashtop Downloads". Splashtop. Retrieved 20 July 2016.
  23. "Darkside", Play (applications store), AU: Google.
  24. 1 2 TeamViewer for Windows, TeamViewer.
  25. 1 2 TeamViewer for macOS, TeamViewer.
  26. 1 2 TeamViewer for Linux, TeamViewer.
  27. 1 2 TeamViewer for Android, TeamViewer.
  28. TeamViewer for iOS, TeamViewer.
  29. TeamViewer for BlackBerry, TeamViewer.
  30. TeamViewer QuickSupport for Windows Mobile, TeamViewer.
  31. TeamViewer for Windows Mobile, TeamViewer.
  32. TeamViewer for Chrome OS, TeamViewer.
  33. "Tightvnc Portfile". MacPorts. Retrieved 18 June 2009.
  34. 1 2 3 User's Guide, TurboVNC.
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