Continuous poset

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In order theory, a continuous poset is a partially ordered set in which every element is the directed supremum of elements approximating it.



Let be two elements of a preordered set . Then we say that approximates, or that is way-below, if the following two equivalent conditions are satisfied.

If approximates , we write . The approximation relation is a transitive relation that is weaker than the original order, also antisymmetric if is a partially ordered set, but not necessarily a preorder. It is a preorder if and only if satisfies the ascending chain condition. [1] :p.52,Examples I-1.3,(4)

For any , let

Then is an upper set, and a lower set. If is an upper-semilattice, is a directed set (that is, implies ), and therefore an ideal.

A preordered set is called a continuous preordered set if for any , the subset is directed and .


The interpolation property

For any two elements of a continuous preordered set , if and only if for any directed set such that , there is a such that . From this follows the interpolation property of the continuous preordered set : for any such that there is a such that .

Continuous dcpos

For any two elements of a continuous dcpo , the following two conditions are equivalent. [1] :p.61,Proposition I-1.19(i)

Using this it can be shown that the following stronger interpolation property is true for continuous dcpos. For any such that and , there is a such that and . [1] :p.61,Proposition I-1.19(ii)

For a dcpo , the following conditions are equivalent. [1] :Theorem I-1.10

In this case, the actual left adjoint is

Continuous complete lattices

For any two elements of a complete lattice , if and only if for any subset such that , there is a finite subset such that .

Let be a complete lattice. Then the following conditions are equivalent.

A continuous complete lattice is often called a continuous lattice.


Lattices of open sets

For a topological space , the following conditions are equivalent.

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  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Gierz, Gerhard; Hofmann, Karl; Keimel, Klaus; Lawson, Jimmie; Mislove, Michael; Scott, Dana S. (2003). Continuous lattices and domains. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications. Vol. 93. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511542725. ISBN   978-0-521-80338-0. MR   1975381. Zbl   1088.06001.
  2. Grätzer, George (2011). Lattice Theory: Foundation. Basel: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-0018-1. ISBN   978-3-0348-0017-4. LCCN   2011921250. MR   2768581. Zbl   1233.06001.