Conversion of scales of temperature Last updated February 09, 2025 Comparison of various temperature scales
This is a collection of temperature conversion formulas and comparisons among eight different temperature scales , several of which have long been obsolete.
Temperatures on scales that either do not share a numeric zero or are nonlinearly related cannot correctly be mathematically equated (related using the symbol =), and thus temperatures on different scales are more correctly described as corresponding (related using the symbol ≘).[ citation needed ]
Celsius scale Temperature conversions from Celsius to Celsius Kelvin x °C ≘ (x + 273.15) Kx K ≘ (x − 273.15) °CFahrenheit x °C ≘ (x × 9 / 5 + 32) °Fx °F ≘ (x − 32) × 5 / 9 °CRankine x °C ≘ (x + 273.15) × 9 / 5 °Rx °R ≘ (x − 491.67) × 5 / 9 °C
Kelvin scale Temperature conversions from Kelvin to Kelvin Celsius x K ≘ (x − 273.15) °Cx °C ≘ (x + 273.15) KFahrenheit x K ≘ (x × 9 / 5 − 459.67) °Fx °F ≘ (x + 459.67) × 5 / 9 KRankine x K ≘ x × 9 / 5 °Rx °R ≘ x × 5 / 9 K
Fahrenheit scale Temperature conversions from Fahrenheit to Fahrenheit Celsius x °F ≘ (x − 32) × 5 / 9 °Cx °C ≘ (x × 9 / 5 + 32) °FKelvin x °F ≘ (x + 459.67) × 5 / 9 Kx K ≘ (x × 9 / 5 − 459.67) °FRankine x °F ≘ (x + 459.67) °Rx °R ≘ (x − 459.67) °F
Rankine scale Temperature conversions from Rankine to Rankine Celsius x °R ≘ (x − 491.67) × 5 / 9 °Cx °C ≘ (x + 273.15) × 9 / 5 °RKelvin x °R ≘ x × 5 / 9 Kx K ≘ x × 9 / 5 °RFahrenheit x °R ≘ (x − 459.67) °Fx °F ≘ (x + 459.67) °R
Delisle scale Temperature conversions from Delisle to Delisle Celsius x °De ≘ (100 − x × 2 / 3 ) °Cx °C ≘ (100 − x ) × 3 / 2 °DeKelvin x °De ≘ (373.15 − x × 2 / 3 ) Kx K ≘ (373.15 − x ) × 3 / 2 °DeFahrenheit x °De ≘ (212 − x × 6 / 5 ) °Fx °F ≘ (212 − x ) × 5 / 6 °DeRankine x °De ≘ (671.67 − x × 6 / 5 ) °Rx °R ≘ (671.67 − x ) × 5 / 6 °De
Newton scale Not to be confused with
newton (a unit of force).
Temperature conversions from Newton to Newton Celsius x °N ≘ x × 100 / 33 °Cx °C ≘ x × 33 / 100 °NKelvin x °N ≘ (x × 100 / 33 + 273.15) Kx K ≘ (x − 273.15) × 33 / 100 °NFahrenheit x °N ≘ (x × 60 / 11 + 32) °Fx °F ≘ (x − 32) × 11 / 60 °NRankine x °N ≘ ( 60 / 11 x + 491.67) °Rx °R ≘ (x − 491.67) × 11 / 60 °N
Réaumur scaleTemperature conversions from Réaumur to Réaumur Celsius x °Ré ≘ x × 5 / 4 °Cx °C ≘ x × 4 / 5 °RéKelvin x °Ré ≘ (x × 5 / 4 + 273.15) Kx K ≘ (x − 273.15) × 4 / 5 °RéFahrenheit x °Ré ≘ (x × 9 / 4 + 32) °Fx °F ≘ (x − 32) × 4 / 9 °RéRankine x °Ré ≘ (x × 9 / 4 + 491.67) °Rx °R ≘ (x − 491.67) × 4 / 9 °Ré
Rømer scaleTemperature conversions from Rømer to Rømer Celsius x °Rø ≘ (x − 7.5) × 40 / 21 °Cx °C ≘ (x × 21 / 40 + 7.5) °RøKelvin x °Rø ≘ ((x − 7.5) × 40 / 21 + 273.15) Kx K ≘ ((x − 273.15) × 21 / 40 + 7.5) °RøFahrenheit x °Rø ≘ ((x − 7.5) × 24 / 7 + 32) °Fx °F ≘ ((x − 32) × 7 / 24 + 7.5) °RøRankine x °Rø ≘ ((x − 7.5) × 24 / 7 + 491.67) °Rx °R ≘ ((x − 491.67) × 7 / 24 + 7.5) °Rø
Conversion calculator Temperature Conversion Calculator Celsius Fahrenheit Kelvin Rankine Delisle Newton Réaumur Rømer 0 32 273.15 491.67 150 0 0 7.5
Comparison values chart Celsius Fahrenheit Kelvin Rankine Delisle Newton Réaumur Rømer 500.00 932.00 773.15 1391.67 −600.00 165.00 400.00 270.00 490.00 914.00 763.15 1373.67 −585.00 161.70 392.00 264.75 480.00 896.00 753.15 1355.67 −570.00 158.40 384.00 259.50 470.00 878.00 743.15 1337.67 −555.00 155.10 376.00 254.25 460.00 860.00 733.15 1319.67 −540.00 151.80 368.00 249.00 450.00 842.00 723.15 1301.67 −525.00 148.50 360.00 243.75 440.00 824.00 713.15 1283.67 −510.00 145.20 352.00 238.50 430.00 806.00 703.15 1265.67 −495.00 141.90 344.00 233.25 420.00 788.00 693.15 1247.67 −480.00 138.60 336.00 228.00 410.00 770.00 683.15 1229.67 −465.00 135.30 328.00 222.75 400.00 752.00 673.15 1211.67 −450.00 132.00 320.00 217.50 390.00 734.00 663.15 1193.67 −435.00 128.70 312.00 212.25 380.00 716.00 653.15 1175.67 −420.00 125.40 304.00 207.00 370.00 698.00 643.15 1157.67 −405.00 122.10 296.00 201.75 360.00 680.00 633.15 1139.67 −390.00 118.80 288.00 196.50 350.00 662.00 623.15 1121.67 −375.00 115.50 280.00 191.25 340.00 644.00 613.15 1103.67 −360.00 112.20 272.00 186.00 330.00 626.00 603.15 1085.67 −345.00 108.90 264.00 180.75 320.00 608.00 593.15 1067.67 −330.00 105.60 256.00 175.50 310.00 590.00 583.15 1049.67 −315.00 102.30 248.00 170.25 300.00 572.00 573.15 1031.67 −300.00 99.00 240.00 165.00 290.00 554.00 563.15 1013.67 −285.00 95.70 232.00 159.75 280.00 536.00 553.15 995.67 −270.00 92.40 224.00 154.50 270.00 518.00 543.15 977.67 −255.00 89.10 216.00 149.25 260.00 500.00 533.15 959.67 −240.00 85.80 208.00 144.00 250.00 482.00 523.15 941.67 −225.00 82.50 200.00 138.75 240.00 464.00 513.15 923.67 −210.00 79.20 192.00 133.50 230.00 446.00 503.15 905.67 −195.00 75.90 184.00 128.25 220.00 428.00 493.15 887.67 −180.00 72.60 176.00 123.00 210.00 410.00 483.15 869.67 −165.00 69.30 168.00 117.75 200.00 392.00 473.15 851.67 −150.00 66.00 160.00 112.50 190.00 374.00 463.15 833.67 −135.00 62.70 152.00 107.25 180.00 356.00 453.15 815.67 −120.00 59.40 144.00 102.00 170.00 338.00 443.15 797.67 −105.00 56.10 136.00 96.75 160.00 320.00 433.15 779.67 −90.00 52.80 128.00 91.50 150.00 302.00 423.15 761.67 −75.00 49.50 120.00 86.25 140.00 284.00 413.15 743.67 −60.00 46.20 112.00 81.00 130.00 266.00 403.15 725.67 −45.00 42.90 104.00 75.75 120.00 248.00 393.15 707.67 −30.00 39.60 96.00 70.50 110.00 230.00 383.15 689.67 −15.00 36.30 88.00 65.25 100.00 212.00 373.15 671.67 0.00 33.00 80.00 60.00 90.00 194.00 363.15 653.67 15.00 29.70 72.00 54.75 80.00 176.00 353.15 635.67 30.00 26.40 64.00 49.50 70.00 158.00 343.15 617.67 45.00 23.10 56.00 44.25 60.00 140.00 333.15 599.67 60.00 19.80 48.00 39.00 50.00 122.00 323.15 581.67 75.00 16.50 40.00 33.75 40.00 104.00 313.15 563.67 90.00 13.20 32.00 28.50 30.00 86.00 303.15 545.67 105.00 9.90 24.00 23.25 20.00 68.00 293.15 527.67 120.00 6.60 16.00 18.00 10.00 50.00 283.15 509.67 135.00 3.30 8.00 12.75 0.00 32.00 273.15 491.67 150.00 0.00 0.00 7.50 −10.00 14.00 263.15 473.67 165.00 −3.30 −8.00 2.25 −14.26 6.29 258.86 465.96 171.43 −4.71 −11.43 0.00 −17.78 0.00 255.37 459.67 176.67 −5.87 −14.22 −1.83 −20.00 −4.00 253.15 455.67 180.00 −6.60 −16.00 −3.00 −30.00 −22.00 243.15 437.67 195.00 −9.90 −24.00 −8.25 −40.00 −40.00 233.15 419.67 210.00 −13.20 −32.00 −13.50 −50.00 −58.00 223.15 401.67 225.00 −16.50 −40.00 −18.75 −60.00 −76.00 213.15 383.67 240.00 −19.80 −48.00 −24.00 −70.00 −94.00 203.15 365.67 255.00 −23.10 −56.00 −29.25 −80.00 −112.00 193.15 347.67 270.00 −26.40 −64.00 −34.50 −90.00 −130.00 183.15 329.67 285.00 −29.70 −72.00 −39.75 −100.00 −148.00 173.15 311.67 300.00 −33.00 −80.00 −45.00 −110.00 −166.00 163.15 293.67 315.00 −36.30 −88.00 −50.25 −120.00 −184.00 153.15 275.67 330.00 −39.60 −96.00 −55.50 −130.00 −202.00 143.15 257.67 345.00 −42.90 −104.00 −60.75 −140.00 −220.00 133.15 239.67 360.00 −46.20 −112.00 −66.00 −150.00 −238.00 123.15 221.67 375.00 −49.50 −120.00 −71.25 −160.00 −256.00 113.15 203.67 390.00 −52.80 −128.00 −76.50 −170.00 −274.00 103.15 185.67 405.00 −56.10 −136.00 −81.75 −180.00 −292.00 93.15 167.67 420.00 −59.40 −144.00 −87.00 −190.00 −310.00 83.15 149.67 435.00 −62.70 −152.00 −92.25 −200.00 −328.00 73.15 131.67 450.00 −66.00 −160.00 −97.50 −210.00 −346.00 63.15 113.67 465.00 −69.30 −168.00 −102.75 −220.00 −364.00 53.15 95.67 480.00 −72.60 −176.00 −108.00 −230.00 −382.00 43.15 77.67 495.00 −75.90 −184.00 −113.25 −240.00 −400.00 33.15 59.67 510.00 −79.20 −192.00 −118.50 −250.00 −418.00 23.15 41.67 525.00 −82.50 −200.00 −123.75 −260.00 −436.00 13.15 23.67 540.00 −85.80 −208.00 −129.00 −270.00 −454.00 3.15 5.67 555.00 −89.10 −216.00 −134.25 −273.15 −459.67 0.00 0.00 559.725 −90.1395 −218.52 −135.90375 Celsius Fahrenheit Kelvin Rankine Delisle Newton Réaumur Rømer
Comparison of temperature scales * Normal human body temperature is 36.8 °C ±0.7 °C, or 98.2 °F ±1.3 °F. The commonly given value 98.6 °F is simply the exact conversion of the nineteenth-century German standard of 37 °C. Since it does not list an acceptable range, it could therefore be said to have excess (invalid) precision. [ 3]
Some numbers in this table have been rounded.
Conversion table between the different temperature units
Converting units of temperature differences Converting units of temperature differences (also referred to as temperature deltas) is not the same as converting absolute temperature values, and different formulae must be used.
To convert a delta temperature from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius, the formula is {ΔT }°F = 9 / 5 {ΔT }°C .
To convert a delta temperature from degrees Celsius to kelvin, it is 1:1 ({ΔT }°C = {ΔT }K ).
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