Heracleum is a genus of biennial and perennial herbs in the carrot family Apiaceae. They are found throughout the temperate northern hemisphere and in high mountains as far south as Ethiopia. Common names for the genus or its species include hogweed and cow parsnip.

Ajuga, also known as bugleweed, ground pine, carpet bugle, or just bugle, is a genus of 40 species annual and perennial herbaceous flowering plants in the Ajugeae tribe of the mint family Lamiaceae, with most species native to Europe, Asia, and Africa, but also two species in southeastern Australia. They grow to 5–50 cm tall, with opposite leaves.

Gentianaceae is a family of flowering plants of 103 genera and about 1600 species.

Strobilanthes is a genus of about 350 species of flowering plants in the family Acanthaceae, mostly native to tropical Asia and Madagascar, but with a few species extending north into temperate regions of Asia. Many species are cultivated for their two-lipped, hooded flowers in shades of blue, pink, white and purple. Most are frost-tender and require protection in frost-prone areas.

Juncus is a genus of monocotyledonous flowering plants, commonly known as rushes. It is the largest genus in the family Juncaceae, containing around 300 species.

Androsace, commonly known as rock jasmine, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Primulaceae, second only to Primula in the number of species. It is predominantly Arctic–alpine, with many species in the Himalayas, the mountains of central Asia, the Caucasus, and the southern and central European mountain systems, particularly the Alps and the Pyrenees.

Gaultheria is a genus of about 135 species of shrubs in the family Ericaceae. The name commemorates Jean François Gaultier of Quebec, an honour bestowed by the Scandinavian Pehr Kalm in 1748 and taken up by Carl Linnaeus in his Species Plantarum. These plants are native to Asia, Australasia and North and South America. In the past, the Southern Hemisphere species were often treated as the separate genus Pernettya, but no consistent reliable morphological or genetic differences support recognition of two genera, and they are now united in the single genus Gaultheria.

Bupleurum is a large genus of annual or perennial herbs or woody shrubs, with about 190 species, belonging to the family Apiaceae. The full size of its species may vary between a few cm to up to 3 m high. Their compound umbels of small flowers are adorned with bracteoles that are sometimes large and may play a role in attracting pollinators. Rare among the Apiaceae are the simple leaves, bracts, and bracteoles. The genus is almost exclusively native in the Old World Northern Hemisphere, with one species native to North America and one species native to southern Africa.

Anaphalis is a genus of herbaceous and woody flowering plants within the family Asteraceae, whose members are commonly known by the name pearl or pearly everlasting. There are around 110 species with the vast majority being native to central and southern Asia. There is one species native to North America that is fairly well known and popular in cultivation, namely the western pearly everlasting.

Maianthemum is a genus of rhizomatous, herbaceous, perennial flowering plants. It is widespread across much of North America, Europe and Asia, and may be terrestrial, aquatic or epiphytic.

Polystichum is a genus of ferns in the family Dryopteridaceae, subfamily Dryopteridoideae, according to the Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group classification of 2016. The genus has about 500 species and has a cosmopolitan distribution. The highest diversity is in eastern Asia, with about 208 species in China alone; the region from Mexico to Brazil has at least 100 additional species; Africa, North America, and Europe have much lower diversity. Polystichum species are terrestrial or rock-dwelling ferns of warm-temperate and montane-tropical regions. They are often found in disturbed habitats such as road cuts, talus slopes, and stream banks.

Premna is a genus of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae, first described for modern science in 1771. It is widespread through tropical and subtropical regions in Africa, southern Asia, northern Australia, and various islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
- Premna acuminataR.Br. - Australia, New Guinea
- Premna acutataW.W.Sm. - southwestern China
- Premna albaH.J.Lam - Palau
- Premna ambongensisMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna amplectensWall. ex Schauer - Thailand, Myanmar
- Premna angolensisGürke - tropical Africa
- Premna angustifloraH.J.Lam - Palau
- Premna annulataH.R.Fletcher - Thailand, Laos, Vietnam
- Premna aureolepidotaMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna balakrishnaniiA.Rajendran & P.Daniel - Tamil Nadu
- Premna balansaeDop - Vietnam
- Premna barbataWall. ex Schauer - Indian Subcontinent, Myanmar
- Premna bengalensisC.B.Clarke - Indian Subcontinent, Myanmar, Vietnam
- Premna bequaertiiMoldenke - Uganda, Rwanda, Zaïre
- Premna bracteataWall. ex C.B.Clarke - Himalayas, Tibet, Yunnan, Nepal, Assam, Bhutan, Myanmar
- Premna cambodianaDop - Cambodia, Vietnam
- Premna cavalerieiH.Lév - China
- Premna chevalieriDop - Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, China
- Premna chrysoclada(Bojer) Gürke - Kenya, Tanzania, Guinea-Bissau
- Premna collinsaeCraib - Thailand
- Premna confinisC.Pei & S.L.Chen ex C.Y.Wu - China
- Premna congolensisMoldenke - Zaïre, Angola, Cabinda
- Premna cordifoliaRoxb. - Thailand, Vietnam, Malaya
- Premna coriaceaC.B.Clarke - Indian Subcontinent, Thailand, Andaman Islands
- Premna corymbosaRottler - India, Sri Lanka, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
- Premna crassaHand.-Mazz. - Vietnam, China
- Premna debianaA.Rajendran & P.Daniel - Arunachal Pradesh
- Premna decaryiMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna decurrensH.J.Lam - Indonesia
- Premna discolorVerdc. - Kenya
- Premna dubiaCraib - Laos, Thailand, Vietnam
- Premna esculentaRoxb. - Assam, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand
- Premna fohaiensisC.Pei & S.L.Chen ex C.Y.Wu - China (Yunnan)
- Premna fordiiDunn - China
- Premna fulvaCraib - Indochina, Indonesia, China
- Premna garrettiiH.R.Fletcher - Thailand
- Premna glaberrimaWight - southern India
- Premna glandulosaHand.-Mazz. - China (Yunnan)
- Premna gracillimaVerdc. - Kenya, Tanzania
- Premna grandifoliaA.D.J. Meeuse, illegitimate name, = Premna hutchinsonii
- Premna grossaWall. ex Schauer - Myanmar
- Premna guillauminiiMoldenke - New Caledonia
- Premna hainanensisChun & F.C.How - China (Hainan)
- Premna hans-joachimiiVerdc. - Tanzania
- Premna henryana(Hand.-Mazz.) C.Y.Wu - China
- Premna herbaceaRoxb. - Himalayas, Yunnan, Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, New Guinea, northern Australia
- Premna hildebrandtiiGürke - Zaire, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zimbabwe
- Premna hispidaBenth. - West Africa
- Premna humbertiiMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna hutchinsoniiMoldenke - Ivory Coast
- Premna interruptaWall. ex Schauer - southern China, Himalayas, Indochina
- Premna jalpaigurianaT.K.Paul - West Bengal
- Premna khasianaC.B.Clarke - Assam, Thailand
- Premna lepidellaMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna ligustroidesHemsl - China
- Premna longiacuminataMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna longifoliaRoxb. - Himalayas
- Premna longipetiolataMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna lucensA.Chev. - West Africa
- Premna macrophyllaWall. ex Schauer - Assam, Indochina
- Premna madagascariensisMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna mariannarumSchauer - Mariana Islands
- Premna matadiensisMoldenke - Zaïre, Angola
- Premna maximaT.C.E. Fr. - Kenya
- Premna mekongensisW.W.Sm. - China (Yunnan)
- Premna micranthaSchauer - India, Assam, Bangladesh
- Premna microphyllaTurcz. - Japan, Ryukyu Islands, China
- Premna millefloraC.B.Clarke - Assam
- Premna milneiBaker - Nigeria, Bioko
- Premna minorDomin - Queensland
- Premna mollissimaRoth - Indian Subcontinent, Yunnan, Indochina, Philippines
- Premna mooiensis(H.Pearson) W.Piep - Mozambique, Swaziland, South Africa
- Premna mortehaniiDe Wild - Zaïre
- Premna mundanthuraiensisA.Rajendran & P.Daniel - Tamil Nadu
- Premna neurophyllaChiov. - Ethiopia
- Premna oblongataMiq. - Indonesia, Philippines
- Premna odorataBlanco - - Indian Subcontinent, Yunnan, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, northern Australia; naturalized in Miami-Dade County in Florida
- Premna oliganthaC.Y.Wu - China
- Premna oligotrichaBaker - Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania
- Premna orangeanaCapuron - Madagascar
- Premna paisehensisC.Pei & S.L.Chen - China (Guangxi)
- Premna pallescensRidl.- Borneo, Indonesia
- Premna parasiticaBlume - Indonesia
- Premna parvilimbaC.Pei - China (Yunnan)
- Premna paucinervis(C.B.Clarke) Gamble - Kerala, Tamil Nadu
- Premna paulobarbataH.J.Lam - Mariana Islands
- Premna perplexansMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna perrieriMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna pinguisC.B.Clarke - Assam, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Java
- Premna politaHiern - Angola
- Premna procumbensMoon - India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka
- Premna protrusaA.C.Sm. & S.Darwin - Fiji
- Premna puberulaPamp. - China
- Premna pubescensBlume - Indonesia, Philippines, Christmas Island
- Premna puerensisY.Y.Qian - China (Yunnan)
- Premna punduanaWall. ex Schauer - Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bangladesh
- Premna puniceaC.Y.Wu - China (Yunnan)
- Premna purpurascensThwaites - Sri Lanka
- Premna quadrifoliaSchumach. & Thonn. - West Africa
- Premna rabakensisMoldenke - Cambodia
- Premna regularisH.J.Lam - Philippines, Indonesia, New Guinea
- Premna repensH.R.Fletcher - Thailand
- Premna resinosa(Hochst.) Schauer - East Africa, Arabian Peninsula, India
- Premna richardsiaeMoldenke - Tanzania
- Premna rubroglandulosaC.Y.Wu - China (Yunnan)
- Premna scandensRoxb. - China (Yunnan), Himalayas, Andaman Island, Indochina
- Premna schimperiEngl - East Africa
- Premna schliebeniiWerderm. - Tanzania, Mozambique
- Premna scoriarumW.W.Sm. - Tibet, Yunnan, Myanmar
- Premna senensisKlotzsch - eastern + central Africa
- Premna serrataH.R.Fletcher - Thailand
- Premna serratifoliaL. - widespread in East Africa, the Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, northern Australia, islands of Pacific + Indian Oceans
- Premna siamensisH.R.Fletcher - Thailand
- Premna stenobotrysMerr. - Vietnam
- Premna steppicolaHand.-Mazz. - China
- †Premna sterculiifoliaKing & Gamble - Malaya but extinct
- Premna straminicaulisC.Y.Wu - China (Yunnan)
- Premna subcapitataRehder - China
- Premna sulphurea(Baker) Gürke - Angola
- Premna sunyiensisC.Pei - China (Guangdong)
- Premna szemaoensisPei - China (Yunnan)
- Premna tahitensisJ.Schauer - many islands of the Pacific
- Premna tanganyikensisMoldenke - Tanzania, Mozambique
- Premna tapintzeanaDop - China (Yunnan)
- Premna teniiC.Pei - China (Yunnan)
- Premna thoreliiDop - Laos
- Premna thwaitesiiC.B.Clarke - Sri Lanka
- Premna tomentosaWilld. - Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, Queensland, Solomon Islands
- Premna trichostomaMiq. - Southeast Asia, Indonesia, New Guinea
- Premna urticifoliaRehder - China (Yunnan)
- Premna velutinaGürke - Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique
- Premna venulosaMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna wightianaSchauer - India, Sri Lanka
- Premna wuiBoufford & B.M.Barthol. - China (Yunnan)
- Premna yunnanensisW.W.Sm - China

Cremanthodium is a large genus of flowering plants in the daisy family.

Henckelia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Gesneriaceae. Many of its species were formerly placed in Didymocarpus sect. Orthoboea and in the genus Chirita. Many species formerly placed in Henckelia have been moved to Codonoboea and Loxocarpus.

Lysionotus is a genus of flowering plants in the family Gesneriaceae. It occurs in the Himalayas, China, Japan, and Southeast Asia. The genus was described by David Don in 1822.

Lepisorus is a genus of ferns in the family Polypodiaceae, subfamily Microsoroideae, according to the Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group classification of 2016 (PPG I).