Cymbidium bicolor

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Two-colored cymbidium
Cymbidium bicolor subsp. pubescens (as Cymbidium pubescens) - Edwards vol 27 (NS 4) pl 38 (1841).jpg
Cymbidium bicolor ssp. pubescens
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Monocots
Order: Asparagales
Family: Orchidaceae
Subfamily: Epidendroideae
Genus: Cymbidium
C. bicolor
Binomial name
Cymbidium bicolor
(L.) Sw. (1799)
  • Cymbidium bicolor. ssp. obtusumDu Puy & P.J.Cribb (1988)
Synonyms: Cymbidium crassifoliumWall. (1832), Cymbidium manniiRchb.f. (1872), Cymbidium flaccidumSchltr. (1913)
  • Cymbidium bicolor ssp. pubescens(Lindl.) Du Puy & P.J.Cribb (1988)
Synonyms: Cymbidium pubescensLindl. (1840) (Basionym), Cymbidium pubescens var. celebicumSchltr. (1911), Cymbidium celebicum(Schltr.) Schltr. (1925)

Cymbidium bicolor, the two-colored cymbidium, is a species of orchid found in South China to Tropical Asia.


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