Differential graded algebra

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In mathematics, in particular in homological algebra, a differential graded algebra is a graded associative algebra with an added chain complex structure that respects the algebra structure.



A differential graded algebra (or DG-algebra for short) A is a graded algebra equipped with a map which has either degree 1 (cochain complex convention) or degree −1 (chain complex convention) that satisfies two conditions:

  1. .
    This says that d gives A the structure of a chain complex or cochain complex (accordingly as the differential reduces or raises degree).
  2. , where is the degree of homogeneous elements.
    This says that the differential d respects the graded Leibniz rule .

A more succinct way to state the same definition is to say that a DG-algebra is a monoid object in the monoidal category of chain complexes. A DG morphism between DG-algebras is a graded algebra homomorphism which respects the differential d.

A differential graded augmented algebra (also called a DGA-algebra, an augmented DG-algebra or simply a DGA) is a DG-algebra equipped with a DG morphism to the ground ring (the terminology is due to Henri Cartan). [1]

Warning: some sources use the term DGA for a DG-algebra.

Examples of DG-algebras

Tensor algebra

The tensor algebra is a DG-algebra with differential similar to that of the Koszul complex. For a vector space over a field there is a graded vector space defined as

where .

If is a basis for there is a differential on the tensor algebra defined component-wise

sending basis elements to

In particular we have and so

Koszul complex

One of the foundational examples of a differential graded algebra, widely used in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, is the Koszul complex. This is because of its wide array of applications, including constructing flat resolutions of complete intersections, and from a derived perspective, they give the derived algebra representing a derived critical locus.

De-Rham algebra

Differential forms on a manifold, together with the exterior derivation and the exterior product form a DG-algebra. These have wide applications, including in derived deformation theory. [2] See also de Rham cohomology.

Singular cohomology

Other facts about DG-algebras

See also

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In mathematics, the term "graded" has a number of meanings, mostly related:

In mathematics, an algebra such as has multiplication whose associativity is well-defined on the nose. This means for any real numbers we have


  1. Cartan, Henri (1954). "Sur les groupes d'Eilenberg-Mac Lane ". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . 40 (6): 467–471. doi: 10.1073/pnas.40.6.467 . PMC   534072 . PMID   16589508.
  2. Manetti. "Differential graded Lie algebras and formal deformation theory" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 16 Jun 2013.
  3. Cartan, H. (1954–1955). "DGA-algèbres et DGA-modules". Séminaire Henri Cartan. 7 (1): 1–9.
  4. Cartan, H. (1954–1955). "DGA-modules (suite), notion de construction". Séminaire Henri Cartan. 7 (1): 1–11.