Dissimilar friction stir welding (DFSW) is the application of friction stir welding (FSW), invented in The Welding Institute (TWI) in 1991, [1] to join different base metals including aluminum, copper, steel, titanium, magnesium and other materials. [2] It is based on solid state welding that means there is no melting. DFSW is based on a frictional heat generated by a simple tool in order to soften the materials and stir them together using both tool rotational and tool traverse movements. In the beginning, it is mainly used for joining of aluminum base metals [3] due to existence of solidification defects in joining them by fusion welding methods such as porosity along with thick Intermetallic compounds. [4] DFSW is taken into account as an efficient method to join dissimilar materials in the last decade. [5] There are many advantages for DFSW in compare with other welding methods including low-cost, user-friendly, and easy operation procedure resulting in enormous usages of friction stir welding for dissimilar joints. Welding tool, base materials, backing plate (fixture), and a milling machine are required materials and equipment for DFSW. On the other hand, other welding methods, such as Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) typically need highly professional operator as well as quite expensive equipment.
The mechanism of DFSW is very simple. A rotating tool plunges into the interface of parent metals, and heat input generated by the friction between the tool shoulder surface and top surface of the base metals lead to softening of the base materials. In other words, the rotational movement of the tool mixes and stirs the parent metals and create a softened pasty mixture. Afterwards, the tool's traverse movement along the interface creates a joint. This results in a final bond that combines both mechanical and metallurgical bonding at the interface. These two bondings are critical in order to achieve proper mechanical properties. [6] Butt and lap designs are the most common joint types in dissimilar friction stir welding (DFSW). Likewise, one material is generally harder than the other. In general, hard and soft materials are placed in advancing and retreating sides respectively during welding. [7]
Tool configuration is an important factor to achieve a sound joint. The tool consists of two parts including tool shoulder and tool pin, as shown in below figure. The tool shoulder generates frictional heat, while the tool pin stirs the softened materials. Various pin and shoulder configurations may be used for DFSW. "Cylindrical", "rectangular", "triangular" and "threaded-cylindrical" are the most common tool pin profiles, [8] while "featureless" and "scrolled" are the most common tool shoulder configurations. [9] Tool material selection is dependent on the base materials to be joined. For example, for aluminum/copper joints, [10] hot working alloy steel is generally used, while for harder metals such as titanium/aluminum joints, tungsten carbide is common. [11]
In DFSW, mechanical properties mainly include tensile strength, hardness, yield strength, elongation. Selecting optimum welding parameters results in achieving proper mechanical properties of the joint. Tool rotational speed (rpm), tool traverse speed (mm/min), tool tilt angle (degree), tool offset (mm), tool penetration (mm), and tool geometry are most important welding parameters in DFSW. The tool center is typically placed in the centerline of the joint for similar joints such as aluminum/aluminium or copper/copper joints; in contrast, it is shifted towards the softer materials in DFSW called tool offset. [12] It is a significant factor to achieve a joint possessing smaller welding defect and higher mechanical properties. Generally, harder and softer materials are placed in Advancing Side (AS) and Retreating Side (RT) respectively. [13] Regardless of the tool geometry, which plays a critical role on final mechanical and metallurgical properties of the weldment, the effect of the tool rotational speed and tool offset are taken into account as the most important welding parameters during DFSW.
A non-consumable rotating tool is plunged into the interface of parent materials. Frictional heat arisen from the tool shoulder throughout welding plasticizes the parent materials leading to local plastic deformation of the parent materials. Localized heat generated by the tool results from following process. At the initial stage, it is primarily arisen from frictional heat between the plunged pin and parent materials. [14] Afterwards, it is mainly produced by the frictional heat between the shoulder surface and the top-surface of base metals once the shoulder touched the top-surface. Subsequently, the softened materials are stirred together by the rotating pin resulting in a solid-state bond. Frigaard et al. showed that tool rotational speed and tool shoulder diameters are the main contributing factors in heat generation. [15]
The mechanism of bonding in DFSW is based on two simple concepts. First, stirred materials, a mixture flow of soft and hard metals, is forged into the interface of harder material leading to strong mechanical bond at the interface. Furthermore, a complementary metallurgical bond is formed at the interface enhancing and improving mechanical properties of the joint. [16] Materials flow throughout DFSW depends on various parameters including welding process parameters, tool geometry, and base materials. Tool geometry is the most important factor in achieving appropriate material flow.
Occurrence of welding defects in DFSW are quite common. Welding defects in DFSW include tunneling defect, fragment defect, crack, void, surface cavity or grooves and excessive flash formation. [17] Amongst these, tunneling defect is the most common defect in DFSW resulting from improper material flows throughout welding. It is mainly attributed to inappropriate selection of welding parameters particularly welding speed, rotational speed, tool design and tool penetration leading to either abnormal stirring or insufficient heat input. [18] Formation of coarse fragments of harder materials within the matrix of softer materials is another typical defect observed only in DFSW. [19] Generally, during DFSW, the paste materials behave like a metal matrix composite such that harder and softer materials act as the matrix and the reinforcement respectively. In fact, it is quite important to keep the harder material in relatively small size in order to achieve the best flow of materials. Therefore, any factors that cause formation of large piece of harder material lead to appearance of fragment defects. Tool offset and tool pin design were taken into account as the most significant contributing factors in formation of fragment defect in DFSW. They were accounted for disturbing the flow of material resulting from the formation of large pieces of harder material within the matrix of softer material due to the fact that it is quite difficult to stir and mix paste materials when one of them is not relatively fine. In addition, fragment defects usually accompany with other defects such as voids and cracks.
DFSW shows various characteristics in terms of hardness distribution, tensile strength, microstructure, formation of intermetallic compounds as well as formation of a composite structure within the stir zone. The majority of the dissimilar joints fabricated by FSW demonstrate similar results.
Since the base materials have different mechanical properties, the hardness distribution is not homogeneous which can be attributed to two different reasons. [20] First, different mechanical properties of base materials including the hardness causes inhomogeneity in the weldments. Second, different microstructure and grain size of the welding zones including stir zone, TMAZ, and HAZ result in various hardness. Moreover, the hardness in the nugget zone or stir zone is very inhomogenous because of the formation of onion ring (composite structure ) and IMCs. As a result, dissimilar joints shows inhomogenous distribution in the nugget zone or stir zone. [21]
Four different welding zones including Stir Zone (SZ) or nugget zone, Thermo-Mechanical Affected Zone (TMAZ), Heat affected zone (HAZ) and Base Metals (BM) are typically observed in dissimilar joints made by FSW. [22] Microstructure of the weldment demonstrates a remarkable grain refinement in the stir zone along with elongation of the grains in the TMAZ. Intensive plastic deformation risen up by tool action, rotational and traverse movements, account for the notable grain refinement in the stir zone. Moreover, HAZ presents relatively coarser grain that can be attributed to lower cooling rate in comparison with other welding areas. Some phenomena are typical in dissimilar friction stir welding including formation of Intermetallic Compounds (IMCs) and appearance of a Composite-like Structure (CS) appeared in various patterns specifically onion rings shown in below figure. IMCs and CS enhance mechanical behavior of the joints depending their conditions such as the thickness of IMCs as well as distribution pattern of composite-like structure. Proper selection of welding parameters optimizes formation of IMCs and CS resulting in the highest mechanical properties. As pointed out before, rotational speed, welding speed, and tool offset along with tool pin are the most important factors affecting on mechanical and metallurgical properties during DFSW. Unlike conventional fusion welding methods that are accompanied with substantially thick interfacial IMCs, [23] forming an interfacial metallurgical bond during DFSW is essential to achieve a sound joint. However, it should be kept at optimum condition to enhance and improve mechanical properties i.e. it should be thin, uniform and contentious. [24]
IMCs are another typical phenomenon in DFSW. There existed some criteria for IMCs in order to achieve a sound joint including thickness, uniformity and continuity. [25] The most common type of IMCs appeared in aluminum/copper joint are Al4Cu9, Al2Cu3, Al2Cu. [26] Interface and surrounding edge of the particles dispersed in the nugget zone are two main places IMCs formed. Likewise, depending the size of the particles of harder material which dispersed in the matrix of softer material, coarse particles partially transform to IMCs mostly around the outer edge of the particles, while fine particles completely transform to IMCs. It is worth noting that the average thickness of IMCs are less than 2 micrometer. Therefore, those particles that are below than 2 micrometer are completely transform to IMCs resulting in enhancing mechanical properties of the nugget zone.
Another important characteristic in DFSW is the final tensile strength. The majority of dissimilar weldments presented similar trend in tensile strength. There are two different materials in DFSW. One is softer than the other. For example, in aluminum to copper joint, aluminum is softer than copper. What would be the tensile strength of the joint? Is it more than both? Is it less than both? What is the requirement for the sound joint? The answer is that tensile strength of the joints in DFSW are a fraction of the tensile strength of the softer material. Therefore, the final tensile strength of the weldments are usually less than tensile strength of both materials, however, in order to be acceptable in the industry, it is usually more than 70 percent of the tensile strength of the softer material. [27] Fracture behavior of the tensile specimens shows that majority of the joints failed at the interface along with a brittle fracture. It can be attributed to IMCs developed at the interface. Although, it could successfully improve tensile strength, but the specimens showed brittle fracture which is one of the existing challenge in dissimilar joints fabricated by FSW.
Due to the fact that there are two different materials in DFSW; formation of a composite structure within the nugget zone is inevitable. Typically, it appears in the forming of onion ring in the nugget zone or stir zone of the softer matrix as shown in below figure. That is, fine particle of the material in the advancing side (harder material) disperse throughout the stir zone of the retreating material (Softer material). That is the main reason regarding the inhomogeneous hardness distribution in the stir zone. [28] [29] [30]
FSW can be efficient method to be used in order to join dissimilar materials and the outcome in terms of tensile strength, shear strength, and hardness distribution are promising. However, most of the joints fractured at interface. [31] Moreover, even those that have been ruptured in the base metals showed brittle behavior i.e. low elongation which can be attributed to formation of IMCs. There must a balance between tensile strength and ductility of the weldments in order to safely use dissimilar weldments in industrial applications. In other words, proper ductility and toughness are required for some industrial applications since they should possess proper resistivity against impact and shock loading. The majority of the fabricated weldments are not sufficiently strong to be used for such applications. Therefore, it is worthwhile to focus current and future works on improving toughness of the weldments along with keeping tensile strength in a proper value.
Wire bonding is the method of making interconnections between an integrated circuit (IC) or other semiconductor device and its packaging during semiconductor device fabrication. Although less common, wire bonding can be used to connect an IC to other electronics or to connect from one printed circuit board (PCB) to another. Wire bonding is generally considered the most cost-effective and flexible interconnect technology and is used to assemble the vast majority of semiconductor packages. Wire bonding can be used at frequencies above 100 GHz.
Friction welding (FRW) is a solid-state welding process that generates heat through mechanical friction between workpieces in relative motion to one another, with the addition of a lateral force called "upset" to plastically displace and fuse the materials. Because no melting occurs, friction welding is not a fusion welding process, but a solid-state welding technique more like forge welding. Friction welding is used with metals and thermoplastics in a wide variety of aviation and automotive applications.
Friction stir welding (FSW) is a solid-state joining process that uses a non-consumable tool to join two facing workpieces without melting the workpiece material. Heat is generated by friction between the rotating tool and the workpiece material, which leads to a softened region near the FSW tool. While the tool is traversed along the joint line, it mechanically intermixes the two pieces of metal, and forges the hot and softened metal by the mechanical pressure, which is applied by the tool, much like joining clay, or dough. It is primarily used on wrought or extruded aluminium and particularly for structures which need very high weld strength. FSW is capable of joining aluminium alloys, copper alloys, titanium alloys, mild steel, stainless steel and magnesium alloys. More recently, it was successfully used in welding of polymers. In addition, joining of dissimilar metals, such as aluminium to magnesium alloys, has been recently achieved by FSW. Application of FSW can be found in modern shipbuilding, trains, and aerospace applications.
In materials science, hardness is a measure of the resistance to localized plastic deformation induced by either mechanical indentation or abrasion. In general, different materials differ in their hardness; for example hard metals such as titanium and beryllium are harder than soft metals such as sodium and metallic tin, or wood and common plastics. Macroscopic hardness is generally characterized by strong intermolecular bonds, but the behavior of solid materials under force is complex; therefore, hardness can be measured in different ways, such as scratch hardness, indentation hardness, and rebound hardness.
Dr. Ramulu Mamidala is a mechanical engineering professor at University of Washington. Usually goes by the name 'Ram', or 'M.R.', he is recognized for his leadership and outstanding record in promoting collaborative education and research with industry. He is currently the director of Manufacturing Science and Technology Laboratory (MSTL) at Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Washington. He has designed and developed manufacturing methods for a wide range of systems, from the B2 bomber to the Boeing 787. Additionally, in collaboration with industry, he established and directed two interdisciplinary graduate educational programs in engineering and management and a certificate program in composites tooling and manufacturing. His exemplary collaborative efforts motivated working engineers to pursue doctoral studies and he is a leader in using emerging technologies in distance education to reach non-traditional students.
An aluminium alloy is an alloy in which aluminium (Al) is the predominant metal. The typical alloying elements are copper, magnesium, manganese, silicon, tin, nickel and zinc. There are two principal classifications, namely casting alloys and wrought alloys, both of which are further subdivided into the categories heat-treatable and non-heat-treatable. About 85% of aluminium is used for wrought products, for example rolled plate, foils and extrusions. Cast aluminium alloys yield cost-effective products due to the low melting point, although they generally have lower tensile strengths than wrought alloys. The most important cast aluminium alloy system is Al–Si, where the high levels of silicon (4–13%) contribute to give good casting characteristics. Aluminium alloys are widely used in engineering structures and components where light weight or corrosion resistance is required.
6061 is a precipitation-hardened aluminium alloy, containing magnesium and silicon as its major alloying elements. Originally called "Alloy 61S", it was developed in 1935. It has good mechanical properties, exhibits good weldability, and is very commonly extruded. It is one of the most common alloys of aluminium for general-purpose use.
5086 is an aluminium alloy, primarily alloyed with magnesium. It is not strengthened by heat treatment, instead becoming stronger due to strain hardening, or cold mechanical working of the material.
Filler materials are particles added to resin or binders that can improve specific properties, make the product cheaper, or a mixture of both. The two largest segments for filler material use is elastomers and plastics. Worldwide, more than 53 million tons of fillers are used every year in application areas such as paper, plastics, rubber, paints, coatings, adhesives, and sealants. As such, fillers, produced by more than 700 companies, rank among the world's major raw materials and are contained in a variety of goods for daily consumer needs. The top filler materials used are ground calcium carbonate (GCC), precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC), kaolin, talc, and carbon black. Filler materials can affect the tensile strength, toughness, heat resistance, color, clarity etc. A good example of this is the addition of talc to polypropylene. Most of the filler materials used in plastics are mineral or glass based filler materials. Particulates and fibers are the main subgroups of filler materials. Particulates are small particles of filler which are mixed in the matrix where size and aspect ratio are important. Fibers are small circular strands that can be very long and have very high aspect ratios.
Flash welding is a type of resistance welding that does not use any filler metals. The pieces of metal to be welded are set apart at a predetermined distance based on material thickness, material composition, and desired properties of the finished weld. Current is applied to the metal, and the gap between the two pieces creates resistance and produces the arc required to melt the metal. Once the pieces of metal reach the proper temperature, they are pressed together, effectively forge welding them together.
In materials science, the yield strength anomaly refers to materials wherein the yield strength increases with temperature. For the majority of materials, the yield strength decreases with increasing temperature. In metals, this decrease in yield strength is due to the thermal activation of dislocation motion, resulting in easier plastic deformation at higher temperatures.
Friction stir processing (FSP) is a method of changing the properties of a metal through intense, localized plastic deformation. This deformation is produced by forcibly inserting a non-consumable tool into the workpiece, and revolving the tool in a stirring motion as it is pushed laterally through the workpiece. The precursor of this technique, friction stir welding, is used to join multiple pieces of metal without creating the heat affected zone typical of fusion welding.
William John Arbegast, Jr. was an American metallurgical engineer, mechanical engineer and friction stir welding expert.
Friction extrusion is a thermo-mechanical process that can be used to form fully consolidated wire, rods, tubes, or other non-circular metal shapes directly from a variety of precursor charges including metal powder, flake, machining waste or solid billet. The process imparts unique, and potentially, highly desirable microstructures to the resulting products. Friction extrusion was invented at The Welding Institute in the UK and patented in 1991. It was originally intended primarily as a method for production of homogeneous microstructures and particle distributions in metal matrix composite materials.
Friction stir spot welding is a pressure welding process that operates below the melting point of the workpieces. It is a variant of friction stir welding.
Aluminium alloys are often chosen due to their high strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance, low cost, high thermal and electrical conductivity. There are a variety of techniques to join aluminium including mechanical fasteners, welding, adhesive bonding, brazing, soldering and friction stir welding (FSW), etc. Various techniques are used based on the cost and strength required for the joint. In addition, process combinations can be performed to provide means for difficult to join assemblies and to reduce certain process limitations.
Nanotech metallurgy is an emerging interdisciplinary domain of materials science and engineering, manufacturing, and nanoscience and engineering to study how nanophases can be applied to significantly improve the processing/manufacturing, micro/nano-structures, and physical/chemical/mechanical behaviors of metals and alloys. This definition was first proposed by Xiaochun Li at the University of California, Los Angeles in 2018.
U-JIN Tech Corp. is a South Korean manufacturer of friction welding machines and automated manufacturing cells.
Rotary friction welding (RFW) one of the methods of friction welding, the classic way of which uses the work of friction to create a not separable weld. Typically one welded element is rotated to the other and forge. The heating of the material is caused by friction work and creates a permanent connection. In this method can be welded the same, dissimilar, or composite and non-metallic materials. The friction welding methods of are often considered as solid-state welding.
Quality requirements of welded joints depend on the form of application, e.g. in the space or fly industry weld errors are not allowed. Science try to gets good quality welds. There are many scientific articles describing the weld test, e.g. hardness, tensile tests. The weld structure can be examined by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The computer finite element method (FEM) is used to predict the shape of the flash and interface and others, not only for rotary friction welding (RFW), but also for friction stir welding (FSW), linear friction welding (LFW), FRIEX, and others. Temperature measurements are also carried out for scientific purposes e.g. by use thermocouples or sometimes thermography, mentions about measurements are generally found in research materials and journals.