Field hockey at the 2024 Summer Olympics – Women's team squads

Last updated

This article shows the squads of all participating teams at the women's field hockey tournament at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.


Age, caps and club as of 27 July 2024.

Group A


The squad was announced on 17 June 2024. [1]

Head coach: Flag of the Netherlands.svg Raoul Ehren [2]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsClub
3FW Justine Rasir (2001-12-04)4 December 2001 (aged 22)70 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Racing
4FW Delphine Marien (2002-03-27)27 March 2002 (aged 22)37 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Dragons
5 Abigail Raye (1991-05-17)17 May 1991 (aged 33)141
6FW Charlotte Englebert (2001-05-20)20 May 2001 (aged 23)70 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Den Bosch
7MF Judith Vandermeiren (1994-08-10)10 August 1994 (aged 29)237 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Braxgata
8DF Emma Puvrez (1997-07-25)25 July 1997 (aged 27)199 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Tilburg
9FW Emily White (2004-09-20)20 September 2004 (aged 19)22 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Waterloo Ducks
13MF Alix Gerniers (Captain) (1993-06-29)29 June 1993 (aged 31)269 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Gantoise
15DF Vanessa Blockmans (2002-04-04)4 April 2002 (aged 22)44 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Waterloo Ducks
17MF Michelle Struijk (1998-06-24)24 June 1998 (aged 26)121 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Gantoise
19MF Barbara Nelen (Captain) (1991-08-20)20 August 1991 (aged 32)324 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Gantoise
21GK Aisling D'Hooghe (1994-08-25)25 August 1994 (aged 29)229 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Waterloo Ducks
22DF Stéphanie Vanden Borre (1997-09-14)14 September 1997 (aged 26)186 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Braxgata
26DF Lien Hillewaert (1997-11-27)27 November 1997 (aged 26)137 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Braxgata
29GK Elodie Picard (1997-09-08)8 September 1997 (aged 26)49 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Royal Antwerp
30FW Ambre Ballenghien (2000-12-13)13 December 2000 (aged 23)83 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Gantoise
31DF Lucie Breyne (2000-10-05)5 October 2000 (aged 23)64 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Waterloo Ducks
36DF Hélène Brasseur (2002-01-04)4 January 2002 (aged 22)59 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Gantoise
40MF Camille Belis (2004-10-23)23 October 2004 (aged 19)33 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Braxgata


Head coach: Flag of Australia (converted).svg Alyson Annan [3]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsGoalsClub
1GK Ye Jiao (1994-10-21)21 October 1994 (aged 29)1080 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Sichuan
2DF Gu Bingfeng (1994-01-24)24 January 1994 (aged 30)174107 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Liaoning
3DF Yang Liu (1998-09-01)1 September 1998 (aged 25)521 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Sichuan
6MF Zhang Ying (1998-08-29)29 August 1998 (aged 25)7219 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Jiangsu
7FW Chen Yi (1997-01-28)28 January 1997 (aged 27)6212 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Sichuan
9MF Ma Ning (2000-09-29)29 September 2000 (aged 23)739 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Jilin
13MF Li Hong (1999-05-31)31 May 1999 (aged 25)13617 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Tianjin
16DF Ou Zixia (Captain) (1995-09-24)24 September 1995 (aged 28)16714 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Sichuan
17MF Dan Wen (1999-06-14)14 June 1999 (aged 25)968 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Sichuan
18MF Zou Meirong (2000-09-01)1 September 2000 (aged 23)5116 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Sichuan
20MF He Jiangxin (1997-08-19)19 August 1997 (aged 26)1021 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Sichuan
23MF Fan Yunxia (2002-12-07)7 December 2002 (aged 21)241 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Jiangsu
26MF Chen Yang (1997-02-15)15 February 1997 (aged 27)11614 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Liaoning
27MF Xu Wenyu (1995-12-06)6 December 1995 (aged 28)1074 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Sichuan
31FW Zhong Jiaqi (1999-09-23)23 September 1999 (aged 24)11945 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Guangdong
35DF Tan Jinzhuang (2003-01-27)27 January 2003 (aged 21)251 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Sichuan
58FW Yu Anhui (2001-04-30)30 April 2001 (aged 23)24



The squad was announced on 8 July 2024. [4]

Head coach: Gaël Foulard [5]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsGoalsClub
3DFCatherine Clot (1997-04-30)30 April 1997 (aged 27)240 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Almeerse
4MF Emma Ponthieu (captain) (1996-03-09)9 March 1996 (aged 28)832 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Racing
5FWMickaela Lahlah (2001-12-04)4 December 2001 (aged 22)411 Flag of France.svg Cambrai
7FWPaola le Nindre (2006-06-16)16 June 2006 (aged 18)215 Flag of France.svg Racing Club de France
8FW Yohanna Lhopital (1999-09-18)18 September 1999 (aged 24)6521 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Waterloo Ducks
10FWPhilippine Delemazure (2005-09-10)10 September 2005 (aged 18)206 Flag of France.svg Lille
14MFGabrielle Verrier (1997-07-18)18 July 1997 (aged 27)293 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Royal Evere White Star
17FWVictoire Arnaud (2001-12-26)26 December 2001 (aged 22)414 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Royal Wellington THC
18DFGuusje van Bolhuis (2001-01-06)6 January 2001 (aged 23)536 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Leuven
19DFMathilde Duffrene (2005-03-19)19 March 2005 (aged 19)246 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Royal Pingouin
22FWEve Verzura (2002-04-02)2 April 2002 (aged 22)4511 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Royal Léopold Club
23MFInès Lardeur (1996-03-26)26 March 1996 (aged 28)9312 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Royal Léopold Club
24GKLucie Ehrmann (1998-01-31)31 January 1998 (aged 26)260 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Den Bosch
25MFAlbane Garot (1998-07-06)6 July 1998 (aged 26)531 Flag of Germany.svg Harvestehuder THC
27DFDelfina Gaspari (1998-04-30)30 April 1998 (aged 26)626 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg La Gantoise
28MFTessa-Margot Schubert (1996-06-09)9 June 1996 (aged 28)332 Flag of Germany.svg Düsseldorfer HC
31GKMathilde Petriaux (1997-07-23)23 July 1997 (aged 27)580



The squad was announced on 13 June 2024. [6]

Head coach: Valentin Altenburg [7]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsGoalsClub
2DF Kira Horn (1995-02-12)12 February 1995 (aged 29)873 Flag of Germany.svg Club an der Alster
3MF Amelie Wortmann (1996-10-21)21 October 1996 (aged 27)1085 Flag of Germany.svg UHC Hamburg
4MF Nike Lorenz (Captain) (1997-03-12)12 March 1997 (aged 27)17878 Flag of Germany.svg Rot-Weiss Köln
5MF Selin Oruz (1997-02-05)5 February 1997 (aged 27)1607 Flag of Germany.svg Düsseldorfer HC
6DF Benedetta Wenzel (1997-03-31)31 March 1997 (aged 27)502 Flag of Germany.svg Berliner HC
8MF Anne Schröder (1994-09-11)11 September 1994 (aged 29)20731 Flag of Germany.svg Club an der Alster
10FW Lisa Nolte (2001-02-05)5 February 2001 (aged 23)346 Flag of Germany.svg Düsseldorfer HC
11MF Lena Micheel (1998-04-29)29 April 1998 (aged 26)10820 Flag of Germany.svg UHC Hamburg
12FW Charlotte Stapenhorst (1995-06-15)15 June 1995 (aged 29)16984 Flag of Germany.svg Zehlendorfer Wespen
15GK Nathalie Kubalski (1993-09-03)3 September 1993 (aged 30)490 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Nijmegen
16MF Sonja Zimmermann (1999-06-15)15 June 1999 (aged 25)9827 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Amsterdam
22MF Cécile Pieper (1994-08-31)31 August 1994 (aged 29)191
23 Emma Davidsmeyer (1999-03-30)30 March 1999 (aged 25)39
25DF Viktoria Huse (1995-10-24)24 October 1995 (aged 28)11720 Flag of Germany.svg Club an der Alster
26MF Felicia Wiedermann (2002-01-28)28 January 2002 (aged 22)213 Flag of Germany.svg Rot-Weiss Köln
27DF Stine Kurz (2000-05-20)20 May 2000 (aged 24)343 Flag of Germany.svg Mannheimer HC
28FW Jette Fleschütz (2002-10-23)23 October 2002 (aged 21)6018 Flag of Germany.svg Großflottbeker THGC
31DF Linnea Weidemann (2003-09-15)15 September 2003 (aged 20)430 Flag of Germany.svg Berliner HC



The squad was announced on 14 June 2024. [8]

Head coach: Flag of India.svg Jude Menezes [9]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsGoalsClub
1GKEika Nakamura (1996-03-04)4 March 1996 (aged 28)540 Flag of Japan.svg Coca–Cola Red Sparks
5DF Yu Asai (1996-01-08)8 January 1996 (aged 28)1248 Flag of Japan.svg Coca–Cola Red Sparks
7DF Miyu Suzuki (1999-01-08)8 January 1999 (aged 25)747 Flag of Japan.svg Sony HC Bravia Ladies
9FW Yuri Nagai (Captain) (1992-05-26)26 May 1992 (aged 32)23278 Flag of Japan.svg Sony HC Bravia Ladies
10MF Hazuki Nagai (1994-08-15)15 August 1994 (aged 29)21965 Flag of Japan.svg Sakai Town
11DF Shihori Oikawa (1989-03-12)12 March 1989 (aged 35)18655 Flag of Japan.svg Tokyo Verdy Hockey Team
13DF Miki Kozuka (1996-01-13)13 January 1996 (aged 28)1162 Flag of Japan.svg GlaxoSmithKline Orange United
17FW Shiho Kobayakawa (1999-04-12)12 April 1999 (aged 25)4911 Flag of Japan.svg Coca–Cola Red Sparks
19FW Kanon Mori (1996-05-01)1 May 1996 (aged 28)6222 Flag of Japan.svg Coca–Cola Red Sparks
21FW Mai Toriyama (1995-04-13)13 April 1995 (aged 29)6116 Flag of Japan.svg Nanto Bank SHOOTING STARS
23MF Saki Tanaka (1998-09-18)18 September 1998 (aged 25)182 Flag of Japan.svg GlaxoSmithKline Orange United
25DF Kana Urata (1998-12-27)27 December 1998 (aged 25)519 Flag of Japan.svg Coca–Cola Red Sparks
26MF Amiru Shimada (1998-06-23)23 June 1998 (aged 26)507 Flag of Japan.svg Nanto Bank SHOOTING STARS
29MF Sakurako Omoto (1998-03-19)19 March 1998 (aged 26)772 Flag of Japan.svg Coca–Cola Red Sparks
36FW Miyu Hasegawa (2001-11-20)20 November 2001 (aged 22)289 Flag of Japan.svg Sony HC Bravia Ladies
37DF Rika Ogawa (1994-07-28)28 July 1994 (aged 29)232 Flag of Japan.svg Sony HC Bravia Ladies



The squad was announced on 28 May 2024. [10]

Head Coach: Paul van Ass [11]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsGoalsClub
1GK Anne Veenendaal (1995-09-07)7 September 1995 (aged 28)1180 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Amsterdam
2MF Luna Fokke (2001-03-09)9 March 2001 (aged 23)356 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Kampong
4FW Freeke Moes (1998-11-29)29 November 1998 (aged 25)6221 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Amsterdam
5DF Lisa Post (1999-01-27)27 January 1999 (aged 25)440 Flag of the Netherlands.svg SCHC
7MF Xan de Waard (Captain) (1995-11-08)8 November 1995 (aged 28)20920 Flag of the Netherlands.svg SCHC
8MF Yibbi Jansen (1999-11-18)18 November 1999 (aged 24)7360 Flag of the Netherlands.svg SCHC
9DF Renée van Laarhoven (1997-10-15)15 October 1997 (aged 26)623 Flag of the Netherlands.svg SCHC
10MF Felice Albers (1999-12-27)27 December 1999 (aged 24)6626 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Amsterdam
11MF Maria Verschoor (1994-04-22)22 April 1994 (aged 30)20529 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Amsterdam
14DF Sanne Koolen (1996-03-23)23 March 1996 (aged 28)1111 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Den Bosch
15FW Frédérique Matla (1996-12-28)28 December 1996 (aged 27)13094 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Den Bosch
16FW Joosje Burg (1997-07-29)29 July 1997 (aged 26)4222 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Den Bosch
17DF Marleen Jochems (2000-01-24)24 January 2000 (aged 24)210 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Hurley
18DF Pien Sanders (1998-06-11)11 June 1998 (aged 26)1236 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Den Bosch
19FW Marijn Veen (1996-11-18)18 November 1996 (aged 27)4823 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Amsterdam
20MF Laura Nunnink (1995-01-26)26 January 1995 (aged 29)1882 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Den Bosch


Group B


The squad was announced on 14 June 2024. [12]

Head coach: Fernando Ferrara [13]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsGoalsClub
2MF Sofía Toccalino (1997-03-20)20 March 1997 (aged 27)16812 Flag of Argentina.svg St. Catherine's
3DF Agustina Gorzelany (1996-03-11)11 March 1996 (aged 28)11670 Flag of Argentina.svg San Martín
4DF Valentina Raposo (2003-01-28)28 January 2003 (aged 21)518 Flag of Argentina.svg River Plate
5MF Agostina Alonso (1995-10-01)1 October 1995 (aged 28)1577 Flag of Argentina.svg Banco Nación
7FW Agustina Albertario (1993-01-01)1 January 1993 (aged 31)22762 Flag of Argentina.svg Lomas
10FW María Granatto (1995-04-21)21 April 1995 (aged 29)205104 Flag of Argentina.svg Santa Bárbara
13GK Cristina Cosentino (1997-12-22)22 December 1997 (aged 26)400 Flag of Argentina.svg Banco Nación
17MF Rocío Sánchez Moccia (Captain) (1988-08-02)2 August 1988 (aged 35)32020 Flag of Argentina.svg Puerto Nizuc
18MF Victoria Sauze (1991-07-21)21 July 1991 (aged 33)1474 Flag of Argentina.svg River Plate
20MF Sofía Cairó (2002-10-08)8 October 2002 (aged 21)274 Flag of Argentina.svg Mariano Moreno
22FW Eugenia Trinchinetti (1997-07-17)17 July 1997 (aged 27)17938 Flag of Argentina.svg San Fernando
23FW Lara Casas (2004-06-22)22 June 2004 (aged 20)91 Flag of Argentina.svg Italiano
25DF Juana Castellaro (2005-03-29)29 March 2005 (aged 19)210 Flag of Argentina.svg River Plate
26MF Pilar Campoy (1990-10-06)6 October 1990 (aged 33)9624 Flag of Argentina.svg Hacoaj
28FW Julieta Jankunas (1999-01-20)20 January 1999 (aged 25)17065 Flag of Argentina.svg Universitario de Córdoba
33FW Zoe Díaz (2006-06-05)5 June 2006 (aged 18)60 Flag of Argentina.svg Italiano



The squad was announced on 1 July 2024. [14]

Head coach: Katrina Powell [15]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsGoalsClub
1DF Claire Colwill (2003-09-19)19 September 2003 (aged 20)565 Flag of Australia (converted).svg Brisbane Blaze
3MF Brooke Peris (1993-01-16)16 January 1993 (aged 31)20840 Flag of Australia (converted).svg Adelaide Fire
4MF Amy Lawton (2002-01-19)19 January 2002 (aged 22)794 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Hurley
5MF Grace Young (2002-08-23)23 August 2002 (aged 21)340 Flag of Australia (converted).svg NSW Pride
6DF Penny Squibb (1993-02-09)9 February 1993 (aged 31)566 Flag of Australia (converted).svg Perth Thundersticks
8MF Maddison Brooks (2004-09-23)23 September 2004 (aged 19)326 Flag of Australia (converted).svg OHA
11FW Alice Arnott (1998-02-25)25 February 1998 (aged 26)22
13DF Hattie Shand (2000-01-11)11 January 2000 (aged 24)52
14MF Stephanie Kershaw (1995-04-19)19 April 1995 (aged 29)12021 Flag of Australia (converted).svg Brisbane Blaze
15MF Kaitlin Nobbs (captain) (1997-09-24)24 September 1997 (aged 26)13510 Flag of Australia (converted).svg NSW Pride
18MF Jane Claxton (captain) (1992-10-26)26 October 1992 (aged 31)24621 Flag of Australia (converted).svg Adelaide Fire
19GK Jocelyn Bartram (1993-05-04)4 May 1993 (aged 31)1070 Flag of Australia (converted).svg NSW Pride
20DF Karri Somerville (1999-04-07)7 April 1999 (aged 25)530 Flag of Australia (converted).svg Perth Thundersticks
21MF Renee Taylor (1996-09-28)28 September 1996 (aged 27)13215 Flag of Australia (converted).svg Brisbane Blaze
22DF Tatum Stewart (2002-02-22)22 February 2002 (aged 22)306 Flag of Australia (converted).svg Brisbane Blaze
24MF Mariah Williams (1995-05-31)31 May 1995 (aged 29)13220 Flag of Australia (converted).svg NSW Pride
29MF Rebecca Greiner (1999-06-13)13 June 1999 (aged 25)749 Flag of Australia (converted).svg Brisbane Blaze
30FW Grace Stewart (captain) (1997-04-28)28 April 1997 (aged 27)12436 Flag of Australia (converted).svg NSW Pride


Great Britain

The squad was announced on 18 June 2024. [16]

Head coach: Flag of Scotland.svg David Ralph [17]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsGoalsClub
4MF Laura Roper (1988-03-08)8 March 1988 (aged 36)35022 Flag of England.svg East Grinstead
6DF Anna Toman (1993-04-29)29 April 1993 (aged 31)13914 Flag of England.svg Wimbledon
7FW Hannah French (1994-12-30)30 December 1994 (aged 29)14455 Flag of England.svg Surbiton
8FW Sarah Jones (1990-06-25)25 June 1990 (aged 34)17830 Flag of England.svg Wimbledon
9DF Amy Costello (1998-01-14)14 January 1998 (aged 26)13419 Flag of England.svg Surbiton
10FW Sarah Robertson (1993-09-27)27 September 1993 (aged 30)20726 Flag of England.svg Hampstead & Westminster
12FW Charlotte Watson (1998-04-23)23 April 1998 (aged 26)11533 Flag of England.svg Loughborough Students
14FW Tessa Howard (1999-01-06)6 January 1999 (aged 25)9135 Flag of England.svg East Grinstead
16MF Isabelle Petter (2000-06-27)27 June 2000 (aged 24)10515 Flag of England.svg Surbiton
18DF Giselle Ansley (1992-03-31)31 March 1992 (aged 32)22159 Flag of England.svg Surbiton
20DF Hollie Pearne-Webb (Captain) (1990-09-19)19 September 1990 (aged 33)26420 Flag of England.svg Wimbledon
21MF Fiona Crackles (2000-02-11)11 February 2000 (aged 24)873 Flag of England.svg Wimbledon
23MF Sophie Hamilton (2001-02-28)28 February 2001 (aged 23)717 Flag of England.svg Surbiton
26MF Lily Owsley (1994-12-10)10 December 1994 (aged 29)23579 Flag of England.svg Hampstead & Westminster
28MF Flora Peel (1996-09-19)19 September 1996 (aged 27)561 Flag of England.svg Wimbledon
40GK Miriam Pritchard (1998-12-21)21 December 1998 (aged 25)130 Flag of England.svg Holcombe


South Africa

The squad was announced on 19 June 2024. [18] [19]

Head coach: Giles Bonnet [20]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsGoalsClub
1GK Anelle Lloyd (1993-12-06)6 December 1993 (aged 30)480 Flag of South Africa.svg Mpumalanga
3FW Celia Seerane (1990-06-18)18 June 1990 (aged 34)18548 Flag of South Africa.svg Tuks
4DF Stephanie Botha (1998-12-30)30 December 1998 (aged 25)302 Flag of South Africa.svg Somerset West
5MF Edith Molikoe (2000-05-23)23 May 2000 (aged 24)340 Flag of South Africa.svg Tuks
8FW Kristen Paton (1996-12-21)21 December 1996 (aged 27)728 Flag of the Netherlands.svg HGC
10MF Onthatile Zulu (2000-03-14)14 March 2000 (aged 24)560 Flag of South Africa.svg WPCC beavers
12FW Dirkie Chamberlain (1986-11-03)3 November 1986 (aged 37)243130 Flag of South Africa.svg North West
13DF Paris-Gail Isaacs (2006-08-25)25 August 2006 (aged 17)71 Flag of South Africa.svg Beaulieu
14MF Taheera Augousti (2005-09-23)23 September 2005 (aged 18)262 Flag of South Africa.svg Central
16DF Erin Christie (Captain) (1992-03-20)20 March 1992 (aged 32)1059 Flag of South Africa.svg WPCC beavers
17FW Ntsopa Mokoena (2004-08-17)17 August 2004 (aged 19)267 Flag of South Africa.svg Central
18DF Hannah Pearce (1998-11-17)17 November 1998 (aged 25)410 Flag of England.svg Birmingham
21FW Ongeziwe Mali (1999-05-21)21 May 1999 (aged 25)303 Flag of South Africa.svg Maties
25DF Marié Louw (1996-02-09)9 February 1996 (aged 28)263 Flag of South Africa.svg Bohemian
27FW Kayla de Waal (2000-06-11)11 June 2000 (aged 24)202 Flag of South Africa.svg WPCC beavers
28FW Quanita Bobbs (Captain) (1993-09-03)3 September 1993 (aged 30)18437 Flag of South Africa.svg Central
30MF Kayla Swarts (2003-05-24)24 May 2003 (aged 21)240 Flag of South Africa.svg Central



The squad was announced on 29 June 2024. [21]

Head coach: Carlos García Cuenca [22]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsGoalsClub
2DF Laura Barrios (2000-09-04)4 September 2000 (aged 23)546 Flag of Spain.svg RC Polo
4FW Sara Barrios (2000-09-04)4 September 2000 (aged 23)427 Flag of Spain.svg RC Polo
7MF Júlia Strappato (2000-01-16)16 January 2000 (aged 24)410 Flag of Spain.svg Club de Campo
8MF Lucía Jiménez (1997-01-08)8 January 1997 (aged 27)17923 Flag of Germany.svg Mannheim
9DF María López (Captain) (1990-02-16)16 February 1990 (aged 34)24943 Flag of Spain.svg Club de Campo
10FW Belén Iglesias (1996-07-06)6 July 1996 (aged 28)10523 Flag of Spain.svg Club de Campo
11FW Marta Segú (1995-06-22)22 June 1995 (aged 29)11537 Flag of Spain.svg RC Polo
13DF Constanza Amundson (1998-02-12)12 February 1998 (aged 26)411 Flag of Spain.svg RC Polo
14FW Blanca Pérez (2003-09-17)17 September 2003 (aged 20)100 Flag of Spain.svg Club de Campo
17DF Lola Riera (1991-06-25)25 June 1991 (aged 33)205146 Flag of Spain.svg Sanse Complutense
19FW Begoña García (1995-07-19)19 July 1995 (aged 29)17342 Flag of Spain.svg Club de Campo
20DF Xantal Giné (1992-09-23)23 September 1992 (aged 31)20215 Flag of Spain.svg RC Polo
21MF Beatriz Pérez (1991-05-04)4 May 1991 (aged 33)26153 Flag of Spain.svg Club de Campo
24MF Alejandra Torres-Quevedo (1999-09-30)30 September 1999 (aged 24)937 Flag of Spain.svg Club de Campo
26GK Clara Pérez (2001-07-26)26 July 2001 (aged 23)250 Flag of Spain.svg Atlètic Terrassa
30FW Patricia Álvarez (1998-03-04)4 March 1998 (aged 26)397 Flag of Spain.svg RC Polo


United States

The squad was announced on 12 June 2024. [23]

Head coach: Flag of Ireland.svg David Passmore [24]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsGoalsClub
1FW Abigail Tamer (2003-07-09)9 July 2003 (aged 21)3110 Flag of the United States.svg Pinnacle
2MF Meredith Sholder (1999-02-27)27 February 1999 (aged 25)492 Flag of the United States.svg Firestyx
3FW Ashley Sessa (2004-06-23)23 June 2004 (aged 20)5013 Flag of the United States.svg WC Eagles
6FW Megan Valzonis (1999-03-05)5 March 1999 (aged 25)354 Flag of the United States.svg RUSH Field Hockey
8MF Brooke DeBerdine (1999-05-19)19 May 1999 (aged 25)501 Flag of the United States.svg Nook Hockey
9DF Madeleine Zimmer (2001-09-28)28 September 2001 (aged 22)532 Flag of the United States.svg Alley Cats
12MF Amanda Golini (Captain) (1995-03-28)28 March 1995 (aged 29)15414 Flag of the United States.svg Rapid Fire Elite
13DF Ashley Hoffman (Captain) (1996-11-08)8 November 1996 (aged 27)12326 Flag of the United States.svg X–Calibur
17FW Elizabeth Yeager (2003-06-17)17 June 2003 (aged 21)5311 Flag of the United States.svg WC Eagles
20DF Leah Crouse (2000-02-22)22 February 2000 (aged 24)483 Flag of the United States.svg TCOYO
21DF Alexandra Hammel (1996-06-16)16 June 1996 (aged 28)691 Flag of the United States.svg HTC Field Hockey
23FW Sophia Gladieux (2002-06-14)14 June 2002 (aged 22)51 Flag of the United States.svg X–Calibur
24DF Kelee Lepage (1997-10-04)4 October 1997 (aged 26)420 Flag of the United States.svg X–Calibur
25MF Karlie Kisha (1995-09-25)25 September 1995 (aged 28)681 Flag of the United States.svg Highstyx
27MF Emma DeBerdine (2001-06-14)14 June 2001 (aged 23)440 Flag of the United States.svg Nook Hockey
31GK Kelsey Bing (2001-06-14)14 June 2001 (aged 23)860 Flag of the United States.svg Texas Pride


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This article lists the confirmed squads for the 2022 Women's Hockey World Cup tournament held in Terrassa, Spain and Amstelveen, the Netherlands from 1 to 17 July 2022.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Netherlands at the 2024 Summer Olympics</span> Netherlands at the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad in Paris

The Netherlands competed at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris from 26 July to 11 August 2024. Dutch athletes have appeared in every edition of the Summer Olympic Games, with the exception of the sparsely attended 1904 Summer Olympics in St. Louis and 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne, which the Netherlands boycotted because of the Soviet invasion of Hungary.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Spain at the 2024 Summer Olympics</span> Sporting event delegation

Spain competed at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris from 26 July to 11 August 2024. Spanish athletes have appeared in every edition of the Summer Olympic Games from 1920 onwards, except for the 1936 Summer Olympics in Nazi Germany because the nation's government was part of the anti-fascist boycott.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Belgium at the 2024 Summer Olympics</span> Sporting event delegation

Belgium competed at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris from 26 July to 11 August 2024. Since the country's debut in 1900, Belgian athletes have appeared in every edition of the Summer Olympic Games except for the 1904 edition.

This article shows the rosters of all participating teams at the women's handball tournament at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.

The 2023 Men's FIH Hockey World Cup was an international field hockey tournament held in Bhubaneswar and Rourkela, India from 13 to 29 January 2023. The 16 national teams involved in the tournament were required to register a squad of up to 18 players.

This article shows the squads of all participating teams at the men's field hockey tournament at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.

These are the rosters of all participating teams at the women's water polo tournament at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris. The twelve national teams were required to submit squads of 12 players. Additionally, teams could name one reserve player.

This article lists the confirmed squads for the 2023 Women's EuroHockey Nations Championship tournament held in Mönchengladbach, Netherlands between 18 and 27 August 2023. The eight national teams were required to register a playing squad of eighteen players and two reserves.

This article lists the confirmed squads for the 2024 Women's FIH Hockey Olympic Qualifiers tournament, held in Ranchi, India and Valencia, Spain between 13 and 20 January 2024. The sixteen national teams were required to register a playing squad of eighteen players and two reserves.

This article lists the confirmed squads for the 2024 Men's FIH Hockey Olympic Qualifiers tournament, held in Muscat, Oman and Valencia, Spain between 13 and 21 January 2024. The sixteen national teams were required to register a playing squad of eighteen players and two reserves.


  1. "Selectie Red Panthers voor de Hockey Pro League en nominaties voor de Olympische selectie". (in Dutch). Royal Belgian Hockey Association. 17 June 2024. Retrieved 18 June 2024.
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