Forbes list of The World's Most Powerful People

Last updated
President Putin of Russia has been named the most powerful person the most number of times Putin V.V. 16-06-2020 (cropped).jpg
President Putin of Russia has been named the most powerful person the most number of times

Since 2009 (with absences in 2017, 2019 and 2020), the business magazine, Forbes had compiled an annual list of the world's most powerful people. The list has one slot for every 100 million people, meaning in 2009 there were 67 people on the list and by 2018 there were 75. Slots are allocated based on the amount of human and financial resources that they have sway over, as well as their influence on world events. [1]


Historical top ten rankings

Note: No list was released for 2017, 2019 and 2020.

2009201020112012201320142015 [2] 2016 [3] 2018 [4]
1 Flag of the United States.svg Barack Obama

President of the United States

Increase2.svg Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Hu Jintao

General Secretary of the Communist Party of China

Increase2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Barack Obama

President of the United States

Increase2.svg Flag of Russia.svg Vladimir Putin

President of Russia

Increase2.svg Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Xi Jinping

General Secretary of the Communist Party of China

2 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Hu Jintao

General Secretary of the Communist Party of China

Decrease2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Barack Obama

President of the United States

Increase2.svg Flag of Russia.svg Vladimir Putin

Prime Minister of Russia

Increase2.svg Flag of Germany.svg Angela Merkel

Chancellor of Germany

Decrease2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Barack Obama

President of the United States

Increase2.svg Flag of Germany.svg Angela Merkel

Chancellor of Germany

Increase2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Donald Trump

President-elect of the United States

Decrease2.svg Flag of Russia.svg Vladimir Putin

President of Russia

3 Flag of Russia.svg Vladimir Putin

Prime Minister of Russia

Increase2.svg Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

King of Saudi Arabia

Decrease2.svg Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Hu Jintao

General Secretary of the Communist Party of China

Decrease2.svg Flag of Russia.svg Vladimir Putin

President of Russia

Increase2.svg Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Xi Jinping

General Secretary of the Communist Party of China

Decrease2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Barack Obama

President of the United States

Decrease2.svg Flag of Germany.svg Angela Merkel

Chancellor of Germany

Decrease2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Donald Trump

President of the United States

4 Flag of the United States.svg Ben Bernanke

Chair of the Federal Reserve

Decrease2.svg Flag of Russia.svg Vladimir Putin

Prime Minister of Russia

Increase2.svg Flag of Germany.svg Angela Merkel

Chancellor of Germany

Increase2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Bill Gates

Co-Chair of the Gates Foundation
Founder of Microsoft

Increase2.svg Flag of the Vatican City.svg Francis

Pope of the Holy See

Increase2.svg Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Xi Jinping

General Secretary of the Communist Party of China

Decrease2.svg Flag of Germany.svg Angela Merkel

Chancellor of Germany

5 Flag of the United States.svg Sergey Brin

Flag of the United States.svg Larry Page
Co-Founders of Google

Increase2.svg Flag of the Vatican City.svg Benedict XVI

Pope of the Holy See

Increase2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Bill Gates

Co-Chair of the Gates Foundation
Founder of Microsoft

Increase2.svg Flag of the Vatican City.svg Benedict XVI

Pope of the Holy See

Decrease2.svg Flag of Germany.svg Angela Merkel

Chancellor of Germany

Decrease2.svg Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Xi Jinping

General Secretary of the Communist Party of China

Decrease2.svg Flag of the Vatican City.svg Francis

Pope of the Holy See

Increase2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Jeff Bezos

Chairman and CEO of Amazon

6 Flag of Mexico.svg Carlos Slim

Chief Executive of Telmex

Increase2.svg Flag of Germany.svg Angela Merkel

Chancellor of Germany

Decrease2.svg Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

King of Saudi Arabia

Increase2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Ben Bernanke

Chair of the Federal Reserve

Decrease2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Bill Gates

Co-Chair of the Gates Foundation
Founder of Microsoft

Increase2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Janet Yellen

Chair of the Federal Reserve

Increase2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Bill Gates

Co-Chair of the Gates Foundation
Founder of Microsoft

Increase2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Janet Yellen

Chair of the Federal Reserve

Decrease2.svg Flag of the Vatican City.svg Francis

Pope of the Holy See

7 Flag of Australia (converted).svg Rupert Murdoch

Chairman of News Corporation

Increase2.svg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg David Cameron

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Decrease2.svg Flag of the Vatican City.svg Benedict XVI

Pope of the Holy See

Decrease2.svg Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

King of Saudi Arabia

Decrease2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Ben Bernanke

Chair of the Federal Reserve

Decrease2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Bill Gates

Co-Chair of the Gates Foundation
Founder of Microsoft

Decrease2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Janet Yellen

Chair of the Federal Reserve

Decrease2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Bill Gates

Co-Chair of the Gates Foundation
Founder of Microsoft

8 Flag of the United States.svg Mike Duke

Chief Executive of Walmart

Decrease2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Ben Bernanke

Chair of the Federal Reserve

Increase2.svg Flag of Italy.svg Mario Draghi

President of the European Central Bank

Decrease2.svg Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

King of Saudi Arabia

Increase2.svg Flag of Italy.svg Mario Draghi

President of the European Central Bank

Increase2.svg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg David Cameron

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Increase2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Larry Page

Co-Founder of Google

Increase2.svg Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud

Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia

9 Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

King of Saudi Arabia

Increase2.svg Flag of India.svg Sonia Gandhi

President of the Indian National Congress

Increase2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Mark Zuckerberg

Founder and CEO of Facebook

Increase2.svg Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Xi Jinping

General Secretary of the Communist Party of China

Decrease2.svg Flag of Italy.svg Mario Draghi

President of the European Central Bank

Increase2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Sergey Brin

Increase2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Larry Page
Co-Founders of Google

Increase2.svg Flag of India.svg Narendra Modi

Prime Minister of India

10 Flag of the United States.svg Bill Gates

Co-Chair of the Gates Foundation
Founder of Microsoft

Decrease2.svg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg David Cameron

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Increase2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Mike Duke

Chief Executive of Walmart

Increase2.svg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg David Cameron

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Decrease2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Larry Page

Co-Founder of Google

Increase2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Mark Zuckerberg

Co-Founder of Facebook

Decrease2.svg Flag of the United States.svg Larry Page

Co-Founder of Google

Listed seven or more times

Listed every time

Listed eight times

Listed seven times

See also

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  1. Michael Noer and Nicole Perlroth (11 November 2009). "The World's Most Powerful People". Forbes . Retrieved 2009-11-16.
  2. Ewalt, David M. (4 November 2015). "The World's Most Powerful People 2015". Forbes. Retrieved 10 May 2018.
  3. Ewalt, David M. (14 December 2016). "The World's Most Powerful People 2016". Forbes. Retrieved 10 May 2018.
  4. Ewalt, David M. (8 May 2018). "The World's Most Powerful People 2018". Forbes. Retrieved 10 May 2018.