Geosesarma rouxi

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Geosesarma rouxi is a species of small, semi-terrestrial freshwater crabs native to Java, Indonesia. [1] [2] They are commonly known in the pet trade as rainbow vampire crabs. [2]


Geosesarma rouxi
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Malacostraca
Order: Decapoda
Suborder: Pleocyemata
Infraorder: Brachyura
Family: Sesarmidae
Genus: Geosesarma
G. rouxi
Binomial name
Geosesarma rouxi
Serène, 1968


Adult G. rouxi can reach 2 inches in size, with a yellow and light blue carapace and dark red legs. [2]


G. rouxi must be kept in an paludarium of at least half land, with freshwater available deep enough for the crab to fully submerge to molt. [2] They should only be kept with other crabs of the same species, as they may be hostile to others. These crabs should be kept in groups with more females than males. [3] Their enclosure must have a secure lid to prevent escape. G. rouxi may be fed dry fish or crab foods, or live small prey such as fish or worms. These crabs' enclosure should be kept at a temperature 75° - 82° F (24° - 28° C) and a humidity of at least 75%. [2]

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  1. "WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Geosesarma rouxi (Serène, 1968)". Retrieved 2024-10-07.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 "Rainbow Vampire Crab (Geosesarma rouxi "Red Legged")". Aquatic Arts. Retrieved 2024-10-07.
  3. "The Geosesarma Database - Enclosures". Retrieved 2024-10-09.