Guardian Children's Fiction Prize

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The Guardian Children's Fiction Prize or Guardian Award was a literary award that annually recognised one fiction book written for children or young adults (at least age eight) and published in the United Kingdom. [1] It was conferred upon the author of the book by The Guardian newspaper, which established it in 1965 and inaugurated it in 1967. It was a lifetime award in that previous winners were not eligible. At least from 2000 the prize was £1,500. The prize was apparently discontinued after 2016, though no formal announcement appears to have been made. [2]



The prize was established in 1965 as the "only children's book award made to writers by their fellow authors" [3] (2005 shortlist) and inaugurated by the 1967 award to Leon Garfield for Devil in the Fog (Constable & Co., 1966). Through the 2000 prize, announced 28 March, it recognised one book published in the UK during the preceding calendar year.

Between the 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 cycles, the prize schedule was rearranged to culminate in October during Booktrust Children's Book Week. "[F]iction for children aged seven and above, published in the UK between January 2000 and September 2001" (21 months) was eligible for the 2001 prize. Publishers were required to submit no more than ten entries by April 30. [3]

At the same time, a summer program was inaugurated, using the newspaper's educational website and featuring a longlist announced in July. The program initially comprised merely an opportunity to vote for longlist favourites, comments by the judges to guide summer reading, and advice on "how to build a classic library of children's books".(2001 longlist) A version of the ongoing Young Critics contest was inaugurated in 2002 and the program has expanded since then to include online discussion and author interviews and appearances. Meanwhile, announcement of the longlist has advanced to late May or early June and announcement of the winner has retreated to November.


The shortlist of no more than four books and the winner were selected by three children's fiction writers, almost always including the latest winner.The Guardian described the prize as the only children's book award winner selected by peers. The newspaper's children's book editor Julia Eccleshare participated (from 2000 to 2016) in selection of the longlist and thereafter chaired the panel of final judges.

In years to 2016, a longlist of eight books was announced in May or June, a shortlist of no more than four announced in September, and a single winner. The longlist was the foundation for a summer program of reading, reviewing, and discussion.

The U.K. publishers of eligible books entered them for the prize with a fee, although the chair may call for submission. The publication year is August to July of the current year, but May, June, and July books must be submitted in advance. Books originally published in another language were eligible in English translation for five years.

Routinely, eligible books were entered for the prize by their UK publishers, as many as ten books each (2000) although chair Eccleshare also called for particular submissions.


Through 2016, 52 prizes were awarded in 49 years covering 1966 to mid-2015 publications. There were co-winners in 1992 and 1996. [3]


Guardian Children's Fiction Prize winners, 1967-1969 [3]
1967 Leon Garfield Devil-in-the-FogConstableWinner
1968 Alan Garner The Owl Service Collins Winner
1969 Joan Aiken The Whispering Mountain Jonathan Cape Winner
Samuel Youd The Pool of Fire Runner-up


Guardian Children's Fiction Prize winners, 1970-1979 [3]
1970 K. M. Peyton The Flambards trilogy (1967–1969)OxfordWinner
1971 John Christopher The Guardians Hamish Hamilton Winner
1972 Gillian Avery A Likely Lad Collins Winner
1973 Richard Adams Watership Down Rex Collings Winner
1974 Barbara Willard The Iron Lily Longman Winner
1975 Winifred Cawley Gran at Coalgate OxfordWinner
Anne Fine The Summer House LoonRunner-up
1976 Nina Bawden The Peppermint Pig Gollancz Winner
1977 Peter Dickinson The Blue Hawk Gollancz Winner [4]
1978 Diana Wynne Jones Charmed Life Macmillan Winner
1979 Andrew Davies Conrad's WarBlackieWinner


Guardian Children's Fiction Prize winners and finalists, 1980-1989 [3]
1980 Ann Schlee The Vandal Macmillan Winner
Gillian Cross The Iron WayRunner-up
1981 Peter Carter The SentinelsOxfordWinner
1982 Michelle Magorian Goodnight Mr. Tom KestrelWinner
1983 Anita Desai The Village by the Sea Heinemann Winner
Gillian Cross The Dark Behind the CurtainRunner-up
1984 Dick King-Smith The Sheep-Pig (US title: Babe, the Gallant Pig) Gollancz Winner
Anne Fine The Granny Project Puffin Runner-up
1985 Ted Hughes What is the Truth Faber Winner
1986 Ann Pilling Henry's Leg Viking Kestrel Winner
1987 James Aldridge The True Story of Spit MacPhee Viking Kestrel Winner
Anne Fine Madame Doubtfire Puffin Runner-up
1988 Ruth Thomas The Runaways Hutchinson Winner
1989 Geraldine McCaughrean A Pack of Lies OxfordWinner


Guardian Children's Fiction Prize winners and finalists, 1990-1999 [3]
1990 Anne Fine Goggle-Eyes Hamish Hamilton Winner
1991 [a] Robert Westall The Kingdom by the Sea Methuen Winner
Gillian Cross Wolf OxfordFinalist
1992 Rachel Anderson Paper FacesOxfordWinner
Hilary McKay The Exiles Gollancz Winner
Jamila Gavin The Wheel of SuryaFinalist [6]
1993 William Mayne Low Tide Jonathan Cape Winner
Terry Pratchett Finalist
1994 Sylvia Waugh The Mennyms Julia MacRaeWinner
Jamila Gavin The Eye of the HorseFinalist [6]
1995 Lesley Howarth MapHead Walker Books Winner
1996 Alison Prince The Sherwood Hero Macmillan Winner
Philip Pullman Northern Lights

(US title, The Golden Compass)

Scholastic UK Winner
Russell Hoban The Trokeville Way Jonathan Cape Finalist
Beverley Naidoo No Turning BackFinalist
Chloë Rayban Love In CyberiaFinalist
1997 Melvin Burgess Junk Penguin Winner
Jamila Gavin The Track of the WindMammothFinalist [6]
Keith Gray CreepersFinalist
Terry Pratchett Johnny and the Bomb Finalist
1998 Henrietta Branford Fire, Bed, and Bone Walker Books Winner
J. K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Bloomsbury Finalist
Jane Stemp Secret Songs Hodder Children's Books Finalist
1999 Susan Price The Sterkarm Handshake Scholastic UKWinner
J. K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Bloomsbury Finalist


Until 2000, books published in the previous year were eligible for the award, and the award included a winner and a shortlist. In 2001, the award cycle was rescheduled to conclude in the fall rather than the spring. At the same time, a longlist of seven books was instituted with a shortlist of four to six books.

Guardian Children's Fiction Prize winners and finalists, 2000-2009
YearAuthorTitlePublisherMin. AgeResultRef.
2000 Jacqueline Wilson The Illustrated Mum TransworldWinner [7]
David Almond Kit's Wilderness Hodder Children's Books Shortlist
Bernard Ashley Little Soldier Orchard Shortlist
Susan Cooper King of Shadows Bodley Head Shortlist
Jan Mark The Eclipse of the Century Scholastic Shortlist
J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Bloomsbury Shortlist
2001 [b] Kevin Crossley-Holland The Seeing Stone Orion Winner [9]
Allan Ahlberg My Brother's Ghost Puffin 9Shortlist [9]
Celia Rees Witch Child Bloomsbury 11Shortlist [9]
Karen Wallace Raspberries on the Yangtze Simon & Schuster 11Shortlist [9]
Adèle Geras Troy David Fickling/Scholastic 11Longlist [9]
Gaye Hiçyilmaz Girl in Red Orion 11Longlist [9]
Eva Ibbotson Journey to the River Sea Macmillan 10Longlist [9]
Margaret Mahy 24 Hours Collins Longlist [9]
Jan Mark Heathrow Nights Hodder 12Longlist [9]
Beverley Naidoo The Other Side of Truth Puffin Longlist [9]
2002 [c] Sonya Hartnett Thursday's Child Walker Books 12Winner [11] [12]
Keith Gray Warehouse Red Fox 13Shortlist [11]
Elizabeth Laird Jake's Tower Heinemann, MacMillan 11Shortlist [11]
Linda Newbery The Shell House David Fickling 12Shortlist [11]
Terry Pratchett The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents [d] Doubleday, Transworld11Shortlist [11] [13]
Marcus Sedgwick The Dark Horse Orion 12Shortlist [11] [14]
Bernard Ashley Revenge House Orchard Longlist
Julie Bertagna Exodus Macmillan Longlist
Susan Cooper Green Boy Bodley Head Longlist
2003 [e] Mark Haddon The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Jonathan Cape, David Fickling 12Winner [15]
David Almond The Fire-Eaters Hodder 10Shortlist [16]
Kevin Brooks Lucas Chicken House 12Shortlist [16]
Alex Shearer The Speed of the Dark Macmillan 11Shortlist [16]
Simon French Where in the WorldLittle Hare9Longlist [16]
Keith Gray Malarkey Red Fox 13Longlist [16]
Marcus Sedgwick The Book of Dead Days Orion 10Longlist [14] [16]
Jean Ure Bad Alice Hodder & Stoughton 10Longlist [16]
2004 [f] Meg Rosoff How I Live Now Puffin 14Winner [18]
Frank Cottrell-Boyce Millions Macmillan 9Shortlist [18]
Ann Turnbull No Shame, No Fear Walker Books 10Shortlist [18]
Leslie Wilson Last Train from Kummersdorf Faber 11Shortlist [18]
Kevin Brooks Kissing the Rain Chicken House 13Longlist [18]
Patricia ElliottMurkmere Hodder 10Longlist [18]
Jan Mark Useful Idiots David Fickling 13Longlist [18]
Michael Morpurgo Private Peaceful Collins 10Longlist [18]
2005 [g] Kate Thompson The New Policeman Bodley Head 11Winner [19]
Julie Hearn The MerrybegotOxford10Shortlist [19]
Alex Shearer The Hunted Macmillan 11Shortlist [19]
Tim Wynne-Jones The Boy in the Burning House Groundwood Books, 2000; Usborne 10Shortlist [19]
Kevin Brooks Candy Chicken House 13Longlist [19]
Michelle Paver Wolf Brother Orion 9Longlist [19]
Philippa Pearce The Little Gentleman Puffin 9Longlist [19]
Christopher Russell Brind and the Dogs of War Puffin 10Longlist [19]
2006 [h] Philip Reeve A Darkling Plain Scholastic UKWinner
Patrick Cave Blown Away Simon & Schuster 13Shortlist
Frank Cottrell-Boyce Framed Macmillan 11Shortlist
Frances Hardinge Fly by Night Macmillan 11Shortlist
David Almond Clay Hodder 12Longlist
Siobhan Dowd A Swift Pure Cry Doubleday 12Longlist
Jill Murphy The Worst Witch Saves the Day Penguin8-11Longlist
Tim Wynne-Jones The Survival Game Usborne 10Longlist
2007 [i] Jenny Valentine Finding Violet Park HarperCollins 12Winner [22]
Mary Hoffman The Falconer's Knot Bloomsbury 11Shortlist
Sally Prue The Truth SayerOxford10Shortlist
Andy Stanton Mr Gum and the Biscuit BillionaireEgmont7Shortlist
Allan Ahlberg The Boyhood of Burglar Bill Puffin 8Longlist [22]
Charlie Fletcher Stoneheart Hodder 10Longlist [22]
Tim Lott Fearless Walker Books 12Longlist [22]
Mal Peet The Penalty Walker Books 12Longlist [22]
2008 [j] Patrick Ness The Knife of Never Letting Go Walker Books 13Winner [25] [26] [27]
Frank Cottrell-Boyce Cosmic Macmillan 9Shortlist [26] [28]
Siobhan Dowd Bog Child David Fickling 13Shortlist [26] [28]
Jenny Downham Before I Die Definitions13Shortlist [26] [28]
Tanya Landman The Goldsmith's Daughter Walker Books 11Longlist [29]
Rhiannon Lassiter Bad BloodOxford12Longlist [29]
Anthony McGowan The Knife That Killed Me Definitions14Longlist [29]
2009 [k] Mal Peet Exposure Walker Books Winner [31] [32]
Siobhan Dowd Solace of the Road David Fickling Shortlist
Morris Gleitzman Then Puffin Shortlist
Terry Pratchett Nation Doubleday Shortlist
Bernard Beckett Genesis Quercus Longlist [33]
Sally Gardner The Silver Blade Orion Longlist [33]
Julie Hearn Rowan the StrangeOxfordLonglist [33]
Marcus Sedgwick Revolver Orion Longlist [14] [33]


Guardian Children's Fiction Prize winners and finalists, 2010-2016
YearAuthorTitlePublisherMin. AgeResultRef.
2010 [l] Michelle Paver Ghost Hunter Orion 10Winner [35] [36]
Morris Gleitzman Now Puffin 9Shortlist [37]
Gregory Hughes Unhooking the Moon Quercus 11Shortlist [37]
Eva Ibbotson The Ogre of Oglefort Macmillan 8Shortlist [37]
Theresa Breslin Prisoner of the Inquisition Doubleday 12Longlist [38]
Ally Kennen Sparks Marion Lloyd Books9Longlist [38]
Linda Newbery , illus. by Pam Smy Lob David Fickling 8Longlist [38]
Marcus Sedgwick White Crow Orion 13Longlist [14] [38]
2011 [m] Andy Mulligan Return To Ribblestrop Simon & Schuster10Winner [40]
David Almond My Name is Mina Hodder 9Shortlist [41]
Frances Hardinge Twilight Robbery Macmillan 11Shortlist [41]
Simon Mason Moon Pie David Fickling 10Shortlist [41]
Lissa EvansSmall Change for Stuart Doubleday 8Longlist [42] [43]
Saci Lloyd Momentum Hodder 12Longlist [42] [43]
Annabel Pitcher My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece Orion 10Longlist [42] [43]
Andy Stanton , illus. David Tazzyman Mr Gum and the Secret Hideout Egmont 7Longlist [42] [43]
2012 [n] Frank Cottrell Boyce The Unforgotten Coat Walker 9Winner [45]
Roddy Doyle A Greyhound of a Girl Scholastic 12Shortlist [45]
Jack Gantos Dead End in Norvelt Corgi 12Shortlist [45]
Eva Ibbotson The Abominables Scholastic 8Shortlist [45]
Aidan Chambers Dying to Know You Bodley Head 14Longlist [46]
Russell Hoban Soonchild Walker 14Longlist [46]
Ally Kennen Bullet Boys Scholastic 14Longlist [46]
Dave SheltonA Boy and a Bear in a Boat David Fickling 9Longlist [46]
2013 [o] Rebecca Stead Liar & Spy Andersen Press 10Winner [48] [49]
David Almond , illus. Oliver Jeffers The Boy Who Swam With Piranhas Walker 9Shortlist [50] [51]
John Green The Fault in Our Stars Penguin 12Shortlist [50] [51]
Katherine Rundell Rooftoppers Faber 10Shortlist [50] [51]
Gillian Cross After TomorrowOxford10Longlist [52]
Sally Gardner Maggot Moon Hot Key Books 12Longlist [52]
William Sutcliffe The Wall Bloomsbury 12Longlist [52]
Lydia Syson A World Between Us Hot Key Books 14Longlist [52]
2014 [p] Piers Torday The Dark Wild Quercus 11Winner [54] [55]
Kate DiCamillo , illus. K. G. Campbell Flora & Ulysses Walker; U.S., Candlewick 9Shortlist [56] [57]
E. Lockhart We Were Liars Hot Key Books; U.S., Delacorte 12Shortlist [56] [57]
S. F. Said , illus. Dave McKean Phoenix David Fickling 10Shortlist [56] [57]
Natasha Farrant Flora in Love Faber 12Longlist [58] [59]
Candy Gourlay Shine David Fickling 12Longlist [58] [59]
Marcus Sedgwick She Is Not Invisible Orion 12Longlist [58] [59]
Francesca Simon The Lost Gods Faber/Profile 9Longlist [58] [59]
2015 David Almond A Song for Ella Grey Hodder Winner [60] [61] [62]
Frances Hardinge The Lie Tree Macmillan Shortlist [63] [64]
Sally Nicholls An Island of our Own Scholastic Shortlist [63] [64]
Kate Saunders Five Children on the Western Front Faber Shortlist [63] [64]
Cece Bell El DeafoAmulet Books)Longlist [65] [66]
Sarah Crossan Apple and Rain Bloomsbury Longlist [65] [66]
Jennifer Niven All The Bright Places Penguin Longlist [65] [66]
Jon Walter My Name's Not Friday David Fickling Longlist [65] [66]
2016 Alex Wheatle Crongton Knights Atom Books Winner [67]
Brian Selznick The Marvels Shortlist [68]
Tanya Landman Hell and High WaterShortlist [68]
Zana Fraillon The Bone SparrowShortlist [68]
Malorie Blackman Chasing the StarsLonglist [69] [70]
Martin StewartRiverkeepLonglist [69] [70]
Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock The Smell of Other People's HousesLonglist [69]
G. R. Gemin Sweet PizzaLonglist [69]

Winners of multiple awards

Six books have won both the Guardian Children's Fiction Prize and the Carnegie Medal (inaugurated 1936), which annually recognizes an outstanding book for children or young adults.

(Dates are years of U.K. publication, which were Carnegie award dates before 2006.)

In 2001, The Seeing Stone by Kevin Crossley-Holland won the Tir na n-Og Award, best English-language book for young people with "authentic Welsh background".[ citation needed ]

In 2003, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon won the 2003 Whitbread Awards as the year's best novel (not children's book) and the "Book of the Year" across all five categories.[ citation needed ]The Guardian children's book editor Eccleshare wrote, "Published on both an adult and a children's list, it is one of the few titles for which the ubiquitous claim of 'crossover' is not a gimmick. It genuinely has equal, though different, appeal to all readers – 15-year-old Christopher Boone's narrative voice is at once childlike in its observations, and adult in its profundity." [15]

In 2007, Pullman's Northern Lights was named "Carnegie of Carnegies" for the award's 70-year celebration. [71]

Summer programme

The Young Critics competition was inaugurated in 2002 and is still underway. The newspaper solicited 200-word reviews of books on the longlist from children 16 and younger, with the prize being "a day editing and printing up their reviews".(retrospective by CA, 23 Sep 2002)

Ten years later there are dual competitions for children 17 and younger, one for individuals and one for teams of at least four schoolmates. There are cash prizes and free sets of the longlist books to the winners. Up to 30 students from the winning school also get a day at one Guardian site.(2012 Young Critics) The Young Critics contests are judged by Eccleshare, who also helps select the longlist, and another Guardian editor. [72]

Beside the competition there is a summer book club that features one longlist book each week, with author interviews and discussion.

See also


  1. Cross won the 1990 Carnegie Medal for Wolf. [5]
  2. Naidoo won the Carnegie Medal for the listed work; [8] Geras was a highly commended runner up.[ citation needed ]
  3. Pratchett won the Carnegie Medal for the listed work; [10] Laird, Newbery and Sedgwick made the shortlist.[ citation needed ]
  4. The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents is the 28th Discworld book and the first for children.
  5. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time won two Whitbread Awards: Novel and overall "Book of the Year".[ citation needed ] Haddon and Almond made the Carnegie Medal shortlist for the listed works.[ citation needed ]
  6. Cottrell Boyce won the Carnegie Medal for the listed work; [17] Morpurgo made the shortlist.[ citation needed ]
  7. Paver's book was the first in a series of six, the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness (2004 to 2009). She won the 2010 Prize for the concluding volume, Ghost Hunter.
  8. Reeve won for concluding a four-volume series. Almond and Cottrell Boyce made the Carnegie Medal shortlist for the listed works. [20]
  9. Valentine's Prize-winning book was also on the year's Carnegie Medal shortlist. [21]
  10. Siobhan Dowd won the Carnegie Medal for the listed work; [23] Cottrell-Boyce and Ness made the shortlist. [24]
  11. Hearn, Pratchett, and Sedgwick made the Carnegie Medal shortlist for the listed works. [30]
  12. Paver won for concluding a six-volume series. According to JE, "It's relatively rare for a book late in a series to win a major prize, but the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness is such a towering achievement, as a whole as well as in terms of the individual books, that it was our unanimous choice."[ citation needed ] Philip Reeve also won in 2006 for concluding a four-volume series.[ citation needed ] On the shortlist, Gleitzman's Now was the third of a trilogy. Breslin and Sedgwick made the Carnegie Medal shortlist for the listed works. [34]
  13. Mulligan made the 2012 Carnegie Medal shortlist with a different work, Trash (late 2010); Almond, Evans, and Pitcher made that shortlist with their Guardian Prize contenders. [39]
  14. This was Eva Ibbotson's second year on the shortlist after her death October 2010. Gantos's Dead End in Norvelt won the Newbery Medal for calendar year 2011's "most distinguished contribution to American children's literature" (for readers up to age 14). [44]
  15. Stead was the first American winner of the Prize, which was opened to writers from outside the British Commonwealth in 2012.[ citation needed ] Gardner's Maggot Moon won the annual Carnegie Medal. [47]
  16. DiCamillo's Flora & Ulysses won the annual Newbery Medal from the American Library Association as the most distinguished U.S. children's book published during 2013. [53] The longlist and shortlist were announced 28 June and 4 October, both about a month later than usual.[ citation needed ]


  1. "Guardian Children's Fiction Prize". The Guardian . 2016. Archived from the original on 19 September 2021. Retrieved 31 May 2021.
  2. "Guardian children's fiction prize". The Guardian . Archived from the original on 10 October 2022. Retrieved 14 October 2022.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Guardian children's fiction prize relaunched: Entry details and list of past winners" Archived 2019-03-27 at the Wayback Machine . The Guardian 12 March 2001. Retrieved 2012-06-12.
  4. "Peter Dickinson (1927-2015)". Locus Online . 2015-12-17. Archived from the original on 2023-01-27. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  5. "The CILIP Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Awards". The CILIP Carnegie & Kate Greenaway Children's Book Awards. 2018-10-17. Archived from the original on 2018-10-17. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  6. 1 2 3 "Jamila Gavin – Literature". British Council . Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  7. "Winner of the Guardian Children's Fiction Prize 2000" Archived 2016-12-01 at the Wayback Machine . The Guardian 28 March 2000. 2012–.
  8. "The CILIP Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Awards". The CILIP Carnegie & Kate Greenaway Children's Book Awards. 2018-10-17. Archived from the original on 2018-10-17. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "Guardian Children's Fiction Prize 2001". The Guardian . Archived from the original on 2023-04-13. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  10. "The CILIP Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Awards". The CILIP Carnegie & Kate Greenaway Children's Book Awards. 2018-10-17. Archived from the original on 2018-10-17. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Guardian Children's Fiction Prize 2002". The Guardian . Archived from the original on 2023-04-13. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  12. "Awards: PEN/Faulkner; Astrid Lindgren; Arabic Booker". Shelf Awareness . 2008-03-13. Archived from the original on 2023-03-07. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  13. "Terry Pratchett (1948-2015)". Locus Online . 2015-03-12. Archived from the original on 2022-05-16. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  14. 1 2 3 4 "Obituary Note: Marcus Sedgwick". Shelf Awareness . 2022-11-18. Archived from the original on 2022-12-02. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  15. 1 2 Eccleshare, Julia (2003-10-04). "The Guardian's Children Fiction Prize". The Guardian . ISSN   0261-3077. Archived from the original on 2023-03-26. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  16. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Well read". The Guardian . 2003-09-09. ISSN   0261-3077. Archived from the original on 2018-06-17. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  17. "The CILIP Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Awards". The CILIP Carnegie & Kate Greenaway Children's Book Awards. 2018-10-17. Archived from the original on 2018-10-17. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  18. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "Guardian Children's Fiction Prize 2004". The Guardian . Archived from the original on 2023-03-09. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
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  20. "The CILIP Carnegie Medal Shortlist for 2007". The CILIP Carnegie & Kate Greenaway Children's Book Awards. Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
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  22. 1 2 3 4 5 "Children's fiction prize 2007". The Guardian . Archived from the original on 2023-04-13. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  23. "The CILIP Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Awards". The CILIP Carnegie & Kate Greenaway Children's Book Awards. 2018-10-17. Archived from the original on 2018-10-17. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  24. "The CILIP Carnegie Medal Shortlist for 2009". The CILIP Carnegie & Kate Greenaway Children's Book Awards. Archived from the original on 2015-10-06. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  25. Eccleshare, Julia (2008-09-26). "And the winner is ..." The Guardian . ISSN   0261-3077. Archived from the original on 2021-08-07. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  26. 1 2 3 4 Flood, Alison (2008-09-24). "Sharp take on power of knives wins Guardian book prize". The Guardian . ISSN   0261-3077. Archived from the original on 2021-08-07. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  27. "Awards: Guardian Children's Fiction Prize". Shelf Awareness . 2008-09-26. Archived from the original on 2017-10-02. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  28. 1 2 3 "The shortlist". The Guardian . 2008-09-05. ISSN   0261-3077. Archived from the original on 2021-08-07. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  29. 1 2 3 Armitstead, Claire (2008-05-23). "Longlist announced for Guardian Children's Fiction award". The Guardian . ISSN   0261-3077. Archived from the original on 2022-05-24. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  30. "The CILIP Carnegie Medal Shortlist for 2010". The CILIP Carnegie & Kate Greenaway Children's Book Awards. Archived from the original on 2012-05-21. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  31. Flood, Alison (2009-10-09). "Mal Peet on winning the Guardian children's fiction prize". The Guardian . ISSN   0261-3077. Archived from the original on 2023-04-09. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
  32. "Awards: Guardian Children's Fiction Prize". Shelf Awareness . 2009-10-16. Archived from the original on 2017-10-01. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
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  34. "The CILIP Carnegie Medal Shortlist for 2011". The CILIP Carnegie & Kate Greenaway Children's Book Awards. Archived from the original on 2012-05-29. Retrieved 2023-06-02.
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