Strophanthus is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1802. It is native primarily to tropical Africa, extending to South Africa, with a few species in Asia from southern India to New Guinea and southern China. The genus name is a compound of the Greek words στροφος (strophos) "twisted" and ανθοσ (anthos) "flower", in reference to the corolla lobes which, in some species - notably S. petersianus - resemble long twisted ribbons or threads and can reach a length of 30–35 cm. This trait, in addition to colouring involving combinations of bright pinks, purples and oranges, combine to make the flowers among the most ornamental in the plant kingdom.

Sclerocroton is a plant genus of the family Euphorbiaceae first described as a genus in 1845. There a total of 6 known species in this genus; 5 species in continental Africa and a single species in Madagascar.
- Sclerocroton carterianus(J.Léonard) Kruijt & Roebers - Liberia, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone
- Sclerocroton cornutus(Pax) Kruijt & Roebers - C + SC Africa from Cameroon to Zimbabwe plus Ivory Coast
- Sclerocroton integerrimusHochst. - C + S Africa from Zaire to KawZulu-Natal, plus Guinea
- Sclerocroton melanostictus(Baill.) Kruijt & Roebers - Madagascar
- Sclerocroton oblongifolius(Müll.Arg.) Kruijt & Roebers - Zaire, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe
- Sclerocroton schmitzii(J.Léonard) Kruijt & Roebers - Zaire, Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Uapaca is a genus of plant, in the family Phyllanthaceae first described as a genus in 1858. It is the only genus comprised in the tribe Uapaceae. The genus is native to Africa and Madagascar.

Aneilema is a genus of monocotyledonous plants of approximately 60 species. The vast majority of the species are native to sub-Saharan Africa, but a few are found in Oceania and one, Aneilema brasiliense, is from South America. It is the third largest genus in the family Commelinaceae after Commelina and Tradescantia, and it is one of only six genera in the family to occur in both the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere.

Floscopa is a genus of plant in family Commelinaceae first described in 1790. It is widespread in tropical + subtropical areas: Africa, Madagascar, the Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, China, Queensland, Central + South America.

Hyparrhenia is a genus of grasses. Many species are known commonly as thatching grass.
Zonotriche is a genus of African plants in the grass family.

Lipocarpha is a genus of sedges known as halfchaff sedges. There are approximately 35 species and representatives can be found throughout the tropical and warmer temperate areas of Africa, Asia, Australia, North America, South America and various oceanic islands. These mostly are erect annual herbs growing 1 to 30 centimeters tall. The inflorescence consists of one to few spikes each containing many spirally arranged spikelets. The flower is entangled with two hyalin scales, a spikelet prophyll and a glume. These flower stands in the axil of a spikelet-bract.

Sacciolepis is a genus of plants in the grass family. Cupscale grass is a common name for plants in this genus.

Microcoelia is a genus of orchids native to sub-Saharan Africa as well as to Madagascar and other islands of the Indian Ocean.
- Microcoelia aphylla(Thouars) Summerh. - from Kenya and Uganda south to KwaZulu-Natal, plus Madagascar, Mauritius and Réunion
- Microcoelia aurantiaca(Schltr.) Summerh. - Madagascar
- Microcoelia bispiculataL.Jonss. - Madagascar
- Microcoelia bulbocalcarataL.Jonss. - Príncipe, Cameroon, Gabon, Uganda, Rwanda
- Microcoelia caespitosa(Rolfe) Summerh. in J.Hutchinson & J.M.Dalziel - western and central Africa from Liberia to Zaïre and Uganda
- Microcoelia corallinaSummerh. - Tanzania, Mozambique, Malawi
- Microcoelia cornuta(Ridl.) Carlsward - Madagascar, Comoros
- Microcoelia decaryanaL.Jonss. - Madagascar
- Microcoelia dolichorhiza(Schltr.) Summerh. - Madagascar
- Microcoelia elliotii(Finet) Summerh. - Madagascar
- Microcoelia exilisLindl. - from Kenya and Uganda south to KwaZulu-Natal, plus Madagascar
- Microcoelia gilpinae(Rchb.f. & S.Moore) Summerh. - Madagascar
- Microcoelia globulosa(Hochst.) L.Jonss. - from Nigeria east to Eritrea, south to Angola and Zimbabwe
- Microcoelia hirschbergiiSummerh. - Zaïre, Zambia
- Microcoelia jonssoniiSzlach. & Olszewski - Central African Republic
- Microcoelia koehleri(Schltr.) Summerh. - from Nigeria to Tanzania, south to Zimbabwe
- Microcoelia konduensis(De Wild.) Summerh - western and central Africa
- Microcoelia leptostele(Summerh.) L.Jonss. - Central African Republic, Zaïre
- Microcoelia macrantha(H.Perrier) Summerh. - Madagascar
- Microcoelia macrorhynchia(Schltr.) Summerh. in J.Hutchinson & J.M.Dalziel - central Africa
- Microcoelia megalorrhiza(Rchb.f.) Summerh. - Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi
- Microcoelia microglossaSummerh. - central Africa
- Microcoelia moreauaeL.Jonss - Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe
- Microcoelia nyungwensisL.Jonss. - Rwanda
- Microcoelia obovataSummerh. - from Kenya south to KwaZulu-Natal
- Microcoelia ornithocephalaP.J.Cribb - Malawi
- Microcoelia perrieri(Finet) Summerh. - Madagascar
- Microcoelia physophora(Rchb.f.) Summerh. - Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar
- Microcoelia sanfordiiL.Jonss - Cameroon
- Microcoelia smithii(Rolfe) Summerh. - Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi
- Microcoelia stolzii(Schltr.) Summerh. - Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Platycoryne is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae, native to Africa and Madagascar.
- Platycoryne affinisSummerh. - Zimbabwe
- Platycoryne alinaeSzlach. - Cameroon
- Platycoryne ambigua(Kraenzl.) Summerh. - Tanzania
- Platycoryne brevirostrisSummerh. - Angola + Zambia
- Platycoryne buchananiana(Kraenzl.) Rolfe in D.Oliver - central Africa
- Platycoryne croceaRolfe in D.Oliver - central + eastern Africa
- Platycoryne guingangae(Rchb.f.) Rolfe in D.Oliver - central Africa
- Platycoryne isoetifoliaP.J.Cribb - Zaïre + Zambia
- Platycoryne latipetalaSummerh. - Zaïre + Zambia
- Platycoryne lisowskianaSzlach. & Kras - Central African Republic
- Platycoryne macrocerasSummerh. - Zaïre + Zambia
- Platycoryne mediocrisSummerh. - southern + eastern Africa
- Platycoryne megalorrhynchaSummerh. - Nigeria + Cameroon
- Platycoryne micranthaSummerh. - Angola + Zambia
- Platycoryne ochyranaSzlach., Mytnik, Rutk., Jerch. & Baranow - Central African Republic
- Platycoryne paludosa(Lindl.) Rolfe in D.Oliver - western Africa
- Platycoryne pervilleiRchb.f. - eastern Africa + Madagascar
- Platycoryne protearum(Rchb.f.) Rolfe in D.Oliver - central Africa
- Platycoryne trilobataSummerh. - Angola + Zambia

Tinnea is a genus of plants in the family Lamiaceae first described in 1867. It is native to sub-Saharan Africa.
- Tinnea aethiopicaKotschy ex Hook.f. - widespread from Mali to Somalia south to Mozambique; naturalized in Trinidad & Tobago
- Tinnea antiscorbuticaWelw. - Zaïre, Zambia, Angola
- Tinnea apiculataRobyns & Lebrun - eastern Africa from Rwanda to Mozambique
- Tinnea barbataVollesen - Swaziland, northern South Africa
- Tinnea barteriGürke - western Africa
- Tinnea benguellensisGürke - Angola
- Tinnea coeruleaGürke - Zaïre, Zambia, Angola
- Tinnea eriocalyxWelw. - Zaïre, Angola, Botswana, Namibia
- Tinnea galpiniiBriq. - Mozambique, Swaziland, South Africa
- Tinnea gossweileriRobyns & Lebrun - Angola
- Tinnea gracilisGürke - Tanzania to Zambia
- Tinnea mirabilis(Bullock) Vollesen - Tanzania
- Tinnea physalisE.A.Bruce - Tanzania
- Tinnea platyphyllaBriq. - Zaïre
- Tinnea rhodesianaS.Moore - South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Angola, Mozambique
- Tinnea somalensisGürke ex Chiov. - Ethiopia
- Tinnea vesiculosaGürke - Tanzania, Malawi
- Tinnea vestitaBaker - Zimbabwe, Zambia, Angola, Botswana
- Tinnea zambesiacaBaker - Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique

Aeollanthus is a genus in the mint family, Lamiaceae. All the species are native to Africa.

Cyphia is a genus of flowering plants in the bellflower family, endemic to Africa.
Mesanthemum is a genus of plants in the Eriocaulaceae, first described in 1856. It is native to tropical Africa and Madagascar.
- Mesanthemum africanumMoldenke - Mozambique, Zimbabwe
- Mesanthemum albidumLecomte - Guinea, Senegal, Sierra Leone
- Mesanthemum angustitepalumKimp - Zaïre
- Mesanthemum auratumLecomte - Guinea, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Guinea-Bissau
- Mesanthemum bennaeJacq.-Fél - Guinea
- Mesanthemum cupricolaKimp - Zaïre
- Mesanthemum glabrumKimp - Zaïre, Angola, Zambia
- Mesanthemum jaegeriJacq.-Fél - Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Cameroon, Congo-Brazzaville
- Mesanthemum pilosumKimp - Zaïre, Angola, Zambia, Malawi
- Mesanthemum prescottianum(Bong.) Körn. - Guinea, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Gabon
- Mesanthemum pubescens(Lam.) Körn. - Madagascar
- Mesanthemum radicans(Benth.) Körn. - widespread from Liberia east to Tanzania, south to Mozambique
- Mesanthemum reductumH.E.Hess - Congo-Brazzaville, Angola
- Mesanthemum rutenbergianumKörn. - Madagascar
- Mesanthemum variabileKimp - Zaïre, Zambia

Haumaniastrum is a genus of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae, first described in 1959. The species are native to Africa.

Pycnostachys is a genus of plants in the family Lamiaceae, first described in 1826. It is native to sub-Saharan Africa including Madagascar.
- Pycnostachys abyssinicaFresen. - Ethiopia
- Pycnostachys angolensisG.Taylor - Angola
- Pycnostachys batesiiBaker - Cameroon, Zaïre, Sudan, Uganda
- Pycnostachys chevalieriBriq. - Central African Republic
- Pycnostachys ciliataBramley - Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia
- Pycnostachys coeruleaHook. - East Africa from Ethiopia to Botswana; Madagascar
- Pycnostachys congensisGürke - Zaïre, Zambia
- Pycnostachys de-wildemanianaRobyns & Lebrun - East Africa from Burundi to Zimbabwe
- Pycnostachys deflexifoliaBaker - Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
- Pycnostachys descampsiiBriq. - Zaïre
- Pycnostachys elliotiiS.Moore - Zaïre, Uganda
- Pycnostachys eminiiGürke - from Cameroon to Ethiopia + Tanzania
- Pycnostachys erici-roseniiR.E.Fr - Zaïre, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda
- Pycnostachys goetzeniiGürke - Zaïre, Uganda, Rwanda
- Pycnostachys gracilisR.D.Good - Angola
- Pycnostachys graminifoliaPerkins - Tanzania
- Pycnostachys kassneriDe Wild - Zaïre, Zambia, Tanzania
- Pycnostachys lancifoliaBramley - Tanzania
- Pycnostachys meyeriGürke - western + central Africa
- Pycnostachys nepetifoliaBaker - Kenya
- Pycnostachys niamniamensisGürke - South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda
- Pycnostachys orthodontaGürke - Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zambia, Tanzania
- Pycnostachys parvifoliaBaker - Zambia, Tanzania, Malawi
- Pycnostachys prittwitziiPerkins - Zambia, Tanzania
- Pycnostachys pseudospeciosaBuscal. & Muschl. - Zaïre, Zambia
- Pycnostachys recurvataRyding - Ethiopia
- Pycnostachys reticulata(E.Mey.) Benth. - central + southern Africa
- Pycnostachys ruandensisDe Wild. - east-central Africa
- Pycnostachys schliebeniiMildbr. - east-central Africa
- Pycnostachys schweinfurthiiBriq - western + central Africa
- Pycnostachys speciosaGürke - Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda
- Pycnostachys sphaerocephalaBaker - Zambia, Tanzania, Malawi, Zaïre
- Pycnostachys stuhlmanniiGürke - central Africa
- Pycnostachys umbrosa(Vatke) Perkins - Kenya, Tanzania
- Pycnostachys urticifoliaHook. - southeastern Africa
- Pycnostachys verticillataBaker - Zambia, Tanzania

Tetradenia is a genus of plants in the family Lamiaceae, first described in 1830. It is native to Africa, including Madagascar.
- Tetradenia bainesii(N.E.Br.) Phillipson & C.F.Steyn - Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland, KwaZulu-Natal
- Tetradenia barberae(N.E.Br.) Codd - Cape Province
- Tetradenia brevispicata(N.E.Br.) Codd - Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana, Transvaal
- Tetradenia clementianaPhillipson - Madagascar
- Tetradenia cordataPhillipson - Madagascar
- Tetradenia discolorPhillipson - Zambia, Zaire, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Tanzania
- Tetradenia falafaPhillipson - Madagascar
- Tetradenia fruticosaBenth. - Madagascar
- Tetradenia galpinii(N.E.Br.) Phillipson & C.F.Steyn - southeast Africa from Tanzania to Swaziland
- Tetradenia goudotiiBriq. - Madagascar
- Tetradenia herbacea Phillipson - Madagascar
- Tetradenia hildeanaPhillipson - Madagascar
- Tetradenia isaloensisPhillipson - Madagascar
- Tetradenia kaokoensisvan Jaarsv. & A.E.van Wyk - Namibia
- Tetradenia multiflora(Benth.) Phillipson - Ethiopia
- Tetradenia nervosaCodd - Madagascar
- Tetradenia riparia(Hochst.) Codd - southern Africa from Angola + Malawi to Swaziland
- Tetradenia tanganyikaePhillipson - Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia
- Tetradenia tuberosaT.J.Edwards - KwaZulu-Natal
- Tetradenia urticifolia(Baker) Phillipson - eastern + central Africa from Sudan + Eritrea south to Zaire and Tanzania

Landolphia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae first described as a genus in 1806. They take the form of vines that scramble over host trees. Landolphia is native to tropical Africa.
Danthoniopsis is a genus of Asian and African plants in the grass family.