Gymnascella dankaliensis

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Gymnascella dankaliensis
Scientific classification
Gymnascella dankaliensis

Gymnascella dankaliensis is a moderate to slow growing fungus commonly found in the soil of warmer climates. [1] [2] It is characterized by round yellow, orange or red-brown ascospores encircled by undifferentiated filaments. [1] They have been found in ear, nail and skin infections. [2] Their metabolites have been isolated and shown to have cytotoxic and anti-tumor properties . [3] [4]


Colonies vary greatly in colour, texture and growth rate. Colonies first appear white, then turn a pale yellow or olive and as they mature become yellow-brown to orange brown. [5] The texture can be either cottony, fine, knotted or wispy. [2] Growth rate of colonies varies from moderately slow to rapid. [2] [5]

Gymnascella dankaliensis has irregular, indistinct filaments.


Gymnascella dankaliensis has been reported in the soil of climates and the marine sponge Halichondria japonica. [2] [6]


Since the late 1990s, multiple cytotoxic compounds have been isolated from Gymnascella dankaliensis such as:

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  3. Amagata, Taro; Minoura, Katsuhiko; Numata, Atsushi (October 2006). "Gymnastatins F−H, Cytostatic Metabolites from the Sponge-Derived FungusGymnascella dankaliensis". Journal of Natural Products. 69 (10): 1384–1388. doi:10.1021/np0600189. ISSN   0163-3864. PMID   17067147.
  4. AMAGATA, TARO; USAMI, YOSHIHIDE; MINOURA, KATSUHIKO; ITO, TADAYOSHI; NUMATA, ATSUSHI (1998). "Cytotoxic Substances Produced by a Fungal Strain from a Sponge: Physico-chemical Properties and Structures". The Journal of Antibiotics. 51 (1): 33–40. doi: 10.7164/antibiotics.51.33 . ISSN   0021-8820. PMID   9531985.
  5. 1 2 Pathogenic fungi in humans and animals. Howard, Dexter H., 1927- (2nd ed.). New York: Marcel Dekker. 2003. ISBN   978-0824706838. OCLC   51258022.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  6. Li, Min; Zhou, Peijie; Wu, Anmei (May 2006). "Synthesis of Gymnasterone B, an antitumor steroid from Gymnascella dankaliensis". Tetrahedron Letters. 47 (20): 3409–3412. doi:10.1016/j.tetlet.2006.03.072. ISSN   0040-4039.