The Henry Laurence Gantt Medal was established in 1929 by the American Management Association and the Management section of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers [1] for "distinguished achievement in management and service to the community" [2] in honour of Henry Laurence Gantt. [3] By the year 1984 in total 45 medals had been awarded. [4]
Lillian Evelyn Gilbreth was an American psychologist, industrial engineer, consultant, and educator who was an early pioneer in applying psychology to time-and-motion studies. She was described in the 1940s as "a genius in the art of living."
Henry Laurence Gantt was an American mechanical engineer and management consultant who is best known for his work in the development of scientific management. He created the Gantt chart in the 1910s.
A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents a workflow or process. A flowchart can also be defined as a diagrammatic representation of an algorithm, a step-by-step approach to solving a task.
Leon Pratt Alford was an American mechanical engineer, organizational theorist, and administrator for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. known for his seminal work in the field of industrial management.
The Hoover Medal is an American engineering prize.
The flow process chart is a graphical and symbolic representation of the activities performed on the work piece during the operation in industrial engineering.
The Holley Medal is an award of ASME for "outstanding and unique act(s) of an engineering nature, accomplishing a noteworthy and timely public benefit by one or more individuals for a single achievement, provided the contributions are equal or comparable."
Henry Wallace Clark was an American consulting engineer, known for popularizing the work of Henry Gantt with his 1922 work "The Gantt chart; a working tool of management".
The Taylor Society was an American society for the discussion and promotion of scientific management, named after Frederick Winslow Taylor.
Horace Bushnell Cheney was an American administrator, who was general manager and vice-president of Cheney Brothers Silk Manufacturing Company, in the nowadays called Cheney Brothers Historic District.
Arthur Howland Young was an American engineer, vice president of U.S. Steel, lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration and the California Institute of Technology, pioneer of management-labor relations, and recipient of the Henry Laurence Gantt Medal in 1933.
William Loren Batt was an American mechanical engineer, and president SKF Industries, Inc., awarded the Order of Vasa in 1923, the Henry Laurence Gantt Medal in 1940, and the Hoover Medal in 1951.
Charles Ruffin Hook Sr. was an American industrialist, second president of Armco Steel Corp., and recipient of the Henry Laurence Gantt Medal in 1950.
Frank Henry Neely was an American mechanical engineer, consulting engineer, and President of Rich's Department Store in Atlanta. He is known for his civic activities in Atlanta, and as recipient of the Henry Laurence Gantt Medal in 1952.
Henning Webb Prentis Jr. was an American industrialist, known as president of the Armstrong Cork Company, president of the National Association of Manufacturers, and recipient of the Henry Laurence Gantt Medal in 1956. In the 1940s, he described the “Prentis Cycle”, according to which popular self-governance leads people from bondage to abundance and back to bondage.
Richard Redwood (Red) Deupree was an American businessman, president of Procter & Gamble and chairman of its board. He was the first Procter & Gamble president, who was not a Procter or Gamble family member, and was recipient of the Henry Laurence Gantt Medal in 1959.
Harold Bright Maynard was an American industrial engineer, consulting engineer at the Methods Engineering Council, and management author. He is known as the "Broadway counsel for industries, railroads, state governments" and as recipient of the Henry Laurence Gantt Medal in 1964.
The Gilbreth Medal is named after Frank Bunker Gilbreth Sr. and Lillian Gilbreth and is presented in recognition of excellence in the field of motion, skill, and fatigue study. Originally awarded in 1931 by the Society of Industrial Engineers, the award continues to be presented following the organization's merger in 1936 with The Taylor Society under the new organization, The Society for Advancement of Management.
The Wallace Clark Award or Wallace Clark Medal is a former management award for Distinguished Contribution to Scientific Management, named after Henry Wallace Clark (1880-1948). The Wallace Clark Award was established in 1949 and was sponsored by the American Management Association (AMA), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the Association for Consulting Management Engineers and the Society for the Advancement of Management.
James Keith Louden was an American industrial engineer, business executive, and management author. He served as the 4th president of the Society for Advancement of Management in the year 1941-1942, and was the recipient of the 1949 Gilbreth Medal.