Hexadactilia trilobata

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Hexadactilia trilobata
Hexadactilia trilobata.JPG
Hexadactilia trilobata head.JPG
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Pterophoridae
Genus: Hexadactilia
H. trilobata
Binomial name
Hexadactilia trilobata

Hexadactilia trilobata is a moth of the family Pterophoridae described by Thomas Bainbrigge Fletcher in 1910. It is found in Australia in Queensland and New Guinea.

Original description

(wingspan male 15 mm) Labial palpi long, semi-erect; second joint slightly dilated apically, light fuscous annulated with darker; third joint rather over half-length of second, smoothly scaled, dark-fuscous. Antennae dark-fuscous, dotted with whitish above. Head and thorax tawny-fuscous. Abdomen long and slender, tawny-fuscous, suffused with dark-fuscous; fourth segment with paler /\ markings, posterior segments margined with whitish. Foreleg dark-fuscous: tibia short, dilated by a tuft of blackish scales banded and tipped with white; tarsus narrowly banded with white at joints. Midleg long, slender, tawny-fuscous: tibia with scale-tufts at 3/5 and apex, the latter tuft emitting a pair of long spurs. Hindleg long and slender, tawny-fuscous, irrorated above with dark-fuscous: tibia with pale scale-tufts at 1/3, 2/3 and apex, second and third tufts each emitting a pair of long slender blackish-tipped spurs; tarsal joints slightly thickened with scales apically. Forewing long, slender, cleft from about 1/2, second segment again cleft from about 2/5 of its length; first segment very narrow, cleft wide and conspicuous; subsegments linear, first subsegment parallel to first segment, divergent from second subsegment: pale tawny-fuscous, suffused with fuscous: base of cleft preceded and edged by a longitudinal blackish discal spot; first segment with central third pale-tawny, cut at 3/4 by a narrow transverse white line, area beyond this pale-tawny; second segment pale-tawny at base of second cleft; subsegments cut at 2/3 of their length by a narrow white line, area beyond this paler. Cilia on costa fuscous-brown, pale-ochreous opposite paler areas, a whitish subapical dot; on hinder-margin of first segment whitish-ochreous mixed with a few whitish hairs and scattered black scales, on third fourth blackish, on outer fourth whitish-ochreous; on fore-margin of second segment pale-ochreous, blackish on central third of segment; on hinder-margin of first subsegment whitish-ochreous with a few scattered black scales; on fore- margin of second subsegmeut whitish-ochreous on first fourth of segment, beyond 1/4 pale-fuscous with a few scattered black scales; on dorsum ochreous-whitish beneath bases of both clefts, otherwise blackish, with minute black scale-tufts at 2/3 and apex. Hindwing cleft from within 1/3 and from near base, segments very slender and linear; dark-fuscous. Cilia dark-fuscous, third segment on both margins with a large black apical scale-tooth and a few scattered black scales between this and base. TYPE Female (No. 41944) in Walsingham Coll., and Co-type (No. 8527) in Bainbrigge Fletcher Coll.; both from Ron, New Guinea, in July 1897 (Doherty). A third example in Lord Walsingham's collection was collected by Doherty at Humboldt Bay, Northern New Guinea, in April 1893.

Original description by T. B. Fletcher

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