ISO 639:o

Last updated

This is a list of ISO 639-3 language codes starting with O.

Index | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z

Abbreviations are used in the table as follows:

Retired codes are enclosed in (parentheses).

The column Family contains the generic English name of the language's family or macrolanguage.

639-3 639-1 639-2B Scope/Type Family Native eng fra spa zho rus deu
oaa I/LOrok鄂罗克语
oac I/LOroch鄂罗奇语
oar I/AAramaic, Old古阿拉米语Altaramäisch
oav I/HAvar, Old古阿瓦尔语
obi I/EObispeño
obk I/LSouthern Bontok
obl I/LOblo
obm I/AMoabite摩押语
obo I/LManobo, Obo
obr I/HBurmese, Old古缅甸语Altburmesisch
obt I/HBreton, Old古布列塔尼语Altbretonisch
obu I/LObulom
oca I/LOcainaocaina
(occ) Occidental
och I/AChineseOld Chinese 上古漢語 Altchinesisch
oci ocociI/LIndo-EuropeanoccitanOccitan (post 1500)occitan (après 1500)occitano奥克西唐语; 奥克西坦语; 奥克语окситанскийOkzitanisch
ocm I/HAustronesianCham, Old
oco I/HCornish, Old古康沃尔语
ocu I/LMatlatzinca, Atzingo
oda I/LOdut
odk I/LOd
odt I/HDutch, Old古荷兰语
odu I/LOdual
ofo I/EOfoofo
ofs I/HFriesischFrisian, Old古弗里西亚语Altfriesisch
ofu I/LEfutop
ogb I/LOgbia
ogc I/LOgbah
oge I/HGeorgian, Old古格鲁吉亚语Altgeorgisch
ogg I/LOgbogolo
(ogn) Ogan
ogo I/LKhana
ogu I/LOgbronuagum
oht I/AHittite, Old古赫梯语
ohu I/HHungarian, Old古匈牙利语
oia I/LOirataоирата
oie I/LNilo-SaharanOkolie
oin I/LOne, Inebu
ojb I/LAnishinaabemowin (Ojibwemowin)Ojibwa, Northwestern
ojc I/LAnishinaabemowin (Ojibwemowin)Ojibwa, Central
ojg I/LNishnaabemwin (Jibwemwin)Ojibwa, Eastern
oji ojojiM/LCreeᐊᓂᔑᓇᐯᒧᐎᓐ (Anishinaabemowin)Ojibwaojibwaojibwa奥吉布瓦语оджибва
ojp I/HJapanese, Old古日语
ojs I/Lᐊᓂᔑᓂᓂᒧᐎᓐ (Anishininiimowin)Ojibwa, Severn
ojv I/LOntong JavaOntong Java
ojw I/LAnihšināpēmowin (Nakawēmowin)Ojibwa, Western
oka I/LOkanagan
okb I/LOkobo
okc I/LNiger–CongoKobo
okd I/LOkodia
oke I/LOkpe (Southwestern Edo)
okg I/EKoko Babangk
okh I/LKoresh-e Rostam
oki I/LOkiek
okj I/EOko-Juwoi
okk I/LOne, Kwamtim
okl I/EOld Kentish Sign Language古肯特手语
okm I/HKorean, Middle (10th–16th centuries)中古朝鲜语Mittelkoreanisch
okn I/LOki-No-Erabu冲永良部岛琉球语
oko I/HKorean, Old (3rd–9th centuries)古朝鲜语Altkoreanisch
okr I/LKirike
oks I/LOko-Eni-Osayen
oku I/LOku
okv I/LOrokaiva
okx I/LOkpe (Northwestern Edo)
okz I/HAustroasiaticKhmer, Old
ola I/LWalungge
old I/LMochi
ole I/LOlekha
olk I/EOlkol
olm I/LOloma
olo I/LLivvi
olr I/LOlrat
olt I/HIndo-EuropeanOld Lithuanian
olu I/LNiger–CongoKuvale
oma I/LOmaha-Poncaomaha-poncaomaha-ponca
omb I/LAmbae, East
omc I/EMochica
(ome) I/EOmejes
omg I/LOmaguaomagua
omi I/LOmi
omk I/EOmok
oml I/LOmbo
omn I/AMinoan
omo I/LUtarmbung
omp I/HManipuri, Old古曼尼普尔语
omr I/HMarathi, Old古马拉地语
omt I/LOmotik
omu I/EOmuranoomurano
omw I/LTairora, South
omx I/HMon, Old古孟语
omy I/HAustronesianMalay, Old
ona I/LOna
onb I/LLingao临高语
one I/LOnʌyota’a:kaOneidaoneidaoneida奥内达语
ong I/LOlo
oni I/LOnin
onj I/LOnjob
onk I/LOne, Kabore
onn I/LOnobasulu
ono I/LOnǫta’kéka’Onondagaonondagaonondaga
onp I/LSartang
onr I/LOne, Northern
ons I/LOno
ont I/LOntenu
onu I/LUnua
onw I/HNubian, Old古努比亚语
onx I/LOnin Based Pidgin
ood I/LO'odhamTohono O'odhampapagopápagoтогоно о'одамTohono O'odham
oog I/LOng
oon I/LÖnge
oor I/LOorlams
oos I/AOssetic, Old古奥塞梯语
opa I/LOkpamheri
(ope) Old Persian
opk I/LKopkaka
opm I/LOksapmin
opo I/LOpao
opt I/EOpataópata
opy I/LOfayé
ora I/LOroha
orc I/LOrma
ore I/LOrejónorejón
org I/LOring
orh I/LOroqen鄂伦春语
ori ororiM/LIndo-Europeanଓଡ଼ିଆOriyaoriyaoriya奥利亚语; 奥里亚语орияOriya
(ork) Orokaiva
orm omormM/LAfro-AsiaticOromooOromogallaoromo奥罗莫语оромоOromo
orn I/LOrang Kanaq
oro I/LOrokolo
orr I/LOruma
ors I/LOrang Seletar
ort I/LOriya, Adivasi
oru I/LOrmuri
orv I/HRussian, Old古俄语
orw I/LOro Winoro win
orx I/LOro
ory I/LOriya (individual language)
orz I/LOrmu
osa osaI/L𐓏𐓘𐓻𐓘𐓻𐓟Osageosageosage奥萨格语оседжи
osc I/AOscanosqueosco奥斯坎语оскскийOskisch
osi I/LOsing
osn I/HAustronesianSundanese, Old
oso I/LOsoso
osp I/HSpanish, Old古西班牙语
oss osossI/LIndo-EuropeanиронOssetianossèteoseto奥塞梯语; 奥塞提语осетинскийOssetisch
ost I/LOsatu
osu I/LOne, Southern
osx I/HSaxon, Old古撒克逊语
ota otaI/Hلسان عثمانىTurkish, Ottoman (1500–1928)Turc ottomanTurco-otomano奥斯曼土耳其语старотурецкийOsmanisch
otb I/HTibetan, Old古藏语
otd I/LDohoi
ote I/LOtomi, Mezquital
oti I/EOti
otk I/HTurkish, Old古突厥语
otl I/LOtomi, Tilapa
otm I/LOtomi, Eastern Highland
otn I/LOtomi, Tenango
otq I/LOtomi, Querétaro
otr I/LOtoro
ots I/LOtomi, Estado de México
ott I/LOtomi, Temoaya
otu I/EOtuke
otw I/LNishnaabemwin (Daawaamwin)Ottawaottawa
otx I/LOtomi, Texcatepec
oty I/ATamil, Old古泰米尔语
otz I/LOtomi, Ixtenco
oua I/LTagargrent
oub I/LGlio-Oubi
oue I/LOune
oui I/HUighur, Old回鹘语
oum I/EOuma
(oun) I/L!O!ung
ovd I/LIndo-EuropeanElfdalian, Övdalian
owi I/LOwiniga
owl I/HWelsh, Old古威尔士语
oyb I/LOy
oyd I/LOyda
oym I/LWayampiwayampi
oyy I/LOya'oya
ozm I/LKoonzime

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