ISO 639:v

Last updated

This is a list of ISO 639-3 language codes starting with V.

Index | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z

Abbreviations are used in the table as follows:

Retired codes are enclosed in (parentheses).

The column Family contains the generic English name of the language's family or macrolanguage.

639-3 639-1 639-2B Scope/Type Family Native eng fra spa zho rus deu
vaa I/LVaagri Booli
vae I/LVale
vaf I/LVafsi
vag I/LVagla
vah I/LVarhadi-Nagpuri
vai vaiI/LVaivaï瓦伊语ваиVai
vaj I/LVasekela Bushman
val I/LVehes
vam I/LVanimo
van I/LValman
vao I/LVao
vap I/LVaipheivaiphei
var I/LHuarijio
vas I/LVasavi
vau I/LVanuma
vav I/LVarli
vay I/LWayu
vbb I/LBabar, SoutheastSüdost-Babar
vbk I/LSouthwestern Bontok
vec I/LvenetoVenetianvénitienvéneto威尼斯语венецианскийVenedisch
ved I/LVeddah
vel I/LVeluws
vem I/LVemgo-Mabas
ven vevenI/LNiger–CongoTshivenḓaVendavendavenda文达语; 温达语вендаTshivenda
veo I/EVentureño
vep I/LvepsäVepsvepsevepsioвепсскийWepsisch
ver I/LMom Jango
vgr I/LVaghri
vgt I/LVlaamse Gebarentaal
vic I/LVirgin Islands Creole English维尔京群岛克里奥尔英语
vid I/LVidunda
vie vivieI/LAustroasiatictiếng ViệtVietnamesevietnamienvietnamita越南语; 京语вьетнамскийVietnamesisch
vif I/LVili
vig I/LViemo
vil I/LVilela
vin I/LVinza
vis I/LVishavan
vit I/LViti
viv I/LIduna
vjk I/LIndo-EuropeanBajjika
vka I/EKariyarra
(vki) I/LIja-Zuba
vkj I/LKujarge
vkk I/LKaur
vkl I/LKulisusu
vkm I/EKamakan
vkn I/LNiger–CongoKoro Nulu
vko I/LKodeoha
vkp I/LKorlai Creole Portuguese
vkt I/LMalay, Tenggarong Kutai
vku I/LKurrama
(vky) Kayu Agung
vkz I/LNiger–CongoKoro Zuba
vlp I/LValpei
(vlr) I/LVatrata
vls I/LWest-VlamsWest Flemishflamand occidentalflamenco occidental西佛蘭德語Westflämisch
vma I/LMartuyhunira
vmb I/EMbabaram
vmc I/LMixtec, Juxtlahuaca
vmd I/LKoraga, Mudu
vme I/LMasela, East(вост.) маселаOst-Masela
vmf I/LMainfränkisch
vmg I/LMinigir
vmh I/LMaraghei
vmi I/EMiwa
vmj I/LMixtec, Ixtayutla
vmk I/LMakhuwa-Shirima
vml I/EMalgana
vmm I/LMixtec, Mitlatongo
(vmo) Muko-Muko
vmp I/LMazatec, Soyaltepec
vmq I/LMixtec, Soyaltepec
vmr I/LMarenje
vms I/EMoksela
vmu I/EMuluridyi
vmv I/EMaidu, Valley
vmw I/LMakhuwa马库阿语
vmx I/LMixtec, Tamazola
vmy I/LMazatec, Ayautla
vmz I/LMazatec, Mazatlán
vnk I/LVano
vnm I/LVinmavis
vnp I/LVunapu
vol vovolI/CconstructedvolapükVolapükvolapükvolapük沃拉普克语волапюкVolapük
vor I/LVoroVoro
vot votI/LvaďďaVoticvotevotio沃提克语водскийWotisch
vra I/LVera'a
vro I/LvõroVõro佛罗语; 维鲁语Võro
vrs I/LVarisiVarisi
vrt I/LBurmbar
vsi I/LMoldova Sign Language摩尔多瓦手语Moldavische Zeichensprache
vsl I/LVenezuelan Sign Language委内瑞拉手语Venezuelanische Zeichensprache
vsv I/LValencian Sign Language瓦伦西亚手语
vto I/LVitou
vum I/LVumbu
vun I/LVunjo
vut I/LVute
vwa I/LAwa (China)

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This is a list of ISO 639-3 language codes starting with X.

This is a list of ISO 639-3 language codes starting with Z.
