ISO 639:u

Last updated

This is a list of ISO 639-3 language codes starting with U.

Index | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z

Abbreviations are used in the table as follows:

Retired codes are enclosed in (parentheses).

The column Family contains the generic English name of the language's family or macrolanguage.

639-3 639-1 639-2B Scope/Type Family Native eng fra spa zho rus deu
uam I/EUamué
uan I/LKuan
uar I/LTairuma
uba I/LUbang
ubi I/LUbi
ubl I/LBuhi'non Bikol
(ubm) Upper Baram Kenyah
ubr I/LUbirUbir
ubu I/LUmbu-Ungu
uby I/EatʷaχəbzaUbykhoubykhubijé尤比克语убыхский
uda I/LUda
ude I/LUdihe乌德语
udg I/LMuduga
udi I/LудинUdioudiudi
udj I/LUjirUjir
udl I/LWuzlam
udm udmI/LудмуртUdmurtoudmourteudmurto乌德穆尔特语удмуртскийUdmurtisch
udu I/LUduk
ues I/LKioko
ufi I/LUfim
uga ugaI/AUgariticougaritiqueugarítico乌加里特语угаритскийUgaritisch
ugb I/EKuku-Ugbanh
uge I/LUghele
ugh I/LNortheast CaucasianKubachi
ugn I/LUgandan Sign Language乌干达手语Ugandische Zeichensprache
ugo I/LUgong
ugy I/LUruguayan Sign Language乌拉圭手语
uha I/LUhami
uhn I/LDamal
uig uguigI/LTurkicئۇيغۇرچەUighurouïgouruigur维吾尔语уйгурскийUigurisch
uis I/LUisai
uiv I/LIyive
uji I/LTanjijili
uka I/LKaburi
ukg I/LUkuriguma
ukh I/LUkhwejo
uki I/LKui
ukk I/LAustroasiaticMuak Sa-aak
ukl I/LUkrainian Sign Language乌克兰手语Ukrainische Zeichensprache
ukp I/LUkpe-Bayobiri
ukq I/LUkwa
ukr ukukrI/LIndo-EuropeanукраїнськаUkrainianukrainienucrani(an)o乌克兰语украинскийUkrainisch
uks I/LUrubú-Kaapor Sign Language
uku I/LUkue
ukv I/LKuku
ukw I/LUkwuani-Aboh-Ndoni
uky I/EKuuk-Yak
ula I/LFungwa
ulb I/LUlukwumi
ulc I/LUlch乌利奇语ульчский
ule I/ELule
ulf I/LUsku
uli I/LUlithianulithian
ulk I/LMeriam
ull I/LUllatan
ulm I/LUlumanda'
uln I/LUnserdeutschunserdeutschUnserdeutsch
ulu I/LUma' Lung
ulw I/LUlwa
uly I/LAfro-AsiaticBuli
uma I/LUmatilla
umb umbI/LUmbunduumbundu翁本杜语умбунду
umc I/AMarrucinian马鲁西尼语
umd I/EUmbindhamu
umg I/EUmbuygamu
umi I/LUkit
umm I/LUmon
umn I/LMakyan Naga
umo I/EUmotína
ump I/LUmpila
umr I/EUmbugarla
ums I/LPendau
umu I/LMunsee
una I/LWatut, North
und undS/SUndeterminedindéterminéeindeterminadaнеидентифицированный
une I/LUneme
ung I/LNgarinyin
uni I/LSkouUni
unk I/LEnawené-Nawé
unm I/EUnami
unn I/LKurnai
(unp) I/LWorora
unr I/LMundari蒙达里语
unu I/LUnubahe
unx I/LMunda蒙达语
unz I/LKaili, Unde
(uok) I/LUokha
uon I/EAustronesianKulon
upi I/LUmeda
upv I/LUripiv-Wala-Rano-Atchin
ura I/LUrarina
urb I/LUrubú-Kaaporurubú-kaapor
urc I/EUrningangg
urd ururdI/LIndo-EuropeanاردوUrduourdouUrdu乌尔都语; 乌都语; 晤鲁都语урдуUrdu
ure I/LUru
urf I/EUradhi
urg I/LUrigina
urh I/LUrhobo
uri I/LUrim
urk I/LUrak Lawoi'
url I/LUrali
urm I/LUrapmin
urn I/LUruangnirin
uro I/LUra (Papua New Guinea)
urp I/LUru-Pa-In
urr I/LLehalurup
urt I/LUrat
uru I/EUrumi
urv I/EUruava
urw I/LSop
urx I/LUrimo
ury I/LOrya
urz I/LUru-Eu-Wau-Wauuru-eu-wau-wau
usa I/LUsarufa
ush I/LUshojo
usi I/LUsui
usk I/LUsaghade
usp I/LUspanteco
uss I/LNiger–Congous-Saare
usu I/LUya
uta I/LOtank
ute I/LUte-Southern Paiuteute
uth I/LNiger–Congout-Hun
utp I/LAmba (Solomon Islands)
utr I/LEtulo
utu I/LUtu
uum I/LУрумUrum乌鲁姆语
(uun) I/LKulon-Pazeh龟仑语; 巴宰语кулон-пазеKulon-Pazeh
uur I/LUra (Vanuatu)
uuu I/LU乌语
uve I/LUvean, West
uvh I/LUri
uvl I/LLote
uwa I/LKuku-Uwanh
uya I/LDoko-Uyanga
uzb uzuzbM/LTurkicЎзбекUzbekou(s)zbekuzbeco乌兹别克语; 乌孜别克语узбекскийUsbekisch
uzn I/LUzbek, Northern北乌兹别克语
uzs I/LUzbek, Southern南乌兹别克语

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