Inflammatory myopathy

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Inflammatory myopathy
Other namesIdiopathic inflammatory myopathy
Gottron's papules on the hand of a patient with juvenile dermatomyositis
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Inflammatory myopathy, also known as idiopathic inflammatory myopathy (IIM), is disease featuring muscle weakness, inflammation of muscles (myositis), and in some types, muscle pain. The cause of much inflammatory myopathy is unknown (idiopathic), and such cases are classified according to their symptoms and signs, electromyography, MRI, and laboratory findings. It can also be associated with underlying cancer. The main classes of idiopathic inflammatory myopathy are polymyositis (PM), dermatomyositis (DM) (including juvenile, amyopathic, and sine-dermatitis form), inclusion-body myositis (IBM), immune-mediated necrotising myopathy (IMNM), and focal autoimmune myositis. [1]



Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy is a diagnosis of exclusion. There are a number of known causes of myopathy, and it is only once these have been ruled out that a clinician should assign an idiopathic inflammatory myopathy. The usual criteria for a diagnosis of PM are weakness in muscles of the head, neck, trunk, upper arms or upper legs; raised blood serum concentrations of some muscle enzymes such as creatine kinase; unhealthy muscle changes on electromyography; and biopsy findings of (i) muscle cell degeneration and regeneration and (ii) chronic inflammatory infiltrates in muscle cells. If heliotrope (purple) rash or Gottron's papules are also present, then the diagnosis is DM. In DM, myositis may not be clinically apparent but detectable via biopsy or MRI. [2] If the criteria for PM are met but muscle weakness also affects the hands and feet or is not accompanied by pain IBM should be suspected, and confirmed when muscle cell biopsy reveals (i) cytoplasmic vacuoles fringed by basophilic granules and (ii) inflammatory infiltrate comprising mostly CD8 T lymphocytes and macrophages; and electron microscopy reveals filamentous inclusions in both cytoplasm and nucleus. [3]


There have been few randomized treatment trials, due to the relative rarity of inflammatory myopathies. [4] The goal of treatment is improvement in activities of daily living and muscle strength. Suppression of immune system activity (immunosuppression) is the treatment strategy. Patients with PM or DM almost always improve to some degree in response to treatment, at least initially, and many recover fully with maintenance therapy. (If there is no initial improvement from treatment of PM or DM, the diagnosis should be carefully re-examined.) There is no proven effective therapy for IBM, and most IBM patients will need assistive devices such as a cane, a walking frame or a wheelchair. The later in life IBM arises, the more aggressive it appears to be. [5]

Polymyositis and dermatomyositis

In severe cases of PM and DM with systemic signs, an initial three to five days on intravenous corticosteroid (methylprednisolone) may be used; but normally treatment begins with a single daily (after breakfast) high dose of oral corticosteroid (prednisone). After a month or so the strength of every second day's dose is very gradually reduced over three to four months, to minimize the negative effects of the prednisone. When a high dose of prednisone cannot be reduced without losing muscle strength, or when prednisone is effective but it is producing significant complications, "steroid sparing" oral immunosuppressants such as azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil, methotrexate and cyclosporine, may be used in combination with reduced prednisone. Some of these steroid sparing drugs can take several months to demonstrate an effect. [5]

To minimize side effects, patients on corticosteroids should follow a strict high-protein, low-carbohydrate, low-salt diet; and with long-term corticosteroid use a daily calcium supplement and weekly vitamin D supplement (and a weekly dose of Fosamax for postmenopausal women) should be considered. [5]

For patients not responding to this approach there is weak evidence supporting the use of intravenous immunoglobulin, ciclosporin, tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and other agents; and trials of rituximab have indicated a potential therapeutic effect. [4]

Inclusion-body myositis

Despite its very similar clinical presentation to PM, IBM does not respond to the drugs that effectively treat PM, and there is no proven effective therapy for IBM. [5] Alemtuzumab is being studied but as of May 2013 it had not demonstrated clinical effectiveness in IBM. [4] Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) may be improved by intravenous immunoglobulin, though more trials are needed. [6] Non-fatiguing, systematic strength-building exercise has demonstrated benefit. [7] Occupational and rehabilitation therapists can offer good advice on walking without falling and performing fine motor tasks, and can provide appropriate canes, braces and wheelchairs. Speech pathologists can provide advice on preventing choking episodes and reducing the anxiety of an immanent aspiration for both patients and carers. [5]


Every year between 2.18 and 7.7 people per million receive a diagnosis of PM or DM. [8] Around 3.2 children per million per year are diagnosed with DM (termed juvenile dermatomyositis), with an average age of onset of seven years. Diagnosis of adult DM commonly occurs between 30 and 50 years of age. PM is an adult disease, usually emerging after the age of twenty. PM and DM are more common in females, more common in Caucasians, and least common in Asians. At any given time, about 35.5 people per million have IBM; it emerges after the age of 30 (usually after 50), and may be more common in males. [4]

Differential diagnoses

Myositis (inflammation of the muscle) can be caused secondary to a number of primary diseases including: infection, muscle trauma, medications and toxins, inherited muscle diseases, and autoimmune disease such as lupus. Other autoimmune diseases can mimic the symptoms of IMM (muscle weakness and autoantibodies), including Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome, myasthenia gravis, and the muscle form of sarcoidosis. [1]

Although idiopathic inflammatory myopathy (IIM) is a diagnosis of exclusion, it is often the initial misdiagnosis of several acquired non-inflammatory myopathies. [1] [9] [10] This is due to a number of factors, including:

Acquired non-inflammatory myopathies include toxin-induced myopathies, endocrine myopathies, metabolic myopathies, muscular dystrophies, congenital myasthenic syndrome, nutritional imbalances, and infection. [11] [1]

See also

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In medicine, myopathy is a disease of the muscle in which the muscle fibers do not function properly. Myopathy means muscle disease. This meaning implies that the primary defect is within the muscle, as opposed to the nerves or elsewhere.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Polymyositis</span> Medical condition

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Myositis</span> Medical condition

Myositis is a rarely-encountered medical condition characterized by inflammation affecting the muscles. The manifestations of this condition may include skin issues, muscle weakness, and the potential involvement of other organs. Additionally, systemic symptoms like weight loss, fatigue, and low-grade fever can manifest in individuals with myositis.

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Although they vary in particulars, polymyositis, dermatomyositis and inclusion body myositis are idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM) primarily characterized by chronic inflammation of human skeletal muscle tissue that ultimately causes the necrosis of muscle cells. This degeneration leads to muscle tissue wasting, weakness and fatigue among other serious effects. Until recently, exercise has been avoided as a type of therapy, and even forbidden due to the risk of triggering or amplifying inflammation. However, several studies have been conducted to test this assumption and have shown that aerobic exercise as well as resistance training can maintain and even improve quality of life for IIM-affected individuals without increased inflammatory response.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Acquired non-inflammatory myopathy</span> Medical condition

Acquired non-inflammatory myopathy (ANIM) is a neuromuscular disorder primarily affecting skeletal muscle, most commonly in the limbs of humans, resulting in a weakness or dysfunction in the muscle. A myopathy refers to a problem or abnormality with the myofibrils, which compose muscle tissue. In general, non-inflammatory myopathies are a grouping of muscular diseases not induced by an autoimmune-mediated inflammatory pathway. These muscular diseases usually arise from a pathology within the muscle tissue itself rather than the nerves innervating that tissue. ANIM has a wide spectrum of causes which include drugs and toxins, nutritional imbalances, acquired metabolic dysfunctions such as an acquired defect in protein structure, and infections.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Antisynthetase syndrome</span> Medical condition

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Statin-associated autoimmune myopathy (SAAM), also known as anti-HMGCR myopathy, is a very rare form of muscle damage caused by the immune system in people who take statin medications. However, there are cases of SAAM in patients who have not taken statin medication, and this can be explained by the exposure to natural sources of statin such as red yeast rice, which is statin rich. This theory is supported by the higher prevalence of statin-naive SAAM patients in Asian cohorts, who have statin-rich diets.


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