Kyrgyz Republic commemorative currency

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Commemorative currency in the Kyrgyz Republic is the set of commemorative banknotes and coins, issued by the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, that are not meant for general circulation.


All the banknotes and coins are either denoted by som, the underlined C, or its subunit the tyiyn.

Kyrgyz is the language used on the commemorative currencies, although Russian, and to a lesser extent English, is used in conjunction as well.

Issuing of Commemorative Currencies

The central bank regularly issues commemorative currencies to mark various occasions, or to celebrate the various aspects of Kyrgyzstani culture or wildlife.

Several of these have also won numerous regional and international awards.

Production of Commemorative Currencies

Commemorative coins are minted in several locations including, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Poland, Russia (Saint Petersburg Mint), Slovakia, and the United Kingdom (Pobjoy Mint), [1] while the commemorative notes are printed in the United States (Crane Currency). [2]


On 11 August 1995, the central bank issued its first collectible coins to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of the Epic of Manas, despite coins not being in general circulation at that time. Since then, over the years, the central bank has increased the frequency of issuance of commemorative currencies.

The central bank reached its first major milestone when it received its first award on the 1st of December 2010.

The commemorative coins of the 2009 "Works of Chinghiz Aitmatov" series won an Honorary Diploma from the "Biblio-Globus" Trading House during the fourth international commemorative coin competition.

In 2017, the first commemorative banknote was issued. This banknote was also the first vertically oriented Kyrgyz banknote that had incorporated several state of the art security features, although machines were not calibrated to accept these notes. [3]

In 2018 with the introduction of the new som symbol to mark 25 years of issuing the national currency, new commemorative currencies started featuring the symbol as well.

Commemorative coins

Commemorative coins
ImageValueTechnical parametersDescriptionDate of issueIssue quantityIssue quality
KG-1995-100som-Manas-a.jpg KG-1995-100som-Manas-b.jpg 100 som22.00mm6.22gGold 999 Manas overlaid on "Айкөл Манас" (Magnanimous Manas) Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, year11 August 19951000proof
KG-1995-10som-Manas-a.jpg KG-1995-10som-Manas-b.jpg 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925 Manas overlaid on "Манас эпосуна миң жыл" (Epic of Manas one thousandth year)5000proof
KG-2000-100som-Osh-a.jpg KG-2000-100som-Osh-b.jpg 100 som22.00mm7.78gGold 916 Ferghana horses painted with Sulayman Mountain background, "Ош- үч миң жыл" (City of Osh- third millennium) Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, year28 August 20001000proof
KG Ag Han-Tengri a.jpg KG Ag Han-Tengri b.jpg 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925 Khan Tengri Mountain Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Эгемен Кыргыз Республикасына 10 жыл (10 years of independent Kyrgyz Republic), year27 August 20011000proof
KG Ag Arhar a.jpg KG Ag Arhar b.jpg 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925 Ovis Ammon Karelini "Аркар" against Tian Shan "Теңир-Тоо" mountains Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Эл аралык тоо жылы (International Year of Mountains), year26 August 20021000proof
KG Ag Edelveis a.jpg KG Ag Edelveis b.jpg 10 som Leontopodium "Акмаңдай" against Tian Shan "Теңир-Тоо" mountains1000proof
KG Ag Valuta a.jpg KG Ag Valuta b.jpg 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925/ Gold 999All commemorative coins issued during the past 10 years surrounding a "tunduk" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Улуттук валютага 10 жыл (10 years of national currency), year8 May 20031000proof
KG Ag gosud a.jpg KG Ag gosud b.jpg 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925/ Gold 999Tiger head decoration, Turgesh coin, Burana Tower and state flag surrounding a "tunduk" (counter clockwise from top left) Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Кыргыз мамлекеттүүлүгүнө 2200 жыл (2200 Years of Kyrgyz statehood), year8 May 20031000proof
KG Ag Voina a.jpg KG Ag Voina b.jpg 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925A woman and eternal flame at Victory Memorial Complex, Улуу Жеңишке 60 жыл/ 60 лет Великой Победе (60th Anniversary of Great Victory) Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, year4 May 20051000proof
KG Ag Tashrabat a.jpg KG Ag Tashrabat b.jpg 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925/ Gold 999Map of Kyrgyz Republic, Tash Rabat "Ташрабат" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Кыргызстан Улуу жибек жолунда (Kyrgyzstan on the Great Silk Road), year4 May 20051500proof
KG Ag Uzgen a.jpg KG Ag Uzgen b.jpg 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925/ Gold 999Map of Kyrgyz Republic, Uzgen architecture complex "Өзгөн архитектуралык эстеликтери" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Кыргызстан Улуу жибек жолунда (Kyrgyzstan on the Great Silk Road), year2 April 20071500proof
KG-2007-10som-SCO-a.jpg KG-2007-10som-SCO-b.jpg 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925Emblem of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation "Кызматташуунун Шанхай уюму" over a "tunduk" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, year2 April 20071000proof
KG 2008 CuZn 1tyiyn a.png KG 2008 CuZn b.png 1 tyiyn14.00mm1.00gBrass-plated steel1 Тыйын (tyiyn), flower (гүл/ gul) Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, year1 January 2008100000brilliant uncirculated
KG Ag Bishkek a.jpg KG Ag Bishkek b.jpg 10 som38.60mm31.10gSilver 925Emblem of Eurasian Economic Community overlaid on Bishkek "Бишкек" city view, "Столицы стран ЕврАзЭС" (EurAsEC) Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, ЕврАзЭС өлкөлөрүнүн борборлору (EurAsEC), year18 December 20082500proof
KG Ag Burana a.jpg KG Ag Burana b.jpg 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925/ Gold 999Map of Kyrgyz Republic, Burana Tower "Бурана" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Кыргызстан Улуу жибек жолунда (Kyrgyzstan on the Great Silk Road), year18 December 20081500proof
KG CuNi Burana a.jpg KG CuNi all 2008.jpg 1 som30.00mm12.00gCopper-Nickel5000brilliant uncirculated
KG CuNi Tashrabat a.jpg KG CuNi all 2008.jpg 1 somMap of Kyrgyz Republic, Tash Rabat "Ташрабат"brilliant uncirculated
KG CuNi Uzgen a.jpg KG CuNi all 2008.jpg 1 somMap of Kyrgyz Republic, Uzgen architecture complex "Өзгөн архитектуралык эстеликтери"brilliant uncirculated
KG Ag Sulayman-Too a.jpg KG Ag Issyk-Kul Sulayman-Too b.jpg 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925/ Gold 999Map of Kyrgyz Republic, Sulayman Mountain "Сулайман Тоо"20 April 20091500proof
KG CuNi Sulayman-Too a.jpg KG CuNi all 2009.jpg 1 som30.00mm12.00gCopper-Nickel5000brilliant uncirculated
KG Ag Issyk-Kul a.jpg KG Ag Issyk-Kul Sulayman-Too b.jpg 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925/ Gold 999Map of Kyrgyz Republic, Lake Issyk-Kul "Ысык-Көл"1500proof
KG CuNi Issyk-Kul a.jpg KG CuNi all 2009.jpg 1 som30.00mm12.00gCopper-Nickel5000brilliant uncirculated
KG Ag Chinghiz a.jpg KG Ag Chinghiz b.jpg 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925 Chinghiz Aitmatov "Чыңгыз Айтматов" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, stork birds, year4 May 20092000proof
KG Ag Dzhamila a.jpg KG Ag Chinghiz Lit.jpg 10 somA scene from Jamila, "Жамийла/ Джамиля" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Чыңгыз Айтматов Чыгармасы/ Произведение чингиза айтматова (Chinghiz Aitmatov's works), Aitmatov's signature, year3000proof
KG Ag Teacher a.jpg KG Ag Chinghiz Lit.jpg 10 somA scene from The First Teacher, "Биринчи мугалим/ Первый учитель"3000proof
KG Ag Pole a.jpg KG Ag Chinghiz Lit.jpg 10 somA scene from Mother Earth & other stories, "Саманчынын жолу/ Материнское поле"3000proof
KG Ag Gulsary a.jpg KG Ag Chinghiz Lit.jpg 10 somA scene from Farewell, Gulsary!, "Гүлсарат/ Прощай, Гульсары!"3000proof
KG Ag Ak-Keme a.jpg KG Ag Chinghiz Lit.jpg 10 somA scene from The White Steamboat, " Ак кеме/ Белый пароход"3000proof
KG Ag Berkut a.jpg KG Ag Berkut b.jpg 10 som38.60mm31.10gSilver 925 Golden eagle "Бүркүт/Беркут", Emblem of Eurasian Economic Community, "Животный мир стран ЕврАзЭС" (Fauna of EurAsEC) Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Fauna of EurAsEC "ЕврАзЭС өлкөлөрүнүн жаныбарлар дүйнөсү", year29 October 20093000proof
KG Ag Oleniha a.jpg KG Ag Oleniha b.jpg 10 somMother Deer "Бугуэне/ Мать-олениха", Emblem of Eurasian Economic Community, "Легенды и сказки народов стран ЕврАзЭС" (Legend and tales of people of EurAsEC) Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, "ЕврАзЭС өлкөлөрүнүн элдеринин уламыштары жана жомоктору" (Legends and tales people of EurAsEC), year3000proof
KG Ag Evrazes a.jpg KG Ag Evrazes b.jpg 10 som38.60mm31.10gSilver 925Emblem of Eurasian Economic Community overlaid on 5 capitals of EurAsEC, "10 лет Евразийскому экономическому сообществу" (10 years of EurAsEC) Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, "Евразия экономикалык шериктештигине 10 жыл" (10 years of EurAsEC), year1 October 20102000proof
KG Ag Tunduk a.jpg KG Ag Tunduk b.jpg 10 som"Түндүк көтөрүү" Tunduk building, "Национальные обычаи и обряды народов стран ЕврАзЭС" (Customs and traditions of people of EurAsEC) Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Emblem of EurAsEC, "ЕврАзЭС өлкөлөрүнүн элдеринин улуттук жөрөлгөлөрү жана салт-санаалары" (Customs and traditions of people of EurAsEC), year3000proof
KG CuNi Tengri a.png KG CuNi Tengri b.png 1 som30.00mm12.00gCopper-Nickel Khan Tengri Mountain "Хан-Теңири" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Эгемен Кыргыз Республикасына 20 жыл (20 years of independent Kyrgyz Republic), year15 August 20115000brilliant uncirculated
KG CuNi Pobedy a.png KG Pobedy b.png 1 som30.00mm12.00gCopper-Nickel Jengish Chokusu mountain "Жеңиш чокусу/ Пик Победы" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Эгемен Кыргыз Республикасына 20 жыл (20 years of independent Kyrgyz Republic), year5000brilliant uncirculated
KG Ag Pobedy a.png KG Pobedy b.png 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 9253000proof
KG Ag Kyrg a.png KG Ag Kyrg b.png 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925/ Gold 999Flag of Kyrgyz Republic, Manas overlaid on map of Kyrgyz Republic, Эгемен Кыргыз Республикасына 20 жыл (20 years of independent Kyrgyz Republic) Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Независимой кыргызской республике 20 лет (20 years of independent Kyrgyz Republic), year2000proof
KG Ag Mir a.png KG Ag Mir b.png 10 som39.00mm33.94gSilver 925Children's drawing, "Мир наших детей" (The world of our children) Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Emblem of EurAsEC, "Аруулук уялаган балдар дүйнөсү" (Children's drawing), year20 December 20113000proof
KG Ag Sh a.png KG Ag Sh b.png 10 som38.61mm31.10gSilver 925/ Gold 999Emblem of EurAsEC, map of Silk Road, "Великий шёлковый путь" (The Great Silk Road) Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, "Улуу Жибек Жолу" (The Great Silk Road), caravan passing through mountains, year2000proof
KG-2012-10som-Datka-a.png KG-2012-10som-Datka-b.png 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925 Kurmanjan Datka "Курманжан Датка, 1811-1907", two Swarovski crystals Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Kurmanjan riding a horse, "Курманжан Даткага 200 жыл" (200th anniversary of Kurmanjan Datka), year8 August 20122000proof
KG-2012-100som-Datka-a.png KG-2012-10som-Datka-b.png 100 som22.60mm7.78gGold 999 Kurmanjan Datka "Курманжан Датка, 1811-1907" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, "Курманжан Даткага 200 жыл" (200th anniversary of Kurmanjan Datka), year1000proof
KG CuNi Komuz a.png KG CuNi Komuz b.png 5 som33.00mm14.35gCopper-NickelKyrgyz playing a Komuz musical instrument, "Комуз" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, National musical instruments "Улуттук музыкалык аспаптар", year21 August 20123000brilliant uncirculated
KG Ag Irbis a.png KG Ag Irbis b.png 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925 Snow leopard "Ак илбирс" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Animals of the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan "Кыргызстандын кызыл китеби", year21 August 20123000proof
KG Ag Dzheiran a.png KG Ag Dzheiran b.png 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925/ Gold 999 Goitered gazelle "Жейрен/ Gazella Subgutturosa" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Animals of the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan "Кыргызстандын кызыл китеби", year26 August 20133000proof
KG-2013-10som-Saimaluu-Tash-a.png KG-2013-10som-Saimaluu-Tash-b.png 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925Rock paintings, "Саймалуу-Таш/ Saimaluu Tash" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, rock paintings, "Кыргызстандын тарыхый жана архитектуралык эстеликтери" (Kyrgyzstan historical and architectural monuments), year26 August 20132000proof
KG-2013-1som-Saimaluu-Tash-a.png KG-2013-1som-Saimaluu-Tash-b.png 1 som30.00mm12.00gCopper-Nickel5000brilliant uncirculated
KG-2013-10som-Kaganat-a.png KG-2013-10som-Kaganat-b.png 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925/ Gold 999 Tamga overlaid on map of ancient Kyrgyz, Old Turkic alphabet Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, "Улуу Кыргыз каганаты" (Great Kyrgyz Khaganate), year24 December 20132000proof
KG-2014-1som-Barsbek-a.png KG-2014-1som-Barsbek-b.png 1 som30.00mm12.00gCopper-NickelBarsbek Kyrgyz Kagan "Барсбек кыргыз каганы" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, "Улуу Кыргыз каганаты" (Great Kyrgyz Khaganate), year11 August 20145000brilliant uncirculated
KG-2014-10som-Barsbek-a.png KG-2014-10som-Barsbek-b.png 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 9252000uncirculated
KG-2014-10som-Kumbez-a.png KG-2014-10som-Kumbez-b.png 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925 Manas Ordo, "Манастын кумбөзу/ Kumbez of Manas" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, "Кыргызстандын тарыхый жана архитектуралык эстеликтери" (Kyrgyzstan historical and architectural monuments), year11 August 20142000proof
KG-2014-1som-Kumbez-a.png KG-2014-1som-Kumbez-b.png 1 som30.00mm12.00gCopper-Nickel5000brilliant uncirculated
KG-2014-10som-Bubo-a.png KG-2014-10som-Bubo-b.png 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925 Eurasian eagle-owl "үкү/ Bubo Bubo" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Animals of the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan "Кыргызстандын кызыл китеби", year11 August 20143000proof
KG-2015-10som-Victory-a.png KG-2015-10som-Victory-b.png 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925 Ribbon of Saint George folded to form 70, "Улуу Жеңишке 70 жыл/ 70 лет Великой Победе" (70 years of Great Victory)Doves surrounding Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, year15 April 20151000proof
KG-2015-10som-Otis-a.png KG-2015-10som-Otis-b.png 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925/ Gold 999 Great bustard bird "Тоодак/ Otis tarda" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Animals of the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan "Кыргызстандын кызыл китеби", year15 June 20153000uncirculated
KG-2015-Ag-10som-Tamga-a.png KG-2015-Ag-10som-Tamga-b.png 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 925Various aspects of ancient Kyrgyz, "Тамга" (Tamga) Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, various Tamga, "Улуу Кыргыз каганаты" (Great Kyrgyz Khaganate), year24 August 20151000proof
KG-2015-CuNi-5som-Kyzkuumai-a.png KG-2015-CuNi-5som-Kyzkuumai-b.png 5 som33.00mm14.35gCopper-Nickel Kyz kuu "Кыз куумай" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, "Улуттук спорт жана элдик оюндары" (National sports and folk games), year24 August 20153000proof-like
KG-2015-Ag-10som-Kyzkuumai-a.png KG-2015-Ag-10som-Kyzkuumai-b.png 10 som38.60mm28.28gSilver 9252000proof
KG-2015-Ag-10som-EAEU-a.png KG-2015-Ag-10som-EAEU-b.png 10 som38.60mm31.10gSilver 925 Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, "Кыргыз Республикасынын Улуттук банкы" (National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic), yearEmblem of EAEU, flags of countries in EAEU, "Евразия экономикалык союзу/ Евразийский экономический союз" (Eurasian Economic Union)2 November 20151000proof
KG-2015-Au-200som-Irbis-a.png KG-2015-Au-200som-Irbis-b.png 200 som25.00mm15.55gGold 999 Snow leopard "Ак илбирс/ Uncia uncia", two Swarovski crystals Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Animals of the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan "Кыргызстандын кызыл китеби", year25 December 20151000proof
KG-2016-Ag-10som-Games-a.png KG-2016-Ag-10som-Games-b.png 10 som38.61x 38.61mm31.10gSilver 925Various sports of World Nomad Games, "Дүйнөлүк көчмөндөр оюндары/ World Nomad Games" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan in a yurt, year15 August 20161000proof
KG-2016-Ag-10som-independence-25-a.png KG-2016-Ag-10som-independence-25-b.png 10 som38.61mm31.10gSilver 925Eagle overlaid on state flag, "Эгемен Кыргыз Республикасына 25 жыл/ Независимой Кыргызской Республике-25 лет" (25 years of independent Kyrgyz Republic) Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, year15 August 20161000proof
KG-2016(2018)-Ag-10som-urkun-100-a.png KG-2016(2018)-Ag-10som-urkun-100-b.png 10 som38.61mm28.28gSilver 9251916 overlaid on farmers with agricultural tools and burning yurt, "Үркүнгө 100 жыл" (100 years of Urkun) Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, year15 August 20161000proof
KG-2016-Ag-10som-Yusuf-b.png KG-2016-Ag-10som-Yusuf-a.png 10 som38.61x 38.61mm28.28gSilver 925 Zhusup Balasagyn, Kutadgu Bilig written in Uyghur, "Жусуп Баласагынга 1000 жыл" (1000 anniversary of Zhusup Balasagyn) Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, part of Kutadgu Bilig, Burana Tower, "Кыргыз Республикасынын Улуттук банкы" (National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic), year1 November 20161000proof
KG-2016-1som-light-warrior-a.png KG-2016-1som-light-warrior-b.png 1 som30.00mm12.00gCopper-NickelLightly armed warrior of Kyrgyz Khaganate "Кыргыз каганатынын куралданган жоокери/ Легковооруженный воин Кыргызского каганата" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, "Улуу Кыргыз каганаты" (Great Kyrgyz Khaganate), year20 December 20164000uncirculated
KG-2016-10som-light-warrior-a.png KG-2016-10som-light-warrior-b.png 10 som38.61mm28.28gSilver 9251000proof-like
KG-2016-10som-Aygul-a.png KG-2016-10som-Aygul-b.png 10 som38.61x 28.81mm28.28gSilver 925 Aigul flower "Айгүл гүлү/ Fritillaria eduardii Regel" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Animals of the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan "Кыргызстандын кызыл китеби", year20 December 20162000proof
KG-2017-10som-Karkira-a.png KG-2017-10som-Karkira-b.png 10 som38.61x 28.81mm28.28gSilver 925 Demoiselle crane "Anthropoides virgo/ Каркыра" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, Animals of the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan "Кыргызстандын кызыл китеби", year7 December 20171000proof
KG-2017-1som-heavy-warrior-a.png KG-2017-1som-heavy-warrior-b.png 1 som30.00mm12.00gCopper-NickelHeavily armed warrior of Kyrgyz Khaganate "Кыргыз каганатынын шайма-шай куралданган жоокери" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, "Улуу Кыргыз каганаты" (Great Kyrgyz Khaganate), year7 December 20175000uncirculated
KG-2017-10som-heavy-warrior-a.png KG-2017-10som-heavy-warrior-b.png 10 som38.61mm28.28gSilver 9251000proof-like
KG-2018-Ag-10som-Komuz-a.png KG-2018-Ag-10som-Komuz-b.png 10 som38.61mm28.28gSilver 925 Komuz musical instrument, "Комуз/Komuz" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, National musical instruments "Улуттук музыкалык аспаптар", year10 May 20181000proof
5 som33.00mm15.50gCopper-Nickel"Кыргыз Республикасынын улуттук валютасына 25 жыл" (25 years of national currency of the Kyrgyz Republic), som symbol, 1 tyiyn and 5000 som banknote Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, current circulating coins, year10 May 20185000uncirculated
1 som30.00mm12.00gCopper-Nickel Yurt house "Боз үй" Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, "Улуу Кыргыз каганаты" (Great Kyrgyz Khaganate), year28 August 20185000proof-like
10 som38.61mm31.10gSilver 925"Улак тартыш" (Kokpar-kokbori) Emblem of Kyrgyzstan, "Дүйнөлүк көчмөндөр оюндары/ World Nomad Games", year28 August 20181000proof
1 som30.00mm12.00gCopper-Nickel5000proof-like

Commemorative banknotes

Commemorative banknotes
ImageValueDimensionsMain ColourDescriptionDate of issue
2000 som 2017 ob.png 2000 som 2017 rev.png 2,000 som153 x 76mmBlue and greyMonument of Manas, a stylised yurt, symbol of "Umai Ene" in the backgroundStylised tree, Khan Tengri mountain, eagle flying over lake Issyk-Kul 17 November 2017


Commemorative currency awards
AwardIssuing authorityEventSeries/ Banknote/ CoinDate of receiving award
Honorary Diploma"Biblio-Globus" Trading House4th International commemorative coin competition2009 Works of Chinghiz Aitmatov series1 December 2010
Winner of "The Most Historically Significant coin" Krause Publications "Coin of the Year" competition2011 The Great Silk Road coin1 December 2013
Third place (Honorary Diploma) in "Silver Coin of the Year"-8th International commemorative coin competition2013 Saimaluu Tash coin1 December 2014
Best Regional Banknote of 2018-Best regional banknote competition (In Eastern, Central European and CIS)2017 2000 Som banknote20 February 2018

See also

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The New Taiwan dollar is the official currency of Taiwan. The New Taiwan dollar has been the currency of Taiwan since 1949, when it replaced the Old Taiwan dollar, at a rate of 40,000 old dollars per one new dollar. The basic unit of the New Taiwan dollar is called a yuan (圓) and is subdivided into ten jiao (角), and into 100 fen (分) or cents, although in practice both jiao and fen are never actually used.

Malaysian ringgit Official currency of Malaysia

The Malaysian ringgit is the currency of Malaysia. It is divided into 100 sen. The ringgit is issued by the Central Bank of Malaysia.

The Singapore dollar is the official currency of the country Singapore. It is divided into 100 cents. It is normally abbreviated with the dollar sign $, or S$ to distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies. The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) issues the banknotes and coins of the Singapore dollar.

Moldovan leu Currency of Moldova

The leu is the currency of Moldova. Like the Romanian leu, the Moldovan leu is subdivided into 100 bani. The name of the currency originates from a Romanian word which means "lion".

Armenian dram Currency of Armenia

The dram is the monetary unit of Armenia and the neighboring Republic of Artsakh. It was historically subdivided into 100 luma. The word "dram" translates into English as "money" and is cognate with the Greek drachma and the Arabic dirham, as well as the English weight unit dram. The first instance of a dram currency was in the period from 1199 to 1375, when silver coins called dram were issued.

Azerbaijani manat Currency of Azerbaijan

The manat is the currency of Azerbaijan. It is subdivided into 100 qəpik.

Transnistrian ruble Currency of Transnistria

The ruble is the currency of Transnistria and is divided into 100 kopecks. Since Transnistria is a state with limited international recognition and considered as part of Moldova, its currency has no ISO 4217 code. However, unofficially some Transnistrian organisations, such as Agroprombank and Gazprombank, used the code PRB, a code that would otherwise be reserved for Puerto Rico. The Transnistrian Republican Bank sometimes uses the code RUP.

Kyrgyzstani som Currency of Kyrgyzstan

The som is the currency of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Uzbekistani soʻm Currency of Uzbekistan

The soʻm is the currency of Uzbekistan in Central Asia.

Peso dominicano has been the name of the currency of the Dominican Republic since 2011. Its symbol is "$", with "RD$" used when distinction from other pesos is required; its ISO 4217 code is "DOP". Each peso is divided into 100 centavos ("cents"), for which the ¢ symbol is used. With exception of the United States dollar, it is the only currency that is legal tender in the Dominican Republic for all monetary transactions, whether public or private.

Czech koruna Currency of the Czech Republic

The Czech koruna, also known as the Czech crown, has been the currency of the Czech Republic since 1993. The koruna is one of the European Union's 11 currencies, and the Czech Republic is legally bound to adopt the euro currency in the future.

Belarusian ruble Currency of Belarus

The Belarusian ruble or rouble is the official currency of Belarus. The ruble is subdivided into 100 copecks.

Soviet ruble Currency of the Soviet Union

The Soviet ruble was the currency of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), introduced in 1922, replacing the Imperial Russian ruble. One ruble was divided into 100 kopeks. Soviet ruble banknotes and coins were produced by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise in Moscow and Leningrad.

Central Bank of Armenia Central Bank of Armenia

The Central Bank of Armenia is the central bank of Armenia with its headquarters in Yerevan. The CBA is an independent institution responsible for issuing all banknotes and coins in the country, overseeing and regulating the banking sector and keeping the government's currency reserves. The CBA is also the sole owner of the Armenian Mint.

National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic Central Bank of Kyrgyzstan

The National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic is the central bank of Kyrgyzstan and is primarily responsible for the strategic monetary policy planning of the country as well as the issuance of the national currency, the Som.

Brazilian real Brazilian currency since 1994

The Brazilian real is the official currency of Brazil. It is subdivided into 100 centavos. The Central Bank of Brazil is the central bank and the issuing authority. The real replaced the cruzeiro real in 1994.


  1. "Подкиньте монетку" (PDF). 2016-01-22. Retrieved 2018-08-31.
  2. "First banknote issued with new security design made in Nashua". 2017-11-18. Retrieved 2018-08-31.[ permanent dead link ]
  3. "Kyrgyzstan to issue new vertical banknote swarovski". 2017-11-14. Retrieved 2018-08-31.
  4. "Kyrgyz commemorative coins". 2018-08-28. Retrieved 2018-08-31.
  5. "Collection Coins of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic". 2016-08-18. Retrieved 2018-08-31.