Legio XXII Primigenia

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Map of the Roman empire in AD 125, under emperor Hadrian, showing the Legio XXII Primigenia, stationed on the river Rhine at Moguntiacum (Mainz, Germany), in Germania Superior province, from AD 39 until the 4th century Roman Empire 125.png
Map of the Roman empire in AD 125, under emperor Hadrian, showing the Legio XXII Primigenia, stationed on the river Rhine at Moguntiacum (Mainz, Germany), in Germania Superior province, from AD 39 until the 4th century
This denarius, struck in 193 under Septimius Severus, celebrates XXII Primigenia, one of the legions which supported the commander of the Pannonian army in his bid for purple Denarius-Septimius Severus-l22primigenia-RIC 0005.jpg
This denarius, struck in 193 under Septimius Severus, celebrates XXII Primigenia, one of the legions which supported the commander of the Pannonian army in his bid for purple

Legio XXII Primigenia ("Fortune's Twenty-Second Legion") was a legion of the Imperial Roman army dedicated to the goddess Fortuna Primigenia. Founded in AD 39 by the emperor Caligula for use in his campaigns in Germania, the XXII Primigenia spent much of their time in Mogontiacum (modern Mainz) up to the end of the 3rd century. The legion's symbols were a Capricorn [1] and the demigod Hercules.



Mosaic with the legion's Capricorn motif Capricon legioXXII-retouched.jpg
Mosaic with the legion's Capricorn motif

XXII Primigenia was first stationed in Mogontiacum in the Roman province of Germania Superior, guarding the Rhine border as part of the limes. Along with the rest of the Germanic army, the legion supported Vitellius in the Year of the Four Emperors (69). During the Batavian rebellion, XXII Primigenia, commanded by Gaius Dillius Vocula, was the only Germanic legion that survived rebel attacks and which stayed in its camp, defending Moguntiacum. They remained in Moguntiacum until at least the 3rd century. Hadrian, prior to becoming Emperor, was tribunus militum of the XXIIth in 97–98.

Around 90 units of the XXII were garrisoned in or around the area of modern-day Butzbach, as part of the Limes Germanicus (a series of forts along the Roman frontier of Germania Superior. A stamp of the XXII Legion was found during excavations of a Roman Fort in Butzbach. The 22nd U.S. Infantry Regiment was stationed in Butzbach after World War II, and the stamp of the Legion and the emblem of the American unit were very similar. [2] [ unreliable source? ]

The Rhine settlement was their main camp, but vexillationes of the legion participated in the building of the Antonine Wall in Scotland (2nd century) and in the campaigns against the Sassanid Empire (around 235).

They were still in Moguntiacum during the attack of the tribe of the Alamanni in 235, and were responsible for the assassination of Emperor Alexander Severus when he tried to negotiate with the enemy, along with the subsequent election of Maximinus Thrax as new emperor.

In 268, Primigenia probably fought under Gallienus at the Battle of Naissus, winning a victory over the Goths.[ dubious discuss ] The following year, the XXII Legion rebelled against Postumus, and proclaimed its commander Laelianus Emperor of the Gallic Empire. [3]

In the beginning of the fourth century the legion was awarded the title "Primigenia CV" (presumably Constantiana Victrix). There is no record of it after the reign of Constantine the Great (r.306–337). One source suggests that it "may have been destroyed during the Battle of Mursa." [4]

Attested members

NameRankTime frameProvinceSource
Gaius Dillius Vocula legatus 69-70 Germania Superior Tacitus, Histories , IV.25, 33, 56, 57
Lucius Catilius Severus legatusbetween 100 and 105Germania Superior CIL X, 8291
Aulus Junius Pastor [5] legatus ? 156-? 159Germania Superior CIL VI, 1435; CIL V, 7775
[...] Serenus [5] legatusc. 162Germania Superior AE 1965, 243
Marcus Didius Serenus Julianus [6] legatus ? 168-? 171Germania Superior CIL VI, 1401
Lucius Marius Vegetinus [6] legatusbetween 138 and 180Germania Superior CIL VI, 1455; CIL VI, 1456
Quintus Hedius Rufus Lollianus Gentianus [7] legatusc. 184Germania Superior CIL II, 4121 = ILS 1145
Quintus Aurelius Polus Terentianus [7] legatusc. 184Germania Superior AE 1965, 240
Claudius Gallus [8] legatus ? 195-197Germania Superior AE 1957, 123
Gaius Octavius Appius Suetrius Sabinus [8] legatus211-213Germania Superior CIL X, 5398 = ILS 1159; CIL X, 5178; CIL VI, 1551, CIL VI, 1477
Domitius Antigonus [8] legatusc. 220Germania Superior AE 1966, 262
[...]us L.f. Annianuslegatusc. 242Germania Superior CIL XIII, 6763
L. Titinius L.f. Glaucus Lucretianus tribunus angusticlavius before 66Germania Superior CIL XI, 1331 = ILS 233
C. Vibius C.f. Salutaris [9] tribunus angusticlaviusbetween 70 and 75Germania Superior CIL III, 6065 = ILS 7194b; AE 1899, 64 = ILS 7194
Lucius Neratius Priscus tribunus laticlavius c. 79-c. 80Germania Superior AE 1969/70, 152
Lucius Caesennius Sospes tribunus laticlaviusc. 89Germania SuperiorTacitus, Annales , XV.28
Publius Aelius Hadrianus tribunus laticlaviusc. 96Germania Superior Historia Augusta , "Hadrian", 3
Aulus Platorius Nepos tribunus laticlaviusbetween 90 and 100Germania Superior
Quintus Lollius Urbicus tribunus laticlaviusc. 125Germania Superior CIL VIII, 6706
Publius Coelius Balbinus Vibullius Pius tribunus laticlaviusc. 130Germania Superior CIL VI, 1383
Marius Maximus [10] tribunus laticlaviusc. 175Germania Superior CIL VI, 1450

Epigraphic inscriptions

See also


  1. L. J. F. Keppie, Legions and Veterans: Roman Army Papers 1971–2000, p. 128.
  2. Entry on Butzbach in the German edition of Wikipedia.
  3. Eutropius, Breviarium IX.9.
  4. "Legio XXII Primigenia". Livius.org. Retrieved Oct 3, 2018.
  5. 1 2 Géza Alföldy, Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter der Antoninen (Bonn: Rudolf Habelt Verlag, 1977), p. 301
  6. 1 2 Alföldy, Konsulat und Senatorenstand, p. 301
  7. 1 2 Paul M. M. Leunissen, Konsuln und Konsulare in der Zeit von Commodus bis Severus Alexander (Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben, 1989), p. 344
  8. 1 2 3 Leunissen, Konsuln und Konsulare, p. 345
  9. J.E.H. Spaul, "Governors of Tingitana", Antiquités africaines, 30 (1994), pp. 238f
  10. Leunissen, Konsuln und Konsulare, p. 382