List of Estonian animated films

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List of animated films made in Estonia. [1] [2]

Republic of Estonia 1918-1940

TitleEnglish TitleDirectorAwardsGenreNotes
Kutsu-Juku seiklusi The Adventures of Juku The Dog Voldemar Päts Cutout animation

Estonian SSR 1940-1991

List of Estonian animated films made in the Estonian SSR 1940-1991



TitleEnglish TitleDirectorAwardsGenreNotes
Peetrikese unenägu Little Peeter's Dream Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
PõhjakonnNorthern dragon Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation


TitleEnglish TitleDirectorAwardsGenreNotes
Metsamuinasjutt Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Ott kosmoses Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Mina ja Murri Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Peaaegu uskumatu lugu Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Kaks lugu Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Väike motoroller Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Talent Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Just nii! Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Tublid loomad Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Operaator Kõps seeneriigis  [ et ] Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Lapsed ja puu Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Operaator Kõps marjariigis Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Jaak ja robot Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Park Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Jonn Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Operaator Kõps üksikul saarel Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Žanri sünd Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Kurepoeg Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Vanapagan sulast kauplemas Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Jussikese seitse sõpra Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Hammasratas Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Ahvipoeg Fips Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Operaator Kõps kiviriigis Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Eesel, heeringas ja nõialuud Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Uhti, uhti uhkesti! Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Lindude ja loomade sõda Heino Pars Puppetoon animation


TitleEnglish TitleDirectorAwardsGenreNotes
Aatomik ja jõmmid Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Aatomik Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Lumeveski Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Jalakäijad Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Putukate suvemängud Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Mardileib Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Krõll Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Ettevaatust, kaabel! Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Autosõitjad Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Nael Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Veekandja Rein Raamat Traditional animation
Vari ja tee Rein Raamat Traditional animation
Uued sõbrad Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Veealused Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Pallid Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Lend Rein Raamat Traditional animation
Värvipliiatsid Avo Paistik Traditional animation
Verine John Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Õed Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation with the using of real life
Muinasjutt tema majesteedile Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Värvilind Rein Raamat Traditional animation
KilplasedThe Gothamites Rein Raamat Traditional animation
Täheke Avo Paistik Traditional animation
Inspiratsioon Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Laulud kevadele Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Rüblik Rein Raamat Traditional animation
Pisiasi Avo Paistik Traditional animation
Lapsehoidjad Aarne Ahi Puppetoon animation
Kütt Rein Raamat Traditional animation
Lask Avo Paistik Traditional animation
Suveniir Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Kunksmoor Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Antennid jääs Rein Raamat Traditional animation
Kas maakera on ümmargune? Priit Pärn Traditional animation
Pühapäev Avo Paistik Traditional animation
Ja teeb trikkePlays Tricks Priit Pärn Traditional animation
Köpenicki kapten Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Kunksmoor ja kapten Trumm Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
TelemükseKalju KurepõldTraditional animation
Veidi viltuKalju KurepõldTraditional animation
Põld Rein Raamat Traditional animation
Kas on ikka rasvane? Rein Raamat Traditional animation
Tolmuimeja Avo Paistik Traditional animation
Klaabu Avo Paistik Traditional animation
Linalakk ja Rosalind Aarne Ahi Puppetoon animation
Kaupmees ja ahvid Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Giufa Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Kui mehed laulavad Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Klaabu, Nipi ja tige kala Avo Paistik Traditional animation


TitleEnglish TitleDirectorAwardsGenreNotes
Ohver Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Välek vibulane Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Suur Tõll Rein Raamat Traditional animation
Karsumm Aarne Ahi Puppetoon animation
Õunkimmel Elbert Tuganov Puppetoon animation
Harjutusi iseseisvaks eluksSome Exercises in Preparation of an Independent Life Priit Pärn Traditional animation
Klaabu kosmoses Avo Paistik Traditional animation
PaberilehtKalju KiviPuppetoon animation
KolmnurkThe Triangle Priit Pärn Traditional animation
Oinas ja roosKalju KurepõldPuppetoon animation
PrimadonnaKalju KurepõldPuppetoon animation
Pagar ja korstnapühkijaKalju KiviPuppetoon animation
Meemeistrite linn Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Põrgu Rein Raamat Traditional animation
Tuvitädi Rao Heidmets Puppetoon animation
SõlmKalju KiviPuppetoon animation
Aeg maha Time Out Priit Pärn Traditional animation
Naerupall Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Naksitrallid Avo Paistik Traditional animation
Tähe mõrsjaKalju KiviPuppetoon animation
Seitse kuradit Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Kerjus Rein Raamat Traditional animation
Hüpe Avo Paistik Traditional animation
Vägev vähk ja ahne naineAarne AhiPuppetoon animation
Nuril Rao Heidmets Puppetoon animation
KlaasikillumängKalju KiviPuppetoon animation
Elujõgi Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Kaelkirjak Rao Heidmets Puppetoon animation
Eine murul Breakfast on the Grass Priit Pärn Traditional animation
Naksitrallid II Avo Paistik Traditional animation
Magus planeet Aarne Ahi Puppetoon animation
Serenaad Rao Heidmets Puppetoon animation
Hernes Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Linn Rein Raamat Traditional animation
Lend Avo Paistik Traditional animation
Linnupüüdja Aarne Ahi Puppetoon animation
Papa Carlo teater Rao Heidmets Puppetoon animation
Miks puud ei kõneleKalju KiviPuppetoon animation
Silmus Avo Paistik Traditional animation
Noblesse oblige Rao Heidmets Puppetoon animation
TõusKalju KiviPuppetoon animation
Päkapikud piiluvad Heino Pars Puppetoon animation
Naksitrallid Avo Paistik Traditional animationFeature film
Minek Avo Paistik Traditional animation

Republic of Estonia since 1991

List of Estonian animated films made in Republic of Estonia since 1991.


TitleEnglish TitleDirectorAwardsGenreNotes
Kingikratt Aarne Ahi Puppetoon animation
Päkapikupuu Rao Heidmets Puppetoon animation
SokkKalju KiviPuppetoon animation
TalvepäevLeo LättiTraditional animation
Hotell E Hotel E Priit Pärn Traditional animation
Sprott võtmas päikestThe Smoked Sprat Baking in the Sun Mati Kütt Traditional animation
Otto eluOtto´s Life Janno Põldma Pixilation/Puppetoon animation
Incipit vita nova Hardi Volmer Pixilation
KapsapeaCabbage Head Riho Unt Puppetoon animation
MeistritükkMasterpieceMikk RandPixilation
Ja õitseskiAnd It Bloomed … Mait Laas Traditional animation
Elutuba Rao Heidmets Pixilation
Hilinenud romanssTwilight Romance Hardi Volmer Puppetoon animation
JõulukalenderCalendar of Christmas Riho Unt Puppetoon animation
1895 1895 Priit Pärn, Janno Põldma Traditional animation
XXXX või ASAMikk RandPixilation
HumachinoidHumachinoidKalju KiviCutout animation
Porgandite öö  [ et ]Night of the Carrots Priit Pärn Traditional animation
Plekkmäe Liidi  [ et ]LITTLE LILLY Mati Kütt Traditional animation
Tallinna legendid  [ et ]Legends of Tallinn Heiki Ernits, Leo LättiTraditional animation
Hreidar TobukeHreidar the StupidSiggiPuppetoon animation
Keegi veelSomebody Else Hardi Volmer, Mait Laas Pixilation
GravitatsioonGravitation Priit Tender Traditional animation
Urpo ja TurpoUrpo and Turpo Riho Unt Puppetoon animation
PäevavalgusDaylight Mait Laas Puppetoon animation
PõrandaaluneUnderground Mati Kütt Pixilation/Cutout animation
Tagasi EuroopasseBack to Europe Riho Unt Puppetoon animation
KaerajaanMikk RandPuppetoon animation
Tom ja Fluffy Tom and Fluffy Heiki Ernits, Leo Lätti, Janno Põldma Traditional animation
Vares ja hiiredThe Crow and the MiceMikk Rand, Priit Tender Cutout animation
Primavera Hardi Volmer, Riho Unt Puppetoon animation
Bermuda Ülo Pikkov Traditional animation
Just MärriedJust MarriedPeep PedmansonCutout animation
Porgandite öö  [ et ]Night of the Carrots Priit Pärn Traditional animation
Viola Priit Tender Traditional animation
Cappuccino Ülo Pikkov Traditional animation
Armastuse võimalikkusest  [ et ]On the Possibility of Love Janno Põldma Traditional animation


TitleEnglish TitleDirectorAwardsGenreNotes
Teekond nirvaanasseThe Way to Nirvana Mait Laas Multimedia
Eilne vedurKalju KiviPuppetoon animation
Lotte reis lõunamaale Lotte's Journey South Heiki Ernits, Janno Põldma Traditional animation
Saamueli internetSaamuel´s Internet Riho Unt, Piret SaarepuuPuppetoon animation
Eilne vedurYesterday’s EngineKalju Kivi, Mikk RandPuppetoon animation
Vaala hing / Hvalens SjelThe Soul of the Whale / Hvalens SjelLisbeth NarudPuppetoon animation
Tulelaeva kulidThe Lightship Kulis Paavo Matsin, Mait Laas Cutout animation
Guf – katedraal sündimata hingedeleThe Guf – A Cathedral of Unborn SoulsJelena GirlinPuppetoon animation
Heinaloom Rao Heidmets Puppetoon animation
Lepatriinude jõulud Ladybirds' Christmas Heiki Ernits, Janno Põldma Traditional animation
Mont Blanc Priit Tender Traditional animation
Superlove Ülo Pikkov Traditional animation
Peata ratsanikThe Headless Horseman Ülo Pikkov Traditional animation
Jõehobu Jõksu loodThe Stories of Jippos Happy the HippoAndres Tenusaar2D animation
Kontsert porgandipirukale  [ et ]Concert for a Carrot Pie Heiki Ernits, Janno Põldma Traditional animation
Nööbi odüsseia Mati Kütt Traditional animation
Hing seesHaving SoulJulia Pihlak, Riho Unt Puppetoon animation
Pingviinide paraadThe Penguin Parade Riho Unt Puppetoon animation
RebasnaineFox Woman Priit Tender Traditional animation
Weitzenbergi tänav  [ et ]Weitzenberg Street Kaspar Jancis Traditional animation
Porgand!The Carrot!Pärtel TallPuppetoon animation
Miriami jõulupäkapikkMiriam´s Gnome Mait Laas Puppetoon animation
KuuvaatlejaMoonwatch Mati Kütt Puppetoon animation
Karl ja Marilyn  [ et ]Karl and Marilyn Priit Pärn Traditional animation
Pehmed ja karvased Hardi Volmer, Karin NurmPuppetoon animationTV
InstinktInstinct Rao Heidmets Puppetoon animation
Enigmatical loveEnigmatic Lover Rao Heidmets Puppetoon animation
BarbaridBarbarians Hardi Volmer Puppetoon animation
AhviaastaThe Year of the Monkey Ülo Pikkov Traditional animation
Miriam mängib peitustMiriam Plays Hide and Seek Priit Tender Puppetoon animation
LaudThe TableGirlin BassovskajaPuppetoon animation
Frank & Wendy  [ et ] Frank and Wendy Kaspar Jancis, Ülo Pikkov, Priit Tender Traditional animation
Vennad KarusüdamedBrothers Bearhearts Riho Unt Puppetoon animation
GeneratsioonGeneratio Mait Laas Multimedia
Cricket Mati Kütt Puppetoon animation
Crazy hours Rao Heidmets Cutout animation
Conquistador Rao Heidmets Puppetoon animation
Sõnum naabriteleMessage to the Neighbours Priit Tender Traditional animation
TeatriporgandCarrot of the TheatrePärtel TallPuppetoon animation
PärlimeesThe Pearlman Rao Heidmets Puppetoon animation
Miriami kana pesakast  [ et ]Miriam's Nest Box Riho Unt Puppetoon animation
Miriam merehädasMiriam and the Flood Riho Unt Puppetoon animation
Elu MaitseTaste of Life Ülo Pikkov Traditional animation
Leiutajateküla Lotte Lotte from Gadgetville Heiki Ernits, Janno Põldma Traditional animation
MaratonMarathon Kaspar Jancis Traditional animation
Une instituutThe Institute of The Dream Mati Kütt Multimedia
Väike lühinägelik boamaduThe Little Short-Sighted SnakeMeelis Arulepp, Aina JärvineTraditional animation
Must lagiBlack Ceiling Heiki Ernits, Kaspar Jancis, Mati Kütt, Ülo Pikkov, Janno Põldma, Priit Pärn, Priit Tender Traditional animation
Kanapeletis ja seinameistridKatri Haardes, Elisabeth SalminTraditional animation
The ScarecrowAndres Tenusaar, Aleksandr MelkumovPuppetoon animation
PõhjakonnNorth Dragon Riho Unt Puppetoon animation
SeinameistridWall MastersElisabeth SalminTraditional animation
Miriami teatriseiklusMiriam´s Theatre Priit Tender Puppetoon animation
Miriami piknik / HernehirmutisMiriam´s Picnic / ScarecrowAndres TenusaarPuppetoon animation
ÜksOneKatri HaardeTraditional animation
LõpuõhtuClosing Session Hardi Volmer Puppetoon animation
KleitThe DressMari-Liis Bassovskaja, Jelena GirlinPuppetoon animation
Porgand suvitabCarrot on the BeachPärtel TallPuppetoon animation
Miriami värvidMiriam´s ColorsJelena Girlin, Mari Liis BassovskajaPuppetoon animation
Dialogos Ülo Pikkov Traditional animation
Aja meistrid The Kings of the Time Mait Laas Puppetoon animation
OranusJelena Girlin, Mari Liis BassovskajaPuppetoon animation
Elu ilma Gabriella FerritaLife Without Gabriella Ferri Priit Pärn, Olga Pärn Traditional animation
Lily MarlenLili Riho Unt Puppetoon animation
Köögi DimensioonidKitchen Dimensions Priit Tender Traditional animation
Kaasasündinud kohustusedInherent Obligations Rao Heidmets Puppetoon animation
Miriami katkine piltMiriam´s Broken Picture Priit Tender Puppetoon animation
KrokodillCrocodile Kaspar Jancis Traditional animation
ÕhusIn the AirMartinus Daane KlemetTraditional animation


TitleEnglish TitleDirectorAwardsGenreNotes
Tuukrid VihmasDivers in the Rain Priit Pärn, Olga Pärn Traditional animation
Taevalaul Sky Song Mati KüttPuppetoon animation
Prohveti sünd?Oracle is born…? Rao Heidmets Puppetoon animation
Keha MäluBody Memory Ülo Pikkov Puppetoon animation
Lotte ja kuukivi saladus Lotte and the Moonstone Secret Heiki Ernits, Janno Põldma Traditional animation
OlmeheidutusDomestic Fitless Hardi Volmer Pixilation/Computer animation
Miriami köögikombainMiriam´s Food ProcessorAndres TenusaarPuppetoon animation
TalvekummitusThe Winter GhostJaana Wahlforss2D Computer animation
Kolmnurga afäär  [ et ]The Triangle AffairAndres TenusaarPuppetoon animation
Happy Birthday Riho Unt Puppetoon animation
Villa Antropoff  [ et ] Kaspar Jancis, Vladimir LeschiovTraditional animation
Miriami rohelised täpidMiriam´s Green Spots Priit Tender Puppetoon animation
Miriami tuuleloheMiriam´s Kite Riho Unt Puppetoon animation
UssinuumajaThe Maggot Feeder Priit Tender Traditional animation
The End Ülo Pikkov Experimental
Lisa Limone ja Maroc Orange: tormakas armulugu  [ et ] Lisa Limone and Maroc Orange: A Rapid Love Story Mait Laas Puppetoon animation
Ada + Otto Ülo Pikkov Traditional animation
Limonaadi luguLemonade TaleVallo ToomlaPuppetoon animation
XYZtopiaMartinus Daane KlemetTraditional animation
LiivameesSandguyPärtel TallPuppetoon animation
Suur maalritööThe Great PainterMeelis Arulepp, Aina JärvineTraditional animation
Must stsenaariumWorst-Case ScenarioKristjan HolmTraditional animation
Teisel pool metsaOn the Other Side of the WoodsAnu-Laura TuttelbergMultimedia
Lendurid koduteel Pilots on the Way Home Priit Pärn, Olga Pärn Traditional animation
PapaJelena Girlin, Mari Liis BassovskajaMultimedia
PõhjatähtNorthern StarfishMattias MälkTraditional animation
Alateadvuse MajaHouse of Unconsciousness Priit Tender Traditional animation
Tik-TakTick-Tack Ülo Pikkov Pixilation/Puppetoon animation
VelodroolSander JoonTraditional animation
Miriami kodutu koerMiriam´s Stray DogAndres TenusaarPuppetoon animation
Isand The Master Riho Unt Puppetoon animation
Piano Kaspar Jancis Traditional animation
LinnugrippBird Flu Priit Tender Traditional animation
Siseilmadest VäljasOut of Internal WorldsHelen UntTraditional animation
Miriami kana unistusMiriam´s Hen´s DreamAndres TenusaarPuppetoon animation
TäismajaFull HouseKristjan HolmTraditional animation
FatculaMartinus Daane KlemetTraditional animation
Tühi ruumEmpty Space Ülo Pikkov Puppetoon animation
Igavesed jahimaadEternal Hunting GroundsElin GrimstadCutout animation
Kalapüüdja Naine ja Karu. Saami LuguFisherwoman and a Bear. A Sami Story Priit Tender Traditional animation
Karu Hindab Pruute. Mansi LuguA Bear Judges The Brides. A Mansi StoryMartinus KlemetTraditional animation
Karude Tekkimine. Udmurdi LuguThe Birth of Bears. An Udmurt StoryMattias MälkTraditional animation
Kolm Savipotti. Komi LuguThree Clay Pots. A Komi StoryKristjan HolmTraditional animation
Kuidas Jumal Palus teed Juhatada. Vepsa LuguHow the God Asked for Directions. A Vepsian StoryValter UusbergTraditional animation
Kuidas üks piiga kolmele peiule mehele anti. Mari LuguHow a Girl Was Wed Three Times. A Mari StoryMattias MälkTraditional animation
Mees ja Naine. Vadja LuguA Husband and a Wife. A Voitan Story Mait Laas Traditional animation
Silmadeta Jahimees. Handi LuguThe Eyeless Hunter. A Khanty Story Priit Pärn, Olga Pärn Traditional animation
Taat ja Memm. Ersa LuguAn Old Man and an Old Woman. An Erzya Story Ülo Pikkov Traditional animation
Miriam järve ääresMiriam by the Lake Riho Unt, Sergei KibusPuppetoon animation
Maria ja 7 PöialpoissiMary and The 7 Dwarfs Riho Unt Puppetoon animation
MoulinetSander JoonTraditional animation
Hukule MääratudDestined To Be DeadFrancesco RossoTraditional animation
Kapten Morten lollide laeval Captain Morten and the Spider Queen Kaspar Jancis Puppetoon animation
MaasikaõgijadStrawberry EatersMattias MälkTraditional animation
Sounds GoodSander JoonTraditional animation
TeofrastusSergei KibusPuppetoon animation
Briljantsuse Demonstratsioon Neljas VaatusesA Demonstration of Brilliance in Four ActsMorten Tšinakov, Lucija MrzljakTraditional animation
Lotte ja kadunud lohed Lotte and the Lost Dragons Heiki Ernits, Janno Põldma Traditional animation
Talv vihmametsasWinter in the RainforestAnu-Laura TuttelbergPuppetoon animation
Orpheus Priit Tender Traditional animation
ArmastusestAbout LoveJelena Girlin, Mari Liis BassovskajaPuppetoon animation
KosmonautCosmonaut Kaspar Jancis Traditional animation
Vanamehe film The Old Man Mikk Mägi, Oskar LehemaaPuppetoon animation
TiivadThe Wings Riho Unt Puppetoon animation


TitleEnglish TitleDirectorAwardsGenreNotes
Sipsik Raggie Meelis Arulepp, Karsten Kiilerich Computer animation
ToonekurgThe StorkMorten Tšinakov, Lucija MrzljakTraditional animation
Neli KiviFour StonesFrancesco RossoTraditional animation
Mees nõudmiseniMan WantedIrida ZhongaPuppetoon animation
Vigurivänt VolliTroublemaker Tommy Rao Heidmets Multimedia
Jõe valitsejaLord of the RiverArtur WyrzykowskiTraditional animation
Üks imeline meesA Most Exquisite ManJonas TaulPuppetoon animation
Taaskohtumine´ Til We Meet Again Ülo Pikkov Puppetoon animation
EevaMorten Tšinakov, Lucija MrzljakTraditional animation
KoerkorterDog-Apartment Priit Tender Puppetoon animation
SierraSander JoonComputer animation
Operatsioon LarpOperation LarpMattias MälkTraditional animation
Antipolis Kaspar Jancis Puppetoon animation
Väike TeineThe Little OtherAndres TenusaarPuppetoon animation
Porgand – lumehelbe luguCarrot – Finding SnowflakePärtel TallPuppetoon animation

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The tradition of Estonian animation dates back to the 1930s when the first experimental films were made. The only surviving short film from the era is Kutsu-Juku seiklusi (1931). After the Great Depression, World War II, and Soviet Occupation interrupted its development, Estonian animation was reborn in 1958. Elbert Tuganov founded a puppet film division Nukufilm in Tallinnfilm Studio. The first film was titled Peetrikese unenägu based on a Danish writer Jens Sigsgaard's children story Palle alene i verden. Joonisfilm an 2D and 3D animation division of Tallinnfilm was founded by Rein Raamat in 1971. Films like Põld (1978), nominee for Golden Palm at the Cannes Film Festival in 1979; Lend (1973), the winner of Special Jury Award at the Zagreb World Festival of Animated Films; the Suur Tõll (1980), 2nd place at Ottawa International Animation Festival in 1982 and Põrgu (Hell) (1983), the winner of FIPRESCI Prize and Special Jury Award at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival made Raamat the first internationally recognized Estonian animation director.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lists of animated films</span>

These lists of animated feature films compile animated feature films from around the world and are organized alphabetically under the year of release. Theatrical releases as well as made-for-TV (TV) and direct-to-video (V) movies of all types of animation are included. Currently, the lists don't recognize one release form from another.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Elisabet Reinsalu</span> Estonian actress

Elisabet Reinsalu is an Estonian stage, television, voice, and film actress.

Indrek Taalmaa is an Estonian stage, television, voice, film actor, and theatre director whose career began in the early 1990s.

Maria Avdjuško is an Estonian actress, film producer, director and screenwriter.

A list of films produced in Estonia ordered by year of release. For an alphabetical list of Estonian films, see Category:Estonian films


  1. Estonian Animation By Chris Robinson ISBN   978-0-86196-667-7
  2. IMDB Archived 2014-06-21 at the Wayback Machine