English Name | Year | Chinese Name |
A Jewish Girl in Shanghai | 2010 | 犹太女孩在上海 |
Piercing I | 2010 | 刺痛我 |
Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf- Desert Trek: The Adventure of The Lost Totem | 2010 | 喜羊羊与灰太狼之虎虎生威 |
The Dragon Knight | 2011 | 洛克王国!圣龙骑士 |
Kuiba | 2011 | 魁拔 |
Little Big Panda [1] | 2011 | 熊猫总动员 |
Moon Castle: The Space Adventure | 2011 | 喜羊羊与灰太狼之兔年顶呱呱 |
Seer | 2011 | 赛尔号之寻找凤凰神兽 |
The Grow | 2012 | 金箍棒传奇 |
I Love Wolffy | 2012 | 我爱灰太狼 |
Mission Incredible: Adventures on the Dragon's Trail | 2012 | 喜羊羊与灰太狼之开心闯龙年 |
Seer 2 [2] | 2012 | 赛尔号大电影2之雷伊与迈尔斯 |
Happy Heroes | 2013 | 开心超人 |
I Love Wolffy 2 | 2013 | 我爱灰太狼2 |
Jungle Master | 2013 | 绿林大冒险 |
Kunta [3] | 2013 | 昆塔:盒子总动员 |
The Mythical Ark: Adventures in Love & Happiness | 2013 | 喜羊羊与灰太狼之喜气羊羊过蛇年 |
Roco Kingdom: The Desire of Dragon | 2013 | 洛克王国2圣龙的心愿 |
Seer 3: Heroes Alliance [4] | 2013 | 赛尔号大电影3之战神联盟 |
The Ultimate Task [5] | 2013 | 终极大冒险 |
Xi Bai Po 2: Wang Er Xiao | 2013 | 西柏坡2英雄王二小 |
The Adventures of Sinbad 2 | 2014 | 辛巴达历险记2 |
Armor Hero Atlas [6] | 2014 | |
Boonie Bears: To the Rescue | 2014 | 熊出没之夺宝熊兵 |
Dragon Nest: Warriors' Dawn | 2014 | 龙之谷:破晓奇兵 |
The Legend of Qin | 2014 | 秦时明月3D电影龙腾万里 |
Farm House II [7] | 2014 | |
The Firefox of Bunnington Burrows [8] | 2014 | |
Food War [9] | 2014 | |
GG Bond 2 | 2014 | 猪猪侠之勇闯巨人岛 |
Happy Heroes 2 Qiyuan Planet Wars [10] | 2014 | 开心超人2: 启源星之战 |
Happy Little Submarines 4: Adventure of Octopus | 2014 | 潜艇总动员4:章鱼奇遇记 |
Kuiba 3 [11] | 2014 | |
Legend of the Moles – The Magic Train Adventure [12] | 2014 | |
The Lost 15 Boys: The Big Adventure on Pirates' Island [13] | 2014 | |
Magic Wonderland | 2014 | 魔幻仙踪 |
The Magical Brush [14] | 2014 | |
McDull: Me & My Mum [15] | 2014 | |
Meet the Pegasus | 2014 | 喜羊羊与灰太狼之飞马奇遇记 |
One Hundred Thousand Bad Jokes [16] | 2014 | 十万个冷笑话 |
Roco Kingdom 3 [17] | 2014 | 洛克王国3:圣龙的守护 |
Secret Plans | 2014 | 新大头儿子和小头爸爸之秘密计划 |
Seer 4 [18] | 2014 | 赛尔号大电影4:圣魔之战 |
Shi Er Sheng Xiao Cheng Shi Ying Xiong | 2014 | 十二生肖城市英雄 |
Snow White The Power of Dwarfs | 2014 | |
Tale of the Rally [19] | 2014 | |
Xin DaTou Er Zi He Xiao Tou Ba Ba Zhi Mi Mi Ji Hua [20] | 2014 | |
108 Demon Kings [21] [22] | 2015 | |
10000 Years Later [23] | 2015 | 一万年以后 |
Alibaba and the Thief [24] | 2015 | 阿里巴巴:大盗奇兵 |
Aola Star [25] | 2015 | 奥拉星:进击圣殿 |
Bicycle Boy [26] | 2015 | 龙骑侠 |
Boonie Bears: Mystical Winter | 2015 | 熊出没之雪岭熊风 |
Brave Rabbit 2 Crazy Circus [27] | 2015 | 闯堂兔2疯狂马戏团 |
Deity Hunt/God Hunter [28] | 2015 | 西游后传 |
The Grow 2 [29] | 2015 | 金箍棒传奇2:沙僧的逆袭 |
Happy Little Submarine Magic Box of Time [30] | 2015 | 潜艇总动员5:时光宝盒 |
The Invincible Piglet [31] (live action/animation) | 2015 | 无敌小飞猪 |
The King of Tibetan Antelope [32] Ju Ping | 2015 | 藏羚羊之王 |
Kung Fu Style [33] | 2015 | 特功明星 |
The Legend of Lucky Pie [34] | 2015 | |
Legend of the Moles – The Magic Train Adventure [35] | 2015 | |
Legend of a Rabbit: The Martial of Fire [36] | 2015 | 兔侠之青黎传说 |
Mr. Black: Green Star | 2015 | 黑猫警长之翡翠之星 |
Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf – Amazing Pleasant Goat [37] | 2015 | 喜羊羊与灰太狼之羊年喜羊羊 |
Polar Adventure [38] | 2015 | 极地大反攻 |
Rabbit Hero [39] | 2015 | 超能兔战队 |
Roco Kingdom 4 | 2015 | 洛克王国4:出发!巨人谷 |
Seer 5: Rise of Thunder | 2015 | 赛尔号大电影5:雷神崛起 |
Teenage Mao Zedong [40] | 2015 | 少年毛泽东 |
Where's the Dragon? [41] | 2015 | 龙在哪里? |
Big Fish & Begonia [42] | 2016 | 大鱼海棠 |
Boonie Bears: The Big Top Secret | 2016 | 熊出没之熊心归来 |
Dragon Nest: Throne of Elves [43] | 2016 | |
Godbeast Megazord: Return of Green Dragon [44] | 2016 | |
I Am Nezha [45] | 2016 | 我是哪吒 |
Kung Fu Panda 3 | 2016 | |
Little Door Gods [46] | 2016 | 小门神 |
New Happy Dad and Son 2: The Instant Genius [47] | 2016 | 新大头儿子和小头爸爸2一日成才 |
Rock Dog | 2016 | 摇滚藏獒 |
Smart [48] | 2016 | |
Spiny Life [49] | 2016 | 天生我刺 |
Animal Crackers | 2017 | |
Backkom Bear: Agent 008 [50] | 2017 | 大卫贝肯之倒霉特工熊 |
Boonie Bears: Entangled Worlds [51] | 2017 | 熊出没·奇幻空间 |
Dahufa | 2017 | 大护法 |
Drizzling After Sunshine [52] | 2017 | 饮湖上初晴后雨 |
GG Bond: Guarding [53] | 2017 | 猪猪侠之英雄猪少年 |
Have a Nice Day [54] | 2017 | 大世界 / 好极了 |
One Hundred Thousand Bad Jokes 2 [16] | 2017 | 十万个冷笑话2 |
Seer Movie 6: Invincible Puni [55] | 2017 | 赛尔号大电影6:圣者无敌 |
Xing You Ji Zhi Feng Bao Fa Mi La [56] | 2017 | 星游记之风暴法米拉 |
SXD: Middle Kingdom(working title) [57] | 2018 | |
Boonie Bears: The Big Shrink | 2018 | 熊出没·变形记 |
Crystal Sky of Yesterday [58] | 2018 | 昨日青空 |
Flavors of Youth [59] | 2018 | 肆式青春 |
New Happy Dad and Son 3: Adventure in Russia [60] | 2018 | 新大头儿子和小头爸爸3:俄罗斯奇遇记 |
The Wind Guardians [61] | 2018 | 风语咒 |
Ye Si [62] | 2018 | 夜思 |
Boonie Bears: Blast into the Past | 2019 | 熊出没·原始时代 |
Mosley [63] | 2019 | |
Nezha | 2019 | 哪吒之魔童降世 |
Seer Movie 7: Crazy Intelligence | 2019 | 赛尔号大电影7:疯狂机器城 |
The Legend of Hei | 2019 | 黑传奇黑传奇,Hēi chuánqí |
UglyDolls | 2019 | |