List of Office Bearers of the Harveian Society of Edinburgh and Harveian Orations

Last updated

Front page of book of records of the Harveian Society of Edinburgh Front page of book of records of the Harveian Society of Edinburgh.png
Front page of book of records of the Harveian Society of Edinburgh

The Harveian Society of Edinburgh elects a President on an annual basis. The Society has two Secretaries who are appointed for an unlimited term of office. The following sections list the office bearers of the Society and the Harveian Orations in chronological order. Four Harveian Orations were delivered prior to formation of the Society and from 1782 to 1831 the Oration was given at irregular intervals at the Harveian Festival and generally by one of the Secretaries. Since then the Harveian Orations have generally been delivered annually by the President. [1] [2]


Harveian Orations before the Society was formed

YearHarveian OratorTitle of Harveian Oration
1778 Dr. Andrew Duncan "De laudibus Gulielmi Harvei Oratio" [3]
1779Dr. Charles Webster [4] "Life and writings of the celebrated Dr. Archibald Pitcairne" [5]
1780 Dr. Andrew Duncan "Life and writings of the late Alex. Monro, Senr., M.D., F.R.S." [6]
1781 Dr. Andrew Duncan "Life, writings and character of the late Dr. Robert Whytt"


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1780s
YearPresidentSecretarySecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1782 Dr. Andrew Duncan Dr. Andrew Duncan No oration
1783 Mr. Alexander Wood Dr. Andrew Duncan Dr. Charles Webster [4] No oration
1784Mr. Thomas Hay [7] Dr. Andrew Duncan Dr. Charles Webster"Life, writings and character of the late Dr. David Macbride of Dublin." Orator: Dr. Andrew Duncan
1785 Dr Alexander Monro "Secundus" Dr. Andrew Duncan Dr. Charles Webster"Life, writings and character of the late Sir John Pringle, Baronet." Orator: Dr. Charles Webster
1786 Mr. William Inglis Dr. Andrew Duncan Dr. Charles WebsterNo oration
1787 Dr. Daniel Rutherford Dr. Andrew Duncan Dr. Charles Webster"The life, writings and character of the late Dr. John Gregory." Orator: Dr. Charles Webster
1788Mr. Andrew Wood [8] Dr. Andrew Duncan Dr. Charles Webster"Life, writings and character of the late Dr. John Hope, Professor of Botany in the University of Edinburgh." [9] Orator: Dr. Andrew Duncan
1789 Dr. Nathan Spens Dr. Andrew Duncan Dr. Charles WebsterNo oration


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1790s
YearPresidentSecretarySecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1790 Mr. Forrest Dewar Dr. Andrew Duncan Dr. Charles Webster [4] No oration
1791Dr. James Hamilton 'Senior' [10] Dr. Andrew Duncan Dr. Charles WebsterNo oration
1792 Mr. Benjamin Bell Dr. Andrew Duncan Dr. Charles WebsterNo oration
1793 Dr. Francis Home Dr. Andrew Duncan Dr. Charles WebsterNo oration
1794Dr. Andrew Wardrop [11] Dr. Andrew Duncan Dr. Charles WebsteNo oration
1795Mr. Thomas Wood [12] Dr. Andrew Duncan Dr. Charles Webster"The life, writings and character of the late John Hunter, Esq., Surgeon of London." Orator: Dr William Brown
1796 Dr. William Farquharson Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. John Bell No oration
1797Dr. Andrew Inglis [13] Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. John Bell No oration
1798Dr. James Home [14] Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. John Bell No oration
1799Dr. William Brown [15] Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. John Bell No oration


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1800s
YearPresidentSecretarySecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1800 Dr. Thomas Charles Hope Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. John Bell No oration
1801Mr. George Wood [16] Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. John Bell No oration
1802Mr. James Bryce [17] Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. John Bell "Account of Vesalius." Orator: Dr. William Farquharson
1803 Mr. Alexander Wood* Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. John Bell No oration
1804Mr. Andrew Wood [8] * Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. John Bell No oration
1805 Dr. William Farquharson* Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. John Bell No oration
1806Dr. James Home [14] * Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. John Bell No oration
1807Dr. John Walker [18] Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. John Bell No oration
1808 Dr. Thomas Spens Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. John Bell No oration
1809Mr. George Wood [16] * Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. John Bell No oration

* Denotes that the individual was serving as President for the second time


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1810s
YearPresidentSecretarySecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1810Dr. Thomas Anderson [19] Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. John Bell No oration
1811 Dr. Andrew Duncan "The Younger" Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. John Bell No oration
1812Dr. Thomas Cochrane [20] Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. John Bell No oration
1813Dr. Charles Anderson [21] Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. John Bell No oration
1814 Mr. Forrest Dewar* Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. John Bell No oration
1815 Dr. John Barclay Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. James Bryce [17] No oration
1816 Dr. Thomas Charles Hope* Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. James BryceNo oration
1817 Mr. John Wishart Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. James BryceNo oration
1818 Dr. Daniel Rutherford* Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. James Bryce"Life, writings and character of Dr. Munro, Sec." [22] Orator: Dr Andrew Duncan
1819 Dr. John Barclay* Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. James BryceNo oration

* Denotes that the individual was serving as President for the second time


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1820s
YearPresidentSecretarySecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1820 Mr. Alexander Gillespie Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. James Bryce [17] No oration
1821 Mr. William Wood Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. James Bryce"A short account of the late Sir Joseph Banks, President of the Royal Society of London." [23] Orator: Dr Andrew Duncan
1822Dr. James Buchan [24] Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. James BryceNo oration
1823 Mr. William Newbigging Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. James BryceNo oration
1824 Dr. George Ballingall Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. James Bryce"Tribute of regard to the memory of Sir Henry Raeburn." [25] Orator: Dr Andrew Duncan
1825 Dr. Robert Graham Dr. Andrew Duncan Mr. James Bryce"Tribute to the memory of the late Dr. Matthew Baillie of London." [26] Orator: Dr Andrew Duncan
1826 Dr. George Borthwick Dr. Andrew Duncan No oration
1827 Dr. John MacWhirter Dr. Andrew Duncan No oration
1828 Dr. Richard Huie Dr. Andrew Duncan Dr. Richard Huie "Tribute to the memory of the late Dr. James Millar, a Member of the Society." Orator: Dr Richard Huie (read in absentia)
1829Dr. Robert Hamilton [27] [28] Dr. Richard Huie Dr. William Moncrieff§"Tribute of respect for the memory of the late Dr. Andrew Duncan, snr., Founder of the Society." Orator: Dr Richard Huie

§ Dr. Moncrieff was appointed physician to the New Town Dispensary, Edinburgh on 1 December 1817 and physician to the Royal Public Dispensary in January 1822. On 12 December 1823 he applied for the vacant position of physician to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. [29] In 1827, Dr. Moncrieff was Librarian of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. [30]


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1830s
YearPresidentSecretarySecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1830 Dr. George Ballingall* Dr. Richard Huie Dr. William Moncrieff§"The life and professional labours of the illustrious Harvey." Orator: Dr Richard Huie
1831 Dr. John Campbell Dr. Richard Huie Dr. William MoncrieffNo oration
1832 Dr. Richard Huie* Dr. Richard Huie Dr. William Moncrieff"Progress of medical science in the last fifty years."
1833 Dr. David Maclagan Dr. Richard Huie Dr. William MoncrieffNo oration
1834 Dr. William Alison Dr. Richard Huie Dr. William Moncrieff"A few remarks on Medical Education."
1835Dr. Adam Hunter [31] Dr. Richard Huie Dr. Richard Poole No oration
1836Dr. William Moncrieff Dr. Richard Huie Dr. Richard Poole "Memoir of the late Dr. James Buchan, F.R.C.P." [24] Orator: Dr. David Maclagan
1837 Dr. Robert Christison Dr. Richard Huie Dr. Richard Poole "Memoir of the late Dr. Edward Turner, Professor of Chemistry in London University."
1838 Mr. William Newbigging* Dr. Richard Huie Dr. Peter Handyside "Memoir of the late Dr. James Hamilton Sen. M.D." [32]
1839 Dr. William Beilby Dr. Richard Huie Dr. Peter Handyside "Biographical notice of the late Dr. Kellie of Leith."

* Denotes that the individual was serving as President for the second time

§Dr. Moncrieff was appointed physician to the New Town Dispensary, Edinburgh on 1 December 1817 and was appointed physician to the Royal Public Dispensary in January 1822. On 12 December 1823 he applied for a vacant position of physician to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. [29] In 1827, Dr. Moncrieff was Librarian of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. [30]


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1840s
YearPresidentSecretarySecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1840Dr. Robert Lewins [33] [34] Dr. Richard Huie Dr. Peter Handyside "Medical Science in Austria compared with Great Britain."
1841 Dr. James Simson Dr. Richard Huie Dr. Peter Handyside "Memoir of the late Dr. Duncan, jnr."
1842 Dr. Thomas Traill Dr. Richard Huie Dr. Peter Handyside "Note of Servetus' claims to the discovery of the circulation of the blood, together with an account of the Finnish and Russian vapour baths."
1843Dr. John Thatcher [35] [36] [37] Dr. Richard Huie Dr. Peter Handyside "Sketch of the history of Midwifery as a Science and an Art."
1844Mr. William Brown [38] Dr. Richard Huie Dr. Peter Handyside "Sketch of the Life of his father, Dr Wm Brown, F.R.C.S."§
1845Mr. Alexander Cockburn R.N. Dr. Richard Huie Dr. Peter Handyside "Biographical sketch of the late Dr. Thomas Trotter, Physician to the British Fleet." [39]
1846 Dr. Charles Ransford Dr. Richard Huie Dr. Peter Handyside "Biographical sketch of Dr. Graham, late Professor of Botany." [40]
1847 Dr. John Scott Dr. Richard Huie Dr. Peter Handyside "Biographical memoir of Laennec."
1848 Dr. James Young Simpson Dr. Richard Huie Dr. Peter Handyside "Sketch of the good old times of the medical profession in Scotland."
1849 Dr. Samuel Pagan Dr. Richard Huie Dr. Peter Handyside "Notes of a case - tic douloureux - by John Locke, with an account of his medical studies and practice." Orator: Dr. John Brown

§ Dr. William Brown Senior was President of the Society in 1799 and a booklet on his life, which presumably formed the basis of this oration, was published originally in 1819 and reprinted in 1854. [15]


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1850s
YearPresidentSecretarySecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1850 Dr. John Smith Dr. Robert Omond Dr. John Hughes Bennett "Account of Scotch Asylums."
1851Dr. Richard Smith [41] Dr. Robert Omond Dr. John Hughes Bennett "Progress of cholera during the last epidemic at Lasswade and Loanhead."
1852 Prof. John Balfour Dr. Robert Omond Dr. John Hughes Bennett "History and progress of the Botanic Garden of Edinburgh."
1853 Dr. William Seller Dr. Robert Omond Dr. John Hughes Bennett "History, in a medical point of view, of the year 1654, the year in which Harvey, towards the close of his life, was elected President of the London College of Physicians."
1854 Dr. Douglas Maclagan Dr. Robert Omond Dr. John Hughes Bennett "Life, character and writings of the late Dr. Abercrombie of Edinburgh." [42]
1855Mr. James Craig [43] Dr. Robert Omond Dr. John Hughes Bennett "Judicial investigations in criminal cases."
1856 Dr. Robert Malcolm Dr. Robert Omond Dr. John Hughes Bennett "Rise and progress of the Edinburgh School of Midwifery." [44]
1857 Dr.Archibald Inglis Dr. Robert Omond Dr. John Hughes Bennett "The difficulty of estimating the therapeutical value of medicinal agents." [45]
1858Mr. Henry Sanderson Dr. Robert Omond Dr. John Hughes Bennett "Changes in medical opinions."
1859 Dr. John Hughes Bennett Dr. Robert Omond Dr. William Seller "Recent medical changes, especially in the Department of Physiology."


Letter of cancellation of the Harveian Festival of 1864 Letter of cancellation of the Harveian Festival of 1864.png
Letter of cancellation of the Harveian Festival of 1864
List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1860s
YearPresidentSecretarySecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1860 Professor James Miller Dr. Robert Omond Dr. William Seller "Appreciation of the character of Harvey." [46]
1861Dr. Charles Bell [47] Dr. Robert Omond Dr. William Seller "Obstetrics, commencing with the time of Harvey." [48]
1862Dr. John Lucas [49] Dr. Robert Omond Dr. William Seller "On the natural history of progress."
1863Dr. William Dumbreck [50] Dr. Robert Omond Dr. William Seller "Respiration and circulation in the lower animals."
1864 Dr. John Coldstream Dr. Robert Omond Dr. William Seller No Harveian Festival and no oration§
1865Dr. John M. Strachan [51] [52] Dr. Robert Omond Dr. William Seller "Origin of the vital forces."
1866 Dr. Andrew Halliday Douglas Dr. Robert Omond Dr. William Seller "The late Prof. Alison." [53]
1867Mr. Benjamin Bell [54] Dr. Robert Omond Dr. William Seller "Biographical sketch of the late Mr. Hey of Leeds." [55]
1868 Dr. Alexander Wood Dr. Robert Omond Dr. William Seller "Preliminary medical education." [56]
1869 Dr. James Dunsmure Dr. Robert Omond Dr. William Seller "Biographical memoir of the late Sir George Ballingall."

§ The Harveian Festival of 1864 was cancelled following the death of the Society's President Dr. John Coldstream.


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1870s
YearPresidentSecretarySecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1870 Prof. William Gairdner Dr. Robert Omond Dr. James Gillespie [57] "Olla Podridas."
1871 Prof. James Spence Dr. Robert Omond Dr. James Gillespie"Biographical notice of Dr. Bell, Surgeon, of Edinburgh."
1872Dr. Matthew Turnbull [58] Dr. James Gillespie Professor William Sanders "Celebrated Border surgeons."
1873Dr. Robert Paterson [59] Dr. James Gillespie Professor William Sanders "Life of the late Prof. Syme."
1874 Dr. Robert Omond Dr. James Gillespie Professor William Sanders "Early history of the Society." [60]
1875Dr. William S. Irvine [61] Dr. James Gillespie Professor William Sanders "Medical notes about Shakespere and his time." [62] Orator: Dr. James Gillespiea
1876 Dr. James Matthews Duncan Dr. James Gillespie Professor William Sanders "Life and writings of William Hunter." [63]
1877Prof. Alexander Harvey [64] Dr. James Gillespie Professor William Sanders "William Pulteney Anderson." [65]
1878 Professor William Turner in absentiaDr. James Gillespie Professor William Sanders "William Harvey." Orator: Professor William Sanders b
1879Dr. Henry Scott Anderson in absentiaDr. James Gillespie Professor William Sanders "Reminiscences of forty-five years of country practice." [66] c

aAccording to Dr MacGillivray in his oration of 1912, Dr Irvine of Pitlochry "presided over the dinner enjoyed the feast, but absolutely refused to give an oration...Dr Gillespie one of the Secretaries was obliged to take Dr Irvine's place and at short notice to deliver the oration."

b Professor William Sanders was also in the Chair.

c Dr. Rutherford Haldane took the chair and Dr. Anderson's oration was read by Dr. James Gillespie.


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1880s
YearPresidentSecretarySecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1880 Dr. Daniel Rutherford Haldane Dr. James Gillespie [57] Professor William Sanders "Progress of medicine during the last thirty years."
1881 Dr. Henry D. Littlejohn Dr. James Gillespie Professor William Sanders "Sanitary progress."
1882 Prof. Douglas Maclagan*Dr. James Gillespie Dr. Alexander Crum Brown Centenary: no oration
1883Dr. John Connel [67] Dr. James Gillespie Dr. Alexander Crum Brown "Professional progress."
1884 Dr. Alexander Keiller Dr. James Gillespie Dr. Alexander Crum Brown "Reminiscences of the medical profession in Edinburgh fifty years ago." [68] [69] §
1885 Dr. Patrick Heron Watson Dr. James Gillespie Dr. Alexander Crum Brown No oration
1886Dr John Aymers MacDougall [70] Dr. James Gillespie Dr. Alexander Crum Brown "The life work of Prof. James Spence." [71]
1887 Dr. George Balfour Dr. James Gillespie Dr. Alexander Crum Brown "Recent progress in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of cardiac disease." [72]
1888 Dr. John Smith Dr. James Gillespie Dr. Alexander Crum Brown "The days of Harvey." [73]
1889 Prof. James Bell Pettigrew Dr. James Gillespie Dr. Alexander Crum Brown "The pioneers in medicine prior to Harvey." [74]

* Serving as President for the second time

§ This Festival occurred during the tercentenary week of the University of Edinburgh and was held at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1890s
YearPresidentSecretarySecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1890 Dr. Alexander Peddie Dr. James Gillespie [57] Dr. Alexander Crum Brown "Mr. Syme, Dr.John Brown and Minto House." [75]
1891Dr. James Gillespie in absentiaDr. James Gillespie Dr. Alexander Crum Brown No oration
1892Dr. John Strachan, Jnr.Dr. James Gillespie Dr. Alexander Crum Brown "The blood is the life." [76]
1893 Prof. Thomas Grainger Stewart Dr. Alexander Crum Brown Dr. Francis Cadell [77] §"Illnesses of celebrated people in former times."
1894 Prof. John Struthers Dr. Alexander Crum Brown Dr. Francis Cadell"Harvey and his work."
1895Dr. David Yellowlees [78] Dr. Alexander Crum Brown Dr. Francis Cadell"Effect on the treatment of the sane of the example of Tuke of York and Fox of Brislington." [79]
1896 Dr. Robert Peel Ritchie Dr. Alexander Crum Brown Dr. Francis Cadell"Days and knights of the Harveian." [80] [81]
1897 Dr. Joseph Bell Dr. Alexander Crum Brown Dr. Francis Cadell"Some Harveian Gleanings." [82]
1898Dr. Alexander Ballantyne [83] Dr. Alexander Crum Brown Dr. Francis Cadell"Harvey and embryology." [84]
1899 Dr. Alexander Crum Brown Dr. Alexander Crum Brown Dr. Francis Cadell"Dr. John Mayow." [85] [86]

§ Cadell was a surgeon and father of the Scottish Colourist Francis Cadell.


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1900s
YearPresidentSecretarySecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1900 Prof. Thomas Annandale Dr. Alexander Crum Brown Dr. Francis Cadell [77] a"Transfusion." [87]
1901 Dr. Robert Farquharson Dr. Alexander Crum Brown Dr. Francis Cadell"Harvey and modern progress." [88]
1902 Dr. J.J. Kirk Duncanson Dr. Alexander Crum Brown Dr. Francis Cadell"Harvey: his life and times." [89] [90]
1903 Prof. John Chiene Dr. Alexander Crum Brown Dr. Francis Cadell"The early days of the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary."b
1904Dr. Robert Somerville [91] Dr.Francis Boyd Mr. John Dowden "Recollections of the Edinburgh School of 1855."
1905 Dr. Charles Underhill Dr.Francis Boyd Mr. John Dowden "The writings of Harvey." [92] c
1906 Sir John Halliday Croom Dr.Francis Boyd Mr. John Dowden "The times of Harvey." [93]
1907Dr. William Barrie Dow [94] Dr.Francis Boyd Mr. John Dowden "The relationship between Syphilis and Tuberculosis (unpublished)."
1908 Sir Thomas Clouston Dr.Francis Boyd Mr. John Dowden "Blood and mind." [95]
1909Dr. William A. Finlay [96] in absentiad Dr.Francis Boyd Mr. John Dowden No oration

aCadell was a surgeon and father of the Scottish Colourist Francis Cadell.

bChiene published an article on this topic in 1902. [97]

cThe article cited here is to toast to the Immortal Memory of Harvey proposed by Underhill during the Festival, rather than the oration itself.

dDr Finlay was prevented by illness from attending the Festival and Sir Thomas Clouston took the chair.


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1910s
YearPresidentSecretarySecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1910Dr. John Strachan, Jnr. [76] * Dr. Francis Boyd Mr. John Dowden "Cell life and the life cell in animal physiology."
1911 Sir Alexander Simpson Dr. Francis Boyd Mr. John Dowden "Life and its epiphanies." [98]
1912Dr. Charles Watson MacGillivray [99] Dr. Francis Boyd Mr. John Dowden "Some memories of old Harveians." [100]
1913 Sir George Beatson Dr. Francis Boyd Mr. John Dowden "The blood and its secrets."
1914 Sir Thomas Richard Fraser Dr. Francis Boyd Mr. John Dowden "The circulation of the blood in Harvey's time and now."
1915 Dr. Francis Boyd Mr. John Dowden No Harveian Festival and no oration§
1916 Dr. Francis Boyd Mr. John Dowden
1917 Dr. Francis Boyd Mr. John Dowden
1918 Dr. Francis Boyd Mr. John Dowden
1919 Mr. Francis Caird Dr. Francis Boyd Mr. John Dowden "Reminiscences of old Harveians."

* Dr Strachan served as President for the second time.

§ The annual Harveian Festival was not held due to World War I.


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1920s
YearPresidentSecretariesTitle of Harveian Oration
1920Dr. Charles Douglas [101] Dr. Francis Boyd Mr. John Dowden "Two medical humorists." [102]
1921Dr. Alexander James [103] Dr. Francis Boyd Mr. John Dowden "Harvey's Sociology."
1922 Dr. Francis Boyd Mr. John Dowden No Harveian Festival and no oration§
1923 Sir T. Kennedy Dalziel Mr. John Dowden Dr. David Halliday Croom [104] No oration
1924 Sir David Wallace Mr. John Dowden Dr. David Halliday Croom"Then and now."
1925Dr. Peter McBride [105] Mr. John Dowden Dr. David Halliday Croom"Why did Harvey discover the circulation?"
1926 Sir Robert Philip Mr. John Dowden Dr. David Halliday Croom"Harveiana Edinburgensia." [106]
1927Dr. David Huskie [107] Mr. John Dowden Dr. David Halliday Croom"Harvey: his message."
1928 Dr. Robert Thin Mr. John Dowden Dr. Herbert Watson Wemyss [108] "Dr. Archibald Pitcairne." [109]
1929Dr. Lewis Bruce [110] Mr. John Dowden Dr. Herbert Watson Wemyss"Life and customs in the time of Wm Harvey."

§The reason why the Festival of 1922 was not held is unknown as there are no minutes for this period in the Society's archives.


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1930s
YearPresidentSecretarySecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1930Prof. George Lovell Gulland [111] Mr. John Dowden Dr. Herbert Watson Wemyss [108] "The circulating fluid." [112]
1931Dr. D. Elliot Dickson [113] Mr. John Dowden Dr. Herbert Watson Wemyss"Humility in Medicine." [114]
1932 Dr. James Haig Ferguson Mr. John Dowden Dr. Herbert Watson Wemyss"Some medical heroes of the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries." [115]
1933Dr. Samuel Davidson§ Mr. John Dowden "Hope in medicine."
1934 Prof. Edwin Bramwell Dr. Derrick Dunlop Mr. Donald Middleton [116] "Sir Charles Bell his life and work." [117]
1935Dr. Allan Tuke [118] Dr. Derrick Dunlop Mr. Donald Middleton"Harvey - the General Practitioner."
1936 Mr. William James Stuart Dr. Derrick Dunlop Mr. Donald Middleton"Harvey and integration." [119]
1937Dr. Henry Yellowlees [120] Prof. Derrick Dunlop Mr. Donald Middleton"Harvey and the human heart." [121]
1938 Mr. Henry Wade Prof. Derrick Dunlop Mr. Donald Middleton"Harvey in Scotland." [122]
1939Dr. Henry Robarts§§ Prof. Derrick Dunlop Mr. Donald Middleton"If Health be Wanting."

§ Dr Davidson was a country practitioner in Kelso.

§§ Dr Robarts was a country practitioner in Haddington.


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1940s
YearPresidentSecretarySecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1940 Prof. Derrick Dunlop Mr. Donald Middleton [116] No Harveian Festival and no oration§
1941 Prof. Derrick Dunlop Mr. Donald Middleton
1942 Prof. Derrick Dunlop Mr. Donald Middleton§§
1943 Prof. Derrick Dunlop
1944 Prof. Derrick Dunlop
1945 Prof. Derrick Dunlop
1946 Prof. Derrick Dunlop
1947 Prof. Derrick Dunlop
1948 Prof. Robert Johnstone Prof. Derrick Dunlop "William Harvey - The Father of British Midwifery." [123]
1949Dr. Alexander Greig Anderson [124] Prof. Derrick Dunlop "The Background of Medicine."

§ The annual Harveian Festival was not held due to World War II and its aftermath.

§§ Mr Middleton was killed on active service in October 1942.


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1950s
YearPresidentSecretarySecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1950 Prof. Charles McNeil Prof. Derrick Dunlop Mr. John Bruce "Verities yet in their Chaos." [125]
1951Prof. James Young [126] Prof. Derrick Dunlop Mr. John Bruce "William Harvey and the Scholastic Tradition." [127]
1952 Mr. James Graham Prof. Derrick Dunlop Mr. John Bruce "William Harvey and the Early Days of Blood Transfusion." [128]
1953Dr W.D. Chambers [129] Prof. Derrick Dunlop Mr. John Bruce "The place of Harvey in the Advance of Science."
1954Dr. William Alister Alexander [130] [131] Prof. Derrick Dunlop Mr. John Bruce "Reflections of the Failure to Discover the Circulation in the Sixteenth Century."
1955 Prof. Melville Arnott Prof. Derrick Dunlop Mr. John Bruce "The Climate of Discovery." [132]
1956 Dr. Douglas Guthrie Prof. Derrick Dunlop Prof. John Bruce "Harvey in Space and Time." [133]
1957 Prof. Derrick Dunlop Prof. John Bruce Dr. James Innes [134] "Three Hundred Years Ago."
1958 Prof. Ian Aird Prof. John Bruce Dr. James Innes"The Biological Value to Man of the Human Blood groups."
1959 Sir Walter Mercer Prof. John Bruce Dr. James Innes"Made Possible by Harvey."


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1960s
YearPresidentSecretarySecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1960 Prof. Ian Hill Prof. John Bruce Dr. James Innes [134] "The Legacy of Harvey." [135]
1961 Dr. James Slater Prof. John Bruce Dr. James Innes"Harvey as seen by our generation."
1962Dr. James Bruce Dewar [136] Prof. John Bruce Dr. James Innes"The Imprisoned Splendour."
1963 Dr. Andrew Rae Gilchrist Prof. John Bruce Dr. James Innes"Harvey, the Compleat Physician."
1964 Prof. Robert Walmsley Prof. John Bruce Dr. James Innes"The Harveian Method."
1965Dr. Ion Simson Hall [137] Prof. John Bruce Dr. James Innes"William Harvey: Physician. Tis the mind that makes the body rich. The Taming of the Shrew Act 4, Scene 3." [138]
1966Dr. Joseph Houston Wright [139] Prof. John Bruce Dr. James Innes"Wise Men from the West."
1967 Sir John Bruce Dr. James InnesMr. Noel Gray§"The bridge builders." [140]
1968Dr. Christopher Clayson [141] [142] Dr. James InnesMr. Noel Gray§"Physitians Abounding in Phantasie." [143]
1969 Mr. James Cameron Dr. James InnesMr. Iain MacLaren [144] [145] "William Harvey, Dr of Physique and Chirurgerie - A Man for All Seasons." [146]

§ Mr Gray was a Consultant in General Surgery at Bangour General Hospital, Broxburn, Scotland.


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1970s
YearPresidentSecretarySecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1970 Sir Hector MacLennan [147] Dr. James Innes [134] Mr. Iain MacLaren [144] [145] "William Harvey - The Pacemaker." [148]
1971 Prof. Kenneth Donald Dr. James InnesMr. Iain MacLaren"Harvey, then and now."
1972Prof. Thomas Anderson [149] Dr. James InnesMr. Iain MacLaren"Management in Medicine."
1973 Dr. Richard Turner [150] Dr. James InnesMr. Iain MacLaren"Harveian Exercise and the Heart."
1974 Sir Donald Douglas Dr. James InnesMr. Iain MacLaren"The Student University of Padua."
1975 Prof. George Montgomery Dr. James InnesMr. Iain MacLaren"The grand anatomies of Harvey's time."
1976 Prof. James Hutchison Dr. James InnesMr. Iain MacLaren"Scottish Children and their Doctors."
1977 Prof. John Crofton Dr. James InnesMr. Iain MacLaren"Creativity."
1978 Mr. James Ross Dr. James InnesMr. Iain MacLaren"The Reception of New Ideas and Discoveries."
1979 Prof. Edward McGirr Dr. James InnesMr. Iain MacLaren"From Dogma to Science?"


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1980s
YearPresidentSecretarySecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1980 Prof. Francis Gillingham Dr. James Innes [134] Mr. Iain MacLaren [144] [145] "William Harvey was a European."
1981Prof. William Walker [151] Dr. James InnesMr. Iain MacLaren"Harvey's Contemporaries - Science and Society." [152]
1982Dr. James InnesMr. Iain MacLaren Dr. Anthony Toft Bicentenary Oration: "The Harveians of Edinburgh - their First 200 Years." [153]
1983Prof. Ross Mitchell [154] Mr. Iain MacLaren Dr. Anthony Toft "William Harvey and Celtic Medicine." [155]
1984 Prof. Patrick Forrest Mr. Iain MacLaren Dr. Anthony Toft "Harvey: 1628 and 1984."
1985Prof. Arthur Kennedy [156] Mr. Iain MacLaren Dr. Anthony Toft "The Basis of Discovery."
1986 Dr. Ronald Robertson Mr. Iain MacLaren§ Dr. Anthony Toft§"The Humours of Harvey."
1987Dr. Donald Emslie-Smith [157] Mr. Iain MacLaren Dr. Anthony Toft "Great Doctors and Medical Worthies."
1988Mr. Iain MacLaren Dr. Anthony Toft Mr. Alasdair MacGregor [158] "Doctors Extraordinary and In Ordinary."
1989Dr. Ronald McNeill [159] Dr. Anthony Toft Mr. Alasdair MacGregor"Harvey and the Pulmonary Circulation."

§ The titles "Surgical Secretary" and "Medical Secretary" were first used in 1986 to describe, respectively, Mr. MacLaren and Dr. Toft.


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 1990s
YearPresidentMedical SecretarySurgical SecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
1990Dr. Andrew Doig [160] Dr. Anthony Toft Mr. Alasdair MacGregor [158] "Insatiable Curiositie: The Stuart Influence in Medicine and Science."
1991Dr. Iain Boyle [161] Dr. Anthony Toft Mr. Alasdair MacGregor"Harvey – A Man of his Time?"
1992 Prof.Geoffrey Chisholm Dr. Anthony Toft Mr. Alasdair MacGregor"Harvey - Surgery and the Incorporation of Surgeons.”
1993Prof. Charles Forbes [162] Dr. Anthony Toft Mr. Alasdair MacGregor"William Harvey - The Man." [163]
1994Dr. Martin Lees [164] Dr. Anthony Toft Mr. Alasdair MacGregor"William Harvey's World of Reproductive Medicine."
1995 Dr. Anthony Toft Prof. Neil Douglas Mr. Alasdair MacGregor"The Magic of Medicine." [165]
1996Prof. Colin Bird [166] Prof. Neil Douglas Mr. Alasdair MacGregor"Genes, Dreams and Realities."
1997Prof. Andrew Ross Lorimer [167] Prof. Neil Douglas Mr. Alasdair MacGregor"Child is Father of the Man."
1998 Prof. Sir David Carter Prof. Neil Douglas Mr. Alasdair MacGregor"William Harvey and the Age of Opportunity."
1999Prof. Robert Wood [168] Prof. Neil Douglas Mr. Alasdair MacGregor"Harvey – a Man for the Millennium."


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 2000s
YearPresidentMedical SecretarySurgical SecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
2000Prof. John Hunter [169] Prof. Neil Douglas Mr. Alasdair MacGregor [158] "Heroes after Harvey."
2001Prof. David Brynmor Thomas [170] Prof. Neil Douglas Mr. Alasdair MacGregor"The Harveian Paradigm."
2002Prof. Andrew Calder [171] Prof. Neil Douglas Mr. Alasdair MacGregor"Nature's Secret Mysteries. (De Generatione Animabilis)."
2003 Prof. Sir Graeme Catto Prof. Neil Douglas Mr. Simon Paterson-Brown [172] "A Scottish Enlightenment."
2004 Prof. Neil Douglas Dr. Kelvin Palmer [173] Mr. Simon Paterson-Brown"Harvey and Educating Medical Men."
2005 Prof. Sir John Temple Dr. Kelvin PalmerMr. Simon Paterson-Brown"Just William; with Apologies to Richmal Crompton."
2006Dr. Niall Finlayson [174] Dr. Kelvin PalmerMr. Simon Paterson-Brown"Harvey's World."
2007 Prof. Anthony Seaton Dr. Kelvin PalmerMr. Simon Paterson-Brown"Harvey and the History of Air." [175]
2008Prof. James Hutchison [176] Dr. Kelvin PalmerMr. Simon Paterson-Brown"The View from the Dwarf: Who Influenced Harvey, Who did Harvey Influence?"
2009 Prof. Sir John Savill Dr. Kelvin PalmerMr. Simon Paterson-Brown"Harvey's Next Grant Application."


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 2010s
YearPresidentMedical SecretarySurgical SecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
2010Prof. C. Michael Steel [177] Dr. Kelvin Palmer [173] Mr. Simon Paterson-Brown [172] "Harvey and the High Authorities."
2011Prof. Stuart MacPherson [178] Dr. Kelvin PalmerMr. Simon Paterson-Brown"From Folkestone to Hempstead."
2012Prof. Gordon Lowe [179] Dr. Kelvin PalmerMr. Simon Paterson-Brown“From Harvey to Heart Attacks – What Stoppeth the Circulation?”
2013Dr. Nicholas Boon [180] Dr. Kelvin PalmerMr. Simon Paterson-Brown"William Harvey: Lumper or Splitter."
2014Prof. Janet Wilson [181] Prof. Angela Thomas Mr. Simon Paterson-Brown"Witchraft and Hysteria: the 'Gendered Heart' of William Harvey."
2015Dr. Kelvin Palmer Prof. Angela Thomas Mr. Simon Paterson-Brown"William Harvey: a Polymath."
2016Dr. Dermot McKeown [182] Prof. Angela Thomas Mr. Simon Paterson-Brown"William Harvey: from pulsing glove to pulse oximeter."
2017Prof. Allan Cumming [183] Prof. Angela Thomas Mr. James "Sam" Patton [184] "William Harvey and the Circle of Life."
2018 Prof. James Garden Prof. Angela Thomas Mr. James "Sam" Patton"William Harvey- why he could not be a Liver Surgeon."
2019 Prof. Sir Lewis Ritchie Prof. Angela Thomas Mr. James "Sam" Patton"Bravehearts: Professionalism and Excellence in Scottish Medicine."


List of Office Bearers and Harveian Orations during the 2020s
YearPresidentMedical SecretarySurgical SecretaryTitle of Harveian Oration
2020Prof. William Reid [185] Prof. Angela Thomas Mr. James "Sam" Patton [184] No Harveian Festival and no oration.
2021Prof. William Reid Prof. Angela Thomas Mr. James "Sam" Patton
2022Mr. Robert Jeffrey [186] Prof. Angela Thomas Mr. James "Sam" Patton"William Harvey and the History of Cardiac Surgery. A personal View."
2023 Prof. Angela Thomas Prof. Mark Strachan [187] Mr. James "Sam" Patton"William Harvey the revolutionist."
2024Mr. Simon Paterson-Brown [172] Prof. Mark StrachanMr. James "Sam" Patton"William Harvey - History, Heritage and Surgery."
2025Professor Stuart Pringle [188] Prof. Mark StrachanMr. James "Sam" Patton

The Harveian Festival was not held in 2020 or 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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  109. Robert Thin (1928). "Archibald Pitcairne 1652-1713". Edinburgh Medical Journal. 35 (7): 368–362. PMC   5314013 . PMID   29645702.
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