List of Power Rangers Operation Overdrive characters

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Power Rangers Operation Overdrive is the 15th season of Power Rangers , which tells the story of the Overdrive Rangers' quest to collect five jewels connected to a powerful artifact called the Corona Aurora before four villainous factions do so. [1] [2]


Main characters

Overdrive Rangers

The Operation Overdrive Power Rangers are a group of Rangers based in the fictional city of San Angeles who were genetically enhanced by billionaire Andrew Hartford and tasked with finding five jewels connected to a powerful artifact called the Corona Aurora. To assist them further, the Rangers possess Overdrive Tracker devices, which serve as communicators and morphers to transform into their Ranger forms. [3] [4]

Mack Hartford

Mackenzie "Mack" Hartford is the outgoing, enthusiastic, and brave yet sheltered Red Overdrive Ranger, team leader, and an android created by Andrew Hartford who initially believes he is his son. [5] Due in part to his pre-programmed memories, he is a fan of adventure novels, among other escapist fantasies. Additionally, he takes criticism harshly, often blaming himself when something goes wrong. [6] Nonetheless, his bravery and tactical thinking often sees him through. Upon learning of the Overdrive Rangers, Mack joins them with encouragement from his confidante and butler, Spencer, and against Andrew's wishes in an effort to prove himself. [7] [8] Over the course of the series, Mack grapples with his father's over-protectiveness, which the former originally sees as a lack of faith in him until he learns of Andrew's true feelings along with his true nature. Following several missions, Mack sacrifices himself to defeat Flurious, but the Sentinel Knight uses the Corona Aurora to revive him and transform him into a human. Following this and the Rangers' retirement, Mack joins Andrew as his adventuring partner.

In combat, Mack possesses super-strength, which he initially believes is the result of genetic enhancement before learning he was upgraded, and wields the Drive Lance. Furthermore, he can combine with the Sentinel Knight to become the Red Sentinel Ranger.

Mack Hartford is portrayed by James Maclurcan in Power Rangers Operation Overdrive and voiced by Nolan North in Power Rangers: Super Legends .

Will Aston

William "Will" Aston is a suave and quick-witted yet womanizing and cocky spy-for-hire and the Black Overdrive Ranger who appreciates the finer things in life, enjoys any chance to prove his skills against sophisticated security devices, and tries to maintain a superior-minded appearance. [9] [7] [10] [11] [12] Having previously worked alone, he displays vexation towards working with his fellow Rangers and frequently goes off on his own, during which he forms a rivalry with Kamdor. After Mack helps him understand the benefits of working with a team, [13] Will goes on to teach a new team to assist him in his work following the Rangers' retirement.

On his own, Will possesses skill in espionage and several high-tech gadgets. Following Andrew's enhancements, he acquires superhuman hearing and "telescopular" vision. Furthermore, he wields the Drive Slammer hammer and possesses the HoverTek Cycle.

Will Aston is portrayed by Samuell Benta in Power Rangers Operation Overdrive and voiced by Darryl Kurylo in Power Rangers: Super Legends.

Dax Lo

Dax Lo is a talkative yet enthusiastic stuntman and the Blue Overdrive Ranger who dreams of becoming an actor and appreciates jokes, but can get serious when the situation calls for it. [14] [7] Throughout his time as a Ranger, he develops a minor rivalry with Miratrix after she manipulates him into falling in love with her before retiring as a Ranger and stuntman to pursue directing instead.

On his own, Dax possesses knowledge in stunt work. Following Andrew's enhancements, he acquires superhuman agility and jumping capability. Furthermore, he wields the Drive Vortex gauntlet.

Dax Lo is portrayed by Gareth Yuen.

Ronny Robinson

Veronica "Ronny" Robinson is a highly competitive yet excitable and joyful racecar driver, the Yellow Overdrive Ranger, and driver for the SHARC, the Rangers' primary transport vehicle. [7] Throughout the series, she slowly tempers her enthusiasm and convinces Tyzonn to join the Rangers [15] [10] [11] before eventually retiring as a Ranger and returning to being a racecar driver once the Rangers' work is done.

Following Andrew's enhancements, she acquires superhuman speed. Furthermore, she wields the Drive Claws.

Ronny Robinson is portrayed by Caitlin Murphy.

Rose Ortiz

Rose Ortiz is an intelligent yet casual and serious-minded prodigy, the Pink Overdrive Ranger, and technician. Having skipped most of grade school during her childhood, she was forced to grow up quickly. After joining the Rangers, she slowly becomes more outgoing and open with her teammates and develops much of their weaponry, such as Mack's Battlizer, [10] [11] before becoming a teacher following the Rangers' retirement.

On her own, she is a Mensa level genius with an encyclopedic knowledge regarding almost any subject, from geography to the Overdrive equipment. [7] [16] Nonetheless, she can prove dangerous in combat. [17] [18] Following Andrew's enhancements, she gains the ability to turn invisible. Furthermore, she wields the Drive Geyser water gun.

Rose Ortiz is portrayed by Rhoda Montemayor.


Tyzonn is an alien from the planet Mercuria who previously worked with the Intergalactic Emergency Responder Squad, a search and rescue team, alongside his fiancée Vella until most of his team were killed by the Fearcats. Ever since, Tyzonn dedicated himself to bringing them to justice. In pursuit of his quest, he tracks them to Earth, where he is captured by Moltor, transformed into a draconic Pachycephalosaurus -themed form, and forced to serve him in exchange for regaining his original form.

While fighting the Overdrive Rangers to retrieve two of the Corona Aurora's jewels, Mack realizes Tyzonn's true nature and uses the jewels' power to revert him to normal. [19] [20] Despite learning Flurious had empowered the Fearcats, Tyzonn initially refuses to work with the Rangers out of fear of losing them as well until Ronny assures him his original team's deaths were not his fault. Following this, he joins them as the silver-colored Mercury Ranger to combat the Fearcats, Moltor, and Flurious and complete the Corona Aurora. [15] [13] [17] In time, Tyzonn is reunited with Vella and, once the Rangers' work is finished, retires to be with her. [21]

On his own, Tyzonn possesses the innate ability to transform his body into mercury. Furthermore, he wields the Drive Detector.

Tyzonn is portrayed by Dwayne Cameron.

DriveMax Zords

The DriveMax Zords are giant vehicles that the Overdrive Rangers command and can combine to form Megazords. [22] [7]

  1. Dump Driver: Mack Hartford's personal dump truck-themed Zord that is armed with claws. [22] [7]
  2. Speed Driver: Will Aston's personal racecar-themed Zord that is armed with missiles and energy lasers. [22] [7]
  3. Gyro Driver: Dax Lo's personal VTOL aircraft-themed Zord that is armed with grappling cables. [22] [7]
  4. Dozer Driver: Ronny Robinson's personal bulldozer-themed Zord that is armed with a dozer shovel. [22] [7]
  5. Sub Driver: Rose Ortiz's personal submarine-themed Zord that is capable of deep sea searching and is armed with pincers. [22] [7]
  6. Drill Driver: A tunnel boring machine-themed auxiliary Zord that is initially piloted by Mack Hartford and later by Ronny Robinson. [22] [6]
  7. Shovel Driver: An excavator-themed auxiliary Zord that is piloted by Rose Ortiz. [22] [18]
  8. Cement Driver: A concrete mixer-themed auxiliary Zord that is armed with a cement cannon and piloted by Dax Lo. [22] [23]
  9. Crane Driver: A crane truck-themed auxiliary Zord that is piloted by Will Aston. [22] [12]
  10. Sonic Streaker: A fighter jet-themed auxiliary Zord that is piloted by Mack Hartford. [22] [20]
BattleFleet Zords

The BattleFleet Zords are giant vehicles that can combine to form a battleship-like mode and a Megazord. [22] [10]

  • BattleFleet Zord 14: A light-armored jet-like Zord piloted by Mack Hartford. [22] [10]
  • BattleFleet Zord 15: A heavily armored freighter-like Zord piloted by Will Aston. [22] [10]
  • BattleFleet Zord 16: A highly maneuverable fighter jet-like Zord piloted by Dax Lo. [22] [10]
  • BattleFleet Zord 17: A bomber-like Zord piloted by Ronny Robinson. [22] [10]
  • BattleFleet Zord 18: A steamroller-like Zord piloted by Rose Ortiz. [22] [10]
  • DriveMax Megazord: The combination of the Dump, Speed, Gyro, Dozer, and Sub Drivers that is armed with the DriveMax Pick Axe and Drive Digger Shovel, which can combined into the Drive Digger Sword Mode. [22] [7]
    • Mega Truck: An alternate vehicle-like combination.
    • DriveMax Megazord Drill Formation: The combination of the DriveMax Megazord and the Drill Driver in place of the Dozer Driver. [6]
    • DriveMax Megazord Shovel Formation: The combination of the DriveMax Megazord and the Shovel Driver in place of the Sub Driver. [18]
    • DriveMax Megazord Drill and Shovel Formation: The combination of the DriveMax Megazord and the Drill and Shovel Drivers in place of the Dozer and Sub Drivers. [25]
    • DriveMax Megazord Cement Formation: The combination of the DriveMax Megazord and the Cement Driver in place of the Sub Driver. [23]
    • DriveMax Megazord Drill and Cement Formation: The combination of the DriveMax Megazord and the Drill and Cement Drivers in place of the Dozer and Sub Drivers. [25]
    • DriveMax Megazord Crane Formation: The combination of the DriveMax Megazord and the Crane Driver in place of the Sub Driver. [12]
    • DriveMax Megazord Drill and Crane Formation: The combination of the DriveMax Megazord and the Drill and Crane Drivers in place of the Dozer and Sub Drivers. [12]
    • DriveMax Megazord Rescue Formation: The combination of the DriveMax Megazord and Rescue Runners 1 and 2 in place of the Dozer and Sub Drivers. [26]
    • Super DriveMax Megazord: The combination of the DriveMax Megazord and the Drill, Shovel, Cement, and Crane Drivers. [25]
    • DriveMax Ultrazord: The combination of the Super DriveMax Megazord and the Sonic Streaker. [20]
    • DriveMax Ultrazord Rescue Formation: The combination of the DriveMax Ultrazord and the Rescue Runners in place of the Drill and Shovel Drivers. [27]
  • DualDrive Megazord: The combination of Drill, Shovel, Cement, and Crane Drivers and the Sonic Streaker. [22] [28]
  • Flash Point Megazord: The combination of the Rescue Runners. [22] [24]
    • Flash Point Megazord Drill and Shovel Formation: The combination of the Flash Point Megazord and the Drill and Shovel Drivers in place of Rescue Runners 1 and 2. [27]
    • Flash Point Megazord Drill and Cement Formation: The combination of the Flash Point Megazord and the Drill and Cement Drivers in place of Rescue Runners 1 and 2. [26]
    • Flash Point Megazord Crane Formation: The combination of the Flash Point Megazord and the Crane Driver in place of Rescue Runner 1. [29]
    • Flash Point Megazord Dozer and Sub Formation: The combination of the Flash Point Megazord and the Dozer and Sub Drivers in place of Rescue Runners 1 and 2. [26]
  • BattleFleet Megazord: The combination of the BattleFleet Zords. [22] [10]

Andrew Hartford

Andrew Hartford is a pragmatic yet overprotective billionaire adventurer, owner of several corporations, and creator of Mack Hartford, who he created two years prior to the series and led to believe was his son. Six months prior to the series, Andrew found a crown-like artifact called the Corona Aurora, but inadvertently freed two villainous brothers, Flurious and Moltor, from their imprisonment. As atonement, the Corona's guardian, the Sentinel Knight, tasked Andrew with keeping it safe and retrieving its scattered jewels. In pursuit of this, Andrew discovered the Universal Morphin' Grid, developed Ranger technology, and recruited Will Aston, Dax Lo, Ronny Robinson, and Rose Ortiz to become the Overdrive Rangers with the intention of leading them. However, after Mack becomes involved against his wishes, Andrew reluctantly allows him to take his place on the team and uses his wealth and knowledge to provide support for the Rangers. [7] [10] [11] [30] [16]

Andrew Hartford is portrayed by Rod Lousich.


Flurious is an intelligent yet short-tempered and irritable ice monster. Millennia prior, a human Flurious and his brother Moltor sought out the Corona Aurora, only to be transformed into monsters and imprisoned on separate planets across the galaxy while the Sentinel Knight took the Corona and its jewels to Earth for safekeeping. After Andrew Hartford finds the Corona, he inadvertently frees the brothers from their imprisonment. Renewing his quest for the artifact, Flurious returns to Earth, takes over Norg's cave to establish it as a base for himself, creates monsters called "Chillers" to serve as foot soldiers, invents advanced technology, and battles the Overdrive Rangers. [7] Throughout the series, he forms temporary alliances with Moltor, among others, in an effort into manipulating them into helping him, [25] [24] [31] [32] [33] constructs two giant robots that the Overdrive Rangers ultimately destroy, [34] [24] clashes with Thor, [27] and turns the Fearcats into cyborgs in the hopes that they will serve him, only to be betrayed by them. [15] Eventually, Flurious acquires one of the Corona's jewels and uses it to destroy Moltor before mounting an attack on the Rangers, Flurious forces the rangers for the rest of the jewels by threatening Mack, Flurious got all the jewels and did not destroy Mack. [35] [29] Using their power to evolve into a stronger form, he overpowers the Rangers until the android Mack defeats Flurious and separates him from the crown, Flurious was a fool for not destroyed Mack sooner when he was valuable and at Flurious' mercy when he had the chance. Mack sacrifices himself to kill the weaken Flurious. [36]

Flurious is portrayed by Gerald Urquhart.

Recurring characters

Sentinel Knight

The Sentinel Knight is the protector of the Corona Aurora. Millennia prior, he took the Corona Aurora to Earth and scattered it and its accompanying jewels across the planet after Flurious and Moltor mounted a failed attempt at stealing it, only to be transformed into monsters and imprisoned on different planets. After Andrew Hartford finds the Corona and inadvertently frees the villains, the Sentinel Knight tasks him with helping him protect the artifact and retrieve the jewels due to losing his physical form. [7] [19] [20] Later in the series, the Overdrive Rangers retrieve a magical sword called Excelsior and fuse it with the Sentinel Knight, granting him a new physical form with the ability to transform into Excelsior for the Rangers to wield in battle and enlarge himself. [33] Additionally, following modifications carried out by Rose Ortiz, he gains the ability to transform into Battlizer armor for Mack Hartford. Once the Corona's jewels are recovered, the Corona itself completed, and Flurious and Moltor defeated, the Sentinel Knight regains his original form and takes the artifact for safekeeping.

The Sentinel Knight is voiced by Nic Sampson.


Spencer is the Hartfords' loyal and supportive butler, having served them for many years, and a former member of the Royal Navy who provides assistance to and emotional support for the Overdrive Rangers. [7]

Spencer is portrayed by David Weatherley.


Moltor is a direct, aggressive, vicious, and merciless draconic monster and a former human who competed with his brother Flurious to find the Corona Aurora, only to be transformed into monsters and imprisoned on separate planets. Upon being freed in the present, Moltor returns to Earth, takes up residence in a volcano, [7] captured Vella, used his magic to turn Tyzonn into a reptilian form and enslave him, and mounts several failed attempts at renewing his quest for the Corona until Flurious eventually obtains one of the artifact's jewels and destroys Moltor in his weaken state with it. [6] [25] [10] [11] [29]

Moltor is voiced by Mark Ferguson in Power Rangers Operation Overdrive and David Lodge in Power Rangers: Super Legends.


Norg is a dimwitted yet kind-hearted and physically strong Yeti who lives in a cave that Flurious took over and claimed as his headquarters. Believing the latter is his friend, Norg makes several attempts at proving their friendship. [7] [25] [13] [17] [10] [11] This eventually culminates in him finding one of the Corona Aurora's jewels, [35] though Flurious attempts to have him killed upon completing the Corona. Fighting off Flurious' Chillers, Norg rescues Vella and brings her to the Overdrive Rangers before taking up residence at Hartford Manor. [21]

Korg is portrayed by Kelson Henderson.


Miratrix is a warrior and mistress of disguise who loyally serves under Kamdor after he saved her life and assists him in his quest to take the Corona Aurora and its jewels for their own ends. [37] After several failed attempts, [12] [24] [10] [11] [16] Kamdor grows frustrated, [35] leading to her attempting to acquire power from the Octavian Chalice, only to be transformed into an owl-like monster. After being defeated by the Overdrive Rangers and reverting to normal, Kamdor imprisons her in a jewel.

Miratrix is portrayed by Ria Vandervis.


Kamdor is an armored monster who wields two swords that he can combine into a double-bladed naginata and possesses the ability to transform objects into artificial monsters. Sometime prior to the series, he was imprisoned in a jewel while saving Miratrix, who eventually frees him in the present so they can steal the Corona Aurora for their own ends. [37] Throughout the series, he clashes with the Overdrive Rangers, develops a rivalry with Will Aston, viewing him as a worthy opponent, obtains two of the Corona Aurora's jewels before losing one, and mounts several failed attempts at acquiring the rest. [24] [15] [26] [33] [16] Eventually, Kamdor imprisons Miratrix in his jewel for failing him, uses his Corona jewel to summon a meteor to distract the Overdrive Rangers, and faces Will in a duel, during which Kamdor is killed in battle. [31] [32] [35]

Kamdor is primarily voiced by Adam Gardiner while Richard Simpson voiced him in the episode "Pirate in Pink".


The Fearcats are a race of malicious, sadistic, and ruthless demonic, feline-themed extraterrestrials who willfully destroyed planets and their inhabitants to demonstrate their power, possess the ability to enlarge themselves, and previously encountered Tyzonn. While the majority of them were imprisoned in a mirror-like artifact, [15] Mig and Cheetar travel to Earth to find the Corona Aurora and use its power to free them. Growing impatient, they kidnap Ronny Robinson and use her Ranger powers instead, successfully freeing Benglo before Ronny and Tyzonn destroy the mirror, permanently trapping the imprisoned Fearcats. Undeterred, Cheetar dies fighting the Overdrive Rangers while Flurious uses his technology to transform Mig and Benglo into powerful cyborgs in the hopes that they would serve him. The pair subsequently betray him, stealing his technology to build giant robots to renew their quest for the Corona until they are eventually killed by the Overdrive Rangers.


Mig is a cocky, impulsive, and battle-hungry snow leopard-themed Fearcat who is eventually killed by Tyzonn. [17] [33] [31] [32]

In his original form, Mig can conjure a bazooka-like weapon. In his cyborg form, he wields two pistols that can convert into daggers.

Mig is voiced by Kelson Henderson.


Benglo is a level-headed and serious-minded Bengal tiger-themed Fearcat and primary pilot of the Fearcats' giant robots who is eventually killed by Mack and the Sentinel Knight. [15] [31] [32]

In his original form, Benglo possesses arm-mounted tekkō-kagi -like weapons. In his cyborg form, he wields a sword that can convert into a shotgun.

Benglo is voiced by David Weatherley.

Guest characters

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