This is a list of localities in Transylvania that were, either in majority or in minority, historically inhabited by Transylvanian Saxons, having either churches placed in refuge castles for the local population (German: Kirchenburg = fortress church or Wehrkirche = fortified church), or only village churches (German: Dorfkirchen) built by the Transylvanian Saxons.
German name | Romanian name |
Abtsdorf bei Agnetheln | Apoș, Sibiu County |
Abtsdorf an der Kokel | Țapu, Sibiu County |
Adamesch | Adămuș, Mureș County |
Agnetheln (+ Altdorf) | Agnita, Sibiu County |
Aitau | Aita Mare, Covasna County |
Ajerschteln | Agrișteu, Mureș County |
Almaschken | Alma Mică Săsească, Sibiu County |
Almen | Alma Vii, Sibiu County |
Almesch | Șoimuș, Bistrița-Năsăud County |
Altenberg | Baia de Criș, Hunedoara County |
Altflagen | Feleag, Mureș County |
Alttohan | Tohanul Vechi, Brașov County |
Alzen (+ Underten) | Alțâna, Sibiu County |
Appesdorf | Cluj-Mănăștur, Cluj County |
Arbegen | Agârbiciu, Sibiu County |
Arendorf | Araci, Covasna County |
Arkeden bei Bistriz | Archiud, Bistrița-Năsăud County |
Arkeden bei Schäßburg (+ Wordt) | Archita, Mureș County |
Auen | Cușma, Bistrița-Năsăud County |
Auendorf | Gura Râului, Sibiu County |
Baaßen | Bazna, Sibiu County |
Bachnen | Bahnea, Mureș County |
Badlinen | Beclean, Bistrița-Năsăud County |
Bägendorf | Benești, Sibiu County |
Baierdorf | Crainimăt, Bistrița-Năsăud County |
Ballendorf | Balomiru de Câmp, Alba County |
Bärendorf | Beriu, Hunedoara County |
Bartholomä | Bartolomeu, Brașov County |
Batiz | Batiz, Hunedoara County |
Baumgarten/Bistriz | Bungard, Bistrița-Năsăud County |
Baumgarten/Hermannstadt | Bungard, Sibiu County |
Bekokten | Bărcuț, Brașov County |
Bell | Buia, Sibiu County |
Belleschdorf | Idiciu, Mureș County |
Benden | Biia, Alba County |
Benzenz | Binținți (nowadays Aurel Vlaicu), Hunedoara County |
Bernhardsdorf | Bernadea, Mureș County |
Besotten | Buza, Cluj County |
Bethlen/Bistriz | Beclean, Bistrița-Năsăud |
Bidda | Bidiu, Bistrița-Năsăud |
Bierldorf | Bârla, Bistrița-Năsăud |
Billak | Domnești, Bistrița-Năsăud |
Birk | Petelea, Mureș County |
Birnbaum | Ghirbom, Alba County |
Birthälm (+ Fettendorf) | Biertan, Sibiu County |
Bistritz (+ Niederwallendorf) | Bistrița, Bistrița-Năsăud County |
Bladenmarkt | Bălăușeri |
Blasendorf | Blaj |
Blumendorf | Belin |
Blutroth (+ Paulsdorf) | Berghin |
Bodeln | Budila |
Bodendorf | Bunești |
Bodesdorf | Buduș, Bistrița-Năsăud County |
Bogeschdorf | Băgaciu, Mureș County |
Bonnesdorf | Boian |
Borbant | Bărăbanț, Alba County |
Botsch | Batoș, Mureș County |
Botschard | Bucerdea Grânoasă, Alba County |
Braller | Bruiu |
Breit | Bretea |
Brenndorf | Bod, Brașov County |
Broos | Orăștie, Hunedoara County |
Bruck | Bonțida, Cluj County |
Buchholz (+ Schalgo) | Boholț , Brașov County |
Budenbach | Sibiel |
Bulkesch | Bălcaciu |
Burg Zebernek | Cetatea de la Vurpăr |
Burgberg bei Hermannstadt | Vurpăr, Sibiu County |
Burgberg bei Mühlbach | Vurpăr, Alba County |
Bürgesch | Bârghiș, Sibiu County |
Burghalle | Orheiul Bistriței, Bistrița-Năsăud County |
Burglos | Dej, Cluj County |
Bußd bei Mediasch | Buzd, Sibiu County |
Bußd bei Mühlbach | Boz, Alba County |
Garndorf | Ardan, Bistrița-Năsăud County |
Dahl | Dăișoara, Brașov County |
Dallen bei Mühlbach | Deal, Alba County |
Dallendorf | Daia Română, Alba County |
Dengel | Daia (previously Daia Săsească), Apold, Mureș County |
Denndorf | Daia, Bahnea, Mureș County |
Dersch | Dârjiu, Harghita County |
Deutschbach | Valea Sasului, Alba County |
Deutschbudak | Budacu de Jos, Bistrița-Năsăud County |
Deutschendorf | Mintiu Gherlii |
Deutschkreuz | Criț |
Deutschpien | Pianul de Jos, Alba County |
Deutschtekes | Ticușul Vechi, Brașov County |
Deutschweißkirch | Viscri, Brașov County |
Deutschzepling | Dedrad, Mureș County |
Diemrich | Deva, Hunedoara County |
Dienesdorf | Șieu-Odorhei, Bistrița-Năsăud County |
Dobring | Dobârca |
Donnersmarkt | Mănărade |
Dopich | Dopca |
Draas | Drăușeni |
Dreikirchen | Teiuș, Alba County |
Dunesdorf | Daneș, Mureș County |
Durles | Dârlos, Sibiu County |
Dürrbach | Dipșa |
Ehrgang | Ernea |
Eibesdorf | Ighișul Nou |
Eisch | Fântânele |
Eisdorf | Ionești |
Eisenburg | Rimetea |
Elisabethstadt | Dumbrăveni |
Elsterdorf | Sereca |
Emerichsdorf | Sântimbru |
Engenthal | Mighindoala |
Ensch | Enciu |
Etschdorf | Iernuțeni |
Eulenbach | Ilimbav |
Falk | Feleac |
Feigendorf | Micăsasa |
Feisket | Sălcuța |
Felldorf | Filitelnic |
Felmern | Felmer |
Felsendorf | Florești |
Fenesch | Florești |
Fogarasch | Făgăraș |
Frauendorf | Frâua, nowadays Axente Sever |
Frauenkirch | Sântămărie |
Freck | Avrig |
Freißendorf | Lunca Bistriței |
Fürstenberg | Hăghic |
Füssen | Feisa |
Gallusdorf | Galeș |
Galt | Ungra |
Gassen | Vălenii de Mureș |
Geist | Apața |
Gela | Gilău |
Gergeschdorf | Ungurei |
Gergesdorf | Căpâlna de Jos |
Gierelsau | Bradu |
Gieshübel | Gusu |
Gindusdorf | Băița |
Gladen | Gledin |
Glatz bei Fogarasch | Gălaț (nowadays Galații Făgărașului) |
Gogeschburg | Gogan-Varola |
Gogeschdorf | Giacăș |
Grabendorf | Vale |
Großalisch | Seleuș |
Großau | Cristian, Sibiu County |
Großbun | Boiu |
Großeidau | Viile Tecii |
Großendorf/Bistriz | Mărișelu |
Großendorf/Hermannstadt (+ Woltescht) | Săliște (+ Voltești) |
Großkend | Chendu Mare |
Großkopisch | Copșa Mare |
Großlasseln | Laslea |
Großlogdes | Ludoș |
Großpold | Apoldu de Sus |
Großprobstdorf | Probștea Mare (nowadays Târnava) |
Großrapoit | Rapoltu Mare |
Großschenk | Cincu |
Großschergied | Cergăul Mare |
Großscheuern | Șura Mare |
Großschlatten | Abrud |
Großschogen | Șieu |
Grubendorf | Ceuaș |
Gugendorf | Gogan |
Gunzendorf | Poplaca |
Gürteln | Gherdeal |
Hahnbach | Hamba |
Halmagen | Hălmeag |
Halwelagen | Hoghilag |
Hamlesch (+ Marienkirch) | Amnaș |
Hammersdorf | Gușterița |
Harnrüden | Homorod |
Härwesdorf | Cornățel |
Haschagen | Hașag |
Heidendorf | Viișoara |
Heldsdorf (+ Heldenburg) | Hălchiu |
Heltau (+ Reutel) | Cisnădie |
Henndorf | Brădeni |
Henningsdorf | Henig |
Heresdorf | Galații Bistriței |
Hermannstadt | Sibiu |
Hetzeldorf | Ațel |
Hochfeld | Fofeldea |
Hohndorf | Viișoara |
Holzmengen | Hosman |
Honigberg | Hărman |
Hopfenseifen | Hopșu |
Hühnerbach | Glâmboaca |
Hundertbücheln (+ Schmielen) | Movile |
Irmesch | Ormeniș |
Jaad (+ Ependorf) | Livezile |
Jakobsdorf/Agnetheln | Iacobeni |
Jakobsdorf/Bistriz | Sâniacob |
Johannisberg | Nucet |
Johannisdorf/Bistriz | Sântioana |
Johannisdorf/Kleinkopisch | Sântioana |
Käbesch | Coveș |
Kailesdorf | Arcalia |
Kakowa | Dumbrava, Alba County |
Kaltbrunnen | Calbor |
Kaltenbrunnen/Schäßburg | Uilac |
Kaltwasser | Calvasăr |
Kappelendorf | Căpâlna, Commune of Săsciori, Alba County |
Käppelsbach | Cărpiniș |
Karlsburg/Weißenburg | Alba Iulia |
Kastendorf | Castău |
Kastenholz | Cașolț |
Katzendorf | Cața |
Keisd (+ Alzen) | Saschiz |
Kellen | Colun |
Kelling | Câlnic, Alba |
Kerschdorf | Presaca |
Kertzing | Gornești |
Kerz | Cârța |
Kesseln | Chesler |
Kiewern | Cobor |
Kindeln | Chintelnic |
Kirchberg | Chirpăr |
Kirtsch | Curciu |
Klausenburg | Cluj |
Kleinalisch | Seleuș |
Kleinbistritz | Dorolea |
Kleinblasendorf | Blăjel |
Kleindörfel | Micești |
Kleinenyed | Sângătin |
Kleinfarken | Delenii |
Kleinkopisch | Copșa Mică |
Kleinlasseln | Laslăul Mic |
Kleinmühlbach | Sebeșel |
Kleinphlepsdorf | Filipișul Mic |
Kleinpold | Apoldul de Jos |
Kleinprobstdorf | Probștea Mică (nowadays Târnăvioara) |
Kleinrumes | Romoșel |
Kleinschelken | Șeica Mică |
Kleinschenk | Cincșor |
Kleinschergied | Cergăul Mic |
Kleinscheuern | Șura Mică |
Kleinschlatten | Zlatna |
Kleinschogen | Sieuț |
Kleintalmesch | Tălmăcel |
Klosdorf/Kleinkopisch | Sânmiclăuș, Alba County |
Klosdorf/Reps | Cloașterf |
Kokelburg | Cetatea de Baltă |
Kokt | Cut, Alba County |
Köllendorf | Caila |
Komeloden | Comlod, Commune of Milaș, Bistrița-Năsăud County |
Königsberg | Crihalma |
Königsdorf | Paloș, Brașov County |
Konradsdorf | Poenița |
Kormosbach | Racoșul de Sus |
Krakau (+ Burg Gemsenstein) | Cricău |
Krapundorf | Ighiu |
Krebsbach bei Hermannstadt | Cacova (nowadays Fântânele), Sibiu County |
Krebsbach bei Kronstadt | Crizbav, Brașov County |
Kreisch (+ Nisseidorf + Schlaßdorf) | Criș |
Kreuzburg | Teliu |
Kronstadt | Brașov |
Krotschendorf | Crăciunelu de Sus |
Kudschir (+ Wolkesdorf) | Cugir |
Kyrieleis | Chiraleș |
Ladmesch | Loamneș |
Langendorf | Lancrăm |
Langenthal | Valea Lungă |
Lauterburg | Cetatea Lotrului |
Leblang | Lovnic |
Lechnitz | Lechința |
Lehr | Luieriu |
Leresdorf | Șieu Sfântu, Bistrița-Năsăud County |
Leschkirch | Nocrich |
Lona/Klausenburg | Luna de Sus |
Ludwigsdorf | Logig |
Magarei | Pelișor |
Makendorf | Mocod |
Maldorf | Domald |
Malmkrog | Mălâncrav |
Maniersch | Măgheruș |
Mardisch | Moardăș |
Marienburg/Kronstadt | Feldioara |
Marienburg/Schäßburg | Hetiur |
Marktscheiken (+Rependorf) | Șeica Mare |
Markusdorf | Mintia |
Marpod | Marpod |
Martinsberg | Șomartin |
Martinsdorf | Metiș |
Mathesdorf | Matei |
Mausdorf | Săcalu de Pădure |
Mediasch (+Furkeschdorf) | Mediaș |
Meeburg | Beia |
Mergeln | Merghindeal |
Meschen (+Weißdorf) | Moșna |
Meschendorf | Meșendorf |
Mettersdorf (+ Bachnen + Fattendorf + Tekes + Ziegendorf) | Dumitra |
Michelsberg | Cisnădioara |
Michelsdorf/Kleinkopisch | Veseuș |
Michelsdorf/Mediasch | Boaita |
Mikesdorf | Părău |
Mildenburg | Alămor |
Minarken | Monariu |
Mindorf | Monor |
Mitteldorf | Chiuza |
Moichen | Mohu |
Mönchsdorf | Herina |
Moritzdorf | Moruț |
Mortesdorf | Motiș |
Mühlbach (+ Gießhübel) | Sebeș |
Mukendorf | Grânari |
Muttersdorf | Dumitra |
Nadesch | Nadeș |
Neithausen (+ Michelsdorf) | Netuș |
Neppendorf | Turnișor |
Netz | Nețeni |
Neudorf/Ad. | Rădești |
Neudorf/Hermannstadt | Noul |
Neudorf/Kronstadt (+ Hopfenseifen) | Satu Nou |
Neudorf/Schäßburg | Noul Săsesc |
Neudorf/Wb. | Ohaba |
Neuflagen | Mureni |
Neumarkt | Târgu-Mureș |
Neuschloß | Gherla |
Neustadt/Agnetheln | Noiștat |
Neustadt/Kronstadt | Cristian |
Niedereidisch | Ideciu de Jos |
Niederneudorf | Corvinești |
Nieresch | Nireș |
Nimesch | Nemșa |
Nindorf | Nimigea de Jos |
Nußbach | Măieruș |
Nussendorf | Năsăud |
Oberblasendorf | Blăjenii de Sus |
Oberbrodsdorf | Vinerea |
Obereidisch | Ideciu de Sus |
Oberkreuz | Cristur-Șieu |
Oberneudorf | Cetate |
Oberröbendorf | Vătava |
Oberschebesch | Sebiș |
Ochsendorf (+ Lauterburg) | Boița |
Odendorf | Apalina |
Offenburg | Baia de Arieș |
Okne | Ocnița |
Panagen | Pănade |
Paßbusch | Posmuș |
Perkaß | Pricaz |
Pernseifen | Băița |
Peschendorf | Stejăreni |
Petersberg | Sânpetru |
Petersdorf/Bistriz | Petriș |
Petersdorf/Mediasch | Petiș |
Petersdorf/Mühlbach | Petrești |
Petsch | Petecu |
Pintak/Bistriz | Slătinița |
Pintak/Td. | Pinticu |
Pojana | Poiana Sibiului |
Pränzdorf | Suseni |
Pretai | Bratei |
Probstdorf/Agnetheln | Stejărișu |
Prüden | Prod |
Puschendorf | Păucea |
Radeln | Roadeș |
Ragelsdorf | Ragla |
Rakowitza | Racovița |
Ratsch | Reciu |
Rauthal | Roandola |
Reckentek | Reteag |
Reichau | Răhău |
Reichesdorf | Richiș |
Reissen | Rusu Bârgăului |
Rekitta | Răchita |
Rependorf | Râpa |
Reps | Rupea |
Retersdorf | Retiș |
Reußdorf | Cund |
Reußdörfchen | Ruscior |
Reußen/Bistriz | Sărățel |
Reußen/Mediasch | Ruși |
Reußmarkt (+Mondorf, + Weißkirch, + Sankt-Georgen) | Miercurea Sibiului |
Ringelkirch | Valea Ringhili |
Rod | Rod |
Rode | Zagăr |
Rodna | Rodna |
Rohrbach | Rodbav |
Rosch | Răvășel |
Roseln | Ruja |
Rosenau | Râșnov |
Roter Turm | Turnul Roșu |
Rothbach | Rotbav |
Rothberg/Hermannstadt | Roșia |
Rothkirch/Bistriz | Strugureni |
Rothkirch/Mühlbach | Roșia de Secaș |
Ruckersdorf | Rucăr |
Rumänisch Baierdorf | Mintiu |
Rumänisch Budak | Budacul de Sus |
Rumänisch Eibesdorf | Ighișul Vechi |
Rumänisch Lasseln | Laslăul Mare |
Rumänisch Neudorf | Noul Român |
Rumänisch Pien | Pianul de Sus |
Rumänisch Sankt Georgen | Sângeorz-Băi |
Rumänisch Tekes | Ticușul Nou |
Rumes | Romos |
Sachsenbach | Spătac |
Sachsenhausen | Săsăuș |
Sächsisch Erkes | Archiș |
Sächsisch Reen | Reghin |
Salz | Sărata |
Salzburg | Ocna Sibiului |
Salzdorf | Ocna Dejului |
Salzgrub | Cojocna |
Sankt Georgen | Sângeorzu Nou |
Sankt Martin | Târnăveni |
Schaal | Șoala |
Schaas | Șaeș |
Schaldorf | Mihăileni |
Schalko | Șalcău |
Schalmen | Șoimuș |
Scharberg | Dumbrăvioara |
Schard/Schäßburg | Șoard |
Schard/Wb. (+St. Martin) | Șard |
Scharosch/Fogarasch | Șoarș |
Scharosch/Mediasch | Șaroș pe Târnave |
Scharpendorf | Glodeni |
Schäßburg | Sighișoara |
Schelken/Bz | Jeica |
Schellenberg | Șelimbăr |
Scherling | Măgurele |
Schirkanyen | Șercaia |
Schlaft | Zlagna |
Schmiegen | Șmig |
Schnakendorf | Dumbrăvița |
Schölten | Cenade |
Schönau | Șona |
Schönberg | Dealul Frumos |
Schönbirk | Sigmir |
Schönen | Șona |
Schorsten | Șoroștin |
Schwarzwasser | Săcel |
Schweinsdorf | Turnu Roșu |
Schweischer | Fișer |
Sebeschel | Sibișel |
Seck | Sic |
Seiburg | Jibert |
Seiden | Jidvei |
Seimesdorf | Simionești |
Seligstadt | Seliștat |
Senndorf | Jelna |
Siebendörfer | Săcele |
Silwasch | Silivaș |
Simkragen | Șintereag |
Sinna | Jina |
Sommer | Jimbor |
Sommerburg | Jimbor |
Spring | Șpring |
St. Martin | Diciosânmartin, or Târnava-Sân-Martin, now Târnăveni, a city in Mureș County |
Städterdorf | Rășinari |
Stein/Mediasch | Ștenea |
Stein bei Reps | Ștena, officially Dacia |
Stolzenburg | Slimnic |
Strassburg am Mieresch | Aiud |
Streitfort | Mercheașa |
Strugar | Strungari |
Szakadat | Săcădate |
Szászcsor (+ Szilvás) | Săscior |
Talmesch | Tălmaciu |
Tarteln | Toarcla |
Tartlau | Prejmer |
Taterloch | Tătârlaua |
Tatsch | Tonciu |
Tekendorf | Teaca |
Tetschein | Aciliu |
Teufelsdorf | Vânători |
Thalheim | Daia, a village of the Roșia commune |
Thorenburg | Turda |
Thorstadt (+ Ringelkirch) | Doștat |
Tilischka | Tilișca |
Tobsdorf | Dupuș |
Tordesch | Turdaș |
Törnen | Păuca |
Törzburg | Bran |
Trappold | Apold |
Traßten | Lunca |
Treppen | Tărpiu |
Troschen | Drașov |
Tschapertsch | Topârcea |
Tschippendorf | Cepari |
Ungarisch Reen | Reghin Sat |
Ungersdorf | Șieu-Măgheruș |
Unterblasendorf | Blăjenii de Jos |
Unterbrodsdorf | Șibot |
Untergesäß | Ghijasa de Jos |
Unterrübendorf | Râpa de Jos |
Untersebesch/Bistriz | Ruștior |
Untersebesch/Hermannstadt | Sebeșul de Jos |
Untervenitze | Veneția de Jos |
Unterwardein | Oarda de Jos |
Urmenen | Armeni |
Urwegen | Cârbova |
Vajasd | Oiejdea |
Waldhütten | Valchid |
Wallendorf | Unirea |
Waltersdorf | Dumitrița |
Warmwasser | Hoghiz |
Wassid | Veseud |
Weidenbach | Ghimbav |
Weiersdorf | Tău |
Weilau (+ Radesch) | Uila |
Weingartskirchen | Vingard |
Weißenburg | Alba Iulia |
Weißhorn | Săsarm |
Weißkirch/Bistriz | Albeștii Bistriței |
Weißkirch/Schäßburg | Albești |
Wepeschdorf | Pipea |
Werd | Vărd |
Wermesch | Vermeș |
Westen | Veștem |
Wetsch | Brâncovenești |
Wetscherd (+Hemsdorf) | Vecerd |
Windau | Ghinda |
Winsberg | Orlat |
Winz (+ Sächsisch Pad, + Burg Zebernek) | Vințu de Jos |
Wladein | Vlădeni |
Woiwoden | Vaidei |
Woldorf | Văleni |
Wolkendorf/Kronstadt | Vulcan, Brașov County |
Wolkendorf/Schäßburg | Sighișoara |
Wölz | Velț |
Woßling | Țeline |
Wurmloch | Valea Viilor |
Zagendorf | Țigău |
Zeiden (+Schwarzburg) | Codlea |
Zekeschdorf | Cunța |
Zendersch | Senereuș |
Zernest | Zărnești |
Zied | Veseud |
Ziegenstein | Piatra Craivii |
Ziegenthal | Țichindeal |
Zoltendorf | Mihai Viteazu |
Zood | Sadu |
Zuckmantel | Țigmandru, Mureș County |
Transylvania is a historical and cultural region in Central Europe, encompassing central Romania. To the east and south its natural border is the Carpathian Mountains and to the west the Apuseni Mountains. Broader definitions of Transylvania also include the western and northwestern Romanian regions of Crișana and Maramureș, and occasionally Banat. Historical Transylvania also includes small parts of neighbouring Western Moldavia and even a small part of south-western neighbouring Bukovina to its north east.
The south-eastern Transylvania region in Romania currently has one of the highest numbers of existing fortified churches from the 13th to 16th centuries. It has more than 150 well preserved fortified churches of a great variety of architectural styles.
Sighișoara is a municipality on the Târnava Mare River in Mureș County, central Romania. Located in the historic region of Transylvania, Sighișoara had a population of 23,927 according to the 2021 census. It is a popular tourist destination for its well-preserved old town, which is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. The town administers seven villages: Angofa, Aurel Vlaicu, Hetiur, Rora, Șoromiclea, Venchi, and Viilor.
Alba Iulia is a city that serves as the seat of Alba County in the west-central part of Romania. Located on the river Mureș in the historical region of Transylvania, it has a population of 63,536.
Unio Trium Nationum was a pact of mutual aid codified in 1438 by three Estates of Transylvania: the nobility, the Saxon (German) patrician class, and the free military Székelys. The union was directed against the whole of the peasantry, regardless of ethnicity, in response to the Transylvanian peasant revolt.
The Transylvanian Saxons are a people of mainly German ethnicity and overall Germanic origin —mostly Luxembourgish and from the Low Countries initially during the medieval Ostsiedlung process, then also from other parts of present-day Germany— who settled in Transylvania in various waves, starting from the mid and mid-late 12th century until the mid 19th century.
Avrig is a town in Sibiu County, Transylvania, central Romania. It has a population of 12,815 and the first documents attesting its existence date to 1346. It officially became a town in 1989, as a result of the Romanian rural systematization program.
Cisnădie is a town in Sibiu County, Transylvania, central Romania, approximately 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) south of Sibiu. It comprises the main town of Cisnădie and one village, Cisnădioara.
The Germans of Romania represent one of the most significant historical ethnic minorities of Romania from the modern period onwards.
Biertan is a commune in Sibiu County, Transylvania, Romania. The commune is composed of three villages: Biertan, Copșa Mare, and Richiș, each of which has a fortified church.
Transylvanian Saxon is the native German dialect of the Transylvanian Saxons, an ethnic German minority group from Transylvania in central Romania, and is also one of the three oldest ethnic German and German-speaking groups of the German diaspora in Central and Eastern Europe, along with the Baltic Germans and Zipser Germans. In addition, the Transylvanian Saxons are the eldest ethnic German group of all constituent others forming the broader community of the Germans of Romania.
The Landlers or Transylvanian Landlers are an ethnic German sub-group which has been living on the territory of today's Romania, more specifically in southern Transylvania since the 18th century onwards.
Saschiz is a commune in Mureș County, Transylvania, central Romania. It is composed of three villages: Cloașterf, Mihai Viteazu, and Saschiz.
Bruiu is a commune located in Sibiu County, Transylvania, Romania. It is composed of three villages: Bruiu, Gherdeal, and Șomartin. Each of these has a fortified church.
Brateiu is a commune located in Sibiu County, Transylvania, Romania. It is composed of two villages, Brateiu and Buzd, each of which has a fortified church. There is a big archaeological complex located here.
Șura Mare is a commune located in Sibiu County, Transylvania, Romania. It is composed of two villages, Hamba and Șura Mare. Șura Mare was first mentioned in 1332, and Hamba in 1337.
Valea Viilor is a commune located in Sibiu County, Transylvania, Romania. It has a population of 1,873, and is composed of two villages, Motiș and Valea Viilor. Each of these has a fortified church, Motiș fortified church and Valea Viilor fortified church. Both places were established and long inhabited by Transylvanian Saxons.
Băgaciu is a commune in Mureș County, Transylvania, Romania. It is composed of two villages, namely Băgaciu and Deleni.
The Biertan fortified church is a Lutheran fortified church in Biertan, Sibiu County, in the Transylvania region of Romania. It was built by the ethnic German Transylvanian Saxon community at a time when the area belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary. Briefly Roman Catholic, it became Evangelical Lutheran following the Reformation. Together with the surrounding village, the church forms part of the villages with fortified churches in Transylvania UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The name Transylvanian rug is used as a term of convenience to denote a cultural heritage of 15th–17th century Islamic rugs, mainly of Ottoman origin, which have been preserved in Transylvanian Protestant churches. The corpus of Transylvanian rugs constitutes one of the largest collections of Ottoman Anatolian rugs outside the Islamic world.