List of banks in Finland

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This list of banks in Finland below was assembled using publicly available information from the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority [1] and the Finnish Bankers' Association. [2] In 2014, according to the calculations of the National Bank, Finland had 5641 branches of cooperative banks.


Government banks

Commercial banks

Full nameCall nameSWIFT codeBICCapitalWebsite
Aktia Pankki Oyj Aktia HELSFIHH2181702-8 Flag of Finland.svg
Ålandsbanken Abp Ålandsbanken AABAFI220145019-3 Flag of Aland.svg
Bonum Pankki OyjPOP PankkiPOPFFI222192977-5 Flag of Finland.svg
Säästöpankkien Keskuspankki Suomi OyjSäästöpankkiITELFIHH2238752-5 Flag of Finland.svg
Fellow Pankki OyjFellow BankEVSEFIHH0533755-0 Flag of Finland.svg
Nordea Bank Oyj Nordea NDEAFIHH2858394-9 Flag of Finland.svg
OP Yrityspankki Oyj OP Bank OPSEFIH12858394-9 Flag of Finland.svg
S-Pankki Oyj S-Pankki SBANFIHH2557308-3 Flag of Finland.svg
Suomen Asuntohypopankki Oy Hypo SHMSFIH10362481-2 Flag of Finland.svg

Foreign banks

Savings banks

The Finnish Savings Banks Group consists of 40 savings banks, each of which operates in its own region and is an independent legal entity. They share a common inheritance and common operating practices. The primary strategy for the banks in the group is to serve clients on a regional basis and thus not compete. The market share of the Finnish Savings Banks is about 8,5% as measured by deposits. [3]

Co-operative banks

OP-Pohjola Group

The OP-Pohjola Group is a central corporation of co-operative banks. The member cooperative banks of the OP-Pohjola Group are independent, local deposit banks that are engaged in retail banking. There are 229 member cooperative banks, each operating in a local region. [4]

Local Cooperative Bank Group

The Finnish Local Cooperative Bank Group consists of 42 independent co-operative banks, each operating in its own region. The group was established in 1997 to enable the member banks to continue operating independently as the other co-operative bank group in Finland was seen as too centrally administered. [5]

Defunct banks


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  1. "Service providers supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA)" . Retrieved 2022-10-27.
  2. "Finanssiala ry".
  3. "Yksityisasiakkaiden pankkipalvelut - Säästöpankki".
  4. "OP-verkkopalvelu,, on uudistunut".
  5. "Henkilöasiakkaat".
  6. (information about old Finnish companies (including banks), in Finnish)