List of commercial open-source applications and services

Last updated

This is a list of notable commercial open-source applications, adopting business models for open-source software, alphabetized by the product/service name.

Product or service nameCommercial vendorDescriptionCurrent versionOpen source
Project name
Ver 1.0 Date
389 Directory Server Red HatLDAP-compliant directory server1.4.0Fedora Directory Server2005
Abiquo AbiquoCloud management4.5Abiquo2008
AdaControlAdalogSource-code controller and coding standard checker for Ada 1.13r8AdaControl2004
Anaconda Distribution Anaconda Package management tool and distribution4.12 Conda (package manager) 2022
Airflow Astronomer [1] Workflow management platform.1.10.5 Apache Airflow 2015
Alfresco AlfrescoEnterprise content management, web content management2.2Alfresco2006
APISIXAPI7.aiCloud-native API gateway3.0Apache APISIX2019
Asterisk Digium PBX server / telephony toolkit16.5 Asterisk 2004 [2]
Bacula BaculaData backup/recovery9.4.4Bacula2000
Berkeley DB Oracle Corporation DBMS engines18.1Berkeley DB Core1994
BIND 9 Internet Systems Consortium Authoritative/recursive DNS software9.16.10 BIND 9 2000
Bonita BPM Bonitasoft Business process management suite7.9Bonita BPM2001
BytebaseBytebaseDatabase DevOps2.23.0Bytebase2021
Cassandra Datastax NoSQL database3.11.4 Apache Cassandra 2008
Chef Chef Configuration management tool14.10.9 Chef 2009
Cloud Foundry Pivotal Multi-Cloud platform11.1.0Cloud Foundry2011
Collabora Online Collabora Productivity Online Office Suite and apps24.04.11.4 [3]   OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg Collabora Online 2016
Compiere CompiereERP and CRM3.3Compiere2000?
Consul Hashicorp Service discovery1.4.2 Consul 2014
CruiseControl ThoughtWorksSoftware development tools2.8.4CruiseControl2007
DaDaBIKEugenio TacchiniDatabase front-end applications generator9.4DaDaBIK2001
db4o db4oODBMS8.0db4o ?
Docker Docker Container19.3.1 Docker 2013
Dolibarr Dolibarr AssociationERP and CRM10.0.0Dolibarr ERP CRM2003
Drupal Acquia Web Content Management System8.6.17 Drupal 2000
Easy Redmine Easy SoftwareProject management software13.3.0Redmine2007
Entrance dbEntrance SoftwareSQL-based data exploration tool1.3.34Entrance Community2007
Ext JS SenchaCross-browser JavaScript framework6.7.0Ext JS2007
EyeOS EyeOSCloud-computing operating system2.1betaEyeOS2007
Firefox Mozilla Corporation Web Browser68.0.2 Firefox 2002
FireCMS Firecms S.L. CMS3.0 FireCMS 2020
Fluentd Treasure Data Logging and data collection 1.32011
ForgeRock ForgeRock Identity and access management2.1.2 ForgeRock 2010
Fuse Message Broker Progress Software JMS platform6Apache ActiveMQ2006
FUSE ESB Progress SoftwareEnterprise service bus7.4.0Apache ServiceMix2006
FUSE Mediation Router Progress SoftwareRouting and process mediation engine2.6Apache Camel2006
FUSE Services Framework Progress SoftwareJAX-WS 2.0 service-enablement framework2.3Apache CXF2006
GitLab GitLab Inc.Version control2.23.0GitLab Community Edition2005
GNAT Pro AdaCore Ada compiler9.2 GNAT 1995 [4]
Hadoop Cloudera, Hortonworks, MapR Distributed system for big data management3.2.0 Apache Hadoop 2006
HAProxy HAProxy Technologies LLC, HAProxy Technologies SASU High availability load balancer 3.1 HAProxy 2000
Hazelcast HazelcastIn-Memory Data Grid4.2 Hazelcast 2008
InfluxDB InfluxDataTimeseries DBMS1.7.6 InfluxDB 2013
Ingres Database IngresRDBMS11.0Ingres ?
IntelliJ JetBrains Software development tools2019.2 IntelliJ 2001
ISC DHCP Internet Systems Consortium DHCP client/server/relay software4.4.2 ISC DHCP 1999
Java Enterprise System Oracle Corporation Application server, middleware, LDAP, etc.8Java2003?
JBoss Enterprise MiddlewareRed HatEnterprise middleware based on Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7.2 JBoss 2001
Joget Workflow Open DynamicsWorkflow, Business process management, RAD6.0.2Joget Workflow2009
Jumper 2.0 Jumper NetworksUniversal search tool powered by enterprise social bookmarking2.0.1.9Project Jumper2008
Kafka ConfluentData streaming processing2.3.0 Apache Kafka 2011
Kaltura KalturaVideo and rich media management platform and applications dual-licensed under AGPL, and commercial license, provided as self hosted and SaaS6.0 (Falcon)Kaltura2012
Kea DHCP Internet Systems Consortium DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 server software1.8.2 Kea DHCP 2014
Liferay Portal LiferayEnterprise web portal5.0.1Liferay Portal2000?
LogicalDOC Logical Objects SrlDocument Management System8.3.2LogicalDOC document management – DMS2004
Lotus Symphony IBMOffice productivity suite3.0.1Eclipse, OpenOffice2007
LucidWorks Lucid ImaginationOpen Source Search Platform8.2.0 Apache Lucene / Solr 1999
Magento Enterprise MagentoeCommerce2.3.2 Magento [5] 2008
MapBox MapBoxMapping software MapBox 2010?
MariaDB MariaDB Corporation RDBMS 10.4.7MariaDB2008
MongoDB MongoDB Inc. Document Store DBMS4.0.10 MongoDB 2009
Mono Novell (now Xamarin)Open source implementation of Microsoft's .NET application framework6.0.0Mono2004
Mule MuleSoftEnterprise service bus and integration platform3.9.0Mule2003
MySQL Enterprise Oracle Corporation RDBMS 8.0.17 MySQL Community1995
Neo4j Neo4j Graph DBMS3.5.8 Neo4j 2007
NetBeans Oracle Corporation Software development tools
(Java, Ruby, Perl, PHP, etc.)
Odoo OpenERP S.A.ERP, CMS/Ecommerce16.0Odoo2005
Openbravo OpenbravoERP2.33Openbravo ERP2001
OpenSearchServer OpenSearchServerEnterprise Search1.2OpenSearchServer2009
Openshift Red HatMulti-Cloud platform4.6OKD2012
Open vSwitch NiciraSoftware Defined Network2.11.1 Open vSwitch 2009
OpenStack MirantisInfrastructure OpenStack 2010
Open CASCADE Technology Open Cascade SASSoftware library for 3D CAD / CAM / CAE applications7.3Open CASCADE Technology1999
Open Workbench Computer AssociatesProject management / governance tools1.1.6Open Workbench2004
OrangeHRM OrangeHRMHR management2.6.6Orange HRM2006
Palo Business Intelligence Suite Jedox AG Palo is an open-source BI solution for corporate performance management and OLAP-based planning, analysis, consolidation and reporting.2018.1 Jedox AG 2002
Pentaho Business Intelligence Suite PentahoBusiness intelligence, data mining, data integration, analytics, reporting, and dashboards8.2Pentaho Open BI Suite2004
Poseidon for UMLGentlewareSoftware modeling tool8.0ArgoUML1998 Project.netProject and portfolio management9.3projectnet2000
Puppet Puppet Labs Infrastructure configuration management6.0.4Puppet2005
Qt TrolltechGUI development toolkit5.13Qt1995
Rational Application Developer IBMSoftware development tools4.12 Eclipse 2001
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Red Hat Enterprise server and client Linux distribution5.2.10 Linux 1991
Saleor Saleor CommerceEnterprise ecommerce3.0Saleor2012
ScyllaDB ScyllaDB NoSQL database5.4ScyllaDB Open Source2014
Sencha Touch SenchaHTML5 mobile app framework2.4.2Sencha Touch2010
SilverStripe SilverStripeEnterprise CMS and development framework4.4.3SilverStripe2008
Snare InterSect AllianceLog collection and analysis4.0Snare2001
ShelfShelf Asset Management, IncAsset Management Software / Equipment Scheduling1.11.4Shelf.nu2023
Snort Sourcefire Network Intrusion Detection3.0 Snort 1998
Solaris Oracle Corporation Operating system11.4OpenSolaris1992
Sourcegraph Sourcegraph Software_intelligence 5.7 Sourcegraph 2013
Spark Databricks Data analytics framework2.4.3 Apache Spark 2014
Spring Framework SpringSource Software development framework5.1.9Spring2002
SquizSquiz.netEnterprise content management systemv4.8.2 (PHP5)Squiz Matrix1998
StarOffice Oracle Corporation Office productivity suite8.0OpenOffice.org2000
Sun Studio Oracle Corporation Software development tools for C, C++12.6NetBeans2000
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SUSE Enterprise server and client Linux distribution12 openSUSE 2005
Terraform Hashicorp Infrastructure orchestration and management0.12.7 Terraform 2014
TerminusDB TerminusDB Document store and graph database10.0.3TerminusDB2019
TiDB PingCAP NewSQL distributed database3.0 TiDB 2017
Websphere IBMWeb server, application server, middleware1998
Ubuntu Canonical Linux distribution19.04 Ubuntu 2004
Univention Corporate Server Univention GmbH Server operating system5.0-0 Univention Corporate Server 2004
Unreal Engine Epic Games Open source game engine written in C++4.22.3 Unreal Engine 1998
Varnish Fastly Web accelerator 6.2.0Varnish cache2006
Vyatta VyattaRouter, firewall, VPNVC3Vyatta Community2006
Webix XB SoftwareCross-platform JavaScript Framework6.4.0Webix2013
Wordpress Automattic, WP EngineWeb content management system5.2.2 Wordpress 2003
WooCommerce Mike Jolley, James Kostere-commerce plugin for WordPress.7.7.02011
Zarafa ZarafaEmail and calendaring solution7.2.5Zarafa opensource edition2005
YugabyteDB YugabyteNewSQL DBMS2.8YugabyteDB2019
Zenoss Core ZenossApplication, network, and systems management6.2.1Zenoss Core2006
Zmanda ZmandaFile / dbms backup and recovery2.6.1Zmanda Community Edition2005
Zope ZopeContent management system and web portal2.10.5zope.org1999


  1. "Astronomer Raises $5.7 Million in Funding to Deliver Enterprise Grade Apache Airflow". PR Newswire.
  2. "Asterisk Version 1.0 released at Astricon". VentureVoIP. 24 September 2004. Retrieved 26 January 2010.
  3. "Collabora Online 24.04 Release Notes".
  4. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 20 January 2012. Retrieved 2 October 2013.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  5. "Magento Modules Development". Archived from the original on 28 September 2015. Retrieved 27 September 2015.