List of encyclopedias in Latin

Last updated

This is a list of encyclopedias in Latin.

  Printed (paper)
  Digital (online)

*This usually means that volumes of the encyclopaedia were originally printed on paper, but at some point (usually in the 1990s or early 2000s), the encyclopaedia has been digitised and made available in whole or in part in electronic form (usually online, but not necessarily). New entries may or may not be added, while old entries (originally printed) may or may not be updated. Usually, publication of paper-printed editions has been discontinued.

Title in LatinTitle in EnglishPublished
De expetendis et fugiendis rebus On Seeking and Avoiding Things1501
De Medicina On Medicinesc. 45 CE
De natura rerum (Cantimpré) On the Nature of Thingsc. 1237–1244
De Nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii On the Marriage of Philology and Mercuryc. 420 CE
De proprietatibus rerum On the Properties of Thingsc. 1240
De verborum significatione libri XX Twenty Books on the Meaning of Wordsc. 150 CE
Disciplinarum libri IX Nine Books of Disciplines c. 50 BCE
Encyclopaedia Cursus Philosophici Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Course1620–1630
Encyclopaediæ, seu orbis disciplinarum, tam
sacrarum quam prophanarum, epistemon
Encyclopaedia or Knowledge, Both Sacred
and Profane, of the World of Disciplines
Etymologiae Etymologiesc. 625 CE
Fons memorabilium universi Source of Notable Information
about the Universe
c. 1430
Legenda aurea Golden Legend 1265–present
Hortus deliciarum The Garden of Delights1185–1899
Lexicon Universale Universal Encyclopaedia1677–1698
Liber Floridus Book of Flowers1120–1460
Naturalis Historia (Plinius) Natural History (Pliny) 79 CE – present
Naturales quaestiones Natural Questions64 CE – present
Nowe Ateny [a] New Athens1745–present
Omne Bonum Every Good Thingc. 1375
Orbis Pictus [b] Orbis Pictus 1658–1780
Otia Imperialia Recreation for an Emperorc. 1211
Speculum Maius The Greater Mirrorc. 1250–1964
Vicipaedia Latina Latin Wikipedia 2002–present

See also


  1. The book uses the Polish language as the main text, and primarily Latin for the in-line references.
  2. Originally published in Latin in 1658. Best known for its 1666 quadrilingual edition in Latin, German, Italian and French. Many other editions and translations were published.