List of online encyclopedias

Last updated

This is a list of well-known online encyclopedias that are accessible or formerly accessible on the Internet.


The largest online encyclopedias are general reference works, though there are also many specialized ones. Some online encyclopedias are editions of a print encyclopedia, such as Encyclopædia Britannica , whereas others have always existed online, such as Wikipedia.

General reference

NameLanguageDescriptionStatusAccessContent licenseFork ofMerged with
Wikipedia Various (see list here)General interest, wiki ActiveFreeCC BY-SA 4.0, GFDLNoneNone
Nupedia English Combined with GNUpediaDefunctNoneGFDL 1.1 or laterNoneNone
Interpedia English General interest, the first site to propose a free encyclopedia written by usersDefunctNoneUnknownFreeNone
Everipedia English [1] General interestRead-only (archived)Free [2] CC BY 4.0WikipediaNone
Citizendium EnglishGeneral interest, wiki ActiveFree, copyleft CC BY NC SA 3.0NoneNone
Conservapedia [3] [4] English American conservative and Christian interestsActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Scholarpedia EnglishArticles are written by scholars and peer-reviewed for accuracyActiveFreeCC BY NC SA 3.0NoneNone
Encyclopædia Britannica English General interestActiveLimited free access and features, subscription for full accessUnknownNoneNone
Baidu Baike Chinese Collaborative online encyclopedia hosted by the major Chinese search engine company Baidu ActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Enciklopedio Kalblanda Esperanto General interest. The first online encyclopedia in Esperanto DefunctNoneCC BY SA 3.0, GFDLNone Esperanto Wikipedia
EcuRed SpanishGeneral interest. CubanActiveFreeNoneNoneNone EnglishGeneral interestActiveFreeNoneNoneNone Chinese General interest. China's largest wikiActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Brockhaus Enzyklopädie German General interestActiveLimited free access and features, subscription for full accessUnknownNoneNone
Columbia Encyclopedia EnglishGeneral interestActiveFree [5] UnknownNoneNone
Crnogorska Enciklopedija Montenegrin General interest (hopes to encourage a Montenegrin language Wikipedia)DefunctNoneUnknownNoneNone
Croatian Encyclopedia Croatian General and national encyclopediaActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Den Store Danske Encyklopædi Danish General interestActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Digital Universe EnglishCollection of articles on educational, cultural, and scientific topicsDefunctFreeUnknownNoneNone
Doosan Encyclopedia Korean General interestActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Ekşi Sözlük Turkish General interestActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Encarta (1993–2009)EnglishGeneral interestDefunctNoneUnknownNoneNone
Enciclonet SpanishGeneral interestActiveLimited free access and features, subscription for full accessNoneNoneNone
Encyclopædia Britannica 11th Edition (1910–11)EnglishGeneral interestDefunctPublic domain: completely free access from several online sourcesNoneNoneNone
Encyclopedia of China ChineseGeneral interestActiveSubscriptionUnknownNoneNone
Từ điển bách khoa Việt Nam Vietnamese General interest. State-sponsored encyclopedia.ActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Encyklopedia Internautica Polish General interestActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Enciclopedia Libre Universal en Español Spanish Fork of the Spanish Wikipedia, using wiki software, released under the GFDL DefunctFree, copyleft UnknownNoneNone
Encyclopædia Universalis French General interest encyclopedia published by Encyclopædia BritannicaActiveSubscriptionUnknownNoneNone
Everything2 EnglishGeneral interest, users can submit articles on the topic of essentially anythingActiveFreeNoneNoneNone
The Free Dictionary English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Chinese, Portuguese, Dutch, Norwegian, Greek, Arabic, Polish, Turkish, RussianTheFreeDictionary's Encyclopedia draws from various sources, including The Columbia Encyclopedia .ActiveFreeNoneNoneNone
GNE EnglishGeneral interest articles are released under a GNU license. Formerly GNUpedia.DefunctNoneUnknownNoneNone
Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana Catalan General interestActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Grand Larousse encyclopédique FrenchGeneral interestActiveFreeNoneNoneNone
Great Norwegian Encyclopedia Norwegian (Bokmål) General interestActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Great Russian Encyclopedia RussianGeneral interestActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Great Soviet Encyclopedia Russian, EnglishGeneral interest, often from the former official Soviet viewpoint.ActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Hamichlol Hebrew, EnglishGeneral interest, designed for Haredim ActiveFree. Copyleft: mirror of Wikipedia content; copyright: original content.UnknownWikipediaNone
Internetowa encyklopedia PWN Polish General interestActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Krugosvet (Rus. Кругосвет) Russian General interest.ActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Marathi Vishwakosh Marathi General InterestActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Marefa Arabic General interestActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Mawdoo3 Arabic General interestActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Metapedia Hungarian, German, English, Spanish, Swedish, Romanian, Estonian, French, Slovenian, Czech, Portuguese, Norwegian, Danish, Greek, Dutch Far right-wing, white nationalist and neo nazi encyclopedia [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] ActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Meyers Konversations-Lexikon 4. ed. 1888 - 1892 GermanGeneral interestDefunctaccess from several online sourcesUnknownNoneNone
Namuwiki Korean General interestActiveFreeCC-BY-NC-SA 2.0 KR Rigveda Wiki None
Nationalencyklopedin Swedish General interest, comprehensiveActiveSubscriptionUnknownNoneNone
New World Encyclopedia EnglishProject of the Unification movement ActiveFree. Wikipedia fork.CC BY SA 3.0, GFDLWikipediaNone
Oeconomische Encyclopädie (1773-1858)GermanGeneral interestDefunctPublic domain: completely free access from several online sourcesNoneNoneNone
Oxford Bibliographies Online EnglishActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Probert EncyclopaediaEnglishGeneral interestDefunctNoneUnknownNoneNone
Proleksis Encyclopedia Croatian General and national encyclopediaActiveFree with registrationUnknownNoneNone
Ruwiki RussianGeneral interest, forked from Russian Wikipedia during the Russo-Ukrainian war ActiveFreeCC BY-SA 4.0 Russian Wikipedia None
Rigveda Wiki Korean General interestActiveFreeCC-BY-NC-SA 2.0 KRNoneNone
Sarvavijnanakosam Malayalam General interestActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Sogou Baike Chinese Collaborative online encyclopedia hosted by the major Chinese search engine company Sogou ActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Superpedia Indonesian, Sundanese, Javanese General interestActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone (2001–09) Swedish A Swedish language wikiDefunctNoneUnknownNoneNone
Tamil Encyclopedia Tamil General InterestActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Treccani ItalianGeneral interestActiveFreeNoneNoneNone
Veropedia English, Dutch, SpanishMirrors stable versions of selected English Wikipedia articlesDefunctNoneUnknownNoneNone
Visuotinė lietuvių enciklopedija Lithuanian General interestActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
WIEM Encyklopedia Polish General interestActiveFreeUnknownNoneNone
Winkler Prins Dutch General interest, three different age levelsActiveSubscriptionUnknownNoneNone
World Book Encyclopedia EnglishGeneral interestActiveSubscriptionUnknownNoneNone
Klexikon GermanGeneral interest for children aged six to twelve yearsActiveFreeCC BY-SA 3.0NoneNone


Afro-American Encyclopaedia EnglishClassic historical encyclopedia (1895)Free
Australian Dictionary of Biography EnglishEntries on notable Australians who have diedFree
Croatian Biographical Lexicon Croatian Multi-volume biographical reference work on notable figures from Croatian historyFree
Deutsche Biographie German Biographies on notable German speaking peopleFree
American National Biography EnglishBiographies of notable AmericansSubscription
Dictionary of Irish Architects EnglishBiographical information on Irish architects from 1720 to 1940Free
Kdo byl kdo Czech Biographies on notable Czech and Slovak people Free
Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815–1950 German Biographies on notable AustriansFree
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography EnglishComprehensive 66-volume reference work on notable figures from British historySubscription
Dictionary of New Zealand Biography English, Māori Entries on notable New Zealanders who have diedFree
Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani ItalianBiographical Dictionary of Italian People, published by the Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani Free

Antiquities, arts, and literature

Dictionary of Art Historians EnglishCovers topics relating to art historians, art critics, and their dictionariesFree
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities EnglishIncorporates text from the 19th-century encyclopedia of the same name. Focuses on topics of cultural and historical Greek and Roman significance.Free
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology EnglishFocuses on topics dealing with Greek and Roman mythology and peopleFree
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography EnglishFocuses on topics relating to Greek and Roman geographyFree
Enciclopedia Dantesca ItalianDevoted to Dante Alighieri and his time, by the Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani Free
The Encyclopedia of Fantasy English [12] Free
Encyclopedia Mythica EnglishCovers folklore, mythology, and religion. [13] Free
Harper's Dictionary of Classical Literature and Antiquities EnglishCovers subjects of classical antiquity; text from 1898Free
The History of Nordic Women's Literature English, Danish, SwedishSearchable online English-language version including many biographiesFree
Kindlers Literatur Lexikon GermanOnline-only since 2009, covers works and writers of world literature Subscription
The Literary Encyclopedia EnglishLiterature related articlesSubscription
Oxford Art Online EnglishVisual art; formerly Grove Art Online and The Dictionary of Art. Originally published in 1996 as a 34-volume printed encyclopedia; offered online since 1998.Subscription [14]
SIKART English, German, French, ItalianBiographical dictionary and database of Swiss visual artFree

Regional interest

Agropedia Covers topics related to agriculture in India
Austria-Forum German, EnglishOnline database of Austrian cultureFree
Banglapedia Bengali, EnglishBangladesh-related topicsFree
The Canadian Encyclopedia English, FrenchGeneral interest regarding Canada and Canadiana (original content of the hard copy Canadian Encyclopedia)Free
Chalo Chatu EnglishCollaborative online encyclopedia hosted by Chalo Chatu Foundation featuring comprehensive articles on Zambian culture and history, etc.Free
Culinary Heritage of Switzerland German, French, Italian, RomanshOnline encyclopedia of traditional Swiss cuisine and produce. [15] Free
DEDI English, Slovene Online encyclopedia of the natural and cultural heritage of Slovenia, operated by the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Scientific Research Center. [16] Free
Dictionary of Sydney EnglishArticles on the history and culture of Sydney, Australia Free
Encyclopaedia of Islam , 3rd editionEnglishAbout the Islamic world, not a Muslim encyclopediaSubscription
Encyclopædia Iranica English, plans for a future Persian versionTopics on Iranology and the influence of the Iranian peoples throughout historyFree
The Encyclopaedia of Korea [17] EnglishKorea-related topics [18] Free
Encyclopedia of Korean Culture Korean Korea-related topicsFree
Encyclopedia Sindhiana Sindhi General interest regarding Sindh Limited free access and features
Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine English Ukraine, its history, people, geography, society, economy, and cultural heritage, based on the five-volume print Encyclopedia of UkraineFree
Gazetteer for Scotland EnglishArticles on the geography and locations of Scotland Free
Historical Dictionary of Switzerland French, German and ItalianArticles on the history of Switzerland.Free (without illustrations)
Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan EnglishComprehensive articles on Japanese arts, culture, history, and politics, etc.Subscription
Oslo byleksikon Bokmål (Norwegian)Online encyclopedia of Oslo, operated by the Society for Oslo Byes Vel, with an emphasis on places, buildings and historical events. [19] Free
Panyathai Thai, limited EnglishGeneral interest. Designed to honor the Thai king Bhumibol Adulyadej Free
Sahapedia EnglishOpen encyclopedic resource on the arts, cultures, and histories of India. [20] Free
Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand English, Māori Site operated by the New Zealand government regarding information about the countryFree
Vienna History Wiki GermanArticles on the history of the city of Vienna, Austria. Includes 31,000 entries from the 2nd edition of Historisches Lexikon Wien.Free
Turkpidya English, German, Danish, Spanish, French, Italian, Hungarian, Dutch, Portuguese, Romanian, Turkish, Croatian, Polish, Czech, Greek, Bulgarian, Russian, Serbian, Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, Japanese, and Korean.Online encyclopedia about Turkey and Turkic Nations Free
Unam Wiki KoreanWiki with stated South Korean conservative leanings. [21] Free


64 Parishes EnglishOnline encyclopedia of Louisiana, run by the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities. [22] Free
Encyclopedia of Alabama EnglishEncyclopedia covering the state of Alabama, sponsored by the Alabama Humanities Foundation.Free
Encyclopedia of Appalachia EnglishDedicated to the region, people, culture, history, and geography of Appalachia.Defunct
Encyclopedia of Arkansas EnglishProject of the Central Arkansas Library System and is the only U.S. state encyclopedia sponsored by a public libraryFree
Encyclopedia of Chicago EnglishFree
Encyclopedia Virginia EnglishEncyclopedia funded by the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities and Library of Virginia, covering topics on Virginia Free
Handbook of Texas EnglishArticles on the U.S. State of Texas Free
HistoryLink EnglishArticles about Washington state historyFree
MNopedia EnglishOnline encyclopedia about Minnesota, published by the Minnesota Historical Society. [23] Free
NCPedia EnglishEncyclopedia coordinated and managed by the North Carolina Government and State Library of North Carolina, covering a broad spectrum of topics and resources about North Carolina. [24] Free
New Georgia Encyclopedia EnglishArticles on the U.S. state Georgia Free
The Oregon Encyclopedia EnglishArticles about Oregon Free
Tennessee Encyclopedia EnglishCovers the state of Tennessee Free

Pop culture and fiction

Don Markstein's Toonopedia EnglishFocuses on articles about print and animated cartoonsFree
The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction EnglishAuthors, books, films of sci-fi.Free
Emojipedia EnglishEmojiFree
Fringepedia EnglishContains articles about the American television drama Fringe .Free
h2g2 EnglishCollection of sometimes humorous encyclopedia articles, based on Douglas Adams's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy .Free
Heroes Wiki English, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish Contains articles pertaining to the American television drama Heroes .Free
Know Your Meme EnglishA website and video series which uses wiki software to document various Internet memes and other online phenomena, such as viral videos, image macros, catchphrases, and internet celebrities. [25] [26] Free
Lostpedia English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, ChineseContains articles pertaining to the hit drama Lost Free
Memory Alpha English, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, Esperanto, French, German, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish Articles about Star Trek Free
LyricWiki (2006–20) Multilingual Wiki-based lyrics database and encyclopediaDefunct
Pixiv Encyclopedia Japanese Japanese pop-culture encyclopediaFree
The Rocklopedia Fakebandica EnglishArticles on fake bands from popular entertainmentFree
Supernatural Wiki EnglishContains articles about the American television drama Supernatural .Free
Tolkien Gateway English J.R.R. Tolkien -related articlesFree
TV Tropes English, German, Esperanto, Spanish, French, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish, Al Bhed, QuenyaArticles related to the devices and conventions that a fiction writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectationsFree
Fallout Wiki English, German, Spanish, Bulgarian, Finnish, French, Georgian, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Turkish, Chinese Fallout -related articlesFree
Wookieepedia English, German, Spanish, Bulgarian, Danish, Finnish, French, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Romanian, Slovak, Slovene, Swedish, Turkish, Chinese Star Wars -related articlesFree
Wowpedia / Warcraft Wiki English, German, Spanish, French, Czech, Danish, Greek, Persian, Finnish, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Dutch, Nynorsk, Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Korean, Japanese, Chinese Warcraft -related articlesFree


Encyclopedia of Mathematics EnglishEncompasses articles on the topic of mathematics Free
Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers EnglishInformation about ten thousands of triangle centers, including coordinates, operations, incidence, equations, etc.Free
EqWorld English, RussianArticles on mathematical equations Free
MathWorld EnglishArticles on a wide variety of mathematics related topicsFree
On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences EnglishInformation about hundred thousands of integer sequences, including formulas, related sequences, programs, etc.Free/CC BY-NC 3.0
PlanetMath English Mathematics related topics and articlesFree/GNU
Stacks Project EnglishA mathematics textbook writing project with the aim to cover "algebraic stacks and the algebraic geometry needed to define them"Free
nLab English Category theory and related topicsFree


Bulgarian Rock Archives Bulgarian Archives of Bulgarian rock bands.Free
Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia EnglishEncyclopedia of Canadian pop musicFree [27]
Encyclopaedia Metallum EnglishArchives of heavy metal bandsFree
Grove Music Online EnglishMostly on historic and classical music worldwide. It is the online version of The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians , which has 20 printed volumes and was first published in 1980.Subscription [14]
IMDb English, German, French, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Turkish, and SpanishInformation related to world films, television programs, home videos, video games, and internet streams Free
MusicBrainz English, German, French, Italian, DutchAn open music encyclopedia that collects music metadata. [28] Free
MOOMA Hebrew Articles on Israeli music and musical artistsFree
PCGamingWiki EnglishCovers PC gaming Free
Rock in China EnglishDocuments and archives contemporary Chinese music, ranging from rock music to punk, metal, electro, jazz and hip-hop Free


Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy EnglishPhilosophy subjectsFree
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy EnglishPhilosophy articlesSubscription
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy EnglishPhilosophy related articlesFree
Marxists Internet Archive Multilingual Topics related to the study of Marxism Free

Politics, law, and history

Ballotpedia EnglishAmerican politics, elections, and public policyFree
The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics EnglishEconomics – part of the Library of Economics and Liberty. Edited by David R. Henderson Free
Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy, and the Political History of the United States EnglishArticles about science, economics, and American authors. The 1899 edition is available onlineFree
Diplopedia English US State Department internal encyclopedic wiki, available for diplomats and overseas US agents to useAccess only through the State Department
dKosopedia EnglishPolitical encyclopedia written from a progressive/liberal Democratic point of viewFree
Encyclopedia Titanica EnglishEncyclopedia related to the building and sinking of the RMS TitanicFree
Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential EnglishPresents articles on perceived human problemsFree
Gapminder EnglishHistorical global trends in health, poverty, and demographicsFree EnglishGay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer culture.Free
HistoryLink EnglishArticles on the history of Washington state Free
Holocaust Encyclopedia English, Arabic, Persian, French, SpanishHolocaust-related articles, published by the United States Holocaust Memorial MuseumFree
JurisPedia Arabic, English, Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Dutch An academic encyclopedia on the concepts of lawFree
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law EnglishEncyclopedia on public International Law Free
Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence FrenchElectronic database focusing on massacres and genocides of the 20th century. [29] Free
Our World in Data EnglishGlobal trends on economic growth, poverty, health, war, violence, education, and demographicsFree
Spartacus Educational EnglishFree
World History Encyclopedia EnglishThe world's most-read history encyclopedia, covering world history from all time periods; reviewed by an editorial team, not a Wiki. [30] Free

Religion and theology

AhmadiPedia EnglishDedicated to the study of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.Free, public domain
Catholic Encyclopedia EnglishTopics relating to Catholicism, text from 1913 and 1922Free, public domain
Christian Cyclopedia EnglishCollection of historical and theological informationFree
Easton's Bible Dictionary EnglishArticles on Christianity and theologyFree, public domain
Encyclopaedia Biblica EnglishContains articles about "the Literary, Political and Religious History, the Archaeology, Geography, and Natural History of the Bible"Free
Encyclopedia of Mormonism EnglishArticles by Mormon academics on history and doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church).Free
Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online EnglishTopics relating to Anabaptism and Mennonites Free
İslâm Ansiklopedisi Turkish Articles on topics concerning Islamic studies.Free
The Jewish Encyclopedia EnglishTopics relating to Judaism Free
Jewish Virtual Library EnglishPortals to essential Jewish topicsFree
Encyclopedia Mythica EnglishCovers folklore, mythology, and religion. [13] Free
Punjabipedia Punjabi Entries on SikhismSubscription
Schaff–Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge EnglishChristian, published 1908–1914Free, public domain
WikiShia Various (see list here)Shia Islam, published since 2013Free

Science and technology

sv:Elephant Encyclopedia EnglishContains articles on the subject of elephants since 1995Free
Encyclopedia Astronautica EnglishContains articles on the subject of space exploration and astronomy, no longer updated since 2019Free
Encyclopedia of Earth EnglishArticles on the Earth and its ecosystemsFree
Engineering and Technology History Wiki EnglishThe history of technology, a partnership between the United Engineering Foundation, and the AIChE, AIME, ASCE, ASME, IEEE, SPE, and SWEFree
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing EnglishComputing and related subjectsFree
Glottopedia EnglishLinguisticsFree
Javapedia EnglishCoverage of all topics related to the Java Platform Free
Omniglot EnglishCovers languages and writing systems.Free
Proteopedia EnglishWiki-based 3D encyclopedia of proteins and other molecules.Free
RP Photonics Encyclopedia English Laser technology, photonics, and various other areas of photonics such as nonlinear optics, non-laser light sources, fiber optics, and ultrashort pulses of light.Free
ScienceWorld EnglishCovers astronomy, scientific biography, chemistry, and physics. Like MathWorld, it is edited by Eric Weisstein.Free

Life sciences

Animal Diversity Web EnglishStudent wiki-type database at the University of Michigan of animal natural history, distribution, classification, and conservation biology.Free
APpedia ChineseContains articles on the subject of general animal protection Free
ARKive EnglishVisual and audio recordings of the world's speciesDefunct
Encyclopedia of Life English, FrenchSeeks to categorize all 1.8 million known species on the planetFree
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences English Biology related articlesSubscription
Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems EnglishArticles about the natural and social sciences Subscription
Erowid EnglishInformation about psychoactive substancesFree
FishBase English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Dutch,
Chinese (Simplified Han), Chinese (Traditional Han), Greek, Swedish, Russian, Persian, Vietnamese, Thai, Lao, Hindi, Bengali
Articles on fish speciesFree
Flora Europaea EnglishCovers different plant speciesFree
King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Arabic Health Encyclopedia Arabic, EnglishHealth encyclopediaFree
Palaeos EnglishCovers palaeontology Free
World Flora Online EnglishCovers the world's plant speciesFree
Wikispecies EnglishSeeks to create a catalog of all living thingsFree
ZipcodeZoo EnglishEncyclopedia of all living thingsDefunct


Ganfyd EnglishOnline medical wiki Defunct
Radiopaedia EnglishArticles on medical imaging used in radiology and radiography Free
WikEM EnglishAn emergency medicine open-access source [31] Free

See also


  1. James, Andrea (12 June 2017). "Can Everipedia remake collaborative encyclopedias to be inclusive and enjoyable?". Boing Boing .
  2. Lee, Elaine (22 March 2016). "Wharton dropout creates Wikipedia alternative alongside Rap Genius co-founder". The Daily Pennsylvanian .
  3. Anderson, Nate (2007-03-05). "Conservapedia hopes to "fix" Wikipedia's "liberal bias"" . Retrieved 2019-04-05.
  4. Stöcker, Christian (2007-03-06). "The Lord's Encyclopedia" . Retrieved 2019-06-08.
  5. See word search
  6. Perrine Signoret (27 June 2017). "Infogalactic, Metapedia, Conservapedia: l'extrême droite aussi a ses "Wikipédia"". (in French). Retrieved 13 November 2019.
  7. Adam G. Klein (June 2010). A Space for Hate: The White Power Movement's Adaptation Into Cyberspace. Litwin Books. pp. 93, 104–105. ISBN   978-1-936117-07-9.
  8. Haines, Lester (2007-07-23). "Conservapedia too pinko? Try Metapedia - Aryans battle 'Cultural Marxism'". The Register . Situation Publishing. Archived from the original on 28 June 2011. Retrieved 9 March 2011.
  9. Schweyer, Cléo (2009-07-15). "L'extrême droite s'offre une seconde jeunesse sur le web". (in French). Babel International. Archived from the original on 20 July 2011. Retrieved 9 March 2011.
  10. "Metapedia" als nationales Pendant zu "Wikipedia" Archived 15 May 2013 at the Wayback Machine (i.e "Metapedia" as a nationalist counterpart to "Wikipedia") from: "Report by the NRW Office for the Protection of the Constitution for the year 2008" by the Ministry of Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia. pp. 59f. (in German)
  11. Sobel Fitts, Alexis. "Welcome to the Wikipedia of the Alt-Right | Backchannel". Wired . ISSN   1059-1028 . Retrieved 2021-04-13.
  12. "SF Encyclopedia Editorial Home".
  13. 1 2 "About | Encyclopedia Mythica". Retrieved 2021-03-01.
  14. 1 2 In UK, can normally be accessed free via a local library
  15. "A propos Patrimoine culinaire". Retrieved 2021-03-01.
  16. "". Archived from the original on 2021-01-20. Retrieved 2021-03-01.
  17. Encyclopaedia of Korea. The Australian National University. 13 September 2013.
  18. "Asian Library Resources of Australia (ALRA) (formerly EALRGA)". Retrieved 2021-03-01.
  19. "Oslo Byleksikon – Oslo Byleksikon". Retrieved 2021-03-01.
  20. "About Us." Sahapedia. Retrieved March 1, 2021.
  21. 김, 성훈 (2018-08-20). "자유진영 지성의 보고(寶庫), '우남위키' 탄생". 블루투데이 (in Korean). Retrieved 2024-02-08.
  22. "About Us". 64 Parishes. Retrieved 2021-03-01.
  23. "About MNopedia | MNopedia". Retrieved 2021-03-01.
  24. "About NCpedia | NCpedia". Retrieved 2021-03-01.
  25. Bruenig, Elizabeth (11 August 2017). "Why is millennial humor so weird?". The Washington Post .
  26. Manning, Allee (31 December 2016). "The Darkest, Dankest Year In Memes". Vocativ . Archived from the original on 12 February 2020. Retrieved 17 December 2017.
  27. "The Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia". The Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia. Retrieved 2021-03-01.
  28. "MusicBrainz - The Open Music Encyclopedia". Retrieved 2021-03-01.
  29. The Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence. Retrieved March 1, 2021. Archived. ISSN   1961-9898
  30. "About Us". World History Encyclopedia . Retrieved 2021-03-01.
  31. "WikEM". Retrieved 2021-03-01.