List of legendary creatures (R)

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Australian Aboriginal rock painting of the "Rainbow Serpent". RainbowSerpent.jpg
Australian Aboriginal rock painting of the "Rainbow Serpent".
  1. (Norse) – Spirit that protects a specific place
  2. Rabisu (Akkadian) – Vampiric spirit that ambushes people
  3. Radande (Swedish) – Tree spirit
  4. Ragana (Lithuanian) – Malevolent witch
  5. Raijū (Japanese) – Lightning spirit
  6. Rain Bird (Native American) – Rain spirit
  7. Rainbow crow (Lenape) – Crow spirit
  8. Rainbow Serpent (Australian Aboriginal) – Snake
  9. Rakshasa (Buddhist and Hindu) – Shapeshifting demon
  10. Ramidreju (Cantabrian) – Extremely long, weasel-like animal
  11. Raróg (Slavic) – Whirlwind spirit
  12. Raven Mocker (Cherokee) – Life-draining spirit
  13. Raven Spirit (Native American, Norse, and Siberian) – Trickster spirit
  14. Ratatoskr (Norse) – Squirrel spirit
  15. Raystown Ray (American Folklore) – Possible plesiosaur or serpent
  16. Redcap (English) – Evil, ugly humanoid
  17. Re’em (Jewish) – Gigantic land animal
  18. Reichsadler (Heraldic) – Eagle, sometimes depicted with two heads
  19. Rephaite (Jewish) – Giant
  20. Reptilian humanoid (Global) – Human-lizard hybrid
  21. Revenant (Worldwide) – Reanimated dead
  22. Roc (Arabian and Persian) – Gigantic bird
  23. Rokurokubi (Japanese) – Long-necked, humanoid trickster
  24. Rompo (Africa and India) – Skeletal creature with elements of a rabbit, badger, and bear
  25. Rồng – (Vietnamese) dragon
  26. Rougarou (French America) – Human-wolf shapeshifter
  27. Rusalka (Slavic) – Female water spirit
  28. RyūJapanese dragon