List of legendary creatures (H)

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Hippocampus drawn from a fresco in Pompeii Hippokampos, Nordisk familjebok.png
Hippocampus drawn from a fresco in Pompeii
  1. Hábrók (Nordic) – listed as the "best" hawk
  2. Hadhayosh (Persian) – gigantic land animal
  3. Hades (Greek) – Ruler of the Underworld
  4. Haetae (Korean) – dog-lion hybrid
  5. Hag (Many cultures worldwide) – wise old woman who is usually a malevolent spirit or a disguised goddess
  6. Haietlik (Nuu-chah-nulth) – water serpent
  7. Halloi (Sanamahism) - natural maiden spirits of celestial origin
  8. Hai-uri (Khoikhoi) – male cannibalistic partially invisible monster
  9. Hakutaku (Japanese) – talking beast which handed down knowledge on harmful spirits
  10. Hākuturi (Māori) – nature guardian
  11. Half-elf (Nordic) – human-elf hybrid
  12. Haltija (Finnish) – spirit that protects a specific place
  13. Hamadryad (Greek) – oak tree nymph
  14. Hamingja (Scandinavian) – personal protection spirit
  15. Hamsa (Buddhist, Hindu and Jainism) – mystic bird
  16. Hanau epe (Rapa Nui) – long-eared humanoid
  17. Hantu Air (Malay) – shapeshifting water spirit
  18. Hantu Demon (Philippine) – demon
  19. Hantu Raya (Malay) – demonic servant
  20. Harionago (Japanese) – humanoid female with barbed, prehensile hair
  21. Harpy (Greek) – birdlike human-headed death spirit
  22. Haugbúi (Nordic) – undead being who lives in its burial mound
  23. Havsrå (Nordic) – saltwater spirit
  24. Helloi (Meitei mythology) – celestial maidens, daughters of the Sky God Salailen
  25. Headless Horseman (European) – humanoid spirit who haunts or kills
  26. Headless Mule (Brazilian) – fire-spewing, headless, spectral mule
  27. Hecatonchires (Greek) – primordial giants with 100 hands and fifty heads
  28. Heikegani (Japanese) – crabs with human-faced shells, the spirits of warriors killed in the Battle of Dan-no-ura
  29. Heinzelmännchen (German) – household spirit
  30. Helead (Greek) – fen nymph
  31. Hellhound (Many cultures worldwide) – underworld dog
  32. Heracles (Greek) – gatekeeper of Olympus
  33. Hercinia (Medieval Bestiaries) – glowing bird
  34. Herensuge (Basque) – dragon
  35. Hesperides (Greek) – nymph daughters of Atlas
  36. Hidebehind (United States) – nocturnal forest creature
  37. Hiderigami (Japanese) – drought spirit
  38. Hieracosphinx (Ancient Egypt) – falcon-headed sphinx
  39. Hihi (Japanese) – baboon monster
  40. Hiisi (Finnish) – nature guardian
  41. Hippalectryon (Greek) – a horse-rooster hybrid
  42. Hippocamp (Etruscan, Greek and Phoenician) – horse-fish hybrid
  43. Hippogriff (Medieval Bestiaries) – hybrid of a griffin and horse; a lion-eagle-horse hybrid
  44. Hippopodes (Medieval Bestiary) – horse-hoofed humanoid
  45. Hircocervus (Medieval Bestiary) – deer-goat hybrid
  46. Hitodama (Japanese) – ghosts of the newly dead, which take the form of fireballs
  47. Hitotsume-kozō (Japanese) – one-eyed childlike spirit
  48. Hob (English) – house spirit
  49. Hobbididance (English) – malevolent spirit
  50. Hobgoblin (Medieval) – friendly or amusing goblin
  51. Hodag (United States) – frog-mammoth-lizard hybrid
  52. Hokhokw (Kwakiutl) – bird
  53. Hōkō (Japanese) – dog-like Chinese tree spirit
  54. Hó͘-ko͘-pô (Taiwanese) – a tiger spirit
  55. Homa (Persian) – eagle-lion hybrid, similar to a griffin
  56. Hombre Caiman (Colombian) – human-alligator hybrid
  57. Hombre Gato (Latin America) – human-cat hybrid
  58. Homunculus (Alchemy) – small animated construct
  59. Hō-ō (Japanese) – rooster-swallow-fowl-snake-goose-tortoise-stag-fish hybrid
  60. Hoopoe (multiple cultures) – near passerine bird common to Africa and Eurasia that features in many mythologies in those continents
  61. Hoop snake (United States, Canada, and Australia) – snake which rolls by taking its tail in its mouth
  62. Horned Serpent (Native American) – serpentine rain spirit
  63. Hotoke (Japanese) – deceased person
  64. Houri (Islamic) – heavenly beings
  65. Hraesvelg (Norse) – Jötunn, who in eagle form, creates the wind by beating his wings
  66. Hrímþurs (Nordic) – Rime or frost jötunn
  67. Huaychivo (Mayan) – human-deer hybrid
  68. Hue-tsiau (Taiwanese) – firebird
  69. Huginn and Muninn (Norse) – pair of ravens associated with the Norse god Odin whose names mean Thought and Memory
  70. Huldufólk (Icelandic/Faroese) – secret mound/rock dwelling elves
  71. Hulder (Scandinavian) – forest spirit
  72. Huli jing (Chinese) – nine-tailed fox spirit
  73. Huma (Persian) – regenerative fire bird
  74. Humbaba (Akkadian) – lion-faced giant
  75. Hundun (Chinese) – chaos spirit
  76. Hupia (Taíno) – nocturnal ghost
  77. Hyakume (Japanese) – hundred-eyes creature
  78. Hydra (Greek) – multi-headed water serpent/dragon
  79. Hydrus (or Hydros) (Medieval Bestiary) – a water snake with various abilities
  80. Hyōsube (Japanese) – hair-covered kappa
  81. Hypnalis (Medieval Bestiary) – snake that kills its victims in their sleep
  82. Hudhud (Islamic) – a legendary hoopoe bird

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