List of legendary creatures (C)

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A representation of a Clurichaun in T. C. Croker's Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland Celtic Fairy Tales-1892-048-1.jpg
A representation of a Clurichaun in T. C. Croker's Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland
  1. Cabeiri (Greek) – Smith and wine spirit
  2. Cacus (Roman) – Fire-breathing giant
  3. Cadejo (Central America) – Cow-sized dog-goat hybrid
  4. Cailleach (Scottish) – Divine creator and weather deity hag
  5. Caipora (Tupi) – Fox-human hybrid and nature spirit
  6. Caladrius (Medieval Bestiary) – White bird that can foretell if a sick person will recover or die
  7. Calingi (Medieval Bestiary) – Humanoid with an eight-year lifespan
  8. Callitrix (Medieval Bestiary) – Apes who always bear twins, one the mother loves, the other it hates
  9. Calydonian Boar (Greek) – Giant, chthonic boar
  10. Calygreyhound (Heraldic) – Wildcat-deer/antelope-eagle-ox-lion hybrid
  11. Camahueto (Chilota) – One-horned calf
  12. Cambion (Medieval folklore) – Offspring of a human and an incubus or succubus
  13. Campe (Greek) – Dragon-human-scorpion hybrid
  14. Camulatz (Mayan) – Bird that ate the heads of the first men
  15. Candileja (Colombian) – Spectral, fiery hag
  16. Canaima (Guyanese) – Were-jaguar
  17. Canotila (Lakota) – Little people and tree spirits
  18. Caoineag (Scottish) – Death spirit (a particular type of Banshee/Bean Sídhe)
  19. Čhápa (Lakota) – Beaver spirit
  20. Chareng (Meitei mythology) — Semi-hornbill, semi-human creature
  21. Căpcăun (Romanian) – Large, monstrous humanoid
  22. Carbuncle (Latin America) – Small creature with a jewel on its head
  23. Catoblepas (Medieval Bestiary) – Scaled buffalo-hog hybrid
  24. Cat Sidhe (Scottish) – Fairy cat
  25. Ceasg (Scottish) – Benevolent Scottish mermaids
  26. Ceffyl Dŵr (Welsh) – Malevolent water horse
  27. Centaur (Greek) – Human-horse hybrid
  28. Centicore (Indian) – Horse-Antelope-Lion-Bear hybrid
  29. Cerastes (Greek) – Extremely flexible, horned snake
  30. Cerberus (Greek) – Three-headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld
  31. Cercopes (Greek) – Mischievous forest spirit
  32. Cericopithicus (Medieval Bestiary) – Apes who always bear twins, one the mother loves, the other it hates
  33. Ceryneian Hind (Greek) – Hind with golden antlers and bronze or brass hooves
  34. Cetus
  35. Chakora (Hindu) – Lunar bird
  36. Chalkydri (Apocryphal writings) – Angelic birds
  37. Chamrosh (Persian) – Dog-bird hybrid
  38. Chaneque (Aztec) – Little people and nature spirits
  39. Changeling (European) – Humanoid child (fairy, elf, troll, etc.) substituted for a kidnapped human child
  40. Charybdis (Greek) – Sea monster in the form of a giant mouth
  41. Chenoo (Mi'kmaq/Algonquian) – Giant, human-eating ice monsters; former humans who either committed terrible crime(s) or were possessed by evil spirits, turning their hearts to ice
  42. Chepi (Narragansett) – Ancestral spirit that instructs tribe members
  43. Cherufe (Mapuche) – Volcano-dwelling monster
  44. Cheval Mallet (French) – Evil horse who runs away with travelers
  45. Cheval Gauvin (French) – Evil horse who drowns riders, similar to kelpie
  46. Church grim (Germanic) – Guardian spirit
  47. Chibaiskweda (Abenaki) – Ghost of an improperly buried person
  48. Chichevache – Human-faced cow that feeds on good women
  49. Chickcharney (Bahamian) – Bird-mammal hybrid
  50. Chimaera (Greek) – Lion-goat-snake hybrid
  51. Chindi (Navajo) – Vengeful ghost that causes dust devils
  52. Chinthe (Burmese) – Temple-guarding feline, similar to Chinese Shi and Japanese Shisa
  53. Chitauli (Zulu) – Human-lizard hybrid
  54. Chōchin'obake (Japanese) – Animated paper lantern
  55. Chol (Biblical mythology) – Regenerative bird
  56. Chollima (Korean) – Supernaturally fast horse
  57. Chonchon (Mapuche) – Disembodied, flying head
  58. Choorile (Guyanese) – Ghost of a woman that died in childbirth
  59. Chromandi (Medieval Bestiary) – Hairy savage with dog teeth
  60. Chrysaor (Greek) – Giant son of the gorgon Medusa
  61. Chrysomallus (Greek mythology) – Golden winged ram
  62. Chukwa (Hindu) – Giant turtle that supports the world
  63. Chullachaki
  64. Chupacabra (Latin America) – Cryptid beast named for its habit of sucking the blood of livestock
  65. Churel (Hindu) – Vampiric, female ghost
  66. Ciguapa (Dominican Republic) – Malevolent seductress
  67. Cihuateteo (Aztec) – Ghost of women that died in childbirth
  68. Cikavac (Serbian) – Bird that serves its owner
  69. Cinnamon bird (Medieval Bestiaries) – Giant bird that makes its nest out of cinnamon
  70. Cipactli (Aztec) – Sea monster, crocodile-fish hybrid
  71. Cipitio (Salvadoran folklore)
  72. Cirein cròin (Scottish) – Sea serpent
  73. Coblynau (Welsh) – Little people and mine spirits
  74. Cockatrice (Medieval Bestiaries) – Chicken-lizard hybrid
  75. Cofgod (English) – Cove god
  76. Colo Colo (Mapuche) – Rat-bird hybrid that can shapeshift into a serpent
  77. Corycian nymphs (Greek) – Nymph of the Corycian Cave
  78. Cretan Bull (Greek) – Monstrous bull
  79. Crinaeae (Greek) – Fountain nymph
  80. Criosphinx (Ancient Egypt) – Ram-headed sphinx
  81. Crocotta (Medieval Bestiaries) – Monstrous dog-wolf
  82. The Cu Bird (Mexican) – El Pájaro Cu; a bird
  83. Cuco (Latin America) – Bogeyman
  84. Cucuy (Latin America) – Malevolent spirit
  85. Cuegle (Cantabrian) – Monstrous, three-armed humanoid
  86. Cuélebre (Asturian and Cantabrian) – Dragon
  87. Curupira (Tupi) – Nature spirit
  88. Cu Sith (Scottish) – Gigantic fairy dog
  89. Cŵn Annwn (Welsh) – Underworld hunting dog
  90. Cyclops (Greek) – One-eyed giant
  91. Cyhyraeth (Welsh) – Death spirit
  92. Cynocephalus (Medieval Bestiaries) – Dog-headed humanoid

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