This is a list of museums in Denmark .
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List of museums in Denmark by visitors in 2015 [1]
Museum | Visitors | Under 18 (not education) | Under 18 (education) | Yearly opening hours |
Nationalmuseet | 1377494 | 173998 | 74934 | 2191 |
Louisiana Museum for Moderne Kunst | 724580 | 98576 | 13853 | 3003 |
Rundetårn | 579646 | 126500 | 1300 | 3360 |
Prinsens Palais | 579331 | 69520 | 39790 | 2191 |
ARoS, Aarhus Kunstmuseum | 569324 | 76938 | 55815 | 2499 |
Moesgård Museum | 547844 | 90811 | 45150 | 2400 |
Den Gamle By, Danmarks Købstadsmuseum | 476050 | 89276 | 38584 | 2487 |
Statens Museum for Kunst | 451195 | 0 | 1861 | 2382 |
Kongernes Samling | 424776 | 51697 | 12863 | 1869 |
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek | 374796 | 14802 | 13146 | 2264 |
Odense Bys Museer | 366984 | 77957 | 21046 | 2310 |
Rosenborgsamlingen | 319774 | 39441 | 11334 | 1844 |
Frederiksborg Slot | 285344 | 24014 | 9394 | 2130 |
Det Kongelige Christiansborg | 271636 | 8383 | 2338 | |
Kronborg Slot | 270342 | 6000 | 14551 | 1790 |
Arken Museum for Moderne Kunst | 259473 | 17661 | 16641 | 2406 |
Science Museerne | 256750 | 2250 | ||
Frilandsmuseet | 248178 | 34745 | 12259 | 965 |
Carlsberg Besøgscenter | 220000 | 6500 | 4500 | 2440 |
Egeskov Slot | 211208 | 1421 | ||
Østfyns Museer | 202494 | 16316 | 9768 | 2072 |
Experimentarium | 197215 | 61980 | 40647 | 2220 |
Ringkøbing- Skjern Museum | 176375 | 44742 | 5234 | 1614 |
Museum Østjylland | 173650 | 34793 | 5983 | 1848 |
Museum Sønderjylland | 173187 | 16801 | 23429 | 2282 |
Designmuseum Danmark | 172459 | 9362 | 10460 | 2050 |
Tycho Brahe Planetarium | 170387 | 54531 | 13138 | 3360 |
Museum Sydøstdanmark | 151581 | 48078 | 4399 | 2710 |
Vikingeskibsmuseet | 146891 | 30438 | 12383 | 2331 |
Statens Naturhistoriske Museum | 145498 | 41713 | 26915 | 2170 |
Post & Tele Museum | 144469 | 19100 | 10616 | 2016 |
Kongernes Jelling | 136870 | 16400 | 1610 | 1019 |
Frederiksberg Museerne | 135069 | 13183 | 11694 | 1872 |
M/S museet for Søfart | 134508 | 28916 | 2580 | 2002 |
Skagens Kunstmuseer | 132301 | 13521 | 11301 | 1563 |
Memphis Maison | 130021 | 4015 | ||
Nordjyllands Historiske Museum | 129778 | 17289 | 11942 | 4562 |
H.C. Andersens Hus | 129130 | 24804 | 10515 | 2005 |
Sydvestjyske Museer | 128989 | 15372 | 12094 | 2097 |
Tøjhusmuseet | 125556 | 18833 | 5865 | 1260 |
Zoologisk Museum | 120995 | 38529 | 23637 | 2170 |
Museum Østjylland, Ebeltoft | 114598 | 21275 | 558 | 960 |
Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet | 113371 | 39830 | 12422 | 2501 |
Museet Ribes Vikinger | 111283 | 12088 | 8586 | 2097 |
Gavnø Slot | 110000 | 3500 | 1098 | |
Den Fynske Landsby | 109637 | 30775 | 5797 | 1358 |
Museet på Koldinghus | 107750 | 16426 | 8619 | 2527 |
Danmark Borgcenter | 107483 | 34314 | 1925 | 2710 |
Det Danske Filminstitut/ Museum og Cinematek | 105507 | 20027 | 3718 | 3629 |
Amalienborg Museet Christian VIII's Palæ | 105002 | 12256 | 1529 | 1869 |
Roskilde Museum | 104953 | 14499 | 9412 | 2078 |
De Kulturhistoriske Museer i Holstebro | 104598 | 26579 | 4461 | 1601 |
VejleMuseerne | 100440 | 7264 | 8521 | 13365 |
Vejle Museum | 100440 | 7264 | 8521 | 13365 |
Arbejdermuseet | 99147 | 11761 | 22416 | 2520 |
Muserum | 99023 | 14283 | 11319 | 2412 |
Cisternerne | 93332 | 8192 | 2959 | 1660 |
Museum Horsens | 90402 | 16976 | 7533 | 1687 |
Skagens Museum | 90012 | 9162 | 8272 | 1291 |
Dansk Landbrugsmuseum Gl. Estrup | 89723 | 17502 | 5349 | 1977 |
Gammel Estrup Herregårdsmuseet | 89723 | 17502 | 5349 | 1977 |
Møntergården | 88415 | 22378 | 4734 | 2098 |
Universe Science Park | 87920 | 14639 | 12909 | 1381 |
Museum Vestsjælland | 85723 | 5962 | 5501 | 1479 |
Fregatten Jylland | 85239 | 17753 | 3103 | 2069 |
Brandts | 84707 | 14741 | 14026 | 2346 |
Liselund Gl. Slot | 83062 | 10000 | 0 | 176 |
Vendsyssels Historiske Museum | 80470 | 12205 | 5514 | 2555 |
Ordrupgaard | 80286 | 3885 | 1476 | 1676 |
Nyborg Slot | 77473 | 4184 | 2620 | 1314 |
Trapholt | 76923 | 3937 | 6487 | 2368 |
Hjerl Hedes Frilandsmuseum | 76714 | 23852 | 3365 | 1303 |
Danmarks Jernbanemuseum | 73149 | 30901 | 0 | 2166 |
Marstal Søfartsmuseum | 69778 | 4065 | 2304 | |
Det Kongelige Bibliotek Bog- og Fotomuseum | 69523 | 402 | 3020 | 2700 |
Kroppedal Museum | 69080 | 1371 | 3177 | 1290 |
Valdemars Slot, Herregårdsmuseum | 66874 | 2505 | 1190 | |
Naturhistorisk Museum, Aarhus | 66227 | 16721 | 16858 | 2160 |
Geocenter Møns Klint | 64820 | 9200 | 1300 | |
Esrum Kloster og Møllegård | 64802 | 16201 | 1621 | 1632 |
Bornholms Museum | 64017 | 8465 | 5017 | 1512 |
Østsjællands Museum | 63771 | 11270 | 5203 | 1519 |
Langelands Museum | 63699 | 11020 | 1760 | 3435 |
Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke | 62568 | 10224 | 16135 | 1611 |
Johannes Larsen Museet | 60255 | 2420 | 3038 | 1944 |
Andelslandsbyen Nyvang | 59089 | 962 | ||
VikingeborgenTrelleborg | 56478 | 6800 | 2783 | 1230 |
VikingeborgenTrelleborg | 56478 | 6800 | 2783 | 1230 |
Kunsthal Charlottenborg | 56156 | 3700 | 2028 | |
Naturbornholm | 56047 | 9920 | 19257 | 1535 |
Thorvaldsens Museum | 56032 | 2723 | 9317 | 2190 |
Naturama | 55365 | 15310 | 15839 | 1868 |
Mønsted Kalkgruber | 55016 | 16205 | 1628 | 1561 |
Lyngvig Fyr | 52714 | 18761 | 352 | 1502 |
Sønderborg Slot | 52520 | 6176 | 10419 | 1700 |
Danmarks Tekniske Museum | 52171 | 18057 | 8467 | 2254 |
Lemvig Museum | 51749 | 505 | 1299 | 2221 |
Nordjyllands Kystmuseum | 51599 | 7432 | 5248 | 1568 |
Bork Vikingehavn | 49182 | 13762 | 1119 | 1082 |
Museumscenter Hanstholm | 48842 | 1735 | ||
Fængselsmuseet | 48592 | 7932 | 3428 | 1414 |
Bornholms Middelaldercenter | 47489 | 10081 | 15463 | 697 |
Lemvig Museum | 47051 | 327 | 1195 | 2221 |
Frøslevlejrens museum | 46014 | 5500 | 4623 | 1848 |
Davids Samling | 45539 | 3708 | 1951 | |
Museet for Varde By og Omegn | 44924 | 11076 | 5110 | |
Roskilde Museum | 44771 | 8147 | 3898 | 2078 |
Museum Østjylland, Randers | 43212 | 9604 | 4440 | 1848 |
Helsingør Kommunes Museer | 43121 | 4225 | 2168 | 1460 |
Sophienholm | 42400 | 1620 | ||
KØS Museum for Kunst i Det Offentlige Rum | 40553 | 557 | 5155 | 2035 |
Middelaldercentret, Nykøbing Falster | 40461 | 20000 | 4500 | 950 |
Dansk Jagt- og Skovbrugsmuseum | 40272 | 12786 | 2016 | 2005 |
Museum Jorn | 40051 | 3165 | 6072 | 1866 |
Danmarks Keramikmuseum Grimmerhus | 40000 | 648 | 0 | 1395 |
Nivaagaards Malerisamling | 40000 | 439 | 1400 | 2496 |
Randers Kunstmuseum | 39691 | 8996 | 5845 | 2159 |
Industrimuseet | 39421 | 7144 | 12131 | 1910 |
Orlogsmuseet Søkvæsthuset | 38714 | 4600 | 2873 | 1260 |
Bornholms Kunstmuseum | 38578 | 3172 | 3415 | 1400 |
Kunsthal Aarhus | 38500 | 1762 | ||
Københavns Museum | 37306 | 4782 | 4096 | 1973 |
Koldkrigsmuseum Stevnsfort | 36238 | 5260 | 2402 | 1519 |
Kunstcentret Silkeborg Bad | 35957 | 1223 | 2907 | 2020 |
Furesø Museer | 35449 | 2507 | 6340 | 1638 |
Glasmuseet, Ebeltoft | 35380 | 5188 | 506 | 2122 |
Fur Fossiler | 34877 | 2980 | 3823 | 1241 |
Dansk Jødisk Museum | 34807 | 678 | 2657 | 1389 |
Svendborg Museum | 34300 | 1703 | 2819 | 1490 |
Lindholm Høje | 33850 | 4589 | 3569 | 2230 |
Kvindemuseet i Danmark | 33632 | 1069 | 3873 | 2364 |
Vikingemuseet Ladby | 33213 | 5362 | 2614 | 2072 |
Energimuseet | 32598 | 6877 | 11416 | 1784 |
Den Frie Udstilling | 32535 | 453 | 162 | 1872 |
Spøttrup Middelalderborg | 31977 | 8697 | 980 | 1417 |
Anchers Hus | 31752 | 3486 | 2908 | 1563 |
Ribe Kunstmuseum | 31728 | 759 | 1826 | 1717 |
Lille Vildmosecentret | 31389 | 3531 | 2565 | 1350 |
Karen Blixen-Museet Rungstedlund | 31153 | 1141 | 1409 | 1679 |
Silkeborg Kulturhistoriske Museum | 30849 | 4099 | 5576 | 1429 |
Vikingecenter Fyrkat | 30089 | 4232 | 1612 | 1064 |
Danmarks Saltcenter, Mariager | 30000 | 10000 | 1000 | 2220 |
Kommandørgården | 28760 | 3500 | 0 | 1071 |
Fiskeriets Hus | 27503 | 7794 | 37 | 2335 |
HEART Herning Museum of Contemporary Art | 27380 | 2132 | 2668 | 2135 |
Kulturhistorie Tønder | 27186 | 1657 | 2988 | 2282 |
Bunkermuseet, Hirtshals | 26200 | 260 | 280 | 1400 |
Museerne i Fredericia | 26028 | 2823 | 3854 | 816 |
Den Hirschsprungske Samling | 25879 | 799 | 5780 | 1565 |
Danmarks Flymuseum | 25572 | 2480 | 275 | 1535 |
Museum Lolland Falster | 25385 | 2220 | 3054 | 1584 |
Danmarks Samlermuseum | 25198 | 1704 | 2023 | |
Politihistorisk Museum | 25131 | 780 | ||
Danmarks Mediemuseum | 24698 | 0 | 0 | 2310 |
Geologisk Museum | 24503 | 3184 | 3278 | 1860 |
Museum Skanderborg | 24374 | 3271 | 3679 | 1170 |
Økomuseum Samsø | 24367 | 1028 | 1755 | 1180 |
Fåborg Museum | 24130 | 1070 | 1347 | 1845 |
Fuglsang Kunstmuseum | 24088 | 1172 | 1577 | 1664 |
Museum Mors | 24053 | 4712 | 1504 | 2489 |
Medicinsk Museion | 23664 | 4359 | 292 | 832 |
Limfjordsmuseet | 23585 | 1884 | 1995 | 924 |
Sporvejsmuseet Skjoldnæsholm | 23500 | |||
Cirkusmuseet | 23126 | 7047 | 6300 | 1240 |
Aalborg Historiske Museum | 22688 | 2861 | 3061 | 2137 |
Mosbjerg | 22508 | 9480 | 2460 | 2555 |
Aalborg Søfarts- og Marinemuseum | 22206 | 4113 | 1265 | 2493 |
Favergården | 21756 | 2812 | 756 | 1506 |
Viborg Museum | 21543 | 2451 | 5346 | 1371 |
Industrimuseet Frederiks Værk | 21517 | 2059 | 527 | 800 |
Museet for Religiøs Kunst | 21483 | 712 | 1125 | 1625 |
Hjorths Fabrik Bornholms Keramikmuseum | 21447 | 2085 | 58 | 1436 |
Horsens Historiske Museum | 21435 | 6768 | 650 | 1687 |
Museet for Samtidskunst | 21115 | 257 | 2015 | 1184 |
Landbrugsmuseet på Melstedgård | 20831 | 4069 | 880 | 708 |
Tidens Samling Kulturmaskinen | 20630 | 2335 | 1954 | 1730 |
Billund Museum | 20625 | 5705 | 851 | 1440 |
Storm P. Museet | 20620 | 4104 | 5526 | 1872 |
Viborg Museum | 20600 | 2338 | 5346 | 1371 |
Køge Museum | 20586 | 9246 | 1120 | 1041 |
Horsens Kunstmuseum | 20375 | 2276 | 3455 | 1657 |
Middelfart Museum | 20356 | 1950 | 1568 | 2046 |
Øhavsmuseet | 20276 | 3686 | 509 | 1798 |
Museum Nordsjælland | 20047 | 2429 | 2017 | 1025 |
Hovedgården | 20004 | 3015 | 4118 | 1429 |
C.H. Pedersen og E. Alfelts Museum | 19897 | 2072 | ||
Skagen By- og Egnsmuseum | 19616 | 2607 | 2187 | 1568 |
Aalborg Forsvars- og Garnisonsmuse um | 19593 | 6450 | 900 | 1485 |
Greve Museum | 19085 | 2554 | 3776 | 2885 |
Hjemmeværnsmuseet | 19000 | 1500 | 2400 | |
Museum Midtjylland | 18753 | 2204 | 1676 | 1565 |
Voergård Slot | 18258 | 2202 | 660 | |
Museumsgården Karensminde | 18164 | 5389 | 362 | 936 |
Museum Ovartaci | 18130 | 1200 | 2050 | |
Vendsyssels Historiske Museum | 18029 | 856 | 2461 | 1260 |
Øregaard Museum | 17968 | 884 | ||
Teatermuseet | 17801 | 2070 | 230 | 1400 |
Brede Værk | 17642 | 2100 | 1265 | 798 |
Cathrineminde Teglværk | 17543 | 560 | 1014 | 1296 |
Vadehavscentret Vester Vedsted | 17528 | 200 | 7000 | 540 |
Bornholms Museum | 17437 | 1792 | 4041 | 1512 |
Thingbæk Kalkminer Bundgaards Museum Gravlev | 17400 | 1200 | ||
Sorø Kunstmuseum | 17020 | 461 | 3149 | 1850 |
Vendsyssel Kunstmuseum | 16797 | 537 | 2510 | 1608 |
Rosenholm Slot | 16500 | 5500 | 200 | 250 |
Museet for Korsør og Omegn | 16500 | 2000 | 1500 | 1953 |
Museet for Thy og Vester Hanherred | 16394 | 1173 | 2409 | 1261 |
Dybbøl Mølle | 16331 | 4221 | 1820 | 1017 |
Vesthimmerlands Museum | 16238 | 1633 | 3088 | 1764 |
Holbæk Museum | 16075 | 1016 | 406 | 1473 |
Højriis Gods | 15993 | 440 | ||
Kunstmuseet Brundlund Slot | 15977 | 506 | 2831 | 1715 |
Museum Østjylland, Grenå | 15840 | 3914 | 985 | 1080 |
Ringkøbing Museum | 15702 | 3940 | 439 | 1614 |
Bundsbæk Mølle | 15557 | 1039 | 1565 | 393 |
Søby Brunkulsmuseum | 15249 | 587 | 1450 | |
Galleri Galschiøt | 15233 | 2200 | ||
Museum Amager | 15133 | 2633 | 2728 | 444 |
Carl Nielsen Museet | 15104 | 0 | 0 | 924 |
Tirpitz Stillingen | 15099 | 4346 | 1126 | |
Lützhøfs Købmandsgård | 15021 | 2323 | 435 | 1723 |
Kalundborg Museum | 14955 | 1309 | 483 | 1320 |
Esbjerg Kunstmuseum | 14929 | 1635 | 4316 | 2160 |
Vejen Kunstmuseum | 14825 | 477 | 4526 | 1872 |
Jysk Automobilmuseum | 14635 | 1127 | ||
Hempel Glasmuseum | 14622 | 1175 | 987 | |
Graabrødrekloster Museum | 14611 | 0 | 0 | 2035 |
Rudersdal Museer | 14503 | 3540 | 2873 | 1390 |
Holstebro Museum | 14489 | 117 | 202 | 1601 |
Holstebro Kunstmuseum | 14489 | 1399 | 2423 | 1502 |
Museet i Hjemsted Oldtidspark | 14459 | 225 | 0 | 1132 |
Give-Egnens Museum | 14389 | 3267 | 1534 | 1637 |
Bangsbomuseet | 14258 | 1557 | 1156 | 1528 |
Ærø Museum | 14096 | 1759 | 443 | 2202 |
J. F. Willumsens Museum | 13845 | 1083 | 2809 | 2047 |
Museet på Sønderskov | 13818 | 1976 | 1264 | 1380 |
Kirsten Kjærs Museum | 13789 | 1200 | 750 | 1250 |
Stevns Museum | 13583 | 2484 | 176 | 1519 |
Jægerspris Slot | 13502 | 910 | ||
Humlemagasinet | 13500 | 450 | 1020 | |
Diesel House | 13441 | |||
Strandingsmuseum St. George | 13395 | 2610 | 894 | 1302 |
Glud Museum | 13287 | 2274 | 1616 | 1400 |
Esbjerg Museum | 13283 | 1913 | 3269 | 1812 |
Læsø Museum | 13155 | 1163 | 655 | 920 |
Fahl Kro | 13037 | 3633 | 155 | 944 |
Heerup museum Rødovregård | 12955 | 826 | 4780 | 1500 |
Gasmuseet | 12894 | 2000 | 3000 | 1370 |
Krydsfelt Skive | 12763 | 2510 | 3610 | 1262 |
Geomuseum Faxe | 12624 | 3311 | 2625 | 1226 |
Ballerup Museum Lindbjerggård | 12548 | 1774 | 1031 | 1060 |
Strøjer Samlingen | 12369 | 603 | 720 | 150 |
Skovgaard Museet | 12313 | 747 | 1416 | 1560 |
Sorø Museum | 12184 | 1066 | 1616 | 637 |
Skanderborg Museum | 12112 | 1046 | 2373 | 1170 |
Lumby Møllegård | 12000 | 2000 | 200 | 45 |
Grønningen | 12000 | 224 | ||
Frederikshavn kunstmuseum og Exlibris samling | 11927 | 127 | 1560 | |
Rudolph Tegners museum | 11896 | 1066 | 1311 | |
Musikmuseet | 11529 | 1400 | 3266 | 1896 |
Skagen Bunker Museum | 11280 | 2500 | 1325 | 940 |
Frederikssund Museum | 11215 | 2389 | 1605 | 1260 |
Bunkermuseet | 11028 | 2868 | 1580 | 1092 |
Amagermuseet | 10947 | 2258 | 1801 | 444 |
Flyndersø Mølle | 10757 | 0 | 0 | 2412 |
Arkæologi Haderslev | 10684 | 1746 | 4079 | 1261 |
Drachmanns Hus | 10537 | 873 | 121 | 1015 |
Jenle, Nanna og Jeppe Åkjærs Kunstnerhjem | 10481 | 421 | 233 | 1120 |
Struer Museum | 10435 | 468 | 778 | 1424 |
Varde Museum | 10313 | 2182 | 1814 | |
Frilandsmuseet i Maribo | 10281 | 1133 | 2110 | 841 |
Kaj Munks Præstegård | 10216 | 490 | 267 | 765 |
Museerne i Brønderslev Kommune | 10181 | 406 | 1322 | 555 |
Borgmestergården | 9797 | 1538 | 740 | 1280 |
Vesthimmerlands Museum | 9346 | 345 | 2452 | 1764 |
Kongernes Lapidarium i Christian 4.s Bryghus | 9326 | 86 | 2338 | |
Malergården | 9231 | 515 | 0 | 720 |
Dronninglund Kunstcenter | 9208 | 267 | 109 | 1120 |
Odsherreds Museum | 8897 | 153 | 1180 | 1479 |
Kastrupgårdsamlingen | 8837 | 264 | 574 | 987 |
Abelines Gaard | 8773 | 1698 | 237 | 942 |
Herregården Hessel Hvalpsund | 8674 | 1202 | 84 | 722 |
Daugbjerg Kalkgruber | 8500 | 5500 | 3000 | 850 |
Skovhuset ved Søndersø | 8500 | 411 | 716 | |
Bakkehuset | 8440 | 520 | 3040 | 1560 |
Den Gamle Købmandshandel | 8119 | 625 | 0 | 1584 |
Møstings Hus | 8042 | 335 | 149 | 1747 |
Rav-Museet | 7894 | 1409 | 1142 | |
Glyngøre Kulturstation | 7685 | 0 | 2881 | 668 |
Textilforum | 7622 | 371 | 670 | 1432 |
Naturhistorie og Palæontologi | 7551 | 915 | 1250 | 1645 |
Den Historiske Miniby | 7539 | 2224 | 976 | |
Hvolris Jernalderlandsby | 7491 | 1839 | 1100 | |
Håndværksmuseet | 7460 | 0 | 0 | 1723 |
Fanø Kunstmuseum | 7443 | 496 | 191 | 574 |
Hals Museum, Hals Skanse | 7424 | 1356 | 88 | 694 |
Strandfogedgården Rubjerg | 7385 | 1021 | 163 | 380 |
Nykøbing Sj. Psykiatriske Museum | 7273 | 1025 | 337 | 798 |
Tadre Mølle Museum | 7261 | 0 | 317 | 445 |
Oluf Høst Museet | 6987 | 782 | ||
Cirkusmuseet Rold | 6932 | 1558 | 1857 | 700 |
Egnssamlingen, Saltum | 6900 | 200 | 160 | 1024 |
Nymindegab Museum | 6900 | 1938 | 1422 | |
Stenaldercentret Ertebølle | 6892 | 1288 | 636 | 708 |
Øm Kloster Museum | 6843 | 907 | 648 | 1170 |
Munkeruphus | 6801 | 924 | ||
Skt. Laurentius | 6772 | 1424 | 597 | 672 |
Klosterlund Museum | 6745 | 1000 | 954 | 1565 |
Møns Museum | 6560 | 2791 | 153 | 1370 |
Frederikssund VIkingeboplads Forsøgscenter | 6500 | 4700 | 1800 | 2920 |
Boldrup Museum | 6471 | 1692 | 1585 | 4562 |
Thisted Museum | 6464 | 219 | 1703 | 1261 |
Højer Mølle | 6363 | 1171 | 470 | 1188 |
Hirtshals Museum | 6348 | 588 | 150 | 1000 |
Ehlers Lertøjssamling | 6312 | 392 | 0 | 1368 |
Christiansø Museum | 6193 | 1126 | 593 | 800 |
Herregårdsmuseet, Selsø Slot | 6174 | 1005 | 0 | 644 |
Odsherreds kunstmuseum | 6110 | 486 | 277 | 1350 |
Ringsted Museum | 6077 | 111 | 219 | 780 |
Papirmuseet Bikuben | 6010 | 901 | 905 | 930 |
Danmarks Rockmuseum | 6000 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Skælskør Bymuseum | 5861 | 626 | 66 | 349 |
Slagelse Museum | 5821 | 680 | 977 | 711 |
Bruunshaab gl. Papfabrik | 5794 | 1766 | 750 | |
Strandgården | 5715 | 615 | 368 | 435 |
Spillemands- Jagt og Skovbrugsmuseet i Rebild | 5531 | 674 | 180 | 1300 |
Hørsholm Egns Museum | 5441 | 125 | 1016 | 780 |
Dansk Sygeplejehistorisk Museum | 5419 | 529 | 73 | 1410 |
Skibene på Holmen | 5360 | 600 | 600 | 234 |
Sæby Museum og Sæbygård Slot | 5352 | 400 | 325 | 1026 |
Museumsgården | 5312 | 1130 | 0 | 648 |
Heltborg museum og Sydthy Kunst-og Kulturcenter | 5166 | 630 | 218 | 743 |
Vildmosemuseet | 5113 | 99 | 461 | 555 |
Hellebæk-Ålsgårde museum og Hammermøllen | 5000 | 100 | 2000 | |
Helligåndshuset Næstved Museum | 4868 | 357 | 990 | 1336 |
Blicheregnens Museum | 4835 | 183 | 553 | 1006 |
Kulturhistorie Aabenraa | 4779 | 1831 | 1080 | |
Museum Vestfyn | 4762 | 193 | 17 | 1230 |
Jens Søndergårds Museum | 4698 | 178 | 104 | 1299 |
Revymuseet | 4635 | 32 | 20 | 1560 |
Odsherred Brandmuseum | 4600 | 500 | ||
Forsvarsmuseet på Bornholm | 4507 | 700 | ||
Esbjerg Vandtårn | 4423 | 1371 | 239 | 840 |
Museet Holmen | 4380 | 17 | 21 | 512 |
Erichsens Gård | 4302 | 519 | 38 | 276 |
Gudhjem Museum Gudhjem Station | 4148 | 676 | ||
Vorupør Museum | 4004 | 243 | 488 | 876 |
Skovsgaard Mølle Bageri Museum | 4000 | 350 | ||
Fyrhistorisk Museum | 3944 | 831 | 152 | 720 |
Fjerritslev Bryggeri- og Egnsmuseum | 3900 | 850 | 300 | 500 |
Danmarks Traktormuseum | 3790 | 662 | 736 | |
Danmarks Fotomuseum | 3746 | 400 | 1300 | 1460 |
Boderne Næstved Museum | 3632 | 121 | 176 | 1336 |
Victor Petersens Willumsen-Samling | 3531 | 1680 | ||
Sundbysamlingerne | 3527 | 97 | 0 | 432 |
Oldemorstoft Bov | 3495 | 1076 | 50 | 1008 |
Godthaab Hammerværk | 3479 | 156 | 406 | 430 |
Hørvævsmuseet på Krengerup | 3464 | 450 | ||
Fanø Skibsfarts-og Dragtsamling | 3281 | 517 | 1118 | |
Genforenings- og Grænsemuseet | 3256 | |||
Vester Palsgaard Skovmuseum | 3239 | 723 | 32 | 1115 |
Jagt,- og Skovbrugsmuseet på Dorf | 3235 | 200 | 727 | 148 |
Varde Artillerimuseum | 2985 | 918 | 1092 | |
Stiftsmuseet Maribo | 2880 | 167 | 453 | 790 |
Hannes Hus | 2876 | 182 | 73 | 180 |
Museet på Gl. Rye Mølle | 2838 | 703 | 209 | 1170 |
Køng Museum | 2788 | 100 | 35 | 244 |
Mariager Museum | 2768 | 476 | 39 | 435 |
Æbelholt KLoster | 2739 | 613 | 200 | 780 |
Folkemuseet I Hillerød | 2648 | 581 | 484 | 1025 |
Bramming Egnsmuseum | 2632 | 200 | 408 | 450 |
Falsters Minder | 2590 | 175 | 491 | 1584 |
Kongeåmuseet | 2500 | 75 | 340 | 280 |
Skjern Vindmølle | 2452 | 0 | 88 | 124 |
Slagterimuseet i Roskilde | 2450 | 0 | 0 | 270 |
Souvenariet | 2433 | 1120 | ||
Uldum Mølle | 2410 | 714 | 1066 | |
Skoda Museum Glamsbjerg | 2400 | 516 | ||
Den Kongelige Livgarde | 2400 | 600 | ||
Domkirkemuseet | 2349 | 0 | 2349 | 1 |
Holbo Herreds Kulturhistoriske Centre | 2340 | 145 | 99 | 670 |
Skanderborg Bunkerne | 2286 | 615 | 154 | 1170 |
Hestebedgård | 2254 | 120 | 262 | |
Danmarks Lodsmuseum | 2102 | 208 | 686 | 384 |
Tåsinge Skipperhjem og Folkemindesamling | 2101 | 284 | 0 | 430 |
Ringsted Radio Museum | 2100 | 620 | ||
Danmarks Sukkermuseum | 2100 | 200 | 100 | 505 |
Nexø Museum | 2095 | 224 | 156 | 518 |
Sønderjysk Skolemuseum | 2029 | 133 | 475 | 450 |
Dragør Museum | 2009 | 160 | 241 | 372 |
Jacob Michelsens Gård | 1965 | 340 | 190 | |
Hobro Museum | 1889 | 151 | 16 | 660 |
Try Museum | 1833 | 107 | 134 | 512 |
Danmarks Cykelmuseum | 1810 | 225 | 889 | |
Slesvigske Vognsamling | 1807 | 167 | 178 | 804 |
Det gamle hus/Skibshallerne | 1791 | 111 | 16 | 470 |
Drøhses Hus | 1753 | 39 | 150 | 1307 |
Hjortsvang Museum | 1750 | 150 | 600 | |
Ølgod Museum | 1733 | 283 | 5110 | |
Dejbjerg Jernalder | 1662 | 428 | 429 | 220 |
Lejre Museum | 1654 | 216 | 211 | 120 |
Den Holbergske Stiftelse, Tersløsegaard | 1622 | 1622 | 0 | 200 |
Nordby Museum | 1584 | 235 | 380 | |
Reventlow-Museet | 1515 | 120 | 0 | 439 |
Brødremenighedens Museum Enkehuset | 1508 | 30 | 28 | 858 |
Spejdermusset | 1429 | 715 | 339 | |
Besættelsesudstillingen | 1419 | 253 | 270 | 30 |
Krudttårnet | 1345 | 0 | 0 | 175 |
Haslev Museum | 1326 | 215 | 0 | 306 |
Lystfartøjsmuseet | 1304 | 219 | 0 | 660 |
Veterinærhistorisk Museum | 1250 | 300 | ||
Mekanisk Museum Sønderjylland | 1208 | 300 | 50 | 1015 |
Løkken Museum | 1158 | 77 | 130 | 390 |
Elværket | 1144 | 23 | 50 | 395 |
Nivaagaard Teglværks Ringovn | 1109 | 52 | 4 | 130 |
Hadsund Egns Museum | 1103 | 155 | 115 | 1095 |
Grindsted Museum | 1042 | 63 | 219 | 1440 |
Orø museum | 1036 | 99 | 20 | 180 |
Hauch's Physiske Cabinet | 991 | 36 | 319 | 84 |
Bank- og Sparekassemuseet | 978 | 140 | ||
E Bindstouw i Lysgård | 943 | 113 | 378 | |
Nordfyns Museum | 925 | 300 | 833 | |
Gudenådalens Museum | 896 | 121 | 270 | |
MuseRum Arkæologisk Afd. | 875 | 96 | 25 | 100 |
Reersø Museum | 815 | 99 | 70 | |
Poul La Cour Museet | 809 | 30 | 239 | 390 |
Augustenborg Slot | 793 | 0 | 50 | |
Blichermuseum på Herningsholm | 790 | 80 | 20 | 330 |
Horne Lands Folkemindesamling | 760 | 18 | 0 | 50 |
Grundtvigs Mindestuer i Udby | 753 | 48 | 60 | |
Sundsøre Pakhus | 675 | 185 | 1520 | |
Apotekersamlingen Jens Bangs Stenhus | 649 | 0 | 0 | 73 |
Fiskerhuset i Agger | 598 | 81 | 138 | |
Skjern Å Museet | 551 | 0 | 160 | 0 |
Flakkebjerg Skolemuseum | 512 | 0 | 277 | 222 |
Otterup Museum | 447 | 30 | 100 | |
Gåsemandens Gaard | 403 | 235 | 30 | 102 |
Hattemagerhuset i Tarm | 366 | 141 | 0 | 78 |
Haderup Museum | 357 | 30 | 36 | |
Thorvaldsen-Samlingen på Nysø | 352 | 19 | 0 | 233 |
Johannes Jørgensens Hus | 310 | 133 | ||
Ferskvandsmuseet | 295 | 0 | 295 | 1170 |
Brødrene Gram Museum | 288 | 7 | 0 | 75 |
Them Fortidssamling | 168 | 40 | 208 | |
Skjoldborgs Barndomshjem | 162 | 0 | 93 | |
Annine Michelsens Mindestuer | 89 | 0 | 0 | 13 |
Mølsted Museum | 75 | 7 | 0 | 0 |
Skjern Reberbane | 45 | 0 | 25 | 0 |
Skærbæk | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Kunstmuseet i Tønder | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2282 |
Transport in Denmark is developed and modern. The motorway network covers 1,111 km while the railway network totals 2,667 km of operational track. The Great Belt Fixed Link connecting the islands of Zealand and Funen and the New Little Belt Bridge connecting Funen and Jutland greatly improved the traffic flow across the country on both motorways and rail. The two largest airports of Copenhagen and Billund provide a variety of domestic and international connections, while ferries provide services to the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Germany, Sweden, and Norway, as well as domestic routes servicing most Danish islands.
Skagen is the northernmost town in Denmark, on the east coast of the Skagen Odde peninsula in the far north of Jutland, part of Frederikshavn Municipality in Nordjylland, 41 kilometres (25 mi) north of Frederikshavn and 108 kilometres (67 mi) northeast of Aalborg. The Port of Skagen is Denmark's main fishing port and it also has a thriving tourist industry, attracting 2 million people annually.
Tourism in Denmark is a growing industry and a major economic contributor: tourists spent a total of DKK 128 billion and the tourism industry employed 161,999 people in full time positions in 2017.
Grenen is a long sandbar spit at Skagen Odde, north of the town of Skagen.
The Bornholm school of painters (Bornholmerskolen) started to take shape towards the beginning of the 20th century on the Danish island of Bornholm when a number of artists developed a distinctive style of classic modernism, inspired by the island's unique landscapes and light. It was not characterized by a uniform artistic line, but rather by its experiments with color, abstraction and cubism.
Esbjerg is a seaport city and seat of Esbjerg Municipality on the west coast of the Jutland peninsula in southwest Denmark. By road, it is 71 kilometres (44 mi) west of Kolding and 164 kilometres (102 mi) southwest of Aarhus. With an urban population of 71,505 it is the fifth-largest city in Denmark, and the largest in West Jutland.
Karl (Kalle) Christian Bovin (1907–1985) was a Danish painter whose work focused on landscapes of Odsherred, a region in the north-west of Zealand. In the 1930s, he became a central member in the Odsherred Painters artists' colony and helped to found the Corner artists association.
Trine Søndergaard, is a Danish photography-based visual artist. Trine Søndergaard lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Nicolai Howalt is a Danish visual artist and contemporary photographer.
The Skagen Painters were a group of Scandinavian artists who gathered in the village of Skagen, the northernmost part of Denmark, from the late 1870s until the turn of the century. Skagen was a summer destination whose scenic nature, local milieu and social community attracted northern artists to paint en plein air, emulating the French Impressionists—though members of the Skagen colony were also influenced by Realist movements such as the Barbizon school. They broke away from the rather rigid traditions of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts, espousing the latest trends that they had learned in Paris. Among the group were Anna and Michael Ancher, Peder Severin Krøyer, Holger Drachmann, Karl Madsen, Laurits Tuxen, Marie Krøyer, Carl Locher, Viggo Johansen and Thorvald Niss from Denmark, Oscar Björck and Johan Krouthén from Sweden, and Christian Krohg and Eilif Peterssen from Norway. The group gathered together regularly at the Brøndums Hotel.
Thomas Arboe was a Danish architect.
Hans Michael Therkildsen was a Danish painter.
Odsherred Painters is a term applied to Danish artists from various periods with connections to Odsherred in the northwest of Zealand, Denmark. Some were born there while others settled in the area or painted there. While the term includes painters from the 19th century such as Johan Thomas Lundbye, Vilhelm Kyhn and Vilhelm Melbye, it is applied more specifically to the painters who created landscapes from 1930 to 1970 and who formed an artists' colony. They include Karl Bovin, Kaj Ejstrup, Viggo Rørup, Ellen Krause, Lauritz Hartz, Povl Christensen, Victor Brockdorff and Sigurd Swane.
Christian Lemmerz is a German-Danish sculptor and visual artist who attended the Accademia di Belle Arti in Carrara, Italy, from 1978 to 1982 and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts from 1983 to 1988. Despite classical sculpture training in Carrara, Lemmerz drew his main inspiration from the post-war process-oriented pop art, not least from his fellow countryman, Joseph Beuys.
The 1928 Provinsmesterskabsturneringen i Fodbold was the 15th edition of the Danish provincial championship play-off, Provinsmesterskabsturneringen, the second highest senior cup competition, crowning the best provincial championship club of the five regional football associations outside the dominating Copenhagen football clubs, organised and financially supported by the national football organization Danish FA (DBU). This was the first edition of the tournament under its new status as a separate championship cup tournament, no longer being an essential part of the road to winning the Danish Football Championship, which it had been under the previous structure of Landsfodboldturneringen. The new Danish Football Championship structure, had its debut this season, 1927–28 Danmarksmesterskabsturneringen. Following a recommendation by the five provincial football associations, the Danish FA finally decided to re-establish a provincial football tournament in late March 1928.
Quentin Durward was a paddle-wheel steamer, built in the United Kingdom in 1823. The ship was bought in 1827 by a Danish businessman and was employed on a route between Copenhagen and ports in Jutland and Funen, with the name Dania. She later served on the route between Aarhus and Kalundborg. The paddle-wheeler was broken up in 1841.
The 1963–64 Danish Cup qualifying rounds inaugurated the 10th season for the Danish Cup. The qualifying rounds of the cup tournament were governed by the six regional football associations, the Bornholm FA, Copenhagen FA, Funen FA, Jutland FA, Lolland-Falster FA and Zealand FA. 671 teams were registered for the qualifying rounds, of which only 44 teams would quality for the proper rounds, under the auspices of the Danish FA's tournament committee, joined by 36 additional teams from the first, second and third divisions in the Danish football league system. The Danish FA dictated that the ticket prices to the qualifying matches should be at least DKK 2 for adults and DKK 1 for children.